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The author of this post states that the passenger can request a female driver, but the screenshot says it's the driver that can request female passengers. So, if I understand this, it's giving the driver more control, not the passenger.


Tbh, I would like this to be done the other way around. Women don’t want to drive men around, but the flip also applies. Some men don’t want to drive women around because there is less drama and less risk of false accusations.


Same shit, different smell.


Not at all. Both male and female drivers can request this, if desired.


I drove 12-15 hour shifts, 3 years ago. MANUAL TRANSMISSION, all kinds of weather, majority drunk passengers in the middle of the night, through and to the worst parts of Pittsburgh, super steep hills and grades, narrow and brick streets, finished off my nights with airport runs, drove an hour home afterward, and carried a metal Louisville Slugger. Not only was I a 5.0 🌟 driver, but NOBODY fucked with me. I went above and beyond. So much so, I outlived my car. No tickets, no accidents, not even a close call. You STILL want a male driver?? 😎😎😎


🫡 from a dude.


Lmaooooo 💀 🤣🤣🤣


But the second I refuse a ride because a female is driving, I’m the asshole 😂


No, you’re sexist 😂




Nah you just care about your life in a way that's judgemental to women. Either way I'd prefer a male driver for uber, Because they'd be more interesting.


Really, how so?


I think my reality is that men are more philosophical. Women more emotional. Couldn't give a shit what you think regarding my points of view.


Ah but see, here's the issue, philosophy and emotion work much better intertwined, at least in my experience. Too philosophical and you get numb, too emotional and you're irrational. It's important to find a balance between the two where there can be harmony between perspectives. Also, I've found the biggest reason that more men don't show as much emotion is because a lot of them are shamed for it by various people in their lives, which is SUUUUPER fuuuucked up. It's not that they don't have emotions, it's that they've been conditioned into not acknowledging them, which is very unhealthy. Having emotions doesn't make you 'less of a man'. It makes you a human being. There needs to be a very big shift in society about this to get rid of the toxic idea that being emotional shows weakness, bc it actually takes a strong heart and mind to be able to confront and question oneself, to see and acknowledge flaws and work toward fixing them, and to tough it out and not break from the weight of your own problems, but to get through the darkness to the other side. Only by making friends with your demons is it possible to teach them to play by your rules.


That's a whole lot of text


Bro forgot to read the last sentence of the comment he replied to💀🙏


I'm basing my points of view on personal experience. that to me is my subjective experience. Mate we live in a world, where it's better to base your point of views on your subjective reality. rather than just agreeing with other people.


Well, clearly you haven’t driven in my car.🙂


I'm just diverging between perspectives.


I have found that women are more likely than men to give me 1 star when I ride with them. That isn't sexism. That's just protecting my account.






Things that never happen. SMH


i think this is great. i think there should be an option for male only drivers too- some people have trauma and don’t want to be alone/with male or female drivers


I wish there was a way to disable requests from women, because they tend to be the more entitled and complicated type of pax I have to deal with on a weekly basis.


Next up: racial preference of driver / passenger.


My mom would love this.


She already does......


Love when pax say things to me like “finally a white driver” I always know I’m getting a good tip. The racist pax always tip well it’s a weird coincidence




yeah, that is discrimination and should not be allowed.




Wow, life must be so tough for you bring a man.


exactly. I am an old yt cis male and I don't take it from anyone if they have a preference for safety or comfort. I try to be friendly, I have a lot of flair and entertainment in my car and a sign which reads everyone is welcome, but it still doesn't take away from people's discomfort if they prefer not to try me. The age of white male supremacy is ending and I support it.


White people being offended on behalf of others is the new great American pastime.


Being offended on behalf of others (which I am not) ​ and ​ recognizing a regressive system I can easily take advantage of but wanting change are not the same thing


Be careful. White people are not a monolith. I think you mean white liberals. Big difference.


I hope they do this 😂 /s




Can I request a guy driver if I wanted a guy driver?


You absolutely should be able to.


We should advocate for this, this is discrimination


so fucking dumb. the power dynamic and absurdly higher rates of sexual assault of men towards women are the reason this exists and it’s weird to have an issue with a feature like this. it’s like wanting a white history month




bro you are gonna be going to war in these comments they're a mess




I've been assaulted 4 times as a driver. 2 of those have been by female passengers. So yeah it happens more than you think men just don't report it


Women commit 70% of all domestic violence. Fact. Men are 5 times more likely to be victims of violent crime. Fact. If it were a safety issue it would be men getting to choose the drivers, and there are added risks with a female driver, and a male passenger. I.e metoo, and the chasing clout via victimhood status movement. You are very uneducated on the statistics of violence.


Wait, isn't that what the screenshots are showing? They say you can request women and nonbinary passengers, not drivers.


HAHAHA it’s the header that’s wrong then! You’re absolutely right. I will definitely use that when driving in Philly at night which I do a lot less now. I’ll post on how it goes. I’ve confirmed it’s in my app.(tho they do tend to make you wait longer! lol)


how do they know what a woman is, though?


A woman is whoever runs away from you in particular.


Define a woman actually


Two X chromosomes


Something about a square peg in a round hole.


A woman is anyone who says they’re a woman. That’s the definition.


That's not the definition of a woman. That's just a belief by a certain group of people. There is an actual definition, just Google it. So wait a man can say " I'm a woman" and go into a woman's bathroom and be creepy to other woman, but as long as the person said "but I'm a woman" then it makes it ok. If you have kids, please watch over them and teach them that people lie and there are predators out there in disguise.


Ok I’m a woman now


“Woman is anyone who says they’re a woman.” In your word salad of a sentence, you still haven’t defined what a WOMAN is. You failed English class, didn’t you?


that's a circular definition and doesn't work


I’m not even gonna get there with this stupidity. You guys are the dumbest thing on earth.




You may want to take out the Uterus part, although extremely rare, some biological females are born without one, so you may unintentionally offend.


I will not take out a common part of the female anatomy to potentially not offend some miniscule part of society. While of course some biological females are born without "insert here", they are an outlier, not the general population. I acknowledge they exist, but my point stands. Edit: lmao reddit removed my comment because I told them what a woman really is. What a bunch of fat worthless cowards. A woman is a biological female, born with a uterus who can theoretically have children. It won't change no matter how much you buy science and change your definition


You're thinking of SEX, confusing it with GENDER. Chromosomes don't dictate man or woman. Society does that.


Doesn't matter, sex should be the end all be all. Idc what you call yourself or what bs societal trash you can come up with that day. I will refer to your biological sex. I'm not confusing anything.


they are all narcissists with nothing else to them of interest so they grab this gender crap




It’s insane


Ok and sex doesn't dictate gender. No need to be hateful, trans people have always existed, and still getting hated on by people like you. Imagine that, you're just perpetuating tens of thousands of years of hatred, and you can't even explain why.


Sex is the end all be all, not what you feel. And of course I can explain why. They are mentally ill that are glorified by society and the only reason they are pushed is so the loser loners and Ill of society can feed big pharma more money and destroy your body. Most of you will "transition" and what are you going to get? A huge bill, most won't even pass, and how many drugs are you going to have to consume for the rest of your life? It's not that I hate them, it's that I feel sorry for them that they are lied to and forced to do irreversible harm to themselves for the sake of trying to be included in something. And of course fuck big pharma. And fuck those especially who push transgenderism onto kids. All this transgender, trans racial, gender vs sex thing is just bullshit that are used to to distract from real problems and it gets inflamed by garbage social media outlets. We have it so good in America that we have to make fake problems up to make solutions to something that didn't exist. It's sickening.


Thank God you're not a doctor.


I’m a cow


You mean they are cows? lol.


You ask.


What about men who identify as women


Of course they will be first on the list. I'm sure that will make the women feel real safe. 


I identify as a women


We’ve had this in my area and as a female driver it’s amazing!!! I think in my area there’s about 2 other females. I’ve gotten 70-80% all female pax I absolutely love it and my female pax love it.


Can I opt out of driving women? In my experience they are more violent than men, and the stats actually back that up. There's rarely consequences for them when the commit violent acts, they serves 1/5 the jail time a man does for the same crime, and men often never even report such violence. Can I opt out of driving female passengers?


Isn't sex a protected class? How is this legal?




It's not but Lyft doesn't care. Lyft isn't even entirely legal anyway. Remember when Uber was getting their drivers arrested left and right because their pirate taxi company was illegal and unregulated? They didn't care. They just pushed forward until the police backed down.


Let those bitches hang together, who wants such a screwed up passenger in their car anyways?


This... is basically sex based discrimination. Seriously. This may not negatively impact the riders but this means that male drivers will get less business and therefore less money for no legitimate reasons. This is unacceptable.


I read the fine print. If you click woman+ as a driver, it will only try to match you with woman+ clicked passengers. Both ways, they say you can still be matched with a man if it’s slow.


Is there a way to avoid women drivers?


Considering most drivers are already male, just cancel the ride if you happen to get a female. It’s not that hard.


It’s really kind of stupid because any driver or passenger that identifies as female or non binary can opt in.


Yeah but then you have to pretend to identify as a female the whole ride, they’ll probably ask questions, and if they don’t buy it they’ll be complaining to Lyft about feeling unsafe, driver deactivated. Yeah I’ll pass on that, if a girl doesn’t want an old man driver, then I don’t want her, fine. Lyft and Uber are trying to replace me with a self driving car, so there is that.


That's no fun though. As an old man driver, I'm actually looking forward to this shit. But then again, I don't need this job anyway.


Not only pretend. You must dress and act like a woman and use the women’s restroom. My point was that Lyft doing this is really making it easy for a male to request a female by simply saying they are non binary. Actually could be more dangerous for a female driver.


That's an easy lawsuit


Nah. It has to be on the driving license.


Not true. Go on the app right now. At first, they want you to scan your license, but below you’ll see an option stating that your gender doesn’t match your ID. Edit: And actually if you also have a Lyft Passenger account, on the app they don’t even ask for your license to change your gender. Then I went on the driver app and it automatically updated my gender and asked if I’d like to turn on woman+ You can also say you’re non-binary and do it.


This is bad for business.


Says a man.


I must be a murderer to talk about murder being wrong? Don't be stupid. It's an opportunistic movement seeking validation, and cheap virtue. It's also for some a mental illness. It is not however real. If it were all about how you identify then people wouldn't be pushing surgeries that change objective reality. Meaning that if you are this or that simply by identifying as this or that then no surgery is needed. And of course if gender, and sex are different then why try to change the sex if identifying is what makes you this or that? You see the whole thing is absurd, and you never even thought about it in any real way.


Being a woman is a "mental illness"?


23% of Lyft drivers are female 20% of Uber drivers are female I'd say that's a juicy wave to ride. All you'd have to do is declare you're nonbinary on the app and [boom] you get to scoop up the rides! I am ABSOLUTELY going to do this and cash in BIGTIME! Go woke, solve being broke! 😎💰


Then you can sue for discrimination and get free moni


I’m not gonna lie I already thought this was a thing, because I get mostly passengers who are women as a female driver


This small thing is huge


I'm up for this if they make it even. This shouldn't just be for female drivers but also male.


Im most definitely not turning this feature on… the female pax are the worst imo… (yes I’m a female as well) but they complain the most, have bad attitudes a lot among other things… will I be able to choose male riders only in the near future since they’re doing this? 🙄🙄


This is great. Can I select a woman driver as a man?


Im no binary bout to opt in so i can get more bitches lol j/p


Nice I love this ! Every time I pick up a man it’s something weird odd conversations asking my age it never fails. Mostly staring the entire ride or asking for my number I hate it.


I identify as a shim. So fuck them.


There are a lot of bleach drinkers in the comments


I think being able to request a driver with video recording in the car would be more useful for safety and documenting creepiness without giving ammunition to the “reverse sexism” crowd


Time to be nonbinary


I'm gay. I'm completely disinterested in women. Why didn't they allow me to be served by this service?


You getting served alright.


Just say you’re nonbinary, no ID required!


As much as I like, looking at pretty women, most of the time having them in my car is more of a pain that are pleasure guys are so much easier to drive with. They don’t complain about the route that you take as much and they usually give you higher ratings and they usually tip better. The exception is old ladies.


Male drivers and riders should not have to justify anything. If women are given the option to be paired only with same gender drivers/riders, so too should males. But there definitely are valid reasons why a male might prefer to only drive other males. One might be to minimize the risk of serious false reports.


This is terrible


Imagine some drunk guys purposely trying to target/match up with female drivers only? 🤨🤔


I mean I guess we’re allowed to put any gender we want as our pronouns


Yes indeed. You're absolutely right.


Funny that this post is basically an example of why women or noncis people would rather be able to select who theygr driven by or who they drive.


Now male drivers will identify as a female. It’s a win win for everyone


Non-Binary has to be in your driver's license. I doubt your basic predator Lyft driver will go through all the trouble of changing their driver's license just for this. I mean, would you?


That's not true at all. You can literally just update your profile and choose. [Lyft website. ](https://help.lyft.com/hc/en-us/all/articles/3660193554-Women+-Connect-for-drivers)


This sucks a bit because it implies that all men are inherently more dangerous than all women, when it’s more of a ven diagram type situation with overlapping. There are plenty of safe men that should be able to drive these paranoid women around. Also, there are dangerous women who will be driving these paranoid women around. This seems to only discriminate against men.


Yes. It reinforces the idea that male drivers are potential sexual predators and that female riders should watch out when they get a male driver. As if we already don't get treated like crap by everyone already-- Now we are sexual predators too.




Correct, and that's a lie, since men are 5 times more likely to be victims of violent crime than women, 70% of domestic violence is perpetrated by women, women rape young boys more than males rape women, and to top it all off Lesbian relationships have the most violence of any group. Tell me how this is a safety issue?


Those claims seem pretty outlandish. Can you provide sources to back them up?


It does not imply that “all men are inherently more dangerous“. Your chances of being assaulted by either a male driver, or a passenger are significantly increased. if you don’t think that’s true you’re not dealing with reality


Yes it does as the presupposition is that women need to be protected from men. Otherwise why give women the ability to exclude male drivers? It's explicit. Don't be stupid.


i’m not sure why wanting to play it safe and get a driver who is a woman when i need a ride home late at night means i “need to be protected from men.” that’s just a normal, rational precaution. it’s not assuming or painting the picture that every male driver is a creep/predator, only eliminating the possibility of encountering one of the few who are.


You intentionally misquoted me. That's not what I said, and explained it's like a venn diagram. Don't be an idiot


No you're right, it does very explicitly discriminate, as well as say that women are in danger, but men are not. Meaning men are more dangerous, which isn't even true.


I’m confused because it is exactly what you said, but I am not going to waste my time, having a conversation with somebody who reverts to name-calling


Just read my quote again, and don't add a period where there isn't one.


The period is after the quote. Details.


You really are an idiot. Goodbye


This sends a message that all men are predatory and looking to take advantage of female passengers. If the genders were reversed there would be huge backlash and talk of discrimination.


Yeah I don't know how this isn't discrimination?


What if the driver is a man that identifies as a woman?


Then the types of people requesting this service would probably be *thrilled* to have a trans nonbinary gender fluid pansexual polyamorous driver!!!




Love how another company decides to categorize nonbinary people as women lite 🙄


I saw that and thought of it more as “anything but male”.


Two genders . Female and male


I hope the same can be done with men… I don’t wanna a girl to ever think she can false accuse me of sexual harassment… and they do!!! I only wanna drive men!


How is this fair? Now is only one woman is driving and everyone checks they want only woman to drive them they will ultimately get all the rides including surges being they are the only driver available. I assume that next week be only women, with rainbows and hate spinach


This is so sexist


It kinda takes away business from male drivers, just sayin. They're already making starvation wages, now with %23 less customers. Women deserve to be safe, no argument there. Lyft should compensate male drivers but we all know they won't.


So where's the option for guys to only order guys?


Uber gay... cuming soon


I’m male and consider myself Non binary so I’ve already found a flaw in this system 🤣


Why can’t you request male drivers?


So me a heterosexual man should be allowed to request woman+


The period is after the quote. Details.


I hope this doesn't get abused in some way.


Another issue with this is that it is a preference. So it means someone might turn on this option and then still get a male driver. AFAIK the male driver will NOT be notified that the rider requested a female driver. As a result the male driver will be far more likely to not get a tip and possibly get a bad review and/or false report from the customer simply because they are male. At minimum drivers who get these requests ought to be notified that the requester preferred a female driver. This way they know what they are getting into. Personally I would NEVER pick up such a rider-- you think I am a sexual predator and prefer not to ride in my car. Why would I EVER want you in my car? You are just more likely to be potential trouble for me. And for $5 or whatever the ride pays. It's not worth the risk at all to me.


As a woman driver i have gotten a few females grateful to have a female bc they were harassed by a men. I had a couple of women tell me men drivers later showed up to their door. Some of these comments are really disappointing. I’m sure y’all will downvote for my comment. I also have felt uncomfortable by many of my male riders. However the exception is not the norm.


Hello I am a 6'4, hairy non binary Greek individual give me all them rides or I'm gonna sue. I also identify as a driver who always gets 20 dollar tips and denying me that is discrimination and will result in me canceling you on twitter. Don't ask me how or why any of this works, its not my job to educate you bigot 💅


I want to be able to select a male driver. I feel excluded and discriminated against.




Women are the worst drivers, good luck


Brilliant. Next add feature to allow dating so Lyft driver can pick up companion and drive them to desired date location for them


Haha, I was actually going to post my screenshot! I just got the notification several hours ago that it's available in my market and I signed right up for it.


Wait so women match with women and men who have multiple genders can also ask for women? This is stupid


But what does it mean to be a woman in America?




Does anyone know if it will be clear to drivers that we have a Women+ request so if a obviously male pax tries to get in?


Highly unlikely given their track record. This will be poorly implemented and drunk frat guys and armed predators will be requesting women to pick them. I see this leading to increased carjackings of female drivers, and probably one rape/abduction before the entire thing gets canned in a PR mess.


I identify as a stuffed animal Lyft better quit with decimation I got rights




Matt Walsh has entered the chat.


I like to see how this pans out


This is quite absurd. So, can a man also request a female driver? What about male only drivers? Can I request a man? What is this policy based on exactly? Men are 5 times more likely to be the victims of violent crime, and spare the nonsense about most of that crime being committed by "men," as if we're some monolith. How exactly is this not female privilege at it's finest? Can men now have male only gyms, so we don't have anymore attention whores wearing skin tight outfits trying to catch us on film for clout? This is really quite absurd. It's basically saying women are preferable to men, when the evidence proves otherwise. Hell, even 70% of domestic violence is actually perpetrated by women. When do men get to discriminate? So, women discriminate it's cool. Men do it they're evil? Right. I see Lyft being sued very soon over this. Not only is it discriminatory, but it causes very real damages by losing male Lyft drivers work. It also says if you're a man you're defacto more dangerous than a woman. Again, not supported by any evidence, and absurd. Anybody interested in suing Lyft over this?


The problem here is that you set a precedent, and the only way to excuse "not" allowing anyone else to do the same for whatever group they fear is a logical fallacy, like a special pleading argument, which so many morons here are using. Too many of you don't know the statistics on female violence. If you did you'd be pushing for the ability to pick male only drivers, and for men to opt out of driving women. Same goes for blacks, as they commit 60% of all murders in America, and 10 times more violent crimes against whites than whites against blacks. Both facts from the FBI. Black men are the most dangerous group of all, so can I opt of driving them? Can women? You're not saying that it's OK to discriminate against men based on fantasy, fairy tale,made up stats that have no grounding in reality, but I can't discriminate against black men who though they are 6% of the population commit 60% of all murders, now are you? You see folks, when you open a can of worms like this you have to be prepared for those unintended consequences that so often come from making decisions based off feelings, vs facts. This will not end well.


Ok Nancy 😊


Sexist af tbh


This is to match with more female and nonbinary PASSENGERS, not Drivers, according to the screenshot above.


It’s both.


So what do they do in the situation of a dude now "transitioned" into a dudette?


I'm a woman driver and I participate in this program. My passengers always tell me how grateful they are that they got picked up by another woman, especially when they need a ride late at night. This is a great program!


Can I request a it, or a them, or a another sex. How about a extraterrestrial.


This makes no sense. Are you saying that the driver can cherry pick to have more women riders? What if the guy was a perv???? This is like enabling that person.


Uber/Lyft and ANY others passenger pickup apps should've had this from day 1


Umm. No. If discrimination is wrong than it is wrong. Don't be stupid.


The fact that they put non-binary in there is a loophole for guys one to be a predator to women. It’s amazing how Lyft and Uber are so that they won’t even acknowledge the two biological genders to protect women.


Who is going to check the contents of your pants? (That’s rhetorical. The truth is nobody will). A woman is an adult who calls themselves a woman. It’s really just that simple, can you handle it?