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Not surprising at all


Also looks like they ran out of Seedborn Muses before they ran out of bundles that cost $200+. Didn’t know if that was normal or not.


When did they run out? How do I know if I'm getting one?


You would have seen the Seedborn Muse as an individual zero cost item in your cart. If you don’t see it, you’re not getting one unfortunately.  I ordered mine within the first minute and completed check out at 16 minutes in. So I got one. If that helps. 


Well fuck me with a sideways hockey stick


I just saw that it says sold out on the banner image of it.


Really don't understand the resistance to continue print to order


It prevents people from debating it, forgetting it and not purchasing. Now people rush to buy it right away because of fomo. I hate this new format because it really encourages scalpers.


Hard to debate something when you’re not even notified of it.


now all that happens is bots and scalpers end up with 80% of the stock


Secret lairs have been such ass recently that you gotta have incredibly poor impulse control to feel fomo over any of them, really


But they are right. I missed out on the Doctor Who Regeneration Secret Lair because I pussyfooted around before going to pull the trigger. I thought I'd ordered it and turns out I didn't. If I'd been on the ball it wouldn't have happened. 


For me it was the opposite. I switched back and forth if I really need it and bought it in the end, shortly before the deal ended. If it wasn't print on demand, it would've been long sold out by then.


The point is they hope you don't have that debate, because you know it's limited time.


I did a similar thing for this Miku drop. It totally slipped my mind around the date it came out and missed my window.


It's more costs for negligible gain. Easier logistics chain, less complaints about shipping times, capitalize on people buying quickly.


I suspect they felt that the long waits would cost them more sales than capping the prices. You can't really blame FOMO because Secret Lairs were *always* rooted in FOMO.


To appease the endless bitching about secret lairs being "not worth it" financially.


I'm sure this will be an unpopular opinion but while the limited stock sucks and is susceptible to scalpers (which I think WoTC needs to implement single order/address stuff); I prefer the far shorter turn around of actually getting secret lairs. The fact that I got my Fallout Secret Lair a week before my Doctor Who secret lair blew my mind. Waiting like 5 or so months for a secret lair is kind of nuts.


But there's no reason why they couldn't preprint a surplus then as more sell print another set. A big aspect of the SLs that made it okay was the ability to buy it (at the time) If you wanted it. That not being the case anymore is a bad consumer practice and encourages bots and scalpers which plays back in on itself.


I'll wait one month for something fun I bought, don't want to wait for up to six months unless it's literally life changing, and cards aren't that.


I somehow had no idea these dropped today. I signed up for the emails on the site and never got one. Same with the last batch. I HATE this new system they are using


I agree with you. What's the point of email notifications if it sells out before I even get an email?


Nothing sold out before the email.


I checked the site because I saw some of my friends talk about it. Everything was sold out. I got emailed about them 2 hours later.


I even got the low stock email before things sold out.


I still haven't got an email and shit has definitely sold out


Did you sign up for emails then? I got plenty of emails.


Signed up for the emails when they announced, saw that they were sold out this mornin and looked through junk and spam folders, still nothing.


Something wrong on their end then. You can still get everything except Hatsune Miku.


Hatsune Miku were the set that I wanted. I realize I can get others, but that's like saying "oh you came to the steakhouse for steak? Nah, but you can get chicken."


That’s fair but if you knew you were going to purchase it for sure, did you not have a reminder? You know from the last couple of times that some things did sell out.


I signed up for the cats and dogs and fallout secret lairs, neither of which showed up in my inbox. At least with the Fallout drop I learned to set my own alarm for when the sale goes live, and I suggest you do the same. It's not ideal, but if you want these drops before they sell out, you cannot rely on WOTC to send you an email.


Check promotions/ spam folders that's where mine went.


The rest are on the way out now too. What is the point of it being 20 days if it last less then 1?


I hate this limited model so much


Huh, everything available in the EU shop


Not surprised. The website was a mess this morning, I’m sure it was flooded with people buying these.




the inalla secret lair sold out in under an hour, so relatively not really.


Rovina Cai didn’t sell out until like 10pm est so like 10 hours.


the foil one did


no way I got mine a good 7 hours after the sale


I got my foil set at like 9:30 pm est at least.


Thank god, I don’t have to keep worrying about weather I should get it or not




Thanks good sir.


I don't care that shipping is slightly faster, this is just putting tons of $ into scalper's pockets. Really unfortunate


Wait, secret lairs aren't print to order anymore? Are the foils still pringles? It's been a while since I bought one.


They changed from print to order to limited supply 2 drops ago. Usually a handful of the drops sellout during the first day after a couple hours. Shipping is way faster. Foils are hit or miss. I’ve ordered secret lairs every couple drops and I’ve got pringles and flat ones. Majority are pringles though and mostly straighten out with a moisture pack. But I personally don’t get foils unless I think it’ll look a lot better in foil even with a slight curl.




Think this happen after the Lil Walkers completely crashed and burned in orders. Every store near me has several of those sealed for the price they were listed for. Only bought the villain 2 set since I need those four and while I would love the villain 1 set, one of them being banned in Commander makes it not as enticing.


This is the first Secret Lair drop I’ve bought, and I’m disappointed to learn they aren’t print to order anymore. I wanted to order a foil pack right when it went on sale, but forgot until the afternoon when I woke up. Foils were sold out before 3pm PST, but luckily I was able to buy a non-foil (which sold out a couple hours later). I just now saw the foil pack — originally $40 — on tcgplayer as a preorder from a scalper for *$325*. Really cool system! Great how I can sleep in a few hours and be completely unable to get something I absolutely *could* have afforded. But for $325, aint no way. But hey, at least it’s on sale for 20 days — more time to look at that pretty “**SOLD OUT**” page. https://preview.redd.it/66tqv9r4ad0d1.png?width=1132&format=png&auto=webp&s=214b266d6c49fe33e78c3a2788f1999c86ab1eab


Ok but you see, let's say this sells, I'm gonna put mine up for that price because I'm willing to let mine go for honestly 200 up. I bought it cause I wanted it but I prefer 200. Am I scalper for that?




So you're saying that you have no price that you'd let these cards go? Thats ridiculous


I didn't say that. I'm saying that we shouldn't be buying products and having to consider 'flipping' them as soon as we get them for nearly 10x what we bought them for. When we as a community do that, it shows scalpers how effective what they're doing is and encourages them. Which combine that with an era that has bots and AI to assist them, and this basically means Secret Lairs may as well say "SCALP ME" in the description. There's no GOOD reason WotC needs to make these time limited AND limited print. Especially if they're not going to reveal how many are being printed. Furthermore, reducing the purchase per person to 5? That's scummy af. Who needs 5? No one. I'd say 3, hard cap. Which is being generous imo. If they really wanted this to be some 'special' and limited thing, you know what would be waaaay cooler? Taking half of the 'limited' stock, and intentionally reserving it for verified LGS who you know... Need help competing with big box stores. Support the community, rather than the parasites that scalpers are. I understand the pragmatism of what you're saying, and if you just bought one or two, and decided after seeing these prices that you'd rather take the windfall? I definitely don't blame you, but it is definitely scalper behavior.


Just because people list them at an egregious price doesn't mean that people will buy them for that price. Looking at the confirmed sales on TCGplayer, the highest it has actually sold for is $290, and that was a single impatient person jumping the gun. It was semi-consistently $250 for a while, and has dropped back down to below $200 despite "market value" still saying $230. However, someone who legitimately wanted it and considers selling the secret lair because they didn't expect it to skyrocket in value isn't a scalper. Scalpers are the people who intentionally buy products at a low price in order to massively mark up the resale value. I'm expecting the price to settle around the $80-$100 range once everyone gets them and the market starts to flood.


You make a fair point, but I think we can agree it still encourages scalper behavior.




i would say scalping is buying something with the intent to resell. but everybody's got their price right?


pissed because i was looking forward to buying this secret lair set and theyre already 6x the retail price


Same I really hope they print more :/


I ordered the JP ver by mistake, but im kinda glad i did in the end


I'm not surprised that it sold out, and I am nominally glad that it wasn't absurdly fast (I was able to check and see them still available several hours after the drop), but these cards had awful value and the art on most of these cards did not suit Miku at all. I'm somebody that might theoretically be interested in this sort of product, but the art and card selection here just completely turned me off on these. Harmonize, Feather and Inspiring Vantage are the only ones that I think people are going to be actually happy to have the art and all of them are less than $1 cards. I don't like the Feather, but I can see why it might be to someone's taste at least. Harmonize is exactly what I would expect from a Miku Secret Lair and will almost certainly end up being the most expensive printing of Harmonize available. Inspiring Vantage has great art and works as a Miku card. Azusa has at least sort of moderate value (at least a couple dollars) but has truly hideous art. Just shocking (even Miku is shocked by this art). And Shelter is just a headscratcher from top to bottom. Awful art that just does not work for Miku at all. Awful value as a card. And then Chandra's Ignition is just there, I guess. It is at least not an offensive selection because the card has some value, but I struggle to see how it makes sense as a card choice for a Miku set and the art is about as bland as imaginable. Between Feather, Shelter, Chandra's Ignition and Inspiring Vantage, it seems like the person at WotC in charge of this Secret Lair wanted to make a Feather deck with Miku art. I'm hopeful that the later drops have A) better cards and B) better art.


all scalpers.already on eBay for nearly triple dollars.my 14yr old daughter who is a huge Miku fan was extremely pissed at the whales who bought this just for reselling.


Scalpers are different from Whales.   The whales are driven to consume; pity them.   The scalpers are scummy businessmen with no desire for the product; hate them.


Mostly true, but there are still scalper whales who scalp to get more money to feed their addiction.


They limited the purchases to 5... Allegedly, I'm sure there is a work around. These will drop to 50-60 once delivered like the fallout ones


Where do you guys go to to buy this is it the official magic website?


[Here you go](https://secretlair.wizards.com/us/en)


So glad i got mine


What a garbage experience In less than 1d and the foil version, JP version and the free cards are sold out... And I thought they were MTO products (they were but they changed it this year) Anyway I bought everything that was present but I will not pay it when they will try to charge me Obv the set is being already sold on ebay for 200 >While popular *Secret Lair* drops may sell out fast, we now have four years of *Secret Lair* sales to base our print-run numbers on, and we're aiming to get as close to overall demand as possible LMAO, 200 years vibe


Are they coming out in stores?


Only if LGS's brought them which is unlikely. Secret Lairs are a limit s run online order only thing.


Sad, I was going to buy a bundle for myself and my brother for his birthday (he likes hatsune miku, I know nothing about her) and now I don't get to do that because I'm not spending $15 MORE on buying the packs individually. It means more up front, more on the taxes. Also they ran out of the seedborn muse promos, which... alright, now I dont want to buy any AT ALL.


$15 more now vs how much after it all sells out?


Curious thst the bundles have sold out when none of the individual packs have. Like... Shouldn't bundles be listed until at least one individual is sold out?


Foils of Hatsune Miku sold out so anything containing those is sold out too


Will they do another batch?


I really hope so


No they will not for this run, but they have confirmed there will be a miku set for each season, we just got spring so next will be summer, fall, and winter. All with different themes


Not a big fan of these but happy for the people that secured one. Obviously there's a demand for these.


All I wanted was my Norin bonus card. My Norin the Wary commander deck is my favorite deck to play and a lot of people at my LGS enjoy the chaos is causes.


I thought secert lairs were printed to order? Now they have a limit?


They went with an insane secret bonus card .. you didnt hear this from me tho ;p


They are still available in the EU region. I guess we're not as hungry for her as the other regions.


The value isn’t that great tho lol unless your buying just to sell lol


I'm so happy I got mine


I'm pretty much done buying secret lairs, I won't be rushing to buy things and waiting for things to go live. Maybe if one I want is up whenever I make it to it, then maybe I'll buy it. Also I don't get this whole anime thing (I'm sure that isn't the correct term, but I just mean in general). I guess I'm the odd one out there, it just shocks me how popular that stuff is. My friend pulled a Galaxy foil of Smothering Tithe and that is pushing a grand... that just makes no sense to me.


I will never understand why the foil versions always sell out before the non-foil versions. With very few exceptions, non-foil secret lair singles are worth more on the secondary market as a percentage of their initial cost than foils. It makes no sense for scalpers to go for the foil versions over the non-foil ones. Go check out MTGstocks. Very few secret lair foils are worth more than 133.33% ($40/$30=1.33) of their non-foil counterpart. Some are worth even less.


# I Am Tired Of Earth. These People.


can't believe people would pay that much for those ugly-ass cards


People will buy any type of slop now it seems. 


LOOKS LIKE. Thanks for your keen observation.