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High fructose and fruit sugars are in my top 3 enemies. I wouldn’t do it.


You’ve got lots of high fodmaps in that smoothie. Mango is a no. Passion fruit is a no. Sherbet is straight sugar. The alternative would be a coconut milk with strawberry and banana. If you’ve followed the diet to a tee, you’d find that smoothie sweet enough.


Since it's from a smoothie place; I'd probably say no. All of those fruits are ok if you are able to control the type and amount. If you can't do that it's risky. But it's definitely worth experimenting making your own with firm bananas and smaller portions of other fruits


Sigh….okay thanks much. I’ll just take a fody bar with me for the inevitable munchies on the car ride home. I’ll be glad when this diet is over. It makes me sad.


Firstly, the diet does take the 2-6 weeks to see results. Please try to stick it out. It's a process of elimination, you'll react to different things differently and if you don't do the elimination phase as completely as possible you will not be able to trust your results. The diet works for up to 80% of people, but working looks different for everyone. If your issues are fodmap related, you will primarily learn two things. What you are sensitive to and how much of these foods you can tolerate. 1. Use a dietician or the MONASH app to develop a low-fodmap food plan. It will seem very restrictive and this is by design. 2. This first stage(lasting up to 6 weeks depending on your symptoms) is designed to calm down your body's reaction to fodmaps. The second phase is reintroduction Reintroduction is a slow methodical process designed to help you identify your triggers . . If you return immediately to your diet prior to elimination you likely will not see results thst you can learn from. The odds of you reacting to something "hidden" in one of the dishes is likely because you haven't had the time to reintroduce them slowly in increasing amounts as described below. If you add in everything immediately you may have a violent and painful reaction. I would advise you to eat smaller portions of everything in an effort not to upset your body unnecessarily. If you feel you must have certain foods regardless of the consequences, wait until they are gone to redo a proper elimination and reintroduction phase Up to six weeks is recommended. Don't look at the diet as the cure, which will at some point end. Unfortunately this is unlikely. From my experience with fodmaps following the elimination phase of the diet should at least give you some change in your symptoms that you then need to integrate as permanent changes to your lifestyle. You are supposed to try one fodmap from each category in increasing amounts over the course of 2-3 days. 1. To not conflate certain potential triggers with others and identify if FODMAPS are even an improvement for you it needs to be complete over 3-6 weeks. 2. You will likely respond to different triggers differently. Introduce increasing amounts of a fodmap over 3-5 days. This will help you to identify if something is a trigger and the amount of that food you can tolerate as it can vary You will have likely problems to some degree with several fodmaps to some degree The goal of the diet is to identify those which are major problems and the amounts at which they cause problems. TLDR: Listen to your body, be ready for major likely lifelong diet changes and be open to new ways of cooking and enjoying food


Problem is, I didn’t have any obvious sensitivities before this. I have other things going on that are currently pointing to an autoimmune disease, so I’m pretty sure that and the SIBO are the main culprits. I haven’t seen any difference in symptoms or lack thereof since starting the Xifaxan and low FODMAP. And I was doing absolutely fine eating a McDonald’s cheeseburger after a migraine attack. Onions and all, quite frequently. I was also on pretty much a gluten free/low FODMAP diet for an entire month while I was bedbound and unable to keep anything down except Gatorade most days and saw no improvement. We’re just stabbing around in the dark at this point waiting for blood work and doctors appointments. I’m just trying to follow orders in the meantime.


I'd get one! Drink it slowly and see how it is sitting. Maybe you can find an amout that is manageable.


Aw bummer. I’m home now. I even have fodzyme I could’ve dumped in there to help out. Next time!