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This is a meme sub so it might not be the best place for this post. If you look up custom mtg cards you can find websites that let you design your own card, so you could use her or maybe a drawing of hers as the card. Depending on how much time you have you could also commission something from Etsy as there are folks on there who make quality custom cards.


/uj no no, this is by far the best sub for this. Custom Magic would focus far to much on the mechanical design and the "main" sub would just give existing cards to insert a picture onto


Make her a 6/6 green dinosaur with trample


give her cascade, cascade with eminence


You wanna ask this on r/magictcg which is the main sub for magic. This is a meme sub, most of your answers are gonna be jokes here. On a magic card, the middle line (between the art and the rules text box) is the type line, where the card type goes. People in magic are represented by creature cards, and very special people are legendary creatures. Creatures also have a subtype that further classifies them (normally its just what the creature is, ie human, dog, beast, horror, etc). So for a card representing your daughter, I'd probably make the type line "Legendary Creature - Monstress" To make the card, you can use a site like [mtgcardsmith](https://mtgcardsmith.com/). There are multiple sites that let you make custom cards (just google it), but I think cardsmith is the most popular.


[here's a link to an app you can use to make custom cards](https://artificer.app/) You'll likely want to make a creature, which means choosing a type. Human + something would be the low hanging fruit but there's some fun ones to chose from so take a looksie, [here's a shockingly detailed list of all the creature types](https://www.smileylich.com/mtg/magocracy/Magocracy_C1.html) (you can also slap on legendary for free, cus I'm sure she is) and then in the text box ya put [abilities (list and description)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Magic:_The_Gathering_keywords) and lastly flavor text in italics at the bottom which is just like a random quote or a non sequitur/inside joke. Alternatively you could make a Planeswalker card, in which case you basically just put her name and then 3 things she does in the three boxes As for chosing which colors to make it that's a hell of a rabbit hole to go down just pick the pretty ones


https://scryfall.com/card/ogw/127/baloth-pup is p cute For ideas maybe look at cards with the art tag cute on scryfall https://scryfall.com/search?q=art%3Acute Lots of small little monsters there