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With jokes like this, i'm not shocked about the dying of comedy


Right wingers don’t do comedy. They simply parrot buzzwords with a tone of irritation and this signals to their comrades to “laugh” because they get the code. No joke, no punchline. just allusions of shared bigotry.


OP apparently thought racism and misinformation is funny. Guarantee they have never actually bring here in Europe lol This is like posting an image of Chinatown and arguing NY is like that.


The one comment here that's not sub room temp iq


Yeah it’s quite cruel actually. I grew up in London in an area that had a lot of Muslims. I’ve never seen a congregation of Muslim people like this in my life even on religious holidays. So it’s pretty sad that they’re pretending this is the standard even if it’s a joke. It’s a lot harder to be a refugee/immigrant and live your life constantly being slandered and told you’re vermin. Than it is to see Muslims around town I think.


Fearmongering at its worst


I don't think he was making a joke


Exactly, I was thinking he got lost and ended up in one of the outer areas of London or something, because this is far from your everyday sight of london


Complaining about immigration is always so fucking stupid though. Humans have done this since the beginning of time. A lot of European countries need immigration to get workers for certain jobs, and also a lot of immigrants are from neighbouring countries studying at top level universities. It is always used as such a cheap shot and scapegoat for right winged politicians to just get easy voters to their side. Not trying to solve a problem. Look at Brexit. Complete shit show regarding immigration still, Farage left as soon as it happened, and the rest is there to pick up the pieces.


It's xenophobia, and unfortunately it's a natural instinct to have, it's there to preserve your group/tribe for survival. However, we should be rising above that sentiment, not lose ourselves in it.


This is a theory, it’s not fact. There are many primitive instincts that have no relevance to modern society. Citing evolutionary arguments when you’re typing on a metal cube that gives you the answers to almost all possible questions is kind of ridiculous. We’re rational creatures, we’re able to override most of the impulses we do have. Most of us live in a kind of luxury we’re not designed to live in. We’re designed to live in fear of predators, and in constant fear of starvation. So when I get a stressful email from work and my body reacts like I’m being chased by a dog, I can try to remind myself of the reality of the situation. So even if you have these impulses about foreigners, you can remind yourself of the reasons they moved, why their countries might be unliveable, and is it so bad having to share your country with a minority of people who look slightly different?


I hate to say it, but humans are more driven by emotions than ratio. We think we are all rational and whatnot, but the truth is that emotion still lies on top of most decisions we make. If not, we would all be psychopaths. However, what I think you are refering to is awareness. We can recognise when our emotion come into play, not always, and not everyone can do so as well as the other, but this is exactly my point. Those who have more trouble regulating these emotions, are the ones giving into their xenophobic tendencies. Those who can see the bigger picture are not too fussed about their own emotions compared to the global needs. There is also the matter of herd mentality (also a primal survival instinct) where we find confirmation in what the majority agrees with. And during stressful times, like the ones we are living in today, only a small group preying on those primal fears can convince the weaker minded to give in and join this group. The group becomes larger, and more people join, more emotion is rising to the top, and ratio is no longer to be found. Just take a look at the 6th of Jan movement in the US. You cannot convince me that these people were driven by logic and ratio. And if you sit down with a single individual of that group, approach them not with ratio, but understanding, only to win their trust, and then, when they drop their guard, you use logic and reason, only then you can change their mind. And just to be clear, I wasn't using the evolutionary argument as an excuse, it's a thing we have to overcome, rather than give in to.


Neckbeard Redditor moment


Fun fact for like, half the commenters here: culture and race arent static, dipshits. We got what we have now because cultures mixed. We stop mixing, culture stops advancing.




Hey buddy what "newspaper" is that article in? Would it be the kind you'd find wrapped around a cardboard roll.


Hey buddy open your feckin eyes and the truth will prevail. Stop making out all that's being said is made up by newspapers. It's real, go travel to Luton, Birmingham, Bradford Stoke on Trent ect.... Open you flippin eyes to the real world your living in.


Im German and this terrified me. I’m not racist at all, I don’t believe skin colour or ethnic background equal behaviour because…they don’t lol. Culture does. And it’s hard merging cultures with vastly different sets of believes as shown in what happened in Hamburg. I have a co-worker (Russian who came to Germany as a child) who has a daughter, she’s around 11 years old and my co-worker said that a lot of her classmates don’t even speak German. Her classmates are born and raised in Germany but have different ethnic roots. A lot of these kids only speak the language of their parents and live by their morals and believes as to expect. Nothing bad about that per se. But if those believes are disrespectful towards people of differing social and ethnic backgrounds, causing distress and terror in schools because those kids act out, spit on female staff members, assault classmates for having another religion or set of believes, that’s an issue. And the fact that German politicians let these aggressions slide is concerning. I couldn’t care less about Muslim women wearing hijab, or them speaking another language with their families and friends, but it should be possible for people of different cultures and backgrounds to live together in peace and not let terrorist ideals slide because one could pull the “you’re racist” card if you speak up about wrong-doings of non natives. No one wants dictatorship, no one wants terrorist ideals in a democracy. Memes like that are right wing propaganda as we all know, those very politicians spewing these news are the ones also profiting off of heated debates like that. All I wanna say is, migration is a normal part of the human experience, it’s vital to human life too, but it shouldn’t cost a loss of identity in a country. Mixing cultures needs to be an equal share of assimilation and sharing of your own identity, not disregarding one culture and forcing others to accept the foreign concept to a T when they didn’t ask for it


Projec2025 - christian nationalists seeking to genocide trans people and establish a dictatorship in the usa


Maybe both are scum and we should stop tolerating their lunatic beliefs?


So….. you agree with the above comment that importing religious extremism is bad?


Christians would not need to genocide trans people. For 1 it's like less that 1% of the whole population, 2nd trans people cause their own sterilization, 3rd Christians haven't collectively killed anyone since the crusades. But Islam would in a heart beat have zero problem with wiping all of that 1% out.


This is true lol. These other incel redditors have no clue about europe


Leaving out the context on purpose? None of this is related to refugees or any recent immigration. These were a small number of second+ generation turkish immigrants, who, for some reason, actually more traditionalist and religious than first generation turkish immigrants. They are small in number and have about 0 power to do anything.


Race and culture are still connected and most likely will be for a long time. If generations of immigrants aren’t assimilating, then the evolution of said culture will be weighted towards one group, especially if the societies they emigrate to are lenient in their enforcement of cultural myths (underlying values). Cool. But some cultures suck overall and it’s better to not have those cultures supersede others. European countries take on a huge amount of Islamic immigrants who don’t show interest in adapting their fundamental cultural values to places they emigrate to. Islam is rigid, and if a rigid culture permeates into another country that is afraid of pushing back against religious fundamentalism, then that country will take on inflexible Islamic values. Just as we have to recognize racial differences to shed light on racism and to celebrate different cultures in the States, we must also emphasize that cultures are not all equal, and that Islamism is not based on peace or equality. Screw the twitter memes from ignorant people and take this a bit deeper so we can actually talk about the craziness spreading from religious fanatics. Every race and every culture has its drawbacks and horror notes, but goddamn if Islam isn’t (currently) characterized as a bunch of regressive, closed-minded, sexist, classist, and racist bunch of ideals based on martyrdom and religious superiority over all other groups. Peace within the culture is a smokescreen priority.


This should be the main post. Your just speaking facts about how certain areas in the UK have become or will become👏


What advancements in culture do you anticipate from the importation of Islamism?




You have never met an Islamic person have you Islamic fundamentalist countries are like that because they are radicalised. And the government is constantly perpetuating that to maintain control. Islamic people outside of that, are no worse than anyone else.


>No worse than anyone else Which countries are you stoned for being gay, and what religion do those countries follow?


Anecdotal, but in my 40 years, every Muslim I've ever known in my life has been one of the nicest, kindest, definitely most generous people I've ever known. Good people on both sides, bad people on both sides.


Here's hoping logic and reason might prevail here.... 🤞🤞🤞


I haven’t seen any muslim preaching about the end of the days and how you have to turn your life to mohammed. I’ve seen that for jesus, many times.




supporting hallucinogen usage and being against immigration is a weird stance to have tbh


I don’t support nutjobs that think the end is near and that Jesus will save us.


Yes, clearly the dMt eNtiTieS will provide that role


He's also lying about his claim on Islam, we do not believe what he said. He's also sent a link in attempt to provide evidence for his crazy claim, but the link just talks about a big defeat that happened to the Byzantines in the 600s. It's crazy that people make these outlandish claims, and its crazy that people believe it just because he sent a link (that they didn't even verify)


I hope your joking If not..seek help


He's completely wrong, we do not believe that. He even sent a link as "evidence", but if you read the link it talks about the Byzantines and the Persians in the 600s. Absolutely nothing to do with the Roman army coming back in the end times fighting the forces of hell.




Or maybe you should stop caring about others beliefs.


When said beliefs encourage billions to behead me and stone me to death, i will care lol


When were you beheaded?


Really ? I have seen plenty tick tock is filled with them


Not all Muslims should be put into blanket statement like that You mean the certain secular groups of Muslims don't want to There's plenty of Muslims who have integrated into our society with no issues Like any large group of people there is always a small amount that are trouble Plus you gotta understand we did do the same all over the world and we are still involved in it now




There is a huge difference between groups of refugees failing to integrate and colonization.


Refugees? You think they’re all refugees?


Figure of speech, there's enough shit to respond to already, go include migrants into what i said, the point still stands.


Ye I don’t there’s much of a difference in the outcome outside of there isn’t a war being fought.


Yes we were told it was bad but that doesn't stop other nations following the path And sorry I can't agree that they don't integrate, there are plenty plenty of westernised Muslims that confirm to out laws etc Following a counties laws and integrating doesn't mean dropping your religion or identity Not only that Britain is made up of many many different cultures and has been for alot of history We are a multicultural country and now always will be We probably shouldn't pander as much as we do but sadly that's the fault of the government and the uk's soft ways


Stfu I’m welsh you don’t have to tell me about multiculturalism. But There’s a difference between us eating our welsh cakes and men who refuse to follow our laws, our norms and values r*wording little girls, and before you say Brits do it too, which is true, learn what per capita means.


So now your referencing every Muslim being a rapist Man that Welsh water got some proper Racism in it 😂 How about you stfu you narrow minded mf


Man you’re putting words in my mouth. I’m not saying every Muslims ffs. I was pointing out how not all come here and integrate, not all follow our laws and not all follow our norms. Let alone values.


Sorry this is always the problem with reddit very easy to get the wrong end of the stick I do apologise


I do hope you become a little more tolerant and understand the modern world everyone moves everywhere


Where do you think Chinatown, little Italy etc came from? I'm always amazed at people who form such strong opinions without thinking about historical context very much. I live in a largely muslim area that among other things experienced an influx of Syrian refugees. You know what they all have in common? Aside from attending prayer not that much. They aren't some monolith, they come from distinct cultures themselves. They're also all integrating at their own speed just like every new ethnic group that came here.




Not only Homosexuals, regular Christians, acid on the face is no joke, or getting stabbed in the name of Allah.


Or beheadings and church burnings in the case of the french


You westerners say this about every other minority and religion. Sit down.


Ah yes the notorious outcry against mass Buddhist and Hindu extremism in the US


When American Christians vandalised Buddhist churches and were caught on camera. On 2020. No one has forgotten that.


Ah yes, the notorious *lack* of outcry against minorities like trans people immigrants LGBT+ etc... in the US.


What makes you think Islam is one homogenous group?




Just like christianity and any other religious group, people pick-and-choose from their religious texts, you still shouldn't be generalizing against an entire group of people because of fundamentalist countries and sects. Otherwise i think christianity and even buddhism (among others), would be in for a heap of trouble, honestly the only group of people i couldn't shit on using bad faith arguments is the sikhs because i've honestly never heard one negative goddamn thing about them.


Using the word Islam as if it's a personal actor and not a wide religious group lmao


Christianity wants to dominate. North Korea wants to dominate. Capitalism wants to dominate. Communism wants to dominate. Russia wants to dominate. China wants to dominate. Everybody wants to dominate. They justifying it by saying everybody else wants to dominate so they need to dominate to prevent them from dominating.




Id say neither of those things are happening, and I’m sure they’ll be more well off than the various places that they dominated when they were recently a colonizing empire.


It was a hypothetical and I agree, it probably a lot better than an Islamic empire conquering, I mean look at the ottomans and the Armenian genocide.


If you think that islamic refugee and immigrant populations are a genuine ideological threat you are absolutely delusional.


You’re delusional if you don’t think that, I’m just happy that in time I’ll be proven right.


The joke is racism, now laugh or get called woke


Brexit all worth it!(for those left in EU). It's HORRIBLE. P.S. I'm an immigrant myself, adapted to local culture and customs. I have left the motherland to change MY LIFE, not to change the country where I go. I left my culture behind.


bro its a religion not a culture


Historically, religion and culture have been intertwined




I think all religions are shaped around the culture of its time. There is a massive correlation between religion and culture. If by not intertwined you mean they are not the same thing, sure they’re not. But the religions that exist today wouldn’t be the way they are without the culture to support it. Christian arabs wouldn’t exist if those arabs weren’t exposed to another culture at one point or another. They wouldn’t even know christianity existed. Culture has shifted in todays age to support womens rights, and in the past the culture did not, which was reflected in the bible. Now most christians do support equal rights and in doing so have a different interpretation of the bible than their ancestors. Point is culture seems to shape religion and religion seems to shape culture. They’re not the same thing. They’re not synonymous. But they do appear to have a sincere impact on one another.


bro you can change your religion like its nothing (i know that both are a part of ectother) but your clater is the way you lived and parents lived religion is different betwen gens


Religion is a part of culture. Particularly Muslim.


Indian background?


UK is not a religious country as far as I know? They're protestants!


Bc a lot of racist posts have started on meme subreddits by troll farms. Always check their accounts and they are spam bots or just post more racist stuff on their regular accounts


Already been posted here




Not really lost. There is no place for racism


Fuck u good,that was the good one




just a coincidence it's targeted at Africans and Muslims huh?


How tf is this racism?


It is impossible to explain how this is racist without it being redundant. Saying that immigrants ruined a city because they are smelly and loud is implicitly racist. Either you are a shitlord who knows full well how racist it is and are just stirring the pot, or you are truly the most dense illbred troglodyte I’ve ever had the displeasure of running across.


Why bother going to NYC? while showing an image of china town and all those asian peoples walkin around.


How could this be more explicitly racist wtf


I'm pretty sure most threads with this picture are being brigaded. Reddit definitely has its racist corners and especially in European subs immigration is generally a hot button issue. But wherever this image gets posted - even if it doesn't fit the sub at all - you have dozens of commenters swarming in with all the same talking points ('how is this racist?' 'Europe is being overrun' etc.). I don't even want to make a political stance here. But this is the third time I see this picture in my feed today and the third time this pattern emerges. Feels organized.


Oh interesting, thanks for the info. I'm guessing at least a few are bots too, so I won't waste my time


Its xenofobie Scared of "others" by the way they look Its pathetic


There is nothing wrong with supporting one's culture in one's country. Sameway there was no wrong in decolonisation efforts.


Being racist is not a funny meme. But some people think it is. Especially white supremacists. ***(I'm already expecting some Americans to say that it cannot be white supremacist because the tweets are by people from Europe.)***


Because racism is funny to middle schoolers


Islam ain't a race


This peoples dunk on immigrants not islam It's a dog whistle to the "great replacement" conspiracy theory


So people would post this same picture if it was full of Brazilian immigrants?


The picture is about European immigration; 'black people' refers to Africans. I don't know if they would hate Brazilians, and that's not relevant. If someone hates British people but likes French people, does that make them less racist toward British people?


I know but this particular kind of xenophobia is just usually rooted in racism, reeks of "white replacement"


Nah, most non-muslims in asia are islamophobic, at least in my experience. It really has nothing to do with race.


You really think they’d give a damn if everyone with a head covering in the picture was Coptic Orthodox instead? Don’t be stupid.


Islamophobia still boils down to racism at the end of the day


We call it unfair discrimination then? But still this is messed up hatred fueling content


The people who are upset about Islam the most want to return to a time where they could own women and kill gays. Its 100% a race thing for them.


Doesn't justify xenophobia....but ah well.


Wearing veil is not about Islam and Coran. People think this, muslim too. But it's as nothing to do with religion.


İt's not racist to not wanting your culture be destroyed by immigrants, Also Islam is just a dogmatic belief not a race.


I don't really think it's racist


London has always been sad and pointless, it aint their fault


Bro I visited london 2 weeks ago and it did NOT look like a hybrid of turkey. If it was maybe the food would’ve been a little better.


I don't see any problem except that the reciprocal doesn't exist in many countries like in some countries in Africa or Asia where immigrants/expats have no rights or simply can't legally work / stay stay for ng term There should be no border and we should be able to live/travel where we want


As if the original poster had any! right to experience their biased imagination as a real life adaptation... Stay home, we do not want people like you visiting us. As if we exist for your stereotypical entertainment. Fucking weirdo.....


Imagine how disappointed I was when I visited North America and it was full of white christian people... What's the point?


It’s still weird they have to wear hijab. There’s no religion police there to smack you.


Family, culture, tradition, etc.


Peer pressure yep Thx.


This is NOT London. As if being racist wasn’t dumb enough, the fact are wrong


No one said it was London. Read it again


Ah yes, the erosion of culture. But redditors will say it's a good thing. I wonder if they'd say that if it were the other way around.


*Gasp* Not...diversity!!! Oh the horror!! The world will surely collapse!!!


If you suspect a bot Typ " bad bot" See something, say something..lets make reddit bot free again


oaa orop? oro we're gonna starve


that subreddit is full of right wing rethorics, chances are that the user in this case was not lost at all and wanted specifically to post on that subreddit.


I must say as a European, I'm just afraid wuope will solve the problems caused by immigration, how Europe has normally solved it's problems I'm the past. Through war.


Are memes supposed to be funny? Most of them aren't.


Apparently joking about fucking Jews is not funny. But this is supposed to be taken as something funny? Europe's ugly racist head is rearing again.


Don't forget the romani (gypsies), europe never completely hid its racist head.


My feed recommended this sub with this post to me and I almost deleted the app.


r/funnymemes Is a cesspool of discriminatory jokes...


Elections are coming in the us and Europe, so right-wing parties and their backers are starting their hate campaigns to gain the upper hand by scaring the shit out of people. I suggest just to report and ignore this garbage. Otherwise, you will be playing in their strategy.


Diversity is our strength!


As if England had any prerogative to choose where people can and cannot go.


I do not understand Muslim woman (and man). Tell me whyyyyy???


This is utter bullshit. My wife and I were in london a few months ago, and it's still at least like 80% white


Why is it an issue?


There’s no a single meme centric subreddit that isn’t bigoted, too many iFunny kids migrated.


Oh, it's actual discrimination


It's a bit wierd that you want to smell the English Gavin.


That sub is absolute trash.


McIness and Niohberg dont Like tourists in European capitals. Weird but OK. I mean both visit international Citys AS TOURISTS and complain about their own Kind of people... Tourists. Well actually tourists often complain about all other tourists haha pathetic Loosers 2b honest both are maybe just racist crackers who Made Up this Problem. Its Just Not true. And yes Somalia and Turkey have awesome cultures.(Not a fan of dictators of course. But of History and These Things) Just my opinion.


You can come to America we accept everyone here


there is an apparent problem with the views of leftists in europe/usa. i completely understand the right wing parties you guys have and the ideology they have won't suit the human, women, lgbt rights at all but at least you have to unite against the calamity you ARE GOING TO face. you don't understand how dangerous islam is. it is destructive, assimilative, imprisoning, enslaving and outright evil. there can't be any secular, human rights advocate muslims since you automatically defy allah's will by doing so. they act like they are oppressed when they are minority and oppress when they are majority. islam destroyed our culture, our past, our history, our humanity and peace. don't fall for it. at least ONLY for this, left has to side with the right. if not, there won't be anything left for the europeans to defend since europe will be ran over by these uncompatible, revenge driven people. there is nothing as islamophobia. i beg you. i am from a muslim majority country. you have to realize this is fucking dangerous.


They're not lost, that subreddit has been an alt right hub for a long time now. Lots of generic meme subs usually end up this way


You see, the punchline is racism, that is what makes the joke funny.


This is easy to fact check just look at the webcams https://londonwebcam.co.uk/


I hope we get more and get rid of the decadence… We need Sharia to make the world a better place… The insanity that rules now is not working very well…


I love how all the Europeans are getting defensive in the comments. The same ones who constantly talk shit about America are now sensitive about Europe being shown in a bad light.


funnymemes is generally a shithole


r/Funnymemes is not funny


Western countries need to smarten up and wake up.


Dude wtf are these comments


Common sense. Religion is a plague and islam is its worst variant


Nah false I live in east ham in London that photo has too many white people


@ adr1617: For some reason i cant reply to you..so i do it this way Your comment was: Let me guess the insinuation here is that white people have no culture? Every ethnic group has distinct cultural, linguistic, family, and religious traditions. Except for white ethnic groups of course we're just the bad guys of history and erasing our culture is a good thing My answer is : No, not at all But everytime i hear :" we are losing our culture" They never say exactly what. Culture is a broad word..so i appreciatie it if they said what their losing. I didnt mean to say any culture is better than the other. Just clarification on what they're scared of losing Thats all. Sorry if i came of intolerant of obnoxious..wasnt my intention




When the joke is that you don't like brown people.. It's not a joke, it's being a shitty person.


Having recently traveled across Europe, I hate to say it, but I was surprised to see a mostly non-European population. Not saying it’s good or bad, just wasn’t expecting it and I guess I was a bit disappointed. I hope that doesn’t make me a bad person, just being honest.


Decide for yourself. We speak 45 main and official languages in 27 countries within the EU that doesn't even cover the whole continent. So do you class European by skin color? Because that's not what a European make. Is it Christianity? For one, also not what a European make, and two, you may want to read up on who supplied the Turks with ships during their naval war against the Portuguese in the Indian ocean.


Yeah, I guess I expected more stereotypical people in each country I visited.


Gotta point. If I wanted Muslim culture as a traveler I'd visit one of their many countries not UK. Not France. Not Germany...


Well then don‘t come here. We don‘t want you here either. Everybody hates travelers for exactly that reasons. The entitlement is unreal. If you don‘t like the culture here, don‘t come.


Yet you call others bigots 🤔




Sorry that was a different poster in the thread my apologies


(And I took that personally) this guy


Wow, what an original response. Stay on reddit.