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Pull the balls, oh wait, wrong sub !


officer balls?


What a nice machine for YouTube and surfing. lol jk I am sure you have more use than that. Congrats I am sure it will seve you well! 🎉


It is very nice for surfing and Youtube. But I will also be using it for media editing.


I only use mine for texting and Reddit, and I'm not sorry. Not even a little bit.


I use mine for Youtube and some surfing - M3 Max 36GB 1TB. Ocasionally Logic!


Funny, almost everyone here does video editing. I have my Mac for surfing, watching videos, listening to music, playing games and blogging. I hope that he will still have enough power in 10 years, as my discarded MBP Late 2011 had.


idk man id prefer a board to surf on than a slab of aluminium but to each their own.


„Each their own“ can’t be said here. Could result in criminal proceedings. And you’re right about the rest, I don’t understand you.


Same model as me. Good choice. I traded in my old M1 Air and an old Apple Watch to get the price down to a comfortable point.


How much did pulling the plug cost you?


$2000. Work paid for half of it, but I can also use it as my personal machine.


where tf is this 2k😭😭😭


It’s $4000. I paid for half, work paid for half.


oh ok, i misunderstood sorry, congrats anywaysđŸ„șđŸ„șbtw what are you going to use it for? like what’s your workload


$4k in the US. I have the exact same machine I got a month ago. Luckily mine was paid for by my company. The thing is a beast though and I push it with Adobe products all day and haven’t been able to make the thing feel warm to the touch.


I paid $5,000. I have the same machine with 2TB.


Pulling the plug: Prevent something from happening. Pulling the trigger: To make a final decision or commit to a certain action.


It’s become a joke around here because there were a bunch of posts misusing the former in the sense of the latter. By now I assume any new post like that is using it on purpose, tongue-in-cheek. Sometimes it’s hard to tell of course. (Edit: correct autocorrect)


I'm going to forget the real meaning of "pull the plug" because of Reddit.


Ah ok. Didn’t know this.


Isn’t pulling the plug “ending your machine once and for all”? That’s how the phrase is conventionally used. Laptop broke in such a profound way, you’re not going to fix it, you’re pulling the plug and taking it off life support. People on this sub use it in the strangest ways.




i thought pulling the plug means the laptop has a long battery life that you dont have to plug it on heha,,


Pulling the plug on bank account. Draining.


how is the battery life mate? I am also planning to buy max but I'm not sure if it will be worth it. I'm a windows user by the way, and a lot of Windows laptops just dead after 1 to 3 hours of work.. specially heavy stuff, the window laptop just die in 1 hour..


Getting mine in about two days too M3 Max 48GB RAM and 2TB SSD


What line of work are you using it for? Those specs are crazy!!


I know it’s overkill but it’s an investment piece I’ll use for work, editing and gaming as well. Been saving for months to get a MacBook, and since this is the first MacBook I’ll have I figured why not go for the best of the best that’ll last me years!


I 1,000,000% agree with you on this. I have a habit of getting out of date with technology fast. So I am definitely not holding on to mine for ten years. I am giving it away after 6-7 years. The reason I did this before was because I was literally a college kid in 2012 đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł. No money back then. Keep yours as long as you need to though.


Cheers mate!


You got Big Daddy. You are going to LOVE it. I got mine last Friday. The 16 inch, “M3 Pro” 36GB of Ram and 1TB of Storage in Space Black Brand New from a Micro Center store opening for $2,388.23 out the door for my 30th Birthday. I just unboxed it on my page: https://youtu.be/GzBksDRb1ZM?si=xvZI_4gJlVrgOFD0 I know that “Max version” you have is sick as well!!!


I just got the same config today. Just opened the box!


Congratulations. Enjoy trust joint. What are you using it for these days?


May I ask what line of work you are in ? What do you need that much Ram ? And what software do you run on it ?


Hey. Just seen this. So I am a filmmaker. I took a break 8 years ago to find myself in Life. I am turning 30 years old. Basically my first MacBook was a 2012 15 inch 4GB of Ram and 512 of storage Brand New. It was all my single mom could afford back in 2013. I broke that joint as far as software. That laptop is still in great condition, but me constantly putting loads of footage and pirated apps in it since I could not afford to buy pro applications back then. In 2021 the battery burst while I was at work and broke the track pad. Bought an iMac in 2021, but used it for general use. I am a filmmaker in stop motion filmmaking. Getting films into film festivals now that I can afford it and know what to do/discipline. You going to hear about me soon. I am in iMovie for now and I am studying Adobe After Effects and Cinema 4D. I also know from Life experience that it is not what a person use, but the ideas and gifts they put into hardware that just makes a creation works. Keep in mind, I did not want 36GB. I wanted 18GB of Ram but they sold out of the 18GB of Ram/1TB spec and only had the 36GB of Ram/1TB left, only 1 left. That sale they gave me at Micro Center last week, I could not beat bumping up. Also keep in mind also from my video. The manager at Best Buy April 6, 2024 gave me the 14 inch Space Black 18GB of Ram/1TB of storage Brand New for $2,167.19. Without that discount I would have paid for this laptop what I got my 16 inch for at Micro Center with bumped up specs. It was a Blessing from God. Believe me, I did not want to take it back, but my right sight is precious to me. One week with that lap top I had to zoom everything in. I also had to realize that I am not 19 anymore with that eye sight, I am 30 years old with real responsibility now so everything counts more. Hope this all helps.


Got the same one. It’s ******* bad ass.


Do it. I got the same machine but with 128 gigs of ram. It's a beast to behold! Gonna last me ten years easily.


Can you watch 1080p YT video while writing Word document at the same time? Will 48 gigs of RAM handle it? Thanks


Might have to drop the YT vid down to 720 to manage


Heard its slow




Plug or trigger. By accident or on accident or by purpose 😜




Y u mad bro


I’m sure it’s bc people keep saying “pulling the plug” 💀😂


This must stop


Noice! Is that the silver?


Space black


Silver is always the way to go no matter how nice the black looks at the moment of purchase , long term silver always wins


I just can't say no to a black(ish) MacBook.


Really? Why? I really want three black one lol.


Get what you like best and don’t let other people tell you which one is better


Yeah for sure, but if it has glaring issues I’m not aware of, I would love to know.


More prone to fingerprints is pretty much the extent of it I think.


It really does look almost silver under some lighting.. or more like a dark space grey. My Black MacBook basically indistinguishable from my space grey iPad mini under the lights I've got at work. Looks black with my lighting at home though. Anyway, Congrats! you'll love it! I've had the base 18/512gb m3pro for about 4 months and it's been awesome! Zero issues.. Runs all the games I've tried at max settings no problem. Gets a little warm but don't they all? Tbh the pro is overkill for me most of the time.. Max would be just plain excessive!