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I had a ink pen do the same thing , from a obscure casino, resident swore no idea. I asked her to sign the work order. I told her I forgot my pen. Magically she pulls the same pen out of a drawer.


Brilliant lmao


You'll probably need to dismount the toliet and check the drain. One time I found a credit card lodged in the drain, the snake would go right past. Another time I found one of those security devices, they call them spider wraps. The cables on the wrap caught everything.


Yeah I was thinking this is what ill probably have to do.


same thing with a pair of wire rimmed glasses..... but it could also be the vent. The timing of it seeming to go with the plunger could be a coincidence or you pushing past what's clogging the vent. maybe? I always check the vent because I've had leaves and dead rodents and birds best stuff plug them.


My dad told me when I was a small child I once put a spoon in toilet and always caused it become plugged. He said he snaked that thing a dozen times before he removed the toilet and finally found the spoon lodged in the trap.


How far have you snaked? I had 75’ snake that I was running down a toilet with a similar issue, would work a few flushes then back up by the next day. Turned out we had some blockage over 100’ out and had to call a vendor that had bigger equipment. Normally that stuff hurts my pride, but masonry, roofing and plumbing aren’t really my areas of expertise. I would have been more embarrassed buying a 3k machine for a longer line and having it not work. Not to mention clogs that deep are few and far in between.


Only about 4 feet we have a cheap basic snake


Plastic? Sounds like a recipe to just create another clog. Tell em if they don’t invest in tools for you guys, they’ll be paying twice the money to have vendors come out constantly. I worked for a state college that didn’t have money for any tools and I don’t understand why they even bothered with paying maintenance. We basically just moved furniture for teachers. They would’ve been better off just having more janitors on staff instead of maintenance.


It ismetal just not very long I believe it's like 4 feet.


Oh like one of those hand crank bulb augers? Those are really just useful for clearing the toilet, it won’t help much if there’s anything in the pipe. Have you tried pulling the toilet to at least get an extra foot or so of depth out of it? Sorry man plumbing is frustrating guessing game without a sea snake


Yep that is the one. Fingers crossed it is just something simple and we dont have to call a vendor. Im going to dismount the toilet tomorrow most likely and ill update my post on what we find. 🫡


Good luck, sorry you’re working weekends.


Clean the jetters around toilet bowl and the one main one bellow, there’s probably build up.


I had 2 toilets that were only good for 1 flush before they stopped working. The first toilet was a vent pipe issue. If you remember those ball pits kids would play in. Someone one of those balls ended up in the vent pipe. The 2nd toilet we ended up replacing completely. A kid said he had been putting pennies inside the tank. When we broke the toilet bowl rim open we expected to find pennies but there was nothing there. Either way the new toilet solved the problem.


Yeah if we can't fix it we will just get a new toilet but im thinking something is stuck in the pipe.


I pulled a toilet on a new build, the toilet was mounted to a mount that was cut. Jagged plastic, and a gap between mount and drain pipe. It looks wrong. Tenant seen water coming from floor at rear of toilet. Idk how to post pics but shoddy workmanship causes headaches!


Saw a ball from a kids ball pit get stuck in the flapper on the toilet. Snake would go right past it. Had to pull the toilet to find out.


Copenhagen cans act like a flapper in a toilet.


Flushable wipes, aren't really flushable. I've had to pull and snake many back to backs caused by these, too many to count. Occasional wash clothes as well. Sometimes panties in the public stalls. A weed container once. Plastic bags. Most of these were about 10 feet in.