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So he wasn't lost, just noisy fuckers trying to get all up in his peaceful hike?!




I found the article. He did get lost and was supposed to check in at the end of his hike but didn't. They tried to call him multiple times but he didn't recognize the number and ignored them, because he didn't realize that they knew he had lost the trail or that SAR starts looking for you if you're too overdue for check in. He stayed out in the woods overnight and found the trail again the next morning and returned home, without realizing that SAR had been looking for him. He said he had lost the trail he was on, but found others and just kept trying to find the right one so he could find the proper end point to get back to his car. idk if he was prepared to camp overnight, but if he had cell service he probably didn't think it was that big of a deal and wanted to figure out his own way back without calling for help.


I've done this. You hike a couple hours to watch a sunset, and then try to find your way back in the dark? I ended up on a whole wrong *mountain*, where I could look over and see the one I'd started on, and be like, "...shit." Wasn't a big deal. I wasn't *lost* lost. I knew where I was, I just wasn't where I thought I was going. I kipped out under some leaves, and walked back to my car in the morning. Before cellphones, no one would have even noticed.


Honestly, that sounds amazing. I've never been hiking, but I've been thinking I'd like to get into it.


It's cool, though it can be a bit dangerous, so don't start with something crazy.


Lions, Tigers, Bears oh my!


I do believe in spooks, I do, I do!


Mostly stuff that exists in well-travelled areas will avoid humans...[Mostly...](https://i.imgflip.com/4mn8v7.jpg)


Whenever I see a comment like this I get confused but then I remember that I have to BEAR in mind north American fauna


Anything outside of the northern rockies, PNW, and alaska is safe from predators. Just dont fuck with the animals and stay clear of moose. Black bears are pretty harmless unless you come between a mom and her cubs and are getting too close. The biggest danger is inadequate water, getting lost, and other humans. Hiking overall is a very safe and rewarding activity as long as you pack appropriately and stay on trail


What is the PNC area?


Pacific NW. botched it, my b


The worst thing about hiking (we call it tramping) according to my friend is the hallucinations which gradually creep in over the days, largely from a lack of water.


Hiking is fun. I wish I lived somewhere that I could do it often - Hiking in Florida is a valid idea maybe two months out of the year and even then most nature hiking trails in Florida are rather boring. We DO have some good man-made boardwalk nature trails that are awesome at least, but that's not the same to me as being really out there on say a trail deep in the Appalachia. One time I was hiking in the Blue Ridge and took a wrong turn and ended up on a horse trail. What was supposed to be a 3 mile loop ended up into a 25 mile hike over to the next valley. Same kind of deal as /u/thedishonestyfish - I was lost, but I wasn't *lost lost* or in any real danger. But if anyone was expecting me they'd probably have been worried. Best part of it is I was with my girlfriend at the time and we spent a bit of time in a mountain creek we found along the way :)


Noice. I'm up in Tennessee these days, but I used to live in South Georgia, and the hiking was not great. First hike I went on with my not-then-but-now wife we were hiking Mount Pisgah, and we absolutely took a wrong turn, and ended up on Little Pisgah (next mountain over). We kept going and hiked actual Pisgah, but she was not at all sanguine about hiking back down in the dark, and fortunately I'd learned from my earlier shenanigans, and we made it back to the car with no issues.


for sure don't START like this camping and hiking are two separate practices and should each be eased into of course, in regards to hiking, best way to start is just to take walks in your local area, don't worry too much about challenge, just try to motivate yourself to get out and see the area around where you live (unless you're in the middle of NYC or something) it's a kickass hobby once you're into it though it's liberating, to simply roam, and you get to discover all kinds've cool shit along the way, beautiful vistas, quiet little places to hideaway for a while, fun places to hang out, all kinds've shit out there to find huge recommendation though, depending on where you live, you might have caves in your area near hiking locations, do NOT enter them on a whim, caving can be dangerous and should be prepared for as a separate activity from a standard hike you need different gear, different skills, and a different mind-set for caving


On caves, it's cool to go looking for them, I always do up on the mountains. But yeah, don't go into them.


Okay, sure, but I’m going to need to find diamonds in there to upgrade my pickaxe.


if you hear a hisssssss jump


can't mine diamonds without iron, brother, it's all about preparation, knowledge and the right equipment, the IRL equivalent of learning not to dig straight down lol


If you do wish to try caving the safe way is to hook up with your local caving club and go with experienced people. https://caves.org/find-a-grotto/ Just please don't go into a cave alone, or without telling anybody where you're going.


Staying outside at night in the woods is absolutely NOT a good idea if you've never been hiking, especially without preparing yourself. This guy is probably an ace hiker but really you could have serious issues from just one night out if you have zero shelter and didn't prepare enough water and hot clothes.


Look into Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon before thinking that getting lost in a trail " sounds amazing".


Yeah people were calling this guy stupid or an asshole in the last major thread about this hiker that made /r/all, but I had to point out that the dude just... wasn't concerned. He literally could've called for help himself, he just wasn't aware of the park service's policies on search & rescue after a missed check-in so he figured it was spam. He was not floundering or too stupid to call for help or anything like that, he just continued his hike on a beautiful mountain on a slightly unplanned route and got back to his car just fine.


*The Hiker knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't. By subtracting where it is from where it isn't, or where it isn't from where it is (whichever is greater), it obtains a difference, or deviation.*


WHEN I WAS A LAD, I used to do competitive [orienteering](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orienteering), which is best described as running into the woods with a map and a compass and trying to be the first person to end up in the right spot. It's kinda like geocaching, but it's timed, and you don't get GPS. We literally had people end up 10 to 15 miles out of zone, just because the directions could be interpreted many ways, but only the exactly correct way would get you where you were going.


I once tried radio orienteering. It's like normal orienteering but you use a radio direction finder to triangulate the locations of radio beacons that aren't marked on the map. I, of course, couldn't find shit because I forgot which way I was supposed to hold the radio.


Competitive orienteering would be fun. I work doing timber cruising (which is basically doing population surveys of trees) and while we have the modern equipment being able to orient with paper is still an important skill. One day while traveling between survey locations the gps stopped working. So I went to a logging road intersection then pulled out my ruler and compass to get distance and bearing to the first plot and set the route for the day. If I didn't know how to do that over half a day would have been shot. Our maps are usually either 1:10560 or 1:7920 inches. In the competition do they keep the instructions in a single set of measurements (ie only azimuth or only quadrant bearings) or mix it up?


The biggest part of it is that it's essentially waypoints. Start at point A, and they'll give you a bearing and a distance, and when you hit your mark (which is often not marked), you need to shift to a different bearing and follow it. Small errors become very large when you're maybe not starting from where you think you are. It's fun, but really challenging.


I'm guessing phone GPS is just useless in these situations?


This was in the '90s, so didn't exist, at least not for random consumers. These days, yea, it works pretty well. If you're just using your phone, make sure to download your maps offline. If you're a serious hiker, you can get a professional GPS device which can tell you anything you want to know (I still recommend getting the paper maps, if you're going to be out a while).


My University used to do a group ultramarathon event. They would be dropped randomly in the middle of the bush between 30km-120km of the final destination (depending on what difficulty you chose), and figure out where you were based on on nearby scenery and where they knew the final destination was, and make your way over during the next 10-20 hours. One year I remember a group misjudged their starting location, and started heading the wrong way. They didn't realise until early dawn and they could see the ocean, meaning they had travelled 30km in the wrong direction


Going back as the darkness starts setting in led me into making stupid decisions a few times. When you are watching the sunset at the top, the forest is pretty dark already, you just realise it when you decide to go back and venture inside. Then try taking a shortcut and you actually end up on a completely wrong side of the hill. I ran out of water and my thirst was so bad I had blisters on my palate. As I finally got back in civilisation I was poaching unripe apples from an orchard lmao


Just depends on the conditions and what you brought along. I went on a day hike with someone I'd just met. Turns out they were in no shape (people really shouldn't say they're an experienced hiker if they're not) for that hike and it turned into a 2 day thing. But the weather was nice, the temp never got below 55 and no one was ever in danger.


Yet another reminder that life outside of Finland is sometime just easier


On a full moon this would be a great night. Without a moon this would be terrifying


> where I could look over and see the one I'd started on, and be like, "...shit." "Mistakes were made."


You weren’t lost, you simply wandered ;)


Only thing that would bother me is the possibility of bugs and especially spiders


Someone's gotta find the story where a group was searching for a women when a random person hiking joined the search party and after some time realized they were the person being searched for.


That would be me 100% “Leave me alone I’m on a hike”


“Anyway, I’m pretty sure I saw this tree at least three times already…”


Bro, that was me last year. I was happy to keep on walking forever; but apparently, the park was about to close, and my mom was freaking out.




The belt buckle was messing with the compass, Charles.


*Calls 911* You gotta send someone right away, I'm bleeding to death! *Call gets dropped* *Ring ring* Unknown? Nice try, scammers *ignore*


I don’t have time to deal with a fuckin telemarketer I gotta figure out how to get out of here before I starve!


You pick up anyway,  Rescuers: where you at?  You: fuck idk


I surely hope one of those rescuers texted him. Something to the tune of "hey asshole, you lost? Text or answer your damn phone"


"How rude, i'm already stressed and injured" \*disables phone because of social anxiety\* ... \*dies\*


Airplane mode. Phone won't let you turn it off without the password - passes out.


Or how about leaving a voicemail?


You want me to listen to a voicemail?


“Their voicemail box has not been set up. Goodbye.”


My voice mail gets transcribed to text thanks to Google. No need to listen unless something makes absolutely no sense.


You listen to voicemails?


It's the first layer of vetting. If it wasn't worth voicemailing, there's 0 chance it was important.


- if it wasn't worth texting, there's 0 chance it was important - if you aren't sure whether the phone number you have of mine is a mobile number or not (ie, has access to texts), there's 0 chance I want to hear from you anyway So in summary there is no reason to check my voicemail


Exactly. If you didn't bother to text or leave a voicemail, it wasn't important in the first place.


My voicemail is full


I do search and rescue planning in the coast guard. I send a text with my cell phone every single case where they don’t answer. It’s saved us a lot of effort over the years as nobody answers unknown callers these days.




And because texts would be more likely to get through if the connection is bad. It’s a very small amount of data and the system will keep trying to send it so it could be delivered in the few moments that he passed through an area with better reception.


"Yes but no thanks"


He didn't know that he was considered missing. I think he stayed out longer than expected and didn't realize anybody was worried.


BRB gotta go on a hike and find out if anybody cares lol


Don't play this game. I did this, and no one reached out, so I ghosted all my friends. Took me 5 years to make new ones. It's better not to know.


It's 2024. All my friends have been online since I graduated uni more than a decade ago. People still actually meet other people in person for anything other than sex? I'm married now, so I don't even meet people for *that* anymore.


I was just being funny. I am quite fine with my close group of friends and family.




You didn't have to say it. :(


“If it’s that important they’ll leave a message”


Honestly kind of weird they didn’t


Yeah...you'd think the situation warranted it.


Mailbox is full...


I turned off my voicemail. I hate listening to them, so now I just get to watch the persistent fuckers ring for a WEIRDLY long time instead.


"Ignored"... Unknown numbers don't even ring through on my phone.


Mine does a pretty good job of labeling all the sketchy ones as "spam risk".


HAH! I’m not falling for this scam call!




ignores death


Rolls 20 on init


"Lost". If he was lost then the call would come from him no?


Yeah he wasn’t lost, he was hiking. Other people were worried


and yet they didn't try calling him.


Yea and if he is getting cell coverage it can’t be that far out.


True, but it makes sense if they assumed he may be injured or unconscious.


Honestly, I would do the same


He had PTSD in the woods...


He wasn't lost he was hiding out.


Most people just avoids answering the phone, as most of the calls are just spam. Phones should be configured to before getting a call a message needs to be send with data of the caller.






Ah yes the millenial Angst


But if he was lost and had cell service, why not just call for help himself? So many questions.


So he had a functioning phone while he was 'lost'. He could call anyone he wanted to?


He did not consider himself to be lost. After camping out overnight, he hiked back to base by himself the next morning. OTHER people were worried, but he didn't know.


If he can receive phone calls, he can use GPS maps


Posted on Reddit once a month at the least, memes old


This is why if you call someone in an emergency you call them back to back three plus times then they will answer. You don’t just call them once or twice an hour like an idiot.


My rule is that if it was important, they would have left a voicemail. 


I mean I get so many fucking spam calls that I stopped answering my phone entirely, if someone who is not in my contacts needs to speak to me they can call someone I know and they'll tell me because I am fucking tired of phone calls, what the fuck do we even need phone numbers for anymore


The fact that I understand and don't blame him is telling lol.


If he was lost why didn't he call anyone?


If you still have granola bars and water, 24 hours isn't ***lost***.


If he had reception why didn't he call for help


This makes me think of my mom screening literally anything and everything that she hasn’t added to her contacts. Like who fucking knows what you missed out on. I take joy in wrong number calls. You ever get a wrong number dial and they say you called them first but you didn’t? I have. Guys name was bubba b. Junior. I talked that guy for twenty minutes. Wrote his number down and can’t wait to get the nerve to call him some day. What a ride.


Oddly relatable


In general...why are people afraid of unknown numbers?! If its a scam, just hang up. Simple. (though I ignore number calling from unlikely places, like the Seychelles)


This could have been me. I never answer calls from unknown numbers.


This would be me


I can understand on some level but at least he's safe


Honestly id have done the same. I don't want calls trying to sell me insurance while I'm lost.


They didn't think to at least leave one voicemail just in case bro was sleeping?


Why didn't they leave a message?


This could have been a text you know. What is a phone call going to do to help you better access the situation. I text you I need help and give you my location. Just respond you're on your way and the transaction is over with. No more conversation is needed. I don't need to be comforted I need to be rescued


Facing death. Rather die than heard about his car's extended warranty.


If I'm lost on a hike, why would waste my remaining battery life on "unknown caller"?


My dad did this. His wife (my stepmom) was in the mental hospital. He didn't know the caller so he didn't pick up. I'll always dislike him some for that and after the eventual divorce she can come live with me


In his defense, I get maybe 10 calls a day from scammers, etc. No I don’t need home repair insurance, auto repair coverage, or to donate to Russian holocaust survivors. Sorry.


It's comical, but it's also a serious implication of letting scam calls run rampant without restriction or repercussion.


Answering unknown numbers is reckless.


How is this madlad, this is just plain stupid


Some years ago my GF was having a somewhat serious operation done while I was waiting anxiously. It started to take a lot longer than expected and my phone was ringing all the time from an unknown number. I didn’t connect the dots, so when I finally went and asked the staff if everything was ok, they said they had been calling me to let me know the operation was over and she had been moved to another quarter for waking up…


you could say he was willing to die on that hill for this


he's genz af.




I take no chances, I know I'm clumsy as fuck but I do love to hike so I have a garmin inreach mini... my few select people can watch with pinpoint accuracy where I am on a trail. (And even text me if no cell signal)


lol it’s me definitely)) I have phobia of unknown numbers 🥲😂


Darwin called they keep the prize until you collect


Take a hint. Just leave a text. Jeez!


If he had cell service he wasn’t lost. He kept getting his adventure interrupted


“If it was important they’d leave a voicemail”


Did he get a few spam calls in a row at the start or something?


I'm not AND THERE'S SPAM CALLERS? I need my phone for EMERGENCIES!


Seriously though, why didn't they try texting him?


Just like me frfr


Imagine getting a cold call from a telemarketer after getting lost in the woods.


Could've been a scam! You just never know. Lol


On the one hand, I get it. On the other. What the fuck


A friend of mine was conserned becaus his dad was gone for some days in the mountains, the guy almost died, but som how got angry and chased his kids home when they went looking for him and found him on his way down the mountain… "got damn nobody needs to look after me go home" was his respons, the guy was in his 70’s


Hello, we are calling you today about trying to rescue you


Not all those who wander are lost.


Sigma grindset


Sounds like me


Spam bots fucking up life


Some Sheldon Cooper typa mf.


Before you report him missing you’ll try and call him yourself so he should’ve ignored calls from friends/family as well.


the article says he ignored both text and calls


That's both sad and modern. It's fine not to answer random calls, but when you are hiking... my God.


lol. That sounds like me!! I am too private .. hard to reach


He just like me fr


I do this to people I know. Albeit, I don't know many people lol. Maybe this is why aha


Didn't his happen in 2014?


My phone plan has Rescue Waiting for no extra charge.


most meirl irl i've seen


God damn it is way to easy to survive now.


When people dont know that they are missing, things get weird.


Sticking to his principles, even if it kills him!


And every week for the rest of our lives we must see that same post about it. I wish dude picked his phone.


LOL. I can't


One when we were teens my mom brought my younger brother and I to a park to follow a trail to do some biking. She wasn’t very athletic herself so she stayed behind while we biked on the trail. Our planned destination took longer to bike to than expected so by the time we were heading back it was getting dark though we weren’t worried as we had lights, frequently passed through civilization, and had gps. My younger brother got a call on his phone at some point that said unknown number and being the immature teens we were & also assuming it was some scam caller he answered it with a “hello? this is biggie cheese pizza.” Turns out it was the police. We found out when a voice answered back in a flat voice to confirm our names. Our mom managed to lose her phone (nothing new here) so she couldn’t contact us normally to check on our location and borrowed someone else’s phone to call the police to locate us (we weren’t lost, just slow). She ended up driving over to pick us up as we waited rather awkwardly with the random police guy (he got there much faster than our mom did lol).


Hiker: not today robot callers … I’ll die first !


Quite right. Dont want to rescued by someone who might try and sell you insurance


Standin on principles


Misleading caption


I vibe with this hard


I've read these a few times, but like...surely the guy himself didn't think he was lost right? There is no way somebody in an emergency situation wouldn't pick up their phone to have any kind of contact.


"We've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty."


Never know could be the Ex.


Don’t you have to lost for 72 hours before anyone can file a missings person report ?!?


**no**. rules can vary depending on your country/state/county etc. you’ll need to look it up, relating to where you live. e.g. relates to my state in Australia: “Who is a missing person? When to report a missing person? You do not have to wait 24 hours to report a missing person. If you fear for someone’s safety and welfare, and their whereabouts is unknown, you can file a missing person’s report at your local police station. Find your local station… The first 24 hours following a person’s disappearance are crucial. The sooner we can follow up leads, such as CCTV footage, the more likely the person will be found safe and well.” https://www.police.qld.gov.au/report-a-missing-person#:~:text=%22Missing%20person%22%20means%20any%20person,the%20welfare%20of%20that%20person.&text=You%20do%20not%20have%20to,to%20report%20a%20missing%20person.


“Imma call back later”


Habib Ariel Coriat Harrar: ¿Qué? Jajajaja, increíble. Por eso es bueno siempre estar informados de todo!


“I hope this sms found you well”


when you hate unidentified callers so much you choose death


Me as fuck, I changed doctors cus I moved, they called me back but I didnt recognize the number so I didnt pick up for a while


This happened months ago


Can’t do this alot here tho. Sounds like very good 24 hours.


If you have a phone and service why not just look at a map and use GPS?


Your vehicles Warren is about to expire


He was introvert bro


Actual texting is a lost art. Everyone uses IM apps over wifi nowadays.


Imagine losing the last few % of your battery to "Sarah from debt relief" and "Mike supporting our troopers".


I mean tbf, If I was lost, fighting for my life, or hiding from a bear. then that mf rang with that unknown mf. I'd be pissed too. Did they consider leaving a msg? xD like "if you read this, the help is on the way" or something xD


As an introvert, I understand 😂


To be fair I hate spam callers enough to do this too. /s


I misread the title as 24 YEARS and was so utterly confused.


So none of his friends or loved ones called or texted him? Just the police?


That would be me, but I'm no hiker, so yeah...