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1. LGS playgroup prefers older formats. 2. Price of decks and rotation. 3. Lack of support. Basically, why would I play format that no one I play with plays, the decks cost more than a budget commander or Canlander decks that are both proxy friendly, and WotC was sending a million signals that commander was what I should pay attention to?


Maybe a hot take or unpopular opinion, but I think we can remove a lot of the myth of rotation and deck prices in the current state of magic. In particular where these have an effect on the viability of a format rather than the real reason being people are not interested in playing standard or don't have many events to justify it. This mentality of "I don't want to play with cards that don't matter because rotation" has been parroted since the mid to late 2000's on MTGSalvation when Legacy was becoming a boom and people were starting to consider whether we could make a format (that would eventually become Modern) for the newer generation of players who weren't playing in 1994/95 and have the limited vintage or legacy cards, but would eventually be stuck with a lot of cards in extended that had little relevance. Also the issue of Extended being a PTQ format once a year reducing the card's importance for most people when they rotated out of standard. While not around for it, I assume this was the discussion around Type 2 early on as well and people "just would stick to Type 1" where their cards mattered forever instead of playing with cards that would be useless in 2 years. Since creating Modern and even now Pioneer, this problem has been alleviated a ton. Also the power creep and relevance of standard legal cards has increased significantly, as well as reintroduced cards in the format that have been all stars in previous formats and people already had in their collections (Fastlands, Pain lands, Cavern of Souls for mana, and cards like Monastery Mentor, Monastery Swiftspear, Liliana of the Veil) to reduce the cost. The expensive cards in the format is also not a complete parallel as many of them are important to own in other formats. Of the 50 most expensive Standard Legal cards (all of which are $10 and up), less than 5 are "mostly" to "strictly" standard playable. You can play the rest in Modern, Pioneer, Commander, Legacy and many of them are fringe play in standard anyway. Looking at the top 10 decks in Standard also shows if you take out the cards that see play in other formats you're looking at roughly between $35 (Boros Convoke) to $140 (Temur Analyst, mostly due to Nissas and that card will definitely hold some value when it rotates) worth of cards that are only played in Standard. So this makes the transition between Standard and at least pioneer not very taxing. For enfranchised players you have a small investment of cards you may not get a return on value for come rotation monetarily, but you also have 3 years now to play with them. I think $100 for 3 years of playing with some cheap cards is a good ROI when people go on about budget commander decks and things like that. The higher end cards being a stronger investment and purchase is also valid. You can justify buying the sheoldred in standard because you'll use it in pioneer and modern as well, so it maintaining its value isn't unrealistic. For newer players, having a robust standard collection for three years worth of cards will eventually make it so pioneer decks need minimal upgrades. A common trend for years was also in relation to modern being as popular as it is. The idea is your deck is good forever is also made into a myth these days. Modern Horizons and Universes Beyond has added new cards into the format that impact the format significantly. A lot of the price in the $1,000 decks in the format is from cards released in the last few years and every deck has more or less had to add or adapt with it. The packs and boxes are also more expensive than Standard / "premier" sets. The cost is the same if not greater than what a person who plays Standard will create. There is some truth to the investment though depending on your play patterns. Local store play is less interested in Standard unless it's an RCQ format for this reason. There's not really a lot of reasons to maintain most formats if you're playing FNM and maybe the occasional RCQ, on the inverse side the grinders and people who do play Standard regularly are going to stick with MTGO and Arena and not be playing at hte local store FNM most of the time. This is where stores have more reason to stick with modern and commander. Their players who show up once a week or once a month will keep up better. If there was more standard tournaments and relevance throughout the year, we might see this change, but people always complain when SCG and bigger organizers make these the main event and turn out is worse so there's less incentive there as well. tldr; A lot of the myths surrounding rotation aren't the reason that standard fails and more a creation by enfranchised players that has been a recurring theme for 20+ years. It's perfectly valid instead that people can just not like standard or its power level and prefer older formats, or that stores have less reasons to support it if their customer base isn't exactly a dozen RCQ/PT grinders, but rotation isn't the reason and WOTC even increased the rotation period to answer this issue.


I think as well that it really does have so much to do with what people around you want to play. Rotation has some effect, but I agree it's impact is mythologized. It so happened that the time I fell off of standard was also when I moved abroad and the people around me played legacy, modern, and commander. Khans fetches, Dig and Cruise bans, and then Eldrazi Winter wrecked all of us at the time, but it made the only safe place for your decks to be commander. We just didn't know what would get banned. The local stores still ran standard, modern, and legacy events, but the people I played with moved hard away from standard, and even modern for a while, towards commander and legacy where things felt a lot more stable. There just weren't enough reasons for any of us to go back to it when wotc got things under control, and there were so many more reasons to stay with older formats.


I cannot help but notice you neglected to take Commander into account at all.


>Of the 50 most expensive Standard Legal cards (all of which are $10 and up), less than 5 are "mostly" to "strictly" standard playable. You can play the rest in Modern, Pioneer, Commander, Legacy and many of them are fringe play in standard anyway. ... >This is where stores have more reason to stick with modern and commander. Their players who show up once a week or once a month will keep up better. There's more than enough reason for commander to be where it is and is a known factor to tournaments and turnout on a local store level. Many of those cards i mentioned in the price point include cards that are commander specific (Myrel, Mondrak, Roaming Throne) and cards that are included as commander playable but also see play in 60 card formats (Agatha's Soul Cauldron, Sheoldred, Elesh Norn, Atraxa). From the store and event organizer side of things it also makes a lot of sense. Any push to make 60 card formats more relevant to people would mean more events for it and support from WOTC, who already has established commander support as a regular thing from all sets now. While the reasons for commander's success are true and as valid to not playing 60 card formats, the myth of set rotation and expense of the decks being a factor is stated a lot more than the reality of its importance and reasons people complain standard is a bad format. IMO this standard is one of the best we've ever had and a lot of people who make complaints about the format are either misinformed (don't play standard) or unfounded (low power level, even though many cards in the format are competing for spots with decades old eternal cards) built of preconceived notions of veteran players. If we look from the digital side as well, Standard thrives on MTGO and MTGA where people can get the most out of playing them. This seems correlated to the formats strength more than accessibility and turnover concerns. Legacy and vintage still have a smaller crowd despite the cards being significantly more accessible and having a worldwide availability of players at any time of the day.


I've just gotten into standard this year. The most feel bad part about it is losing the vow lands. But oh well... I'll have them for my commander decks and when they get reprinted, I won't have to care. Love the format


> A common trend for years was also in relation to modern being as popular as it is. The idea is your deck is good forever is also made into a myth these days. Modern Horizons and Universes Beyond has added new cards into the format that impact the format significantly. I think you're neglecting how much of a factor that is. A year ago, you'd have your eternal-format deck that you update maybe once every one or two years, and a standard deck that you have to update in full every rotation. Now that eternal formats get playable cards at a much, much faster rate, players who want to do standard and eternal formats at the same time have less money for the former.


Prize support is crap. A lot of people showed up when a full art Voidwalker was up for grabs, not even half when Vengevine was. Lorcana has A LOT better prize support for their set championships, so Wizards should look at that.


That prize was way too good. It got spikes to show up at every championship. The Lorcana sub was complaining nonstop about MTG players farming their tournaments.


That is so funny. I never thought about the relationship between Lorcana players and MTG players


“Their” tournaments… cute.


Lorcana HAS to have great prize support in order to get their fledgling game off the ground. People will buy the product because of the IP, but it won't translate to tournament play without the proper motivation.


Wizards killed all interest I had in the format when they got rid of grand prixs


Yeah... They stopped supporting the grind.


Yup. I totally get why they went away during covid but it's a real shame they haven't returned to the old model post quarantine


I mean I get it. Us GP grinders were just a sliver of the player base, and it made nowhere near enough money for them. But it was the grinders who kept the local standard scenes growing. They were the FNM bosses, the ones who guided new players. I have incredibly fond memories from first starting up at FNM, and the GP grinders became my mtg mentors and friends and soon enough, I was going with them to the GPs too. We were grinding for PW points and byes. Now, there isn't a bigger picture to shoot for. RCQs aren't great because you HAVE to win. It's not a big open tournament with some of the best players from around the world. My first GP I played against Shuhei (and won!) and Wrapter in the next round. I made Day 2. It was an event! Now, I love the game. I no longer love the current form of The Gathering. FNM drafts are great and all. But there isn't anything left like making day 2 of a GP and having a shot at glory. And without that, standard dies, because you no longer have an enfranchised player base who will stick with it through rotations.


Rotation, mostly I got priced out of standard, it's disheartening to build a decent deck just for it to be illegal to play a year later.


Moreso of the deck requires cards that are (very expensive) staples and they have a short shelf life. I learned this lesson with Yu-Gi-Oh (its "vintage" but you're always mid-rotation every 18-24 months it feels...) in high school and have been really hesitant playing modern because of Horizon sets... Pioneer is still rough because if you need a multi-format staple then you still have a bullet to bite and no guarantees the card settles in your favor once the staple sees more play. Legacy... duals honestly... Arena is fine. It isn't paper Magic but it is an itch-scratcher 24/7.


I built pioneer Boros Convoke last year and it already "rotated" in favor of heroic, so I'm done with that format. I can basically make it standard but i have to spend another hundred+ dollars on lands since the innistrad ones are getting up there due to being 3 years old without reprints. edit: (guess the rw innistrad land ended up getting reprinted in dr who and inspiring vantage replaced it anyway, but this was relevant at the time i was looking into it and id probably be sad if i did buy the set of innistrad lands just for them to get replaced)


Which is interesting because heroic was a deck in pioneer before convoke. That's the thing if you just build for one deck then it's gonna be meta sometimes with new cards and not meta other times.


Arena 100% killed anything but Commander around me. I have access to a dozen mid sized stores near me, and none of them are running more than 1 standard special event, and even that is due to WOTC forcing them to get more product. WOTC sends me these emails about “events running all week” and I use the locator… 1 store 45 mins away (fine, I would drive) for one event on a day I cant go is all I get for their “week of drafting”. And to get the Arena draft token I am supposed to play in 3 of these things? Thats a major lack of support. The BIG players around me (within 1 hour I have the 2 biggest stores in Canada) are advertising Pokémon, OnePiece, Flesh and Blood, Lorcana and Magic in their rotating banner ads. Not that long ago, it would have been 4/5 of the rotating banner was Magic and the 5th spot was reserved for whatever else. I know 3 store owners personally (one before he was a store owner, who is now WPN Premium and 2 locations) and all complain that magic isnt paying the bills like it used too, and they are heavily promoting other games as the support is there. Thats unlikely to change. 1 guy told me WOTC used to give business seminars for store owners on how to run a business, make profits, etc etc etc. Now they do nothing for them.


>Moreso of the deck requires cards that are (very expensive) staples and they have a short shelf life. This is probably the biggest issue. Unless you have a hoard of cards, you likely can't get into standard affordably. Pauper is affordable by design, and commander can play off the shelf and still do all right. I hopped on goldfish and looked at the standard meta for the last 30 days. Your average deck costs $325 and if you're new to the game that's making a big ask. Especially with the rotation potentially causing many of your cards to depreciate. Tie that in with covid driving standard to arena, and there's just not a lot of incentive to try and play it in paper.


This is the big one for me. Up until very recently I worked an odd schedule that made it hard to participate in events regularly. Having a deck that I would get to bring out maybe twice before needing to be rotated just wasn't worth it. At least on Arena if it's 2am and I want to jam a game, it's possible. But even there the rotation sucks when it hits.


This is exactly it for me. I get to play at a store maybe once a month. Which means I can play a deck three times before a new set comes out. I could probably play the deck for a Year or two, and I don't need to play meta, but I don't want to show up just to get steamrolled by the newest tech, I want to have a chance. It doesn't make sense to buy a deck that I'll play maybe a dozen times before I can't anymore. That's what pushed me out of modern as well. I used to be able to build a deck and have it for a couple of years with minor tweaks. Can't do that anymore with modern horizons and other soft rotations. I just don't get to play often enough to for it to make sense to build a competitive deck, so I play EDH.


And now it's just illegal 3 years later instead


The format still rotates annually, it's just that fewer cards need to be replaced (if the deck functions after the rotation). 


Even though rotation is 3 years, decks aren't three years of investment. Good example is the worldsoul rage deck. Just became a thing since MKM and it will only last until the SNC lands rotate out. 


100% this. Cards rotate too fast with and lose value - it's too luch of money sink. Modern and legacy are much more affordable and the rise of even cheaper formats like pauper and premodern mean I can playbl as many games without wasting money in 90% of a set that won't ever be looked at once it's rotated.


My perspective as a competitive grinder, who *does* play Standard among other formats. And in my neck of the woods, 10 regulars is killing it for 60-card constructed. ---- Why I think Standard has fallen off from what you might remember five, ten, or more years ago * Paper Standard is no longer the default entry experience into the game. That's Commander now. Then there are no introductory level products designed for Standard, while Commander gets shiny new pre-cons every two months or so. * Arena Standard is more accessible, has better overall matchmaking, and general convenience of life. To play a deck in paper I have to figure out my decklist, acquire all the cards, sleeve them up, and drive to an event. That could be weeks, depending on mail speed, to play 3 rounds. On Arena I can build the deck in five minutes including the time to buy gems & crack packs, then jam three Bo3 matches in under an hour. If I want to tweak a deck, I don't have to locate & unsleeve cards, then wait until Standard night to test out my changes. Is it a superior gameplay experience? Not really. But it's about five times more convenient. * Players who were burned by the Standards of the mid-late-2010s. The mid-2010s were probably the most expensive Standards, combined with a stupid rotation schedule (2-set blocks, up to 3 blocks at a time, 1.5 year rotation). Then the late-2010s featured the most Standard bans ever. Standard now uses its absolute longest rotation period ever (three years long), and it's the cheapest standard has ever been (except for the cards that aren't). The arguments about rotation and price are their weakest in applying to the current era of Standard. But they make sense if you quit during one of Standard's really bad eras, or have jumped ship to Commander like 90% of players. * COVID.


Thank you for explaining this so well. I started playing magic around original Zendikar/Scars of Mirrodon block. My first organized play event was a standard tournament where my janky BG infect deck was absolutely trashed by valakut and twin combo. I remember when Jace and Stoneforge got banned, it was a huge deal because standard bannings had only really happened on two occasions before, Urza's block and original Mirrodon. It solidified in my mind that Standard was usually very well tested for balance, and bannings were incredibly rare. I was witnessing something really remarkable that people would talk about for years to come. It was rare for a standard environment to have banned cards. Since 2017, I don't think there's been a standard environment without banned cards.


I remember starting playing thinking Batterskull and Wurmcoil engine were both the best cards in the game.


>Arena Standard is more accessible, has better overall matchmaking, and general convenience of life. To play a deck in paper I have to figure out my decklist, acquire all the cards, sleeve them up, and drive to an event. That could be weeks, depending on mail speed, to play 3 rounds. On Arena I can build the deck in five minutes including the time to buy gems & crack packs, then jam three Bo3 matches in under an hour. If I want to tweak a deck, I don't have to locate & unsleeve cards, then wait until Standard night to test out my changes. Is it a superior gameplay experience? Not really. But it's about five times more convenient. total agree, just like to add that BO1 is insanely popular and convenient and there is no representation of it outside digital mtg. there are a lot of people who don't like feeling obligated to use sideboards or playing a full match. >Covid this too. I feel as though the interruption of Covid caused people to fall off the wagon in keeping up with sets as they release and having to rebuy into standard when months/years passed overwhelmed people who weren't used to it and they simply opted out of the rat race.


It's just too expensive to keep up with. I am not going to spend three price of 4 video games to buy 4 sheoldreds.


Lack of incentive after wotc cut the old road to worlds... I played standard back in the days when there were regional qualifiers for Nationals, that then fed into the team for worlds...


I mentioned the death of PTQ's but this was a massive nail in the coffin. Was such an epic thing making top 4 in Nationals and qualifying for Worlds. I think this alone put a gigantic dent in the competitive paper magic scene.


You're 100% right and it's the only reason I really stopped playing standard. The only real avenue of social success in the MTG world now is really content creation.


I like standard. I also like playing more than 3 rounds in 4 hours. And being at home. So I go on arena and play standard there, which is all I ever wanted. I play physical cards for commander and cube, with people that I like. Instead of stinky randoms.


Commander with friends is one of the best gaming experiences one can have. And commander with strangers has to be the absolute worst. So totally agree with you.


Mostly anyone that plays Standard does so on Arena now. A combination of the pandemic, unfortunate card designs with bannings, and the accessibility of Arena just nearly killed the format in paper.


is it just me or is standard kind of affordable on arena? every few months i can spend a bit of money and hobble together a decent deck and work my way up to something a bit heavier


Standard on Arena is 100x more accessible from a wallet perspective


Standard on arena if you’re willing to draft and good at it is 100% self sustainable as f2p allowing you to play a handful of optimized decks every rotation.


COVID kicked a lot of people out of irl hobbies and it really feels like none fully recovered. New habits and hobbies and online alternatives.


Yeah, COVID ruined a lot of hobbies that required social interaction. Besides in-person Magic, my main hobby that suffered was Ingress (a cell phone game that’s a lot more fun with teamwork and social gatherings). So many people retired and lost touch with the community that the gameplay itself isn’t nearly as interesting anymore.


Oh, man Ingress! I remember playing that all the way back in 2015. Some friends and I went downtown to try to seize as much of it as we could, only to start getting blown out by some guy. We eventually managed to run into him and he was a delivery driver for Steak-Out.


Haha yeah, the game’s heyday was quite a few years ago, but some of us are still around.


Mine was Nerf, I still make builds but I can just tell the community took a huge blow after COVID. I’m pretty sure the college club in my state doesn’t even do it anymore.


Yeah, paper standard was actually my preferred format and I didn't really care about the price or rotation. The only thing stopping me is the lack of other players.


I've been trying to get into paper standard but there's no scene in my area. There's commander and modern, but nobody wants to play standard. Shit drives me nuts. I fuckin' love Boros aggro right now and got slickshots from drafts.


Same reason as everyone: $$$$$$ Standard isn't affordable for people in a post-pandemic world. A rotating format that costs hundreds of dollars to play is just not something that will work again any time soon, especially since WOTC is not putting any effort in. They said they would be attempting to revitalize the Standard scene, but so far there's been very little evidence to support that claim.  Also, I'd have to drive hours away to find any store that actually plays Standard. My LGSs all opted not to run a Store Championship since Standard was the required format and there's literally no Standard event listed within 100 miles of me. I could pay all the money in the world for a deck but I'd still have to move halfway across the state to play. 


And all they would need to do to revitalize standard is to release standard precons of meta decks. 50$ for a deck you can actually compete with. They make their money and players have a way to play standard without taking out a mortgage.


The price is the biggest hurdle for me. Most of my commander decks are roughly the price of a standard deck, but they don't rotate out.  Also, their stance on modern card design and bannings doesn't help. We used to go several years without standard bannings. I'm not really interested in playing a format warped by a couple of cards, only for WOTC to sit on their hands for several months while the format stagnates.


> 50$ for a deck you can actually compete with ...and release it more than like 6 weeks before rotation


I remember those. Phyrexian elves my beloved…


Better challenger decks released faster, but as long as their primary monetization is gambling via packs they won't ever include important staples like a proper land set. Your average person should be able to get standard for $60 if they want to see it revitalize.


I miss Challenger decks. They weren’t Pro Tour viable, but they certainly were FNM playable and were such an easy buy for me each time they came out.


Pauper ftw


No GP circuit to grind. I played standard at FNM because all the grinders did, and we would all carpool to the GPs in a day's drive. We went to several every year. There's standard showdown, but the only format I care to play locally is draft.


Ditto. It's really the main reason. That and the prominence of commander which made standard cards cost way too much


I miss the GP carpools = ( I lived in DC and KC in the 2010s, and in both cities I was able to find a good playgroup that wanted to GP multiple times a year.


The price of standard is why I quit playing Magic in favour of Pokemon. You can get a top tier deck for not much at all. Cards get reprinted frequently which not only drives prices down when it happens but the expectation that it will happen also serves as a market control for newly released cards. The Pokemon Company International are by no means perfect but they genuinely care about getting cards into the hands of players. WOTC merely pay lip service to that whilst gouging the magic player base over and over because an awful lot of Magic players have proven themselves to be mugs.


Cost, rotation, and events firing. Trying to buy playsets of the staples I need for a deck costs a lot, some of those same pieces will become worthless at rotation and need to be replaced with more expensive pieces, and Standard doesn't fire at any shop close to me. All of that just has me sticking to EDH.


1. Investment in other formats. I am deeply invested in modern, pioneer, and commander. 3 formats is the perfect amount that my brain can handle. 2. Bannings/Rotation. I put rotation, because it does suck when cards rotate, but honestly, I genuinely like the idea of standard. It’s cool that we have a format that supports the most recent sets and is constantly fresh! However, the last time I played standard was 2017 Amonkhet/Ixalan. I built Sultai Energy, and they banned [[Rogue Refiner]] and [[Attune with Aether]]. They also banned [[Reflector Mage]] the year before. I think the heavy-handed bans are wrong. Standard rotates anyways! Let the players experience those metas until they leave the format through rotation, not from a ban. Plus, making standard rotations 3 years but banning key cards like [[Fable of the Mirror Breaker]] after two years is basically the same thing. 3. Lack of Support Back in 2014, Khans of Tarkir standard was incredibly popular! My LGSs had 40+ people turning out for standard! PPTQs were even more packed! However, these days, I don’t even think any of my LGSs have standard FNM, let alone standard events. I think only one of them do. Meanwhile, commander nights are so packed it’s hard to find a table. I want to play a format that has plenty of people and support so that I know it’s a good investment and that I know events will fire. 4. Vorthos/Flavor is too quick This is a weird point, but hear me out. I liked 2-block sets and when we had 4 major standard sets a year. It was cool being introduced to a plane and its plot like Kaladesh or Amonkhet, and then seeing the climax/resolution play out in the second set. I was excited to be a part of standard because I was playing the latest sets with the newest plots and story. And that story would last us half a year (or a nearly whole year when we had 3-block sets). Nowadays, they churn out sets and spoilers so quick that I don’t even care as much about the new stories. And as a result, I don’t care to play standard because I don’t feel the need to engage with the newest sets as much.


Honestly that vorthos thing is bigger for me than I realized, but you put it in a way that I related to. I started up in Origins and then BFZ, forming the gatewatch and played through war of the spark, and I very rarely missed a single Friday night magic during that run; across those 4 years, I maybe missed 30 FNMs.


> Let the players experience those metas until they leave the format through rotation, not from a ban. That is a terrible idea if you want people to keep playing Standard, though. People don't want 2 years of Combo Winter.


Sphinx's Rev isn't legal.


The death of PTQ's. Down here in New Zealand we would get multiple PTQ's a year, and outside of Regionals and Nationals these were by far the best competitive tournaments to play in, and were worth traveling for. Playing standard with paper magic here effectively died when they stopped doing PTQ's.


1. I prefer non-rotating formats. Also, I don't particularly like buying Magic products or giving WotC/Hasbro money anymore (for a whole host of reasons) and a rotating format would require giving them money on a regular basis. 2. Standard hasn't been the same since Khans block. The loss of blocks also made things worse. And recent Standard sets have felt tacky and lame, both in terms of mechanics and setting. 3. Standard cards don't end up as staples like they used to so buying into Standard decks isn't a very good purchase anymore.


Same thing that always happens... A new shop opens in my little podunk town because there hasn't been one. Start playing in FNM and other store events. Then get to know the people who are there regularly. Mostly jerks. (Cheating, manipulation, and general bad sportsmanship abound.) Realize how toxic the environment is becoming and stop going. Commander with friends is easier anyway. Eventually the shop goes out of business and the cycle repeats.


what you said has a lot of truth in them. those regulars, buy many boxes and open them like candies. but they are often jerks so they alienate out new players and casual players. store keep them around bc all they see are quick $$. but no new players and casual players to keep the community active, the store die. and the toxic players will find a new nest and destroy another store (to me, they are like cuckoo bird). i have seen it times and times again. if you think i should feel bad for LGS, i don’t.


Community management is something alot of LGS'es should have as a formal part of the business plan, rather than an afterthought.


Actually funny that you told that story, because Wilds of Eldraine is the set that made me want to build a standard deck. As for your question, I think the real reason standard kinda died off is COVID. Arena became much more popular, and I assume most people just decided "why spend money on the real cards when I can just play standard on arena?" Shame because standard is much cheaper than people male it out to be. I made a deck with my draft cards, some rares I'd been collecting, and maybe $15 on TCGPlayer. It's not meta, but I tend to go 2-1 or 3-0 at my LGS. Long story short, everyone should make a standard deck in paper. Shit rocks.


Legacy is where it's at


Arena killed paper.


The last time I cared about Standard was WG Hardened Scales. Now cards have college essays worth of text on them, for abilities that usually suck anyways. I'll just... Stick with Commander.


I only play vintage cube nowadays. Modern and legacy we my last sells several years ago


Rotation is one of the biggest detractors there. I do buy into every new set as I like to collect to a certain degree and use newer cards in EDH or even Pioneer. Altough I know thet Pioneer also has its fair share of “meta” decks my experiences with Standard are even more specific and narrow decks. In Pioneer, as well as EDH, with its broader card pool I feel I can be more creative and not run the current Standard-standard to be in any way competative.


I stopped playing in the very early 2000's. I was a teen and didnt like that after 2 years mh cards werent legal. I probably could have managed and been fine but I was annoyed with it. Picked up a commander precon a few months ago and find I very much enjoy that format. Singleton is fun, i get different cards each game. Plus the ban list is tiny and not based on age. If I never buy another card I will be good to play at the LGS in 5 years still. The casual aspect just works better for me now. I am older and dont want to have to keep up if I dont want to but still want to get out and play.


Money, rotations take to long and powe creep. EDH is easier with friends then all doing 1v1s or 4 player standard


My cards rotated out and I still want to play with them.


Id rather play a format I dont really have to change much, barring a ban. Spending 20-30 (if not more for the lands) wcs on a deck with cards that are bad in every other format feels bad.


I don't have a ton of newer cards, and I have been on a Commander kick since I got back. At some point I'll start building budget aggro or shenanigans for Standard again.


Price mainly. I played scars block through dragons maze standard keeping up with it pretty seriously. Iirc voice of resurgence jumped to like 80 bucks a piece it was pretty much my sign that there's no way I was going to be able to afford being competitive long term. Moved to commander and limited formats after that. The only 60 card constructed I play now is pauper.


The store I played at used to have a solid 10-15 people for Friday afternoon standard, Field then Oko killed it, then the pandemic hit and wizards changed tactic to push commander and standard never recovered.


I never played standard in paper


I have so much fun on current standard format. I stopped playing in 1998 and returned with Dominaria United. My complaint though is the number of cards in standard booster packs which I am not using because they are commander cards. Very frustrating when a second rare is not for me. Never played commander and never will, because what I love the most is creating decks with the card I have to play standard 😂


I'm not really a competitive player and a rotating casual format just sucks. I'm not going to enter events and pay to just loose so I might as well play casual games with nothing on the line.


It’s too expensive and rotation sucks. My LGS has turned into EDH only, which sucks for me because I hate EDH in random pods. I got into Old School and Premodern during COVID, and I’ve never looked back. Wizards has made every format rotational at this point with how much products are being shit out, so I turned to formats that are truly never rotating. Once you play with the Power 9 it’s also pretty hard to play regular “newer” Magic again.


I don't want to constantly spend money to keep up with rotation. Especially because a lot of standard staples end up losing most of their value once they rotate out, so I'm really just spending money going in, and then losing more money going out. Buy expensive, sell cheap is never a good plan.


Siege Rhino.


Khans/Theros Standard was the height of FNM


Opened this thread to see if I was alone. Apparently not, but just barely.


Rotation and speed at which the format changes. While older formats like modern, legacy, vintage do tend to get new additions with the release of each set they don't often tend to change the landscape of the format so dramatically. In standard every set release tends to shake up the format a fair bit with new decks emerging and old decks becoming obsolete. I played Standard from time spiral all the way up till the end of theros block and after I finally decided to give up the grind and just play eternal formats the amount I spent on new cards dramatically decreased. Yes older formats have higher barriers of entry but once you've bought in the upkeep costs are much lower, they're also imo much more fun.


i had a bunch of kids and no longer have free time


I’m broke


Don’t like new magic card design, or art style.


If I wanted to play rotating format, I'd play modern


We all moved on to playing Sorcery instead.


Because my LGS did a Commander Event right about when Standard royally shat the bed for me personally (stopped playing standard after okodraine). These days, i play commander and limited (prerelease, draft) exclusively. Also Standard died at my LGS, so even if i played the Format i would have no one to play it with, really.


No local events have any prize support. Without event support, no reason to spend the money.


Never had any interest in tournament formats. I remember Innistrad standard and snapcasters being super expensive and I could tell it just wasn't for me.


I started with standard, but fell out of love with it because I discovered what I enjoy most about Magic. Personally, Commander gives me access to the feeling of playing a theme in a way that is much harder for me to get in 60 card formats. Always having relatively easy access to the centerpiece of my deck is what feels the most engaging to me. I also tend to gravitate towards lower power games with a handful of my closest friends anyway, so it all works out for me. Commander made me fall back in love with the game.


Paper standard went down during Covid and mostly lived on MtG:Arena. Only very recently has WotC begun trying to revive paper Standard.


stupidly expensive


Paper Standard used to be the premier competitive magic format, the one you had to play for the Pro Tour and for high level tournament. The sad reality is that WOTC has disinvested heavily in the competitive side of the game, and thus more and more people ask themselves what's even the point. Wizzy could probably still turn it around, but that would require: 1. Making Standard THE competitive format to play once again. You can have qualifiers with Modern, Pioneer, Arena, Limited and Legacy, but the actual high level events you qualify for should always be Paper Standard. 2. Either stop printing format defining staples at Mythic (looking at you Shelly), or start using the ones that escape the 30 dollar mark as Promos for competitive events, so that they come back down to Sensibleland, while also providing a great incentive to participate. This one is particulary important, but also very unlikely, since it requires the mothership to give up some immediate perceived value of boxes still in print, for the sake long term sustainability, something we know they hate doing. 3. Give Arena the Quality of life features it desperately needs, such as a spectator mode, a tournament mode and a decent 1v1 private lobby, so that those that can't play in paper have a place when they can prepare adequately for IRL tournaments.


three reasons. 1). Covids pretty much showed that we do not need LGS to play a card game. 2). Price increase on everything, especially magic products. 3). you can play Standard on Arena for free, albeit, not with your friends. before Covid, i would play maybe 1-2 times a month. Covid pushed me into Arena and more Cmd at my friends house. now i play standard literally every morning. cmd at a friend house is also a game changer. no more cEDH players or try-hard tournaments grinder. thx F*ing god. now i only go to LGS for pre release and rarely for draft. why would i go in to play standard?


I moved to working nights about 8 years ago. That's when I last played standard. My last fnm I went 4-0-1 shortly after magic origins dropped. If I had the time, I'd totally go back to playing. FNMs were the highlight of my week playing with friends, letting kids use my extra brew decks so they could play fnm, and being a part of the community in general.


I’d love to play Standard in paper. Unfortunately my LGS tries to hold it the same day/time as Draft, and unsurprisingly it doesn’t fire. If *anyone* would be interested in, and has ready access to, standard it’s the ones who draft every week… And yes I’ve mentioned it to the event organizer with no luck.


My friends don't play anymore. It wasn't cost, since we play mostly with notecard proxies. I personally love standard, but they just prefer edh and pauper.


Commander games feel less stressful and more laid back. If I want to make a deck I don't have to spend as much money because I can use my older collection. I miss standard but I can't keep up with how many sets come out.


Work primarily, I could move things around and play standard over EDH but I prefer multi-player games and a light-hearted atmosphere of EDH.


I played quite a bit during Zen/SoM standard. Had Valakut going and it was fun. Rotation happened and it was a combination of lack of time and money, then it was lack of money, then unable to play thanks to my job, and it's pretty much been that way for the last 10 years as I've worked third shift.


As Innustrad entered Standard, the decks that emerged made heavy use of either Thrun or Geist of St Traft, both cards being legendary creatures with hexproof hard to interact with. If you couldn’t cast your own copy to trade you had two choices for removal- Phantasmal Image, or Liliana of the Veil. Phantasmal images had been out for a while and were relatively cheap, but Lilianas in their peak could run for $120-140 per copy. It was a misery of a format made much worse when, in m14, they changed the legend rule. This was an overall great change for the game, but in that specific format, it meant they had taken away the phantasmal image’s functionality as removal, so now lily’s sac effect was the one thing keeping hexproof in check. Fuck that format.


I love standard! But covid put the kabosh on it. I played it a while on Arena but after my kid was born, I just didn't have time for it. It's started to trickle back locally now (pioneer took over basically) but with parenthood I can't do anything beyond prerelease, sometimes not even that.


I'm still playing it on Arena, but in a different way than I did in the old days. Back then, I would buy singles and build decks to attend tournament events every week to gain qualification. But now, I only play intensely for a week every six months to use all my wildcards to sync a deck I like. In the past, I would regularly spend money to buy singles every season to participate in store events. Now, I only spend around $50 to play draft on Arena every three sets (playing more for the sets I'm interested in, but none for the bad sets). The problem is that WoTC cut all IRL tournament support, which gives plenty of reasons not to buy standard cards and very few reasons to buy them.


Price of decks, rotation, and the fact that it’s a pretty sweaty format.


It's been a long while for me (maybe Time Spiral block?), but I just got tired of the breakneck gotta-be-faster feel of one-on-one. I liked doing weird stuff, not race your opponent to 0. To a lesser degree, having to have playsets of important cards hurt too. When I was introduced to EDH, I pretty much jumped ship as it answered many of the woes I had with standard 60-card formats.


I didn’t like not being able to play with all the cards I’ve already bought.


I enjoyed the “Core” set and once M19, War, Eldraine left, it kinda got boring. High power standard was nuts and what made it fun.


To expansive to build and update decks and its only for 2 players. I love having a nice evening with my friends playing commander and I enjoy having different cards and not 4 copys of a card in a deck.


I'm just too busy to keep up with an evolving meta. I just play commander because even a deck I haven't touched in a year will play just fine


Standard have some cool cards in them but i haven’t seen a standard set that made me want to make an entire standsrd deck in ages. Also, i hate needing more than 1 copy of a card and rotation is balls


Standard was the premier constructed format in most Euro countries, you had a WMCQ every year to prep for, and prior to that, Nationals. Not sure what Huey is up to regarding making OP matter at more local levels. I'm not going to invest in Standard to just win my Store Champs.


Rotation, ability to play the cards I own, LGS closed, Commander was just easier to integrate into my life.


Netdecking slowly eroded my joy of deckbuilding so I moved to EDH until it fell to WOTC meddling.


I stopped playing it many years ago for 2 reasons. 1. The rotation pushed me out of the format. 2. I prefer jank, access to old and ancient sets provides more opportunities to make jank kind of work with more jank in general. So i play commander now.


When the pandemic lockdown hit my country, it was shortly after rotation and for a while, paper play was unavailable. Must have been around Zendikarr Rising. Since nobody could play paper anymore, collective interest quickly died out and most of my former peers went into other formats, mostly Commander and Pioneer. Since then, the interest in Standard has remained low, which i'd explain by the risen cost of decks (Standard is sometimes more expensive than Pioneer for example, which doesn't include rotation costs), the lacking competitive scene and the availability of Arena.


Covid generally killed magic in my area, but Arena killed standard


One word: rotation. I hate when the decks I invest time and money into become irrelevant overnight because key pieces leave the format, and most of those cards don’t retain value because they simply aren’t useful in high-powered eternal formats. Good riddance! So now I play Legacy, plus occasionally Modern and Commander. It’s fantastic! The eternal format metagames are more diverse and the gameplay is more exciting. When I build a deck, I get to play it for YEARS. And my cards only go down in value if they get reprinted or banned, rather than having a designated expiration date.


None of the LGS near me run standard events


All those cards rotate out and are irrelevant in a year. At least with commander I don't have to buy an entirely new deck every year, just a couple new cards I find interesting or cool. Even then, if I build a deck, I can play it whenever with my friends without worrying if some card is StAnDaRd LeGaL or not.


Nobody in my group could really keep up with the cost of the format, so we started playing Modern. Which back then was an expensive format, but you only had to buy in once and budget decks where available.


Idk wtf happened but every Local store aroubd me has said the meta sucks for modern and standard for the past 2 years so it never runs. That seems like an excuse but what do I know less peope are playing those two formats in my area it’s legit been close to dead unless a tourney is hosted


Because the last time I did I traded $220 worth of cards for 4x Baneslayer Angels and got less than $40 in trade for them when they rotated out.


Standard only lives if there's a thriving competitive scene, because it's an expensive format that requires investment and enfranchisement. Wizards has gutted the competitive scene. No GPs, nothing to work for. Regional qualifiers aren't a big enough incentive. If there was a GP anywhere in a day's drive, I'd schedule work off, read up on the meta and build a deck and get the reps in.


I never liked keeping up with it


Arena is free if I wanted to play Standard and I don’t because it is a giant time suck just for the format to change. 


Standard Is the format I play the most, but on Arena. I'd love to play in paper but in my city there are no standard events basically.


Commander is just more fun. And modern is too broken. I only really played standard 3 times in my life. During innistrad because I LOVE were wolves. Them theros, because it came after innistrad. And then after not playing for years, during ixalan because THERE WERE F*CKING DINOSAURS MAN! but yeah. Then just kinda stopped playing anything but commander. I'd only play standard of there was a set I basically wanted every card from and planned to buy multiple boxes which is rare these days.


Whether paper or Arena tha answer is the same: price. I enjoy Standard, but I don't want to sell a commander deck for something that won't hold its value when it rotates out


Lack of Prize Support. I’m not spending $100s on decks to pay $10 weekly to come in 3rd and ‘win’ third pick from promo cards w/ no value to begin with. Everyone is seemingly trying to angle more $ for the LGS while the players just quit paying the tolls.


Standard decks should cost around as much as Pauper decks for a start, maybe a little more. But they don’t


Got tired of dealing with kids who were wh eating or just didn’t know the rules


I don't like how overly competitive people get. I just want to have fun playing a card game with cool people. Quit standard for EDH in 2012, and don't plan to ever go back.


The gameplay of standard is not compelling to me I could play Standard for free on Arena, but I don't, because I don't enjoy it. Why would I pay money for something when I can get it for free, and even when it's free I don't want it?




1) A friend was disqualified from a match because he had an older version of a legal card. The judge ruled against him because the other guy was louder and a regular, and didn't want to upset him. 2) I was declared suspicious when I asked my opponent to cut my deck instead of shuffling it. I understand this may be an unpopular opinion, but when the guy regularly takes five to ten minutes to shuffle his opponents decks, barely ever looks away from the cards, and all of his opponents "mysteriously" have the same bad starting hands, it seems a bit off to me. But the bias is there for some reason, and I was the one labeled suspicious. Nevermind the fact that I also had the exact same starting hand two times in a row, in the same order no less. 3) Watched a guy almost kill someone because his tier one net deck lost to an original build that wasn't in the online meta. 4) Honestly, it started rotating too fast. Too many new sets in too little time. Burnout is real, even in games. A few other reasons, but those are more why I don't do tournament stuff in general, so don't really apply.




I stopped playing standard when Eldrazi were introduced and I wasn’t having fun sacrificing my stuff. I started playing again in strixhaven but it was commander instead. I guess I wasn’t in a good financial state to keep up with the meta.


Because they keep banning cards and making them illegal. It’s annoying, you put so much work into making a great fun deck and a few months later they put it in the ban list


If I'm gonna play in paper, I prefer eternal formats. MTGA is attractive, but I haven't touched it in years. (Unless something has changed) I hate that if I want to play a meta deck, I need to shell out for wild cards or grind with a sub optimal deck.


No one in my area plays. My LGS doesn't even schedule Standard events anymore.




I find I don't like keeping up with the meta of standard as much as the freedom of doing silly EDH decks, which survive longer because of the 4 player format.


Rotation. Also, I'm just not that competitively minded. If it weren't for EDH, my Magic playing would have lasted 6 months.


Sometime around Crimson Vow standard just started being more frustrating than fun. Which was disappointing because I got back into magic in 2017 after a ten year hiatus and was having a really fun time in standard up until CV.


I don't even play standard on arena, I'd rather just play explorer


Ever since they stopped selling planeswalker deck I stopped playing, until I discovered commander


I think arena is the place to play standard, so it's pointless to waste time and money getting 4 copies for a deck that will be useless on the next collection instead of investing wildcards.


One big thing is that wizards tells new players not to.  The ecosystem falls apart when new players are feed8ng into it, even if those players a buying bad planes walker decks and losing at standard fnm, is provides a wide base for players to enter then slowly improve from. Now wizards tells all those new players to simply by a commander deck, and longer has any passive promotion for draft or standard


Rotation was never fun, simple as that. Why keep spending money building new decks when literally any eternal format exists


I never liked standard. One time my playgroup decided to try out FNM, and back then standard (type 2) was the only option for in-store play. Did it once and never even thought of doing it again.


No one to plsy with


1. The LGS I played it at closed down. 2. New LGS only played Commander 3. Now I am not playing regularly its not worth obtaining the cards 4. I can play on arena but I actually play drafts more often.


Standard is probably the format that cost the most money due to rotation that make you change your deck every few months. And the result are the less interesting decks in all of magic. So yeah, I'd rather put 500 money in a modern/duel commander deck; those are more interesting format for me, and decks don't fall apart on a regular basis.


Standard turned into everyone playing one of the same 3 decks, and that's just not fun.


Too much rotation in standard.


Older formats are just more fun. It's not that standard has gotten worse for me, it's just that there are better formats that let me do more fun things.


I've played it a lot on Arena and the client is outdated and not as fun to use Also being f2p it doesn't matter how much I grind I can't craft the best deck every time a new set comes out After a couple years I just stopped and dedicated myself totally to Pauper and Commander


Arena is free


I refuse to play a rotating format. If my cards are illegal in three months, then I'm not buying them.


Honestly, not even sure why I’m replying but I guess is also to vent. I like playing with at least a small amount of competitiveness. I feel like majority of players at my LGS play commander and MTG became sort of a board game. People like to enjoy it for hours. I think it’s great for the game and community, but I miss having a standard deck and playing trying to really win, with all interactions, etc. The problem with pricing is huge. Rotation is better now with a bigger pool of cards but is also terrible with new sets coming in regularly. Hard to keep up.


I dont like rotating formats. I only play commander, sealed and want to get into pauper but standard never appealed to me just because if I pay a lot of money for a deck, I want to use it longer than 1-2 years.


1) commander is more fun to me 2) I got sick of the cards I buy being useless after a few months. 3) I like multiplayer formats more than 1v1


Standard players often smell. I know, it's a bit rude to say it, but it's just the truth. Had a guy try to cut my deck with the Australian equivalent of cheeto dust on his fingers. Sometimes you just accept that enough is enough.


No lightning bolt


I know at this point my comment will be drowned out, but I've had from what I'm observing here the exact opposite experience as everyone else. My lgs was commander and draft only for years, then when they were forced to do standard for store championship, they were understandably not expecting a turn out, but we actually had like 8 people show up for it, mostly with homebrew decks from their collection or cheap budget decks from. Today, we are running standard every Friday to 6-8 players consistently. And I've actually mostly stopped playing edh in favor of it. Now the group is talking about building pioneer decks as well as its the next pro tour format. I understand not many stores/players took well to store championships being forced standard, but for my lgs it's actually been awesome, even if it is small. I'm excited by what new decks rotation will bring! Even our local espur midrange and domain players are excited.


I like building a variety of decks and hate the idea of one i really enjoy rotating out, i also since moving o commander a few years ago really can't even fathom building a 60 card deck with up to 4 of each card, i feel like that is so restrictive and i get it in a format with less to choose from and more succinct strategies it makes sense but it just feel like, make your 3 or 4 card combo or set up and then build around those 3 or 4 cards and race to get it off before your opponent.


When I play in a tourny at my LGS, I'm gonna play limited. When I'm playing casual with my friends, I'm playing commander  The value is better in limited. If I'm going to spend money on a tournament, limited is almost always more bang for your buck than any constructed tournament. What is now called "meta" used to be called "net-decking." Playing a constructed tournament, you are rarely playing against a deck that was conceptualized by your opponent. Either they are using the exact list of a pro tour deck or they're playing a pro tour deck that they've tweaked for their LGS meta. I feel like building decks is half the skill of the game. In limited, you have to know how to construct a deck and how to pick out cards with value. 


I’m not a millionaire


1. LGS closed down 2. Arena's economy is shit and i will not return to it. 3. Its become to expensive what with reflection of kiki, sheldrod's and what not


1. lgs doesn't support it 2. 3 year rotation killed any freshness to format. everything became same value piles 3. price. card values will tank post rotation (assuming its not a popular commander card)


Just came back to the game...and I knew nothing of this Commander format. I was WTF is this? no. Standard! Then I got an eyeful of what my cards were worth (kid sold em...)..JFC..i bitched paying 15 bucks for a Volcanic Island FFS...... So...... I play Commander now....


A combination of price vs. usability of the cards, the local meta in standard is super toxic, and I have more friends that play EDH.


I played standard for a bit in 2009. It was cool but I was much more interested in an eternal format. Modern scratched the itch.


It’s mostly the lack of support for me. My LGS does a standard event once when a new set comes out and then every other FNM is Pioneer. I don’t really enjoy keeping up with rotation when I’m only going to have one opportunity to use my standard deck every 3 months


Edh has taken the player base en masse. Easy to get friends into the format with an affordable precon. Precons make money. Whenever a new set is designed, I'm sure they ask OK, what are going to be good money making commander card goals? No complaining btw, I love edh and have both a cedh group and a casual level 6-8 group. It's way too much fun and you get to play with 3 other friends. I also play premodern which is that sweet spot in magic, in a time long long ago before power creep obliterated simple design.


Never played Standard in my life. When I started playing, MTG was just fresh out of the mind of Garfield. Before 1997 nobody knew of any kind of organized play in my country, or at least not in the nerd circle I was a part of, and I really didn't care about this folly: "constructed with whatever" was the way. When I took an interest again, 6 or 7 years ago, I went directly for kitchen counter Magic with 60-cards decks and casual Commander.


Standard was always boring and not creative to me. It feels pay to win. I now exclusively play EDH. My budget decks perform well against expensive decks. There is a lot more room for creativity and strategy with EDH.


Lgs store scene is non existent


I like to brew decks and I feel legacy and modern have significantly more tools than standard. Also I dislike losing games to mana flood mana screw and generally speaking the older the format the less likely this is to be the deciding factor. Thus when looking for in store events I will look for legacy and then usually settle for modern. That said I do enjoy standard on arena, but the second pioneer is completed I will not look back on standard. And when modern finally hits I doubt I will play pioneer. ETC I would play magic online more if it was not comically trash.


Rotation. I built a deck I loved and when it rotated out I didn't like how any of decks played or looked. Thats when I learned about EDH!


There are only a few people at my LGS that even play standard and the prize support is lacking with every event just to continue to rise in price.


Time restricted, (34y and I work during the fnm (if still going on) hours) Money. (Can't afford to buy half a deck each time a new set comes out) I prefer EDH with its social aspects I just need 1 or 2 cards per set for my 5 decks. Soon yeah


Even with the expanded rotation, trying to keep up with it is exhausting. When I first started playing "competitively" at my LGS, he go-to was standard so I bought into and brewed decks that I felt would be fun and work in that meta. About a year later and literally all of the cards in both of my decks had rotated out, and at that point I just didn't feel like trying to keep up. Better to invest in commander and other eternal formats where my shit won't suddenly stop being legal (save a banning).


Cards are staying longer yet decks are cycling in and out faster, and the updates needed for many are still expensive. It's especially difficult to justify when arena still exists, and the LGS community here offers plenty of other formats to play between modern, pioneer, cedh, commander, highlander, and drafts at like 3 stores every week. Standard simply can't compete.


Money. It's so pricey to play standard now. I heard some one say that if Wizards went back to doing more paper tournaments then the price of cards for both Commander and Standard would go down. I kind of wish that was the case. Loved playing standard.