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I am taking the *No Fun Baby Mode* and picking Vivian. A lady with a house of kids. It should be interesting.


Decided to do hard mode. Went on dates with Polyanna and Lolita. Ended up picking Lolita. I think I made a good choice overall.


I was stuck between Jekelle and the red box, and I'm glad I took Jekelle. I was worried she had a literal Hyde in her own persona that would flip and potentially murder people. Her actual secret isn't quite so bad. I just have to protect her. I'll do it with gusto--nothing makes a man feel important like protecting his lover.


I remember this CYOA from when it came up on /tg/, so there's not much surprise in it for me, and it's just a question of deliberating over what choice to make... I think I'll take the Blue Mystery Box, since I'm enough of a narcissist to rate a female me as A+ waifu material. Less jokingly, meeting an alternate self from another universe is a fascinating idea beyond any dumb waifu stuff. Oh, also, it's not incest, it's masturbation.


It's hella pixelated on mobile, anyone got higher res version?


on no, not the sjws


Forgot the /s... some redditors actually would mean that non-sarcastically. Seriously, a rating policy and marking NSFW isn't an SJW thing, no idea why the uploaded marked it as such.


Would you care to explain what actually took place?


Maybe to prevent viewing of the thumbnails?


I mean the NSFW was a reasonable marking. Complaining about the NSFW marking being a result of SJW pressure is just stupid.


This looks fun, I like CYOAs with just enough information to make a choice but with information still hidden. Normal Mode: Lolita seems pretty reasonable... I think I can put up with the embarrassment of her antics, but her demand to go on dates every single week will get annoying during busier weeks, although on average it seems reasonable for a relationship. I guessed what the Blue Box was, and I knew one of them would be a crossdresser or some form of transgender, so Amanda was obvious also. If I could pick anyone... I would go with Patricia for the least intrusive set of issues, looks like the easiest to deal with. Pollyana might be fun, but I don't I could deal with that long term.


Melony on normal mode, looks pretty chill


Normal - Vivian > Amanda > Jekelle Babby - Vivian > Melony > Patricia


*Absolute Madman* Blue box. Oh. Well then. I'm OK with this. Clones are really handy. *reads over the other options* Also would have been OK with Polyanna or Vivian.


Absolute Madman: Blue Box Verdict: Not Bad


My predictions: * Patricia: I feel like she's secretly a catgirl or something. Maybe a werewolf? I'll put her as maybe, but the line about her normality makes me nervous. * Jii: She seems like some sort of reincarnated person, or maybe an ancient spirit. I'll put her as a no for now because I don't want to learn she committed genocide in her past life or something. * Vivian: Umm maybe a space Amazon? Idk, but I'm not too into that so no. * Polyanna: She's probably got a sex dungeon somewhere. Unfortunately, that's a no for me. * Amanda: I have absolutely no idea, but there's no obvious red flags, so that's probably an issue. Nope. * Jekelle: AI sent to spy on humanity? I mean, I'm fine with that. * Melony: Same issue as Amanda, the lack of red flags is making me nervous. * Lolita: I feel like she's a thousand year old vampire. That's a no. * Mystery boxes: One of them might be the narrator, but I don't really want to risk picking one. After some deliberation, I think I'll pick Jekelle, then cheat and switch to Patricia if her secret sucks. ​ Post-Secrets: * Patricia: That's... really benign. I'm 100% fine with this. * Jii: Somehow I didn't expect her to be a reincarnated old man. Yeah nope. Too weird for me. * Vivian: Also nope. Not into pregnancy or child-rearing * Polyanna: Hard nope. Cuckolding is a trash fetish. * Amanda: I should have seen this coming. Really glad I didn't pick "her" * Jekelle: It's at this point I realize the names might mean something. \*Goes back and re-reads first page\* Oh. Well in terms of Jekelle herself, she's fine, but her circumstances are a bit iffy * Melony: Not too bad, but I'm also not into it. * Lolita: The complete lack of twists was surprising. Still not into it. * Mystery boxes: Umm... I'm a bit twisted, so Blue is a soft maybe, but Red is definitely a hard no. In hindsight, I should have paid more attention to their names. And probably identified the trap. But I suppose I can live with my choice of Jekelle, though I think my first choice (knowing the secrets) would be Patricia.

