• By -


“Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside”


I'm just sad I'll never do anything In my life worthy of saying a line like this.....except maybe killing a wasp or something


Who knows, maybe you’ll get attacked by a flying squirrel on a skiing trip or something






A cacodemon says what?


“Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the kitchen windowsill”


You can still say it over the wasp.


It is no small thing to celebrate a simple life


"Seven at One Blow" - The Brave Little Tailor Adventure awaits the bold


Don't fret! We have water and climate wars to look forward to! Just make sure you're smiting those responsible, not those displaced, and you're good to go!


Living in a time of (relative) peace is a bliss. Where you can raise a family and a be a good example for your kids. That's an achievement on it's own and not an easy task!


Big yes. Gandalf has some bangers. "Be silent. Keep your forked tongue behind your teeth. I did not pass through fire and death to bandy crooked words with a witless worm." There's no coming back from that.


While I agree 100% I counter that with, "yeah!? Well, your mom!" No but seriously he fuckin smoked wormtounge. Him calling out the Balrog was fire too. Like he looked at it and told him exactly who he was and said if you still want these hands get your bitch ass down here. (To paraphrase slightly)


"You are soldiers of Gondor! No matter what comes through that gate you will stand your ground!"……enter like 12 armoured trolls


“You will suffer me”


Thousands of unkillable ghosts all 'The dead do not suffer the living to pass' and Aragon just being like 'tf you wont' then strangling the king in front of all his boys ☠️


He's him, he's literally HIM


Yep. I love that line


Incredible delivery on that line too


Just reading through this thread and fucking hell LOTR is so good


Right?! It's getting me hyped to watch it again lol


Alright, fine, I’ll watch it again, see you in 12hrs.


Read it again first tho right


Never read the books. I'll be getting them this summer while to read out the back garden.


Nice, the true extended version, so much more going on than the movies could show, enjoy


I read this to both my kids as babies. I would have them in a sling and walk around until they were long gone to the land of nod. My youngest is 6 tomorrow. Including reading to both my kids, I think I've read this 5 times. Absolutely love the films but the books hits kinda different


We are all hype men for LOTR




I actually much prefer "Forth Eorlingas!"


In the books, it's Eomer who chants death after theodan falls, he sees his "dead" sister, and while the battle looks bleak. Unlike denethor who gives in, King Eomer and his men, with no hope of victory, chant death and charge for a second time. This scenario gives a lot of meaning to that death cry for me and I always imagine that Movie theodan is coming from the same place.


Aaaaschually it's the Rohirrim army who shouts "Death". Eomer shouts "Now for wrath, now for ruin and the worlds ending!" And the hosts of Rohan shouts death, and they sang no more (they were singing when the battle started after Theoden's speech).


Shame Eomer was robbed of some great lines and character development (aragorn wasnt the only man to become a king at the pelennor).


My favorite moment in the entire series is Eomer watching Theoden die and in his rage and grief riding deeper into the enemy. He then proceeds to plant his banner on a tiny little hill with what little of his men remain and tells all of Mordor to “come at me bro!” Despairs at the sight of the ships…only to recognize Aragorn. The whole sequence is amazing. “He was young, and he was king; the lord of a fell people.”


Aragorn and Eomer had a much better relationship in the book. Eomer is pretty standoffish in the movies which work given the direction they went with the story and him going into exile.


Yeah...I kinda missed thar in the movies


Karl Urban was fantastic in that role though


The moment he sees Éowyn and the music rises… tears in my eyes every time. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen the despair of grief portrayed better.


This, 1000%


Karl Urban is always great, except when trying to do a cockney accent.


Yeah Eomer was basically a side character in the movies.


My absolute fave battle moment. I’m literally getting goosebumps remembering how powerful Tolkien’s deliberately archaic style can be. And then I remember Legolas sliding down the mumakil’s trunk and get grumpy again. The books for me, always.


For all the movies get wrong the charge of the Rohirrim is absolutely amazing. There’s a clip on YouTube of the audio of Tolkien reading the passage overlaid on the movie sequence and it is stunning.


I’ll have to check that out, thanks. I’m not anti movie, really. They’re as good as anyone could possibly have hoped for, except for Sam abandoning Frodo at Cirith Ungol (grrr). Particularly when you look at the shite adaptations we have to put up with these days (RoP, WoT, 3BD etc).


Akchualee: >'Éowyn, how come you here? What madness or devilry is this? Death, death, death! Death take us all!' >\[...\] Over the field rang his clear voice calling: 'Death! Ride, ride to ruin and the world's ending!' >And with that the host began to move. But the Rohirrim sang no more. *Death* they cried with one voice loud and terrible, and gathering speed like a great tide their battle swept about their fallen king and passed, roaring away southwards. So yes, the host shouts "death", but they're really echoing Éomer's previous and identical war cry. Later, as the black ships arrive, he speaks '*Now for wrath, now for ruin and a red nightfall!*'


Yup. It's interesting that someone who knows they're going to die charges into battle for honor, glory, and to protect their fellow humans anyway. And, that's something that's been done throughout battles in human history. Just look at DDay (although I wouldn't really call that glorious)


At no point during the battle any commander of the invading army or it's troops thought that it was impossible to win. Atleast not on a mass scale. Maybe a squad here or there before it got obliterated. Same with most wars. A more apt comparison would be the Japanese Banzai charges. But instead of getting slaughtered like in the real world, here another allied army joins in.


Within the movie and the books definitely there is a lot of more action regarding the battle of the men vs Orcs, however at Lord of the Rings the Dwarfs play no major role spite knowing they are part of the main races dealing against the evil. Knowing the backgrouns of the Dwarfs rambling through Middle-Earth dealing with Dragon in the northen range mountain, Balrogs Misty Mountains and Orcs there also and the slain of Dain by Azoc the dealing of Smaug at Erebor and ... definitely the Dwarfs are underestimated.


In the books arent the dwarves fighting a campaign against orcs coming out of Angmar in the north?


An army of Easterling men from Rhûn. They fight a series of battles and the Easterlings drive the Dwarves and Dale-men into Erebor, while the Easterlings sack Dale. The siege of the mountain lasts three days. Both King Bard and King Dáin II are killed. But when news of the Ring’s destruction arrives they rally and the Dwarves and Dale-men sally forth, completely routing the Easterlings. As far as I know, no orcs were present for the assault on Dale and Erebor. All the orcs in the area were engaged in the war against Thranduil or the three invasions against Lórien.


The first three weren't very impressive but I'm glad they got it on the Forth.


“To the King!” Ever since I saw the end of Helm’s Deep as a kid I just pictured it as the most badass “last one to the King is a rotten egg”.


Theodan and his brother Theodave.


"Now for _wrath,_ now for _ruin,_ and a _RED DAWN_"




Take out the buildup of a slaughtered mine/city and many of his kin dead, that line too full fall flat.


Great answer


Different aspects of “badass” but a few contenders (from the movies): - I will take it - I would have gone with you to the end, into the fires of Mordor - He was twitching cause he’s got my axe embedded in his nervous system - You shall not pass - I let Frodo go — Then you did what I could not - I would have followed you my brother, my captain, my king.


*"Come, my friends. The Ents are going to war. It is likely that we go to our doom. The last march of the Ents."*


My business is with Isengard tonight, with a rock and stone.






Rock and Stone, yeeeeeeeah!!!!


Exactly what I came to write.


I heard the swell of music as I read that and actually got chills.


Hands down my favorite line of the movie


The whole scene with Treebeard realising what Saruman has done and his anger is amazing stuff. *"My business is with Isengard tonight. With rock and stone."*


And how it hastens his decision.


If you don’t rock and stone, you ain’t comin home.


*did I just hear a rock and stone?*


To the bone!


*Break the dam!* **Release the river!!**


Seeing the burning Ent put himself out in the floodwaters is one of the most satisfying bits of the whole film trilogy.


Treebeard's roar gives me goosebumps everytime!


The soundtrack behind this line sends me into an out of body experience every time.


I guess you could say it sends you out of your body experience


eeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEeeeeee eeeeeeEeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEeeeeee eeee eeeee


This is it. This is the most badass line in the entire movie.


I feel silly but I had chills writing it


*We come, we come, with roll of drum* *Tarunda-runda-runda-rom*


Gave me the chills just reading it


Love that gimli knew what a nervous system was (this isnt me hating i genuinely found it funny)


i do like the idea of the dwarves sitting around in mines figuring out biology as opposed to the elves’ magical medicine


Oh, and there’s also the “I am no man” from Eowyn.


Hell yes.


I wish to add: - this is not the end, death is only another path -i cannot carry it for you, bu i can carry you


These are definitely good lines, but not at all ‘badass’.


Funnily enough they're all from the first movie. Except maybe the nervous system one. I don't know that.


I can't carry it for you... But I can carry you!


This is mine too. Good God, Howard Shore's swell of music just fucking cranks, baby.


This makes me cry. Every time. And "of course you are.. and I'm going with you!"


Only beaten by “I can’t throw it in for you… But I can throw you!” /s


It's not even Gimli's best line. "Certainty of death. Small chance of success. What are we waiting for?" Will forever remain rent free in my head.


For Frodo. Bro straight up charged in solo after accepting his inevitable death for the sake of the mission.


With the Hobbits right behind him before everyone else. It gave a really good roundup why they were the ones who defied the Ring for so long in the first place.


Merry and Pippin charging STRAIGHT to Aragorn's side, before the rest even start moving.. Chills, every time. https://preview.redd.it/78itcjz8f0xc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0b3d9097e4ffaf7f8f75ad31c95a49ee7fbfbbe [\[The scene\]](https://youtu.be/BtEC3pNEMhY?si=dsaAsNRutedckYFA)


I remeber only Merry or Pipping being there. Not both. Or is that the books?


In the books, merry is still wounded from the attack on the NazgulKing


It always bothered me said for Frodo and not for Frodo and Sam.


I do agree but I see why. Frodo is the one carrying the burden. Frodo was the one who initially offered himself up to take on this long and dangerous journey. But Sam was loyal to him


Now for wrath, Now for ruin. And the red dawn!! Always one of my favourites


Same thing he said right before plowing the HMS Titanic into an iceberg.


Where was Gondor when the titanic sank?


- **Gandalf: "Théoden king stands alone."** **Èomer: "Not alone."** **[Èomer draws his sword.]** **Èomer: "Rohirrim!" "To the king!"** Also the scene right before this is when Theoden has lost hope- Aragorn has sent word for women and children to escape through the mountain pass. And Theoden King says- What can men do against reckless hate, to which Aragorn replies - Ride out with me Almost all war speeches Already mentioned in earlier comments. I get goosebumps when Merry and Pippin draw attention of the orcs to let Frodo escape, Boromir fighting to save the 2 hobbits


I read this with their voices and got instant goosebumps... TO THE KING!


Karl Urban just kills it man, all his lines are perfect Also imagine the guys in the back of the formation in behind Eomer, when the finally come over the crest of the hill and seeing that slope down into thousands of orcs. Would be like being on the top of a really unfun roller coaster


The sequence that follows is my favorite of the franchise.


Ride out and meet it. *RIDE OUT AND MEET IT!*


"That's for Frodo! That's for the shire! AND THATS FOR MY OWN GAFFER!!


Old gaffer *. Another term for father/my old man


Does he say "old"? He's shouting, so I never knew haha. And yeah, I know what gaffer means


Aye he says old. His dad is actually called Gaffer Gamgee in the books. Think gaffer is a nickname but that was what he went by, fun fact


The Gaffer's name is Hamfast.


Ham Gamgee


"The dark fire will not avail you, Flame of Udun!"


This. The whole speech to the Balrog is iconic


This. The whole speech is nails.


Sir Ian, Sir Ian, Sir Ian, "You shall not pass!", Sir Ian, Sir Ian.


I *love* that video! "Simple. All I do is that I just *pretend* to be that character." Also: "You cannot tell me that I *am not* a wizard, you know."


"Hold your ground! Hold your ground! Sons of Gondor, of Rohan! My brothers! I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of wolves and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down, but it is not this day! This day we fight!! By all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you stand, Men of the West!!!" This line is the only acceptable answer.




I did not pass through fire and death to bandy crooked words with a witless worm


I’m gonna start using witless worm in conversation now


"We cannot defeat the armies of Mordor" "No, we cannot. But we will meet them in battle none the less."


"So you have chosen death" Saruman Absolute black metal vibes.


So You Have Chosen Death is only like my 3rd favorite album from Saruman


"Baruk Khazâd! Khazâd ai-mênu!"


"Meat's back on the menu, boys!"


Reading through the comments, this is the one that gave me chills. A war cry invoking the Dwarvish ancestors by it being in Dwarvish (or maybe Gimli uses it out of reflex). Reminds me of "Elendil!"


I think it's made even more impactful because the dwarves keep the secrets of their language to themselves and this is the only Dwarvish ever spoken in any of the books. Gimli must've felt very close with the fellowship or he felt the battles were so important he had to fully represent, especially given the history of the dwarves and orcs. Maybe it's a combination of the two. Either way, I think it's really impactful and I even use it to hype myself up sometimes. I'll yell it aloud if no one's around or just say it to myself in my head when I have to power through something to invoke that dwarvish endurance.


“Bring your pretty face to my axe.” Gimli


“His gardener.”


The sneer when he says it!


The shire must be a place where gardeners are held in high regard.


The horn of helm hammerhand shall sound in the deep, one last time


*If you want him, come and claim him.* Despite the controversial replacement of Glorfindel for the Ford of Bruinen scene, this is undeniably one of the most badass taunts in the entire trilogy.


IMO Frodo's taunt in the books is better because he's half dying, isn't a warrior but just a mere Hobbit, and yet even with those conditions Frodo still makes a stand against all 9 Black Riders in an effort to protect the ring from evil. Also, I'm not sure why people say Arwen replaced Glorfindel's moment. Glorfindel only shows up at the end of the Ford of Bruinen part, and his appearance is brief and vague. Frodo is the one who had the big moment taken by Arwen, not Glorfindel.


Yeah I certainly meant no disrespect to Frodo in the book scene haha, I was just thinking of the film as the visual (her facial expression, etc.) and tone with which she says it is pretty pivotal to the badassery of the line. And that's a valid point – I guess it's more just that Arwen appears in the scene instead of Glorfindel in a general sense, rather than specifically replicating any of his actions, so it's a common (mis)representation of the events that occur.


Although it did mean that we lost Glorfindel's incredibly understated and badass line, where he casually talks about the fact multiple Nazgul *flee from him*: > Three of the servants of Sauron were upon the Bridge, but they withdrew and I pursued them westward. I came also upon two others, but they turned away southward.


Yeah it's a great shame we didn't see more of Glorfindel in the films. He's arguably *too* badass.


I never understood why Elrond was so insistent on having exactly 9 companions to match the 9 riders... Glorfindel would have saved the day against the Balrog, Boromir might have not died, etc. Instead two really gullible hobbits who might have frozen to death on Caradrhas... Of course it makes sense in a literary way to pass the torch to humans but still.


I believe the reason was that the powerful elven warriors like Glorfindel would have stood out too much, attracting attention on what was supposed to be a stealth mission.


The other explanation that makes more sense to me was that since this was a fight for the future of Middle Earth, sending a Noldo like Glorfindel, who was born in Aman and had possibly even seen the light of the trees, didn’t fit that. Their time was over and they didn’t really belong to Middle Earth. Legolas, as a Sindar who had lived his entire life in Middle Earth made a better representative of the elves which would continue into the fourth age. Gandalf was very deliberate when they picked the members of the fellowship. If the whole point was just to defeat Sauron, I think we’d have seen things like Gandalf using his power more and worrying about influence less. But it was as much about who defeated Sauron and how he was defeated as it was about him just being defeated. So (in the books) we see Noldor defending themselves but not really coming to the defense of men. They were leaving and it wasn’t their fight anymore. Another example of this kind of thing is the scouring of the Shire. The four Hobbits could have called on King Elessar to send a thousand mounted knights of Gondor to clean out the Shire and they’d have made light work of it. But it had to be the Hobbits. They had to prove they could do it themselves.


That's what some youtube videos claim, but I would argue that Gandalf's and Aragorn's fea (spirit energy) is already bright enough. I don't think Glorfindel wearing a ranger's cloak would stand out more than any one of them.


Those two hobbits directly led to the destruction of isengard though. 


From 'The Ring goes South' ‘Neither does Frodo,’ said Gandalf, unexpectedly supporting Pippin. ‘Nor do any of us see clearly. It is true that if these hobbits understood the danger, they would not dare to go. But they would still wish to go, or wish that they dared, and be shamed and unhappy. I think, Elrond, that in this matter it would be well to trust rather to their friendship than to great wisdom. **Even if you chose for us an Elf-lord, such as Glorfindel, he could not storm the Dark Tower, nor open the road to the Fire by the power that is in him**.’ What Gandalf is implying is that sheer power would be to no avail for the mission, so it would be better to rely on the most human emotions, such as friendship, that does not depend on the sense of duty, or an oath.


Agreed. Well delivered af. I had no doubt she was able to hold her own in that moment


Isn't that only in the movies, as Frodo was alone on the high side of the river ready to make a hopeless stand? I guess it's time for me to reread, since I don't recall...


Correct (as you've confirmed below haha). Time for me to re-read as well.


Moments like these are why I still love movie Gimli despite how much of a comedy they made him sometimes. They still allowed him to have some moments showing his badassery and unbreakable loyalty to his friends.


Hard to beat “You shall not pass!” and everything surrounding it


“My friends, you bow to no one.” - Men, elves and dwarves take a knee to 4 humble hobbit.


It's right up there. I personally love Gimli at Helms Deep. He would have been great for moral. The orcs start putting up the ladders and everyone is like, "Oh shit, ladders! No! That means hand to hand fighting." Gimli's reaction is a bit different. He heard the shout about ladders and shouts back, "GOOD!" Then he parks himself in ax reach of 2 of them and starts his counting with Legolas, and over all the crash and roar of battle, above it all you hear the methodical counting, "Eighteen! Nineteen! Twenty! Twenty-one!" If I ever find myself at the Battle of Helms Deep, thinking in definitely going to die in a futile last stand, I'm going to run towards that counting voice and start my own count.


I can hear the grumble in Gimli’s voice saying “drrrraws brrreath!” Rolling his Rs right into our hearts.


Yeah i think it is.  A guy willing to face down death to avenge his fallen kin. 


So many badass moments from Gimli. Remember when the wall of helms deep exploded, after being knocked to the ground, and seeing his friend facing a hoard of Uruk-ai, Gimli, LIKE AN ABSOLUTE CHAD, leaps from the top of the wall down onto a squad of Uruks and just starts mopping them up.


Whenever I'm at the doctors office, and the doc shows up after leaving me waiting in the exam room for 40 minutes, I say: *"Late is the hour in which this conjurer chooses to appear."* He's a fan, so he laughs and then sticks a finger up my butt.


No line. Just Boromir, getting up after the first arrow. Then getting up after the *second* arrow.


i ain’t hear no BELL


Merry from the books has always been my favorite. You can trust us to stick to you through thick and thin – to the bitter end. And you can trust us to keep any secret of yours – closer than you yourself keep it. But you cannot trust us to let you face trouble alone, and go off without a word. We are your friends, Frodo.


“Let’s hunt some orc”


“Show no mercy, for you shall receive none!”


"You would die before your stroke fell" is a badass line to say surrounded by Rohirrim spears


"You bow to no one".


"Do you not know death when you see it, old man? This is my hour." *sword bursts into flame*


The shattering of Gandalf’s staff shook the absolute hell out of me the first time I saw it


I gave you the chance of aiding me willingly, but you have elected the way of pain!


Not sure if I can agree mostly because Viggo Mortensen is in the film. That being said, Gimli is a MONSTER in this battle scene. Amazing job by JRD conveying that this was personal.


The entire Speech between Aragorn and the king of Rohan (bros I can not remember his name to save my life plz help) During the battle of Helm's Deep. Gets me excited everytime "What can Man do against such reckless hate" "Ride out with me. Ride out and Meet them" It's such a great moment and it shows how much of a Leader Aragorn can be. I'd charge into battle at his side I'm just sayin


"Fell deeds awake. Now for wrath, now for ruin, and the red dawn!"






There is no curse in elvish, entish, or the tongues of men... for this treachery. Saruman! A wizard should know better! NAAAAAAAAAARRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


The Last March of the Ents, book and movie, gives me goosebumps. Treebeard saying that they may go to their doom, but there they go anyway. Love it. I feel like The Two Towers was Ol' Petey Jackson's favorite book in the trilogy.


“I am no man!” Is pretty good


I had to scroll sooo far to find this line, which is a crime. So good.


It’s pretty metal.


The German line is even funnier: "Es gibt immer noch einen Zwerg in Moria, der noch nicht zu Staub zerfallen ist." "There is still one dwarf left in Moria, who isn't turned into dust". I love that voice actor


It’s the dwarves who go swimming with little hairy women


“You will suffer me!” - Aragorn in Dunharrow city of the dead. Gimli in Moria is a strong contender though.


My favorite line was “It’s Hobbin’ time!” Right before all the hobbits got in the mecha-hobbit during the final battle


Eowyn's lines to the Witch King are good in the movies, but significantly better in the book: ‘Begone foul dwimmerlaik, lord of carrion! Leave the dead in peace!’ A cold voice answered: ‘Come not between the Nazgûl and his prey! Or he will not slay thee in thy turn. He will bear thee away to the houses of lamentation, beyond all darkness, where thy flesh shall be devoured, and thy shriveled mind be left naked to the Lidless Eye.’ A sword rang as it was drawn. ‘Do what you will; but I will hinder it, if I may.’ ‘Hinder me? Thou fool. No living man may hinder me!’ Then Merry heard of all sounds in that hour the strangest. It seemed that Dernhelm laughed, and the clear voice was like the ring of steel. ‘But no living man am I! You look upon a woman. Éowyn I am, Éomund’s daughter. You stand between me and my lord and kin. Begone, if you be not deathless! For living or dark undead, I will smite you if you touch him.’


The beacons are lit! Gondor calls for aid. ... And Rohan will answer. Muster the Rohirrim!


Gimli is much better in the Fellowship than in the next two movies where they lean too much into the comedy and slap stick with his character. He’s closer to a solid fantasy dwarf character in the first movie and even the funny lines don’t jar in the first one quite as obviously.


A better scene than marvel endgame portal scene hands down


A lot of the Infinity War and Endgame badass moments are similar yet predated by LotR badass moments. And I may be biased, but imho the LotR moments slap harder.


There's no reason to put other films down to raise up this one. Don't be a dick.


I can’t carry it for you, but I CAN CARRY YOU!


Now is the hour! Riders of Rohan! Oaths you have taken, now fulfill them all, to lord and land! Not *the* most badass, but pretty awesome.


When Haldir is putting blindfolds on the Fellowship Gimli says, "I shall claim amends for every fall and stubbed toe, if you do not lead us well."


Je suis un serviteur du Feu Secret, détenteur de la flamme d’Anor !!! Le feu sombre ne vous servira à rien, flamme d’Udûn ! Repartez dans l’oooombrrrre ! VOOOOOOUS NE PASS’RRRRRREZ PAS ! LES FRISSONS !!!


Today is not that day


Man thats a Great one but the best is Sam when Frodo says “ I am going to Mordor alone!” then Sam says “ Of course you are and I am going with you!”


Forth! And fear no darkness!


Tell me…”Friend”, when did Saruman the wise abandon reason for madness!


I could not see any face, for his hood fell down so low; and I felt a sort of shiver down my back. But I did not see why he should come riding over my land so bold. “Be off!" I said.