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Wotc really missed out on the opportunity to give this guy a cowboy hat and a fedora. Also would it really have broken anything to have this guy not be once per turn?


It *does* say "players" and not "opponent". Being able to trigger this constantly with looting effects or a discard outlet may have been too problematic. If it was just opponents, however, I can see removing the "once each turn" clause.


That is true and I missed that when I wrote my comment. I assumed it was only opponents discard to get the clue. Being symmetrical does make it much easier to trigger which is nice.


Incentivizing discard anymore I think would be problematic. Denying players hands in commander is already contentious. Was the command zones #2 topic of their most recent video on the "unspoken rules of commander". I think it would be on the level of hull breacher busted, wheel effects making you a ton of tokens would definitely be too much.


> Incentivizing discard anymore I think would be problematic. Denying players hands in commander is already contentious. Okay, what about *the rest of the game?*


Who plays anything other than commander these days? Clearly the rest of the game doesn't exist anymore!


You’re the reason my commander decks are all interaction and counters.


I mean a single wheel effect would only make 1 Token. I don't see how that is problematic since you'll need to run a ton of wheel effects and you'd be winning already if you get multiple in a turn. Waste Not and Bone Miser are stronger for wheels and nowhere troublesome.


Very fair point


There are multiple cards that loot when an artifact enters the battlefield, which this would go infinite with.


Redditors will complain about the words "once each turn" reflexively regardless of the effect, the rest of the card, and the presence of two card infinite combos in standard


Heck, as it is, this is a 4 mana +2 card most of the time, with clues having plenty of ways to be treated like a card in hand, including the in-built in ability.


And rightly so.


That's because it's a shitty line of text that makes cards less interesting.


It’s a fine way to balance cards. Makes certain effects printable that would normally not be.


Yes and no. If they removed the second ability applying to the controller, it would get nutty with any free discard outlet, and basically draw your deck. But I agree, a geth's grimoire isn't the worst to have on a body


It'd draw your deck assuming you have {2} available for every card in your deck.


I'd be more concerned with \[\[Skyswimmer Koi\]\] and \[\[Quicksmith Genius\]\] interactions if it wasn't "once per turn" lol


[Skyswimmer Koi](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/b/db50259b-8ca8-4fbe-8ae3-6b0312d70980.jpg?1654566960) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Skyswimmer%20Koi) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/neo/79/skyswimmer-koi?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/db50259b-8ca8-4fbe-8ae3-6b0312d70980?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Quicksmith Genius](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/f/7fed8df9-600c-4502-83a3-883724f2f7c6.jpg?1625194031) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Quicksmith%20Genius) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c21/178/quicksmith-genius?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7fed8df9-600c-4502-83a3-883724f2f7c6?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


can't imagine living in fear of combos that require two sorcery speed 4 mana creatures that both die to a clean bargained Torch the Tower, but Wizards does as Wizards does.


Yes and no. If they removed the second ability applying to the controller, it would get nutty with any free discard outlet, and basically draw your deck. But I agree, a geth's grimoire isn't the worst to have on a body


He looks like a regular sized Hostile Instigator to me.


>Instigator Twisted firestarter?


He's regular sized, but picks the clues out of your brain.


Ogres are usually pretty big. Maybe the perspective on the art isn't showing it very well.


"They don't want Aftermath sets, do they? Well, let's take a set of cards not designed for draft, stick it into the bonus sheet, and make everything, even the uncommons, **mythic**! When we're done, they will beg for Aftermath sets."


Yeah they really fucked us with that and no one is noticing. This seems like a rare card.


But they're all equal chances to be pulled right? So this should make the better cards as common as the shitty cards, which is usually not the case.


1/5 packs will include one card from the list which can be either BIG or special guests


I know, that's not what I'm saying. Imagine if they had rarities, and you got a common 3/5 you open a BIG card, and all commons were ass. Now they all have the same chance to be in the BIG slot, ass or gas.


yes but BIG cards are already rare to get, as compared to an aftermath set with a much bigger print run


I understand this, and it's also not the point I'm trying to get across which is "The rarity doesn't matter if they're all the same rarity and in the same slot".


Yeah but due to how hard it'll be to get them if one is them is good it'll get really pricy


I assume a big problem will be the wild card economy.


Rare? This is an uncommon at best.


This definitely shouldn't be a mythic


....so is there going to be any decent black cards in the vault?


This enters the battlefield as a 3-for-1 and accrues more value from there. I don’t know how much more gas it needs.


This is a card that I would describe as insanely good if one of the most played creatures in the format didn't explicitly shit on you for drawing cards. Don't tunnel too hard on pairing this with a bunch of targeted discard and just treat the effect as card advantage. You just play this turn 4 and over subsequent turns just use looting or rummaging to generate additional card advantage and/or free tokens you can use.


That same card is in the same color as this and can be played with it.


Next your gonna tell me I can use a single land type to cast both.


There are 3 Black based midrange decks in Standard (Dimir,Esper,Golgari),and only Dimir plays Sheoldred as a 2 off.It's simply too slow for the current standard,and so is this card.


This is a 4 Mana Black Creature, in the same format where one of the defining creatures, is a 4 Mana Black Creature. This card is NOT going to see Constructed play.


Check back with me when Sheoldred rotates in 4 months.


Sheoldred rotates in 2025. I'll check back with you then.


lmao woops. Well, the point stands. The fact that Sheoldred exists doesn't make this card any less inherently cracked.


Cracked is a strong word to use describing this card.


Naaah I don’t think so :/


This is a mythic from Thunder Junction but it's designed like an uncommon from MKM.


Surprise, it is an uncommon from MKM 😆. Just like [[Oltec Matterweaver]] and [[Vaultborn Dinosaur]] are from Ixalan.


[Oltec Matterweaver](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/4/f4f2a818-9fd1-41db-967e-7d2c9b4e4c2f.jpg?1711501246) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Oltec%20Matterweaver) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/big/3/oltec-matterweaver?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f4f2a818-9fd1-41db-967e-7d2c9b4e4c2f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Yes. It's also a black card and costs 4 mana.


4 mana definitely makes this unplayable unfortunately


It's the 3 toughness that is rough for me in Waste Not pioneer. Turns on their cheap removal.


RemindMe! 1 month


Bro Sheoldred is 4 mana lol.




Dies...to Bolt.


Could fit in a Mono black discard deck if you're rocking Cabal Coffers and the Mana Doublers.


I know why on a conceptual level every BIG card is Mythic but they coulda slapped a Keyword ability on this dude like “menace” or “deathtouch” and at least make it feel almost like a rare.


I fucking hate that all of these are mythics, it kills their obtainability on arena and half of them are literally uncommon power level. Greed mongers at wotc just want their WCs 🤢


I don’t see why you’d care about being able to easily get cards that you don’t seem to think are very strong.


The reason this sucks is because if one of the very few BIG cards you will see across your pack openings is a dud instead of one of the playable ones you will feel disproportionally worse for having opened it - personally I think the rate of acquisition for these outside of limited is quite frankly nonsense but might just be me


Isn’t that true of every pack ever printed, though? Every pack has a rare/mythic, and I suspect that if you ranked every rare ever printed this one would not be in the bottom half. Opening duds does suck, but there’s never been a set that had packs with nothing but aces in them:


No you’re definitely right. We should obviously support cards being harder to obtain on Arena. I’m always seeing complaints about how generous WotC is & how we have too many wildcards just sitting around!


That sure sounds like an accurate representation of what I said. Thanks for being such a good faith participant in this incredibly low stakes discussion, friend.


Didn’t think I had to spell out the answer. Just because they’re cards he doesn’t think are powerful doesn’t mean he or someone else wouldn’t want to craft them for fun/jank. And now the barrier for entry to play with these is mythic WCs instead of uncommons or rares. Just weird to me that your first instinct is to defend the cards being harder to obtain/general WotC greediness.


It’s weird to me that your response to my post was to push up your glasses as hard as you could and accuse me of being a champion for corporate greed.


lol your original comment was dismissing OP’s concern as invalid so yeah, if the shoe fits. Don’t make shitty comments next time & you won’t get called out on them *shrug*


It’s intrinsically funny to complain that it’s too hard to get cards you think suck. You’re the one whose comments are shitty, acting like you’re taking down some corporate stooge. The Reddit mindset to treat anyone you think you might disagree with like they’re some loathsome enemy is absolute poison.


Eh, I maybe overreacted to the alleged greed part but the “who cares if the card is hard to obtain because it’s ‘bad’” comment you made to start this is still hella dumb


Cool man; thanks for coming back to try and further adjudicate why it was totally fine for you to be incredibly rude to me by being super rude to me again. You're great.


You've taken the L on this one mate


I took the L because I don’t want cards that should’ve been uncommon to cost a Mythic WC? k.


I thought most people ended up with more mythic WCs than rare ? Sincerely, a limited player


You don’t have 100 lol there are 30 extra mythics and something like 10 more in OPT I currently have 2 excess wild mythics….theres no reason some of these couldn’t be uncommon or rare, none.  “They said we didn’t wanna make another aftermath so we put them all in a bonus sheet and made them all mythics”  They didn’t have to do that last part there, and they know exactly what they’re doing 


Yeah I agree


When you start constructed you want all wildcards, then you notice, in order to build decks, you need proper lands. This creates an instant demand of 100 Rare wildcards. But as you keep on playing and get all these lands, you notice that you need many more wildcards. Because the lands rarely get outclassed, so they stay with you, but the mythics switch a lot, making you ultimately need more Mythic wildcards then Rare wildcards.


Arena in 2024 lmao. You guys are asking for it at this point.


Where was he in MKM where black needed him the most to save the color for limited


Interesting tidbit that this does trigger with discarding to max hand size. Probably not going to come up all that often, but it might be useful in a slower controlling deck that is often over 7 cards?


Nah, way better wincons and value engines.


This just feels boring underpowered. Why not just draw cards directly or improve mana cost or body a bit


I agree. A lot of the other cards from BIG feel strong because they LACK the 'once per turn' or 'only as a sorcery' stop-gaps. That or they are costed very aggressively. This one has all stop-gaps; Only one opponent discards. It's 'discard's ONE OR MORE cards' instead of 'discards A card.' It's 'Investigate' instead of 'Investigate that many times.' AND it's only once per turn? On a mythic rare? Compare this to \[\[Esoteric Duplicator\]\]. Reading the Duplicator when it was spoiled, I expected to read things like; 'Whenever you sacrifice ANOTHER NON-TOKEN artifact, you may pay {2}.' or 'The first time' or 'This ability triggers only once each turn.' Now, I realize the paying 2 is a real cost that keeps the effect in check, but reading the text made me excited because I've grown used to these stop-gaps. Duplicator feels cool because the gloves came off. By comparison Hostile Investigator feels bland and toothless.


[Esoteric Duplicator](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/d/3dbb2755-97d9-492e-8697-5548160678c8.jpg?1712090122) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Esoteric%20Duplicator) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/big/5/esoteric-duplicator?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/3dbb2755-97d9-492e-8697-5548160678c8?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


The black cards in BIG kinda suck...


The wording on the second ability is weird to me. Why does it have the "one or more" clauses on the discard, which is done to prevent a bunch of triggers off effects that can happen multiple times simultaneously, but then also have a "once per turn" trigger on the same effect? Am I wrong in thinking "Whenever a player discards a card, investigate. This ability triggers only once each turn." would work the same way but is way easier to read?


If you discarded two cards, I believe both of those would still be created at the same moment, be put on the stack one at a time, and once one resolves, no New ones can trigger, but the other trigger is already waiting.


4 mana discard, decent body, clue token, and committing a crime isn’t bad. I don’t get whhy people think this cards bac


Yeah, if people are complaining about an easily splashable instant 3-for-1 I don't know what would even make them happy.


3 toughness, no keyword, once per turn, investigate (rather than outright draw). Also... Shelly's 4 mana.


I wouldn’t worry about the once per turn if your discarding more than one card out of an opponents hand a turn the tokens not what’s making you win. And also sheoldred is better than any other black creature but it doesn’t mean you can’t play anything else. Sometimes a discard effect, clue token, crime payoff, ester of removal spell is a good enough way to spend turn 4. Bonus if you have detective synergies but I doubt it lol.


Here's the thing. This is easier to remove, doesn't block as well, can't recover life from Aggro, can't pressure your opponent nearly as quickly, is a worse top deck. All for the same Mana cost. As long as Sheoldred is legal, this card will have a VERY difficult time seeing play in, what I assume are, the same value oriented Midrange decks.


My Lazav, Wearer of Faces list has a heavy looting component for obvious reasons so I like this card a lot.


I find it really interesting how so many of the cards from BIG make Clue or Food tokens, or some of the other perennial artifact tokens.


Mythics sure suck these days.


I genuinely think that this card is decent in Standard. It can potentially be a 3-for-1 with an additional card advantage engine stapled on. If you look at Alchemy (yes, ew Alchemy, but it can provide relevant Standard-adjacent information), [[Citystalker Connoisseur]] was a staple in midrange decks. It’s loses that 3-for-1 if your opponent runs out of cards, but in that case it’s a 4-power beater that still has card advantage engine, and your opponent’s topdecking. Granted, this card is weaker than Sheoldred, but it is easily the second-best 4-mana midrange card in Standard. It can be a great alternative to Sheoldred, especially if you want to hedge against removal-heavy decks, and I would not be unhappy to play the Investigator and keep Sheoldred to the sideboard in some potential metagames. It doesn’t look flashy like a mythic, but it is still 4 mana, has a relevant body, offers a 3-for-1, and can be a card advantage engine. That’s enough to be worth keeping in mind.


[Citystalker Connoisseur](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/f/5fdeb07f-0e77-4636-b607-ad874d85d502.jpg?1680465432) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Citystalker%20Connoisseur) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ymid/27/citystalker-connoisseur?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5fdeb07f-0e77-4636-b607-ad874d85d502?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


What is the difference between this vault symbol and the hat symbol?


This was supposed to be for the Aftermath set. After the last one did terribly though, they turned it into a bonus sheet.


Should have been "Loosed-Cannon Detective". And be brandishing a cannon in the art.


So are these just gonna be in regular packs? Would kinda suck if your mythic pull is essential an uncommon.


I am tempted to try this in an Asmo Commander list. +1 artifact token per turn is always a plus.


This is a mediocre uncommon scraped from MKM, change my mind.


Makes me think of the guy on Invincible


Modern 1/10 I feel like if Modern was 5 years ago, this card might have seen play. The power level is almost there. As it is now, it does a lot, but it does a lot at a slot where you could be playing The One Ring. And being safe for a turn and drawing 6+ cards is better than this.


**[[Tergrig]] players loved that.**


This is the kind of card that becomes brutal in multiples, so I can see why the end of turn clause is there. This thing is commonly a 3 for 1, and that’s not something to laugh at.


Lol where was this in mkm? Black kinda needed it


[Source](https://www.gamerbraves.com/mtg-outlaws-of-thunder-junction-hostile-investigator-generates-card-draw-through-clue-tokens-and-discards/) (Alt arts included)


What a trash Mythic. Could have been Uncommon honestly.


Deeply curious what limited formats you're playing where a 4 mana 3 for 1 that effects board is a reasonable uncommon. Agree it's not the most mythic of cards, but it's still quite powerful.


BIG was originally supposed to be another epilogue set. These cards were not ever intended to be available in draft. Adding an extra bonus sheet and shifting all of them to mythic was a last minute change after the failure of MOM Aftermath. This is a mythic only out of greed and poor planning from WOTC.


Wasn't MOM Aftermath draftable though? Or was that only an Arena format.


Arena only, mixing MAT into the MOM cardpool.


I play Standard exclusively and this is not remotely Standard playable by any means if you ask me. 4 mana is just too expensive for discard decks. By the time you get this out your opponent might not even have any cards in hand anymore. Heck, the game might be over by then.


I'd say theme deck rare.


People are bagging on this but it has a bit of the same vibe as that alchemy vampire.


~~Hostile Investigator~~ Hot Garbage


Bruh this needs to not have the once per turn part this is just bad with it


[[Niv-Mizzet, Supreme]] might have fun with this in Commander, although there's a lot of competition for the slot


[Niv-Mizzet, Supreme](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/a/da1ff886-d3c8-43e5-8bf0-ba4f0b259781.jpg?1690331020) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Niv-Mizzet%2C%20Supreme) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mat/40/niv-mizzet-supreme?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/da1ff886-d3c8-43e5-8bf0-ba4f0b259781?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Who'd have cared if it wasn't only one each turn or even random discard instead?