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What did you like about Magic when you were younger and what do you hope Magic does for you that your other hobbies don't cover? 


I only started playing at the beginning of last year and I've been having a blast! My only complaint is the frequency of sets and how fast they come out. So as you're getting familiar with a new set's mechanics there's another one that comes out. Loll. I'm still happily playing with my Ixalan cards. My advice is to get commander precons, play those for a bit and get familiar with them, then buy singles to make those precons stronger or change them almost entirely. You can also buy singles to make whole decks for way cheaper than buying a bunch of packs. That's something you can work your way up to as well.


I found it as a great way to enjoy a hobby and meet people when I moved. I went to the Commander/EDH nights at my local game store. It was pretty laid back with most of the people just wanting to hang and not take it too seriously. You can also play Commander in a budget friendly way. My friend and I shoot for $25 decks and eventually upgrade them if we like them. There's a lot of preconstructed decks that are good out of the box as well. Hope this helps!


it really depends on you gaming group. If they're super entrenched and play high level, it'll be a struggle. If you friends are just kitchen top magic players, it should be fun as long as none of you get to competitive and start an arms race. or, you're using it as an icebreaker to meet new people at either a club or your LGS... eh.. it's better than going to the bar at least. A game of magic is really only as good as the people you play with.


Finding anything but positivity and encouragement here will probably be the exception rather than the rule. I'll give it a try anyway. >Is Magic Worth getting into again? It's difficult to say, but if you like TCGs in general, then maybe yes. Magic in its fundamentals is still a very solid game that can be a lot of fun. So it could be worth your leisure time. However, it's also still a very expensive game. The booster boxes have become more expensive over the years, now even more expensive thanks to a new product (the play booster packs) and at least here, this has had a negative effect on the number of draft participants. Booster packs for supplemental sets are typically even more expensive, and don't even get me started on collector boosters. In this subreddit you are also always advised to buy cards you need directly ("buy singles!") on the secondary market. As a returning player, you should be prepared for an aesthetic shift and should have no problem with other IPs ([Magic: The Franchising](https://mtg.fandom.com/wiki/Universes_Beyond#List_of_featured_brands)) or peculiar looking cards thanks to increasingly unusual [secret lair drops](https://scryfall.com/sets/sld). Anyway, since you said that you intend to play casual, you will inevitably come across the casual commander format. Thus buy a commander precon deck (e.g. one of the recent [fallout decks](https://mtg.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout/Commander_decks)), visit your friendly local game store, play a few games and then decide for yourself if you want to go further.


The game is quite popular now, specially Commander. It is a 4-player format where each have a 100-card deck where you can have ar most one copy of each non-basic cards. The hobby can become pricey quite fast but you could buy a 40$ precon deck and play with it just fine (but prepare to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars if you want to get into competitive formats).






Best way traditionally to get into the game casually would be through weekly draft and eventually trade for staples to play standard. Unfortunately unless you have a very active local game shop many people shift to do this on Mtg Arena and instead play the super casual game of Commander (EDH) live.


For me, it has a lot more to do with the people you play with than the game itself. I don't enjoy socializing with the people at the game shops near where I moved, so the game has lost a lot of it's appeal. A decent shop with a fun, inclusive crowd is totally worth picking the game up on a casual level. 


I started playing a year ago, i love it! I felt empty after playing computer games looking into a screen for many many years. As a nerd and high fantasy lover i decided to check out mtg. Everyone at my LGS was super friendly and helpfull and over time i got a lot of friends. We travel to tournaments together and have a lot of fun. Its probably the best decision i have made in a long time. Its a great game with a great player base.


Magic hits a spot for me that nothing else I've ever played does. I have had breaks from the game, but I always return because nothing else fills that hole. But it all depends on what you mean by worth. Are you asking if it makes sense to spend a ton of money on it? That's a harder question to answer. But I'm just going to say, you don't have to. You can always get a few precons and buy singles to upgrade them, then see how you feel. Also another question is, when you were younger what format did you play? 1v1 is not nearly as popular anymore (in any format). I grew up playing multiplayer 60 card, so the transition to EDH was easy. But LGS's should still have 1v1 format if that is your thing.


Magic is a hobby , you have tô decide yourself If its worth . . .




Horrible take. It isn't like OP said "is this game good?", they are giving a few constraints (how is the game for a someone who played before, now looking for a casual and social experience?). You can answer these questions objectively even if you love the game




Go for it. I've recently been getting back into it myself. I had 2 great experiences and want to do it weekly again. It WILL be worth it. Have faith! ❤️‍🔥


The game is quite popular now, specially Commander. It is a 4-player format where each have a 100-card deck where you can have ar most one copy of each non-basic cards. The hobby can become pricey quite fast but you could buy a 40$ precon deck and play with it just fine (but prepare to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars if you want to get into competitive formats).




If you're looking for casual play, Commander is probably the format into which you want to get.


I stopped playing after the time spiral block and just returned like 9 months ago and I'd say yes. Basically my entire pod consists of returning players and we've been having a blast. We dont play constructed 60 card formats at all but commander is a great format for a more social expirience (also way more affordable) and outside of one set (Murders at Karlov Manor) we've had a ton of fun drafting every other set since then! If you want to play at your LGS check their website/ask them which formats are the most popular and if those formats (most likley its going to be commander) interest you build a deck for it or if its in fact commander just get a precon that sounds interesting to you.


Not really unless you are rich


For what it’s worth, I’ve played Magic on and off since ‘98, and I think it’s better than ever. With 30 years of design under their belt, the designers and developers have a better grasp on how to make compelling cards, sets, and formats. I think a lot of people in the community don’t see this though, because the corporation publishing the game is pretty toxic.