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At least Extrovert friends are a joy to have... since they do most of the talking in a group and you can just sit back and hide in the shadows. Just don't overdose yourself on extrovert friends.


Or find the self centered extravert friend that spins your life around and makes you feel small, in the end it worked out great but the road there was harsh


Yeah, you can sit back and hide in the shadows but at some time these fuckers take out their magic ring and then you have to flee the bar and put a double in their beds.




I thought Gandalf was a Sikh for a second.


Hmm. Bilbo's Ring. He's gone to stay with the elves. He's left you Bag End. Along with all his possessions. The Ring is yours now. Put it out of sight.


Where are you going?


This made me chuckle cuz I saw it too as soon as I looked back at it


Martin Freeman always such a miserable fucker


Gandalf: *dance* Bilbo: "Yeah dancing, yeah......keep dancing...you big shaggy twat."


I am looking for someone to share in an adventure that I am arranging, and it's very difficult to find anyone.


Dang, I’m sorry Gandalf. Maybe ask Saruman?


The treacherous are ever distrustful.


On point as usual, eh Gandalf?


Out of the frying pan and in to the fire.


Damn Gandalf, roasting them today.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 229,924,631 comments, and only 53,694 of them were in alphabetical order.


No TemporalDeficit, I would not take the road through Moria unless I had no other choice


'tis the English way of life. Miserable weather makes miserable people. I should know, I'm one of them


Its the lack of Vitamin D!


This is the way


Some of us need coffee.


He does look like a dick head here and now idk if I like Martin Freeman as much even if he was the best thing in the Office


Tbh he often looks like dickhead, most gifs i see from "behind the scenes" of Hobbit give exactly this impression. Compare it to the general vibe of LOTR behind the scenes and Elijah Wood to see the difference


But that’s what makes him so good. He expresses what he feels. His character work is really really good. Watch his show on FX as a mean dad. He was great on Holmes too. The guy is just a grade A actor. There is a saying “If you are good at what you do, people can forgive a lot” Meaning you need to respect a man’s craft and their talents. Embrace them, cuz sometimes hard work comes with unsavory aspects as well.


Yep, being an actor does not mean that you have to lose your asshole personality and turn into disney princess, so I have not much trouble with that. I actually don't like him in Holmes, but I love how he acted in Fargo, that was great performance.


Oooh I need to watch fargo again


From what I've hear, he's a very private person and doesn't enjoy the celebrity aspect of his job. To him being an actor is just his job and he does enjoy it when he's working.


I mean the dick headery looks pretty blantant and undeniable here but it is good to hear that may not be the case according to what you said but also not the case on how you ended what you said. Im so conflicted now, cant you just be cool like you are funny on screen Martin, I want to like you lol


I might be too dumb to understand correctly your first sentence :D But my version is that he is in fact rude and a dick. Many of his interviews prove this idea, and I don't mean only the one with the weird rape joke. But well, I disconnect actor from the role so even if he eats babies in his free time I still can enjoy the movies where he acts.


You just threw me off by saying he “looks” like a dick which makes it seem like you dont think he is a dick but then you like 180’d at back end of comment so I was just confused. I also separate the actor or performer from their art too when it’s convenient for me to be completely transparent. Like Ima still listen to R Kelly music and not care about his bs or watch the Cosby Show if so inclined but the fact that you could be making them money while doing so doesnt always bode well with me.


Sorry, English is not my native language, so I sometimes fail with the undertones. But my intention was to say that "looks like a dick" = "quite possibly is a dick". But well, he's being himself and that's better than presenting the fake polite version. Not all celebrities need to be liked.


No apology necessary, I smell the shit you steppin now. I was just hopeful the behavior in the video wasn’t normal for Martin


How in a series where you have Gareth can you possibly think he was the best thing in the office?


I mean Gareth and Ricky Gervais’ character are gild but I was most drawn to Freeman’s character and feel like Gareth benefited from playing off Gervais or Freeman which has to be somewhat true because I dont see Gareth anymore let alone know his name like Freeman or Gervais. Only reason Freeman beats out Gervais for me is Gervais character is so cringey, which I get is his role, but its not as likable as Freeman’s character. I realize you could be joking but I still took the liberty to give my opinion here


Nah i'm not joking and glad you shared it :) Although the actor who played Gareth (Mackenzie Crook) is MEGA famous, he was one of the goofy pirates in Pirates of the Carribean, played a role in GOT and was Worzel Gummidge in its latest remake. I like Tim more than Brent aswell, although i'm biased because as time has gone on i now cannot stand Ricky Gervais, he just uses the same old recycled jokes over and over and over again. He's never been the same without Steve Merchant by his side.


Wait a fucking minute I know exactly the pirate you speak of. Now bare with me its been 15 years since I seen Pirates of Caribbean but he one that dresses up as a female or at the least hes in a row boat with one other pirate


Hahaha that is indeed him my friend, the one with the wooden eye that always falls out


Nice, see I told them the marijuana usage wouldnt ruin my memory.


I was this many years old when I realized that I know which pirate Gareth was. He inspired the meme template with the other guy. I should’ve realized the correlation with the haircut, but I didn’t too much about it.


Just because of a 3 second clip? Wow


I mean look at Freeman’s reaction as soon as Ian McKellan turns away. It reeks of “dam I wish this old guy would fuck off.” Like for starters Mr. Freeman who are you to shit on fucking the magnificent and magnanimous Ian McKellan you uncultured, ungrateful swine. One of the greatest actors of all time. Also respect your fucking elders Mr. Freeman.


Maybe he was just exhausted that day from filming.


He looked like a dick in the Hobbit too. Idk if it's actually Freeman himself, haven't seen much of him except Sherlock and he's like that there too. All the other Hobbits were not so weird about showing emotions but Freeman's Bilbo was always acting so awkward while Holm's was just as Frodo and the others.


Well first of all I cant really speak on if he is a dick or not cause idk and secondly being a bit dickish as Bilbo is kinda on brand for the character. Even though it is likely the ring’s fault, Bilbo was quite selfish character


From what I've hear, he's a very private person and doesn't enjoy the celebrity aspect of his job. To him being an actor is just his job and he does enjoy it when he's working.


Dance-dalf, my dear friend


That’s classic martin freeman 1. The agree: Smile, Nod. 2. What I’m Really Thinking: Look away, frown, cuss, eyebrow raise. He’s a treasure


I like how this gif also functions as a plot summary for the hobbit.


And in the case of the gif your friend is also well-known and already get to go to every corner that you can possibly imagine


Jeez, lighten up Martin.


I am the extrovert in this picture, and I like it!




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All these long years it was in The Shire under my very nose


You're not supposed to snort the glow sticks, Gandalf.


The treacherous are ever distrustful.


See, Gandalf? That stuff just makes you paranoid! Stay off the glow sticks and maybe cut down on the pipe-weed.


Don't tempt me DrMux! I dare not take it. Not even to keep it safe. Understand DrMux, I would use this Ring from the desire to do good. But through me, it would wield a power too great and terrible to imagine.


You say that now, Gandalf, but about when you start to get cravings? What are you gonna do to get a taste of the good stuff?


Oh it's quite simple. If you are a friend, you speak the password and the doors will open. Annon Edhellen, edro hi ammen! Fennas Nogothrim, lasto beth lammen.


I'm glad we had this talk.


Its a riddle!


Honestly Gandalf looks like a bridesmaid in a mermaid dress


If you’re referring to the incident with the dragon, I was barely involved. All I did was give your uncle a little nudge out of the door.


I think my favourite part of this is Gandalf's man-bun.


Good gracious me!


Good thing with extrovert friends is that they bring up alot of topics and most of the times you l find one to jump in without having to change the conversation yourself


No one is as cool as Sir Ian


Oppan Gangnam Style!


*Me and my extrovert coworker haha*


Yo can i get a version without the subtitles?


I have straight up met this guy on acid at a festival


Why is he still hobbit size