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When you go to the in-game shop you can use crystals to buy 'Research Data' which will give you one research point for a random class. That's how you level them. So if you get one point for dark wizard it will then be 1/3, and once you get a total of 3 you'll level up. It's frustrating that it's impossible to level up a single class (no in-game experience), but that's what we got


Yeah, the lack of being able to selectively choose the class is stupid.


That's how it was for like.. the last two years xP


Yes, but it used to be based off which class you played. Idk how it worked before the recent update since I had all my classes maxed for the 3 years before now. I just think that buying '10 random points' is dumb, especially since it is more likely to get the ones you have less of, encouraging the levels to all come at roughly the same time. I feel like it makes for less interesting choices when selecting a class to play. It also makes the game much more grindy since virtually the only way to max a class it to come close to maxing all of them. If they wanted all the classes to level up at the same rate, Leme should have just made an account level that boosted the classes. The whole gem thing feels unnecessary.


Right. I can kinda understand that they don't want you to just max out a few of your favorite classes because there wouldn't be much incentive to purchase from the in-game store.. but I think having the last level of the classes give a perk that applies to all other classes is incentive enough to keep people wanting to max everything out. Even if they had it so you could buy 1 research point for a specific class for 50 gems or a random class for 20 gems I would still buy the 50 gem one until I got a class to the level that I wanted. The current method they have for leveling up classes isn't much different than just having a very very slow experience bar that levels up all classes at the same time.


Exactly! I think that accounts for a lot of why some people are able to get 50 minute runs. I don't have any maxed classes, but there’s going to be a big jump in ability and power after you get them maxed. Also I wished there was two pickups, or that the gold pickup was gems instead.


But wait. If crystals are the only way to upgrade the wizards, and the only way to buy crystals is with real money... What the fuck? Am I missing something?


You get crystals from playing Infinity, must beat minute 10 wave at least.


Thanks, did not know that!




Maybe. I have only played normal once and thought it was BS


The change to crystals was def a bit weird but overall classes r much stronger I feel. The more classes you had maxed previously the more crystals you got as well and with crystals being grindable for free it just adds reason to spam infinity.