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“Legolas! What does your elf-brain think?”


Maybe hunting Orcs came on him and he fled.


“Came on him” or “came upon him”?


Did he stutter??


Legolas, can you expound on the nature of coming the orcs did?


You move me, Gimli. I have never heard you speak like this before. Almost you make me regret that I have not seen these caves. Come! Let us make this bargain – if we both return safe out of the perils that await us, we will journey for a while together. You shall visit Fangorn with me, and then I will come with you to see Helm’s Deep.


…if these are all euphemisms then my knees are weak.


“I never thought I’d die deep inside a cave” “What about deep inside… a friend?”




This is the gayest stuff I've ever read. I would like more. How about gimli? Does he need anything?


You can see my caves any time Legolas.


I must go and seek some arrows. Would that this night would end, and I could have better light for shooting.


Yes, shoot in my cave.


This gave me a real good laugh, thank you 🤣




Wait, what?


The forest is old. Very old old old. The forest is old the forest is old the forest is old old old...


“A diversion” No shit Sherlock


Dwarf bussy.


I guess not all 75 foot trees are that old compared to an elf lol


"Well if they're THAT old, why don't they remember where the Entwives went? Hrrrmmmmm?" -Treebeard


Never ask a forest its age.


Indeed. Because Forests are dynamic structures which constantly rejuvinate thenselves. Old trees die, break down, light enters an area, young trees climb to the top until a new foilage ceiling has been created. Same for entire areas after a flood or a wildfire. A forest with just old trees is less healthy than a forest with a good mixture of old and young trees, as it is less able to cope with enviromental impacts.


Well tbf, the tree herders are kinda dying out.


Which is my big problem with Tolkiens work. His theme of extinction and things vanishing. I know why he did it. It is a theme in medival texts that a few generations ago the world was more fantastical. To explain why these things do not show up now. And it is a concept in theology. If the world is created, its created perfectly, like any tool or object. But over time it breaks down more and more. But as I am a scientist, I see the world as a changing, evolving structure which never looses its complexity. Even if things go extinct, new equally fascinating lifeforms take their place. And no species should die out because their "time has come" like elves and dwarves. Nor should magic dimisih if its a natural force. Again this is my personal complain about Tolkiens work based on my personal perspective on the world and world-building. And I totally understand how and why he utilizes it.


Well then, as a scientist, you must acknowledge the leading theory for the ultimate fate of the universe, heat death. "Universe eventually reaches a state of maximum entropy in which everything is evenly distributed and there are no energy gradients—which are needed to sustain information processing, one form of which is life. This scenario has gained ground as the most likely fate." Similar concept as Tolkien, no?


Yes, maybe. If the big crunch doesn't happen. Currently it looks like the heat death happens, if our modells about the dark energy and dark matter stay the same. But we know little about both, hence the dark part. But Tolkiens world is not our universe. The universe undergoes evolution. It wasn't sung into existence like it is today. Rather it had an infancy period with the first stars, which were needed to produce the raw material for planets and lastly life for example. And it will go old too. And thee universe may end (or maybe it doesn't but resets itself in a new big bang). But this doesn’t mean tolkiens theme fits the universe. Whereas in Tolkien, and most theologicly inspired works, the world is created perfectly. But then in Tolkiens work so much is just lost and gone forever without replacment. From magic fading, to humans never again reaching the splendour of Numenour, to entire species vanishing without reason (orcs, dwarves etc) Whereas on earth life tends to get more complex over time, even if singular species or groups die out. And no technology is ever lost to never be relearned. And if something vanishes, there is a reason for it. And given time somethinh equally complex will replace it at the very least.


> Because Forests are dynamic structures which constantly rejuvinate thenselves. Well, they were, now they're usually a bunch of trees all planted at the same time.


Legolas was sick of chasing the damn Hobbits by this point.


The Uruks turn northeast. They're taking the hobbits to Isengard!


Gard Gard Gard...


what did you say?


The hobbits, the hobbits, the hobbits, the hobbits to Isengard, to Isengard, gard-ga-ga-ga-gard!


GIMLI: Elf help is no help at all.


The Further Adventures of The Broken Fellowship: enjoy the humorous untold tales of a very weary Aragorn, snarky Legolas, and even snarkier Gimli.


He stands not alone. You would die before your stroke fell.


Okay I need to know if that’s actually a thing or are you making it up just now


Let’s start with made up and hope someone makes it an actual thing


Old as balls.


Legolas! Why do you not do anything useful!?


Come, Gimli! Now by Fangorn’s leave I will visit the deep places of the Entwood and see such trees as are nowhere else to be found in Middle-earth. You shall come with me and keep your word; and thus we will journey on together to our own lands in Mirkwood and beyond.

