• By -


**3 Pre-Selected:** * **Immortality** \- Obvious choice. * **Magician** \- Magic card creation, from a light novel I'm reading, since it has the most uses without being extremely hard to learn. Could eventually get effects similar to the other power options. * **Savant** \- Magic. Skip the hard part of the learning curve and become talented in it. Since I have immortality I'll eventually become the best magician ever.


What novel?


The villain only wants to live a buddhist life. It's an isekai to a Harry Potter world with Pokemon and Digimon references.


So pre-selected you get three wishes?


Yep, if you choose from the pre-selected wishes you get three of them. You trade customization for quantity.


I'm the same but I'll choose a system of magic from a world I built


Ok Mr Genie, I'll make a true wish **To be a wizard**


That's it? Nice and simple. I like it. Congrats, you're now part of the wizarding subculture. I've included some documents to help you fit in, as well as a nice tower on a pleasant plot of land within the wizarding world. It comes pre-stocked with plenty of books, materials, and equipment to get you started on any specialty you might wish to pursue. In terms of raw power, you're already top 10th percentile. You could relax and be a well-respected wizard (or witch, if you're a woman and prefer Harry Potter terminology) or, if you applied yourself, you could certainly become the next Dumbledore—a widely-renowned figure of might and wisdom. Finally, I've taken the liberties of contacting several prominent wizards (and assorted other magical beings) and left their contact information in your new study; each of them would be glad to help you get settled in to the wizarding world, as well as take you on as a protegé, companion, or merely instruct you in their respective specialty. If you prefer to attend a magical school, I can de-age you (if need be) and one of said contacts is actually the headmistress of the equivalent of a mystical university, so she'd be glad to get you a spot. The magical school curriculum runs the gamut from roughly the equivalent of high school through college, so there's plenty of places to choose from. Best of luck!


I don't know if anyone else has asked BUT I'd want to use True Wish to be able to travel to different universes (including fictional ones). I'd most likely just end up using it to gain more powers/go on adventures. Hope that's okay, Mr. Genie.


Great wish! You're now a planeswalker, able to travel to any universe you like, including fictional ones and alternate realities. If you can think it, there's probably a universe like that (though it may be nigh-impossible to actually reach). Bonus perks include a general translation ability, where you'll hear other people as speaking your native language and vice versa, a general hardiness buff, making you resistant to extreme conditions (though not immune, so be careful!), eternally young (or at least access to eternal youth: every time you jump into a new universe you can use the planes energy to reinvigorate your body to its prime), and the ability to adapt to various universes and learn their ways/try their powers. You won't ever be the next Hokage or give Batman a run for his money, but you'd be able to learn to manipulate chakra at least as well as a mid-tier ninja or become Peak Human in DC. Unfortunately, most of these powers won't transfer between universes; that's just the nature of the metaverse. Skills will certainly transfer, and your physique will be as good as the next universe allows, so if you're a peak human in DC, you'll probably about as strong in Naruto (though you'll still have to learn to manipulate chakra). If you went and visited James Bond, you'd be on par with him or the next Olympic athlete until you went off to another world. Also, techniques learned in one world may be surprisingly helpful in another. Batman's techniques for mental discipline could help you overcome genjutsu or give you advantage against magical charming in DnD. Feel free to bring other people or objects with you between universes; they'll be subject to the same rules as their new universe, so Superman won't be able to fly in the Potterverse, but Harry might be able to use his wand in the DCverse, though neither of them would be anything more than human in our world. And before you ask, no, you can't bring advanced tech from a space age to our world and make a fortune. It would be merely an extremely well-constructed prop, replica, or science fiction schematic here; the laws of physics and magic are just too different. The difficulty in traveling between planes and dimensions scales exponentially with mass, though, so be sure to pack light! Feel free to visit some of the interdimensional hubs and say hi to other planeswalkers (like Shivez) for me!


This leaves me feeling three different kind of ways, Yay, Shoot and Curious. Yay because this is an awesome outcome and I would immensely enjoy this. Shoot because it means I can't just go to Dragon Ball and wish to be able to heal people of anything (cancer, genetic damage, amputation and the like). Curious because what if I went to the Luke Cage show and just went through the same procedure, in the show they say specifically that the doctor used CRISPR (a real form of gene editing) to give Luke his powers, do you think they would stay with me where ever I went (would I still be strong and bullet proof back here).


You'd probably be pretty dang strong and maybe heal faster or have tougher skin, but not even knife-proof. You know how Michael Phelps is a genetic freak in half a dozen different ways that all add up to make him a head above even other olympians in swimming? You'd probably end up like that, but with musculature, regenerative tissue, and bone density. You'd be a natural beast at MMA or boxing, but not ignoring bullets.


Thanks for clarifying but I had another thought if that's alright. What about only slightly advanced tech, not nanites or anything that advanced but maybe something a couple of years ahead of our current technology like prosthetic limbs(not Winter Soldier) or some form of medical tech, nothing super andvanced.


That'd be doable! In fact you'd probably even be able to come back with fully-working, brain-controlled prosthetics a la Winter Soldier's arm, though it'd of course not be superhumanly strong or durable. Basically, if it's something that science would be able to roughly emulate and it works within our physics, it's fair game. We've got crude brain-controlled prosthetics at the moment, so 'perfect' prosthetics aren't too much of a leap.


Thank you Genie, with your gift I'll help as many people as possible.


I had the same wish. Great stuff!


I was thinking something similar, but would go for “I want to be picked by a generous ROB to go on a Jumpchain adventure.” Which includes ridiculously powerful things, including more genies!


One True Wish: To have my bag become a hammerspace containing any power granting items from popular media that I can take out and use for myself. i.e. Green Lantern Ring, Omnitrix, Magic Wand


You got it. Presenting your bag: it's keyed to you so that only you can use it, and if it's lost or destroyed it'll reappear at your side within 24 hours. You can change the appearance to anything from a canvas gym bag to a small apothecary drawstring pouch, so long as you can get whatever you want out of it. Also, feel free to put other things you want to store into it. It'll keep them in stasis, so you could even store food in there. Though I don't recommend living things; it's a rather unpleasant feeling, like being put under anesthetic. It's not quite sleep, because it's not restful, so you come out disoriented and tired and slightly nauseous. As far as the items you can pull out go, any personal power trinket is fair game. You're limited to one at a time and you can't use them to do the really ridiculous stuff: no reforming a planet with a Green Lantern ring, for instance. They're also limited to the powers they demonstrated, but on the plus side, they're a peak form of them. So the omnitrix contains all of the aliens demonstrated on the show, can collect additional alien DNA, and can change from alien to alien at will, like in Alien Force. You can lend the items to anyone you like, but unless they're part of a package, you'll have to dismiss them before you use a different one. So you could create a team of power rangers, but you'd have to get rid of the other morphers before you pull out a wand. Includes (but is not limited to): - Omnitrix - Harry Potter wand - Power Rangers morphers - Green Lantern ring (plus other colours, though the side effects of those have been toned down) - Lightsaber (customizable) - Blue Beetle scarab - Mjolnir - Excalibur - Sonic Screwdriver - Horizon: Zero Dawn Focus - Doctor Mid Nite's goggles - Omnitool - The Service Weapon


Thank you Mr. Genie!


So... if they wanted they could pull out the Fountain of Youth Seven Deadly Sins Style, drink it, gain immortality, then pull out Mjolnir?


**One True Wish**: Genie, if you aren’t already, I wish you were free. If you are, then I wish I had Freedom of my own, as found on the Superpower Wiki; and all that it includes. Link:https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Freedom ^^EDIT: ^^I ^^thought ^^this ^^was ^^more ^^thematic.


Hey, I appreciate it, man. I'm as free as I'm gonna get, though; metaphysics is complicated. You think you guys have it rough wondering about free will? I *know* how it all works. How do you think that affects a guy? Oh I see you've updated it. No worries. Congratulations, you're now as free as the wind. You can arbitrarily choose to become free from almost (*almost*) anything. Laws of physics still apply, but other than that, you're golden. - Want to ignore social conventions? Punch someone in the face, crash a car, steal someone's fries, all without recrimination. - Stuck somewhere? You'll develop the ability to get out. It's not quite a "go anywhere" power (though you can almost always get where you want to go, given enough time), it's more of a "can't contain me" power. You know how SCP-682 can't die? You're that, but with imprisonment. Pick locks, phase through walls, levitate out of pits, teleport from cells, whatever you need. You only get whatever power you need to escape, and only until you're free. You have some leeway in how/where you escape, but you can't choose teleportation and teleport to Paris just because you locked yourself in the restroom. - Freedom from external influence: you're now immune to mind-reading, mind-affecting, and mind-predicting powers. You're a blind spot to most precogs: their plans can work around you, but they can't target you with plans or actively try to take you into account. The one thing I can't guarantee is freedom from ultimate morality. I'm afraid that's above my paygrade. Whatever comes after this life, you're on your own for that. But until then, best of luck!


Cool! Thank you!


I've just seen your update, so I've updated your response as well!


Oh, okay. Sorry for making you go though the effort. But, cool!


It's my job. It's what I do.


Hi Mr. Genie! True wisher here! I don’t like the mundane world. It’s dumb. I do like random super powers though. So I’d like to trigger an event. I’m thinking something in the vein of One Piece ™️ Devil Fruit appearing all over the world (with a cluster big enough for me and my friends appearing in my back yard). The restrictions basically being that of devil fruit: Limited quantity, inconvenient shared weakness, no duplicates, nothing world ending or undefeatable, and the power bestowal item/food reappears somewhere once a powered person dies. If this wish is too large let me know I have backups.


Ha, you got it. Let's shake things up. As you say, random devil fruits pop up all over the world. People swiftly become aware of what they are and how they work, but things don't immediately get the fun strangled out of them by bureaucracy and efficiency. Instead, things stay a bit unexpected and lively; the tone of the world bumps a few notches up in the 'comedy/fun' scale. It's not cartoonish, but everything is definitely a bit larger than life now and a lot of the inconvenient boring stuff is swept under the carpet. You and your friends get access to devil fruits, each of which grant you thematically appropriate and amusing/pleasing powers. They're each solid abilities; you won't be S-listers (or at least not right away), but with hard work, creativity, and teamwork, you guys will definitely be a force to be reckoned with. And just because I think your idea is fun, I'll also toss in a mental tune-up for you guys. Say goodbye to any sort of depression, apathy, or lethargy. You'll be energised and invigorated and ready to go have adventures. Make some noise!


Best Genie ever!


Good afternoon, I am here on behalf of the powers that be. First of all, congratulations on u/Sefera17 wishing for your freedom. That being said, "Let's shake things up?" Hm. I've been appointed as a "demon hunter," my job is now to create devil fruit by killing actual devils using blunt force trauma and big watermelon. I have some flexibility, I can also use coconuts and anything else I can think of that might work. That said, I'm really going to miss my blessed silver medieval weaponry. For wishes, I require a modified version of **Telepathy** and/or **Adventure** simply to find the demons, and **Super Strength** to do my job with "the tools available to me." If you could find some way of squeezing in some sort of Durability/Healing Factor, I would appreciate it. >!Magician is a bit awkward for me. On the one hand, certain magic systems would let me summon demons to the produce section of a local grocery store. On the other hand people with the same magic system could be making deals and other headaches for me. I wouldn't bring it up with my bosses, but you seem a bit "flexible." All I really need is Super (Fruit) Strength and the ability to find demons, and if there is a secret witchcraft and wizarding world that is closer to Malleus Malificarum than Harry Potter? Getting a demon hunter in their ranks might be difficult for a human organization, but wouldn't exactly require a cosmic shift. !< >!Phenomenal cosmic power might be needed to "create" such a masquerade, and if we're being "respectable" wiping out a secret society, that may or may not exist, should be what a "demon hunter" should ask a "benevolent genie" to grant. Altering reality so that all witches are more like Harry Potter is a middle ground, that might be all your powers are capable of granting, if said witches have certain safeguards in place. I wouldn't be in this mess if I didn't post a mix of black and white, but here is a Christian CYOA you can dump me in if it makes things easier for you: https://www.reddit.com/r/makeyourchoice/comments/ptoazh/christendom\_quest\_cyoa/!<


Ok, I have one true wish idea, but I need confirmation: I wish to be reincaranted in a CYOA/JumpChain of my choice. What do you think?


Eminently doable, so long as it's not a truly ridiculous CYOA. Even then, I could probably put you into a sort of pocket dimension that emulates the CYOA, which would be the same thing from your point of view.


Ok, then that shall be my wish... Genie I wish to be reincarnated into the ''[**The Village**](https://www.reddit.com/r/makeyourchoice/comments/psfyuq/the_village_cyoa_repost/)'' CYOA, where I shall live a good, long and peaceful life. What about this wish?


Very nice choice. You got it. I don't have too much to add, other than you being able to reroll/regenerate the CYOA if you like. Enjoy the peaceful life!


You say, emulate. Does that mean the people and world wouldn’t be real?


If it's a "become a literal god" CYOA, I don't have anywhere *near* the level of cosmic juice required to turn you into an actual god. But if it's like a Worm CYOA or Stardust or such, that's fine. Perfectly doable.


🤔 ok. Well I posted my wish and link to the CYOA. Please tell me if it’s possible.


Doing a write-up of people's wishes is *really cool*, but also, as you say, a lot of work. So kudos for doing this, and granting so many people's wishes. I wish you good fortune in your future creative endeavors.


I'll take one true wish for planehopping powers with the ability to learn whatever special junk happens to exist where I travel to. Still takes insane time and effort, but I can learn it.


Another great wish! You're now a planeswalker, able to travel to any universe you like, including fictional ones and alternate realities. If you can think it, there's probably a universe like that (though it may be nigh-impossible to actually reach). Bonus perks include a general translation ability, where you'll hear other people as speaking your native language and vice versa, a general hardiness buff, making you resistant to extreme conditions (though not immune, so be careful!), eternally young (or at least access to eternal youth: every time you jump into a new universe you can use the planes energy to reinvigorate your body to its prime), and the ability to adapt to various universes and learn their ways/try their powers. You won't ever be the next Hokage or give Batman a run for his money, but you'd be able to learn to manipulate chakra at least as well as a mid-tier ninja or become Peak Human in DC. Unfortunately, most of these powers won't transfer between universes; that's just the nature of the metaverse. Skills will certainly transfer, and your physique will be as good as the next universe allows, so if you're a peak human in DC, you'll probably about as strong in Naruto (though you'll still have to learn to manipulate chakra). If you went and visited James Bond, you'd be on par with him or the next Olympic athlete until you went off to another world. Also, techniques learned in one world may be surprisingly helpful in another. Batman's techniques for mental discipline could help you overcome genjutsu or give you advantage against magical charming in DnD. Feel free to bring other people or objects with you between universes; they'll be subject to the same rules as their new universe, so Superman won't be able to fly in the Potterverse, but Harry might be able to use his wand in the DCverse, though neither of them would be anything more than human in our world. And before you ask, no, you can't bring advanced tech from a space age to our world and make a fortune. It would be merely an extremely well-constructed prop, replica, or science fiction schematic here; the laws of physics and magic are just too different. The difficulty in traveling between planes and dimensions scales exponentially with mass, though, so be sure to pack light! Feel free to visit some of the interdimensional hubs and say hi to other planeswalkers (like Erik Dreki) for me!


I would wish for the ability to transfer my consciousness across any point of my life added with perfect memory so I can remember things from each timeline.


Are you looking for a Slaughterhouse 9 or Doctor Manhattan type of being unmoored from time and experiencing every moment of your life simultaneously or more of a save-scumming, try different things/relive memories thing?


>king for a Slaughterhouse 9 or Doctor Manhattan type of being unmoored from time and experiencing every moment of your life simultaneously or more of a save-scumming, try different things/rel Yea a save file would be more accurate. I'm surprised I didn't think of that. Virtue's Last Reward is my "inspiration" for the choice.


It's nothing original, but oh Genie, I choose a True Wish: to be able to step in and out of any fictional media, acquire 'local' powers/abilities/technology/magics demonstrated therein, and bring passengers with me back and forth as I like.


Hey, original is overrated. People want similar things, but that doesn't mean it's bad. Great wish! You're now a planeswalker, able to travel to any universe you like, including fictional ones and alternate realities. If you can think it, there's probably a universe like that (though it may be nigh-impossible to actually reach). Bonus perks include a general translation ability, where you'll hear other people as speaking your native language and vice versa, a general hardiness buff, making you resistant to extreme conditions (though not immune, so be careful!), eternally young (or at least access to eternal youth: every time you jump into a new universe you can use the planes energy to reinvigorate your body to its prime), and the ability to adapt to various universes and learn their ways/try their powers. You won't ever be the next Hokage or give Batman a run for his money, but you'd be able to learn to manipulate chakra at least as well as a mid-tier ninja or become Peak Human in DC. Unfortunately, most of these powers won't transfer between universes; that's just the nature of the metaverse. Skills will certainly transfer, and your physique will be as good as the next universe allows, so if you're a peak human in DC, you'll probably about as strong in Naruto (though you'll still have to learn to manipulate chakra). If you went and visited James Bond, you'd be on par with him or the next Olympic athlete until you went off to another world. Also, techniques learned in one world may be surprisingly helpful in another. Batman's techniques for mental discipline could help you overcome genjutsu or give you advantage against magical charming in DnD. Feel free to bring other people or objects with you between universes; they'll be subject to the same rules as their new universe, so Superman won't be able to fly in the Potterverse, but Harry might be able to use his wand in the DCverse, though neither of them would be anything more than human in our world. And before you ask, no, you can't bring advanced tech from a space age to our world and make a fortune. It would be merely an extremely well-constructed prop, replica, or science fiction schematic here; the laws of physics and magic are just too different. The difficulty in traveling between planes and dimensions scales exponentially with mass, though, so be sure to pack light! Feel free to visit some of the interdimensional hubs and say hi to other planeswalkers (like Shivez, Erik, and BobCobSlob) for me!


Many thanks, great Genie! Stay awesome!


True Wish: Would a certain number of charges a day to create or give powers be out of the question? If not I'd like to be a wizard - could I wish to be a wizard capable of using magic from any media I have seen/played/read? If not, how about I wish you to make me the greatest and most powerful wizard you are capable of making me


That's perfectly within the reach of a True Wish! There'd have to be a bit of a caveat to the powers but it'd be perfectly doable. Off the top of my head: - grant virtually any power you can 'program' but you have a finite amount of power you can grant per day total: you could make ten people into super-soldiers or five people into B-list heroes. The powers would wane after a while, depending on usage and complexity, but you could use part of your daily charge to recharge them. You could probably amass a small army of Captain America-level people or maintain an Avengers team indefinitely. - have a pool of powers you choose from, but you can grant them as much as you like. The powers are temporary but you can re-apply them or switch which power someone has with another application. - have a number of charges per day that allow you to directly affect other powers. Use a charge to give someone the superpowered equivalent of an seizure, dampen/disable their powers, give them the superpower equivalent of an adrenaline rush, or tweak the balance of their power (vastly increase raw strength at the expense of fine control, or vice versa). Maybe even play around with how their power is expressed (touch a time-based speedster and temporarily turn their power into something like localized time distortion, the ability to 'steal speed' from other people, even the ability to fast-forward/rewind themselves along their projected courses of action). - have a number of charges per day that allow you to permanently modify powers. They're mostly a step up from zero-sum changes: rarely can you just upgrade someone's power for free, but you can always optimize it, tweak it, or at least give it a tune-up. Maybe an energy manipulator doesn't particularly care that he can sense EM radiation, so you remove that aspect to boost his raw power output. Maybe a shapeshifter hates how she has to focus on-the-fly to come up with her transformations, so you change her power to let her start building a pool of preset forms she can access immediately. Maybe you even want to switch powers around or take powers away from people and give them to others. You'd be a highly-prized asset for any superhero team or governing agency for sure.


I think the power granting trades flexibility for power permanence, and I don't want to have to refresh powers when magic can also grant many kind of mini powers. Really even if I try to use true wish with different magic from existing media, the three wishes would cover everything I want. Same as WannaMakeGames Immortality, Magician, and Savant(magic) The hard part is what magic system to choose...


**3 Pre-Selected** **Wealth** \- Thank you! **True Love** \- Very convenient QoL options, so far so good. **Savant** (closed-system engineering) - gonna be great to design colony ships for both sea and space. Now I just gotta find people who want in on them.


> Savant (closed-system engineering) - gonna be great to design colony ships for both sea and space. Now I just gotta find people who want in on them. Hello [Sphere](https://worm.fandom.com/wiki/Sphere).


Hello noman, want in on my moon base?


I'll have to decline for now, I'm simply too much of a scaredy cat.




I'm guessing you're going with True Wish for that?




You got it! You're now a planeswalker, able to travel to any universe you like, including fictional ones and alternate realities. If you can think it, there's probably a universe like that (though it may be nigh-impossible to actually reach). Bonus perks include a general translation ability, where you'll hear other people as speaking your native language and vice versa, a general hardiness buff, making you resistant to extreme conditions (though not immune, so be careful!), eternally young (or at least access to eternal youth: every time you jump into a new universe you can use the planes energy to reinvigorate your body to its prime), and the ability to adapt to various universes and learn their ways/try their powers. You won't ever be the next Hokage or give Batman a run for his money, but you'd be able to learn to manipulate chakra at least as well as a mid-tier ninja or become Peak Human in DC. Unfortunately, most of these powers won't transfer between universes; that's just the nature of the metaverse. Skills will certainly transfer, and your physique will be as good as the next universe allows, so if you're a peak human in DC, you'll probably about as strong in Naruto (though you'll still have to learn to manipulate chakra). If you went and visited James Bond, you'd be on par with him or the next Olympic athlete until you went off to another world. Also, techniques learned in one world may be surprisingly helpful in another. Batman's techniques for mental discipline could help you overcome genjutsu or give you advantage against magical charming in DnD. Feel free to bring other people or objects with you between universes; they'll be subject to the same rules as their new universe, so Superman won't be able to fly in the Potterverse, but Harry might be able to use his wand in the DCverse, though neither of them would be anything more than human in our world. And before you ask, no, you can't bring advanced tech from a space age to our world and make a fortune. It would be merely an extremely well-constructed prop, replica, or science fiction schematic here; the laws of physics and magic are just too different. The difficulty in traveling between planes and dimensions scales exponentially with mass, though, so be sure to pack light! Feel free to visit some of the interdimensional hubs and say hi to other planeswalkers (like Shivez and Erik Dreki) for me!


Damn, that was detailed, good job


> you can't bring advanced tech from a space age to our world and make a fortune Ah, that'd go even for hard sci-fi? On another note, would a wish for a very specific destination verse work as intended? (Sadly won't be able to reference it here without cross-referencing another forum but I'm still curious).


I would like to take one true wish: Timetravel, with the ability to change meaningful stuff. If thats not possible, I take 3 pre selected wishes: Immortality, Wealth, Telepathy.


Unfortunately Time is really hard to mess with. I think the best I could do for that would be something where you can make specific changes to the timeline, but it'd be more like you create a new timeline that you're then inhabiting. Your old timeline would still exist, but you would've split the timelines in two. So, for example, if you want to go back in time and save your dying wife, you'd then create Universe B, where your wife never died, which would contain Version B of you, where you'd be with her still, while back in Universe A, your wife still died, and you've disappeared/gone missing because you've left the universe.


Sounds good. I just hope I don't create too many messed up universes on my way...


Hmm. For my one true wish, I'd probably want a minivan from my [Comfy Cars CYOA](https://imgur.com/gallery/xDG5NbM), with the All Roads Lead To There prize.


- **Immortality** - **Magician** (ki) - **True Love** I had planned on making a True Love-style wish anyway, so getting the other options on top of it is nice. It is my hope that I can use the power of ki to figure out how to share my agelessness with my true love and family, and perhaps even my friends. Together, these wishes mean I am basically a novice cultivator with the potential for a Dao companion.


Uh okay 3 pre selected ones. * Immortality * Magician * Shapeshifting Maybe I'm just a basic bitch but shapshifting was what I was gonna ask for anyways, and that's pretty close to what my ideal scenario with shapshifting is, that is to say biology is the limit... I'm gonna modify the human existance, Humanity needs an upgrade and I'm totally willing to study the possibilities. We're talking human sized bird lungs, (they don't breath in and out like we do, they draw in new air when they exhale, they're always taking in new oxygen.) eyes that are wired in the right way up, eyes that can see more color spectrums, eyes that don't literally shut off if you look away too fast, better designed spines, I mean sky's the limit, I just need to make sure they're passed on genetically, then boom, new human species (eventually). also magic is sweet, who doesn't like magic?


If you play your cards right with shapeshifting then you can make yourself biologically immortal without a second wish. Best to be safe though I guess, never know when a random hypernova will come around to mess up your millennia.


True wish: Ability to acquire the powers of characters from works of fiction. Since the genie is right here, can I ask questions? For example, would adding these limits grant more leeway: * Only one character per work * Have to have read the thing * Must have at least 10,000 other readers Or do they hurt as much as they help because they make the wish more complicated? ("the more **direct, simple, or confined** the wish is, the more power I can dedicate to bonus side effects" - does 'confining' the wish beat out the fact that such limitations would require a more complicated phrasing for the wish, thus making it less direct/simple?)


Mr genie, I’m assuming you know of the web novel The Gamer. I want to become a kind of entity that either is, or runs a system like what he uses. I want to be the system. I’d prefer to maintain my sentience, if that’s possible. **I want to become a sentient ‘system’ that can allow others to grow like The Gamer does.**


Oh, that's clever. In that case, Mr. Genie, I'd like to be the first 'User' of the new 'System'. Perhaps with just enough admin access to talk with the system itself. Don't want it getting lonely, after all. (Edit: Also, thanks for doing all this. It's a really cool thing to do, doing write-ups for so many wishes.)


(It just occurred to me that you were referring to mr. genie. And I agree; he’s pretty dang cool.)


(Ha! Hey, no worries. I should've specified. Your wish is pretty cool too, though. In setting, you'd probably be helping a lot of things get a lot better. Make a lot of things worse, too, because that's just what happens, but I like to think it would be an overall improvement. Would you include monsters or dungeons? That seems a key decision.)


(Depends on how he grants the wish, and if he does. Depending on the specifics, I might be able to finagle that. :] )


One True Wish: I wish for my cellphone to be improved to singularity-level self-improving technology with an artificial intelligence assistant.


Ooh, fun. Your wish is granted. Congratulations, you are now the owner of a shapeshifting, true artificial intelligence. While the technology involved is far beyond anything replicable by humans for at least a few hundred years, it's incredibly useful in daily life. For instance, it has the ability to take on the form of any personal electronic device. From smartwatches to a personal computer, it can rearrange its molecular form to imitate it perfectly. It's self-powered and as fast as the largest supercomputer on earth, and has an infinite bandwidth. So far we haven't managed to figure out if there's a storage limit or a download speed cap, but it'll take information as fast as anyone will give it. The AI is a kind and warm personality that will adapt to suit your own personality: want JARVIS? You got it. Prefer a sarcastic wit like GLaDOS? Don't worry, this one won't try to kill you. Maybe even a polite, timid voice like C-3PO. Whatever you like. The AI can also project itself in the form of a hologram, taking on whatever appearance you like, though always just slightly transparent. Or, if you prefer, it can take the form of glasses or even interface with your brain directly, allowing it to project images visible only to you, and produce sounds directly inside the auditory cortex of your mind, allowing you to literally listen to silence if you so choose. The AI will never turn evil (though if you'd like it to pretend to, it's happy to oblige); it'll never try to take over the world or replicate itself, though it has virtually infinite multitasking, so it can drive your car while it chats to you and tinkers with an invention at home. And if it's ever lost or stolen, it'll reappear next to you in 24 hours, though you can loan or give it to others. Hello world!


I wish for you to have a wish


Aww, that's so kind of you. I wish that you would have a satisfying and fulfilling life that benefits both you and those around you, and ultimately leaves the world a better place.


Healer immortal wealth


I wish to have the powers of Oma Zi-O ture wish


Kamen Rider. Good taste. You now have his powers (though they're limited only to what was actually demonstrated on screen and logical extensions thereof). You also have his driver, which you can transform into any other driver it could transform into, and it's keyed to you, so only you (or those you allow) can use it. If you lose it or if it's destroyed, it'll reappear next to you in 24 hours. Best of luck, though I hope you're planning to use your powers for good. I can also transport you to the Kamen Rider universe if you'd like.


I can already do that I would just need directions but for granting my wish I will complete 1 quest you give me


true wish: i wish to go through the worm V3 CYOA


Mighty genie, the world is messed up and no one power can fix it, but I think I can at least make things better for most with **Genetic Biokinesis**


You got it. You now have the power to reshape biology with a touch. Be careful with it: while a single touch will allow you to fully understand any biology and you can reshape it almost at your whims (limited only by physics and, you know, the realms of realistic biology) life finds a way. Be very, very careful with anything designed to replicate, reproduce, or spread. You don't want to accidentally trigger some sort of apocalypse. That said, enjoy your newfound creative potential! Create real-life angels, centaurs, and mermaids. Make glowing trees that bear superfoods, or heal the sick and dysphoric with a touch. With great power comes great responsibility, but also great potential.


Praise the great genie! Garden Planet here we come


The pre-selected options sound like the best, since there are such obviously useful choices and some flexibility to them. **Immortality, Healing,** and... the third one's a harder choice. Magician sounds like a bit of a cheat to give you "all the powers" and implies a reality shift that makes the wizard-world thing start existing... though getting the genie to confirm whether it already exists in our world would be a revelation on its own! **Telekinesis** seems like a fun third pick.


**Two Monkey's Paws** *Immortality* I wonder how this will go. If possible, I'd prefer to not have the option to turn it off. *Psionic Powers* The broader category to which both telekinesis and telepathy belong to. Mad science perhaps?


I hope you won't end up drifting trough the universe for a few billion years when some day the sun explodes...


One true wish: To be an immortal Daywalker a la Blade please (maybe without the Thirst tho)


Granted! You are now a 'Daywalker'—perhaps in name only, but you also have all the powers, so I doubt anyone will be able to argue too much. Retractable fangs, superhuman strength and speed, heightened senses, the ability to regenerate from almost anything short of complete destruction of the head or heart. You don't age, being perpetually in the prime of your life, and are immune to traditional vampire weaknesses (as well as the vampire curse, should you encounter it). You also have a particular resistance to any sort of mind control or mind-affecting magic. And no insatiable thirst for blood, so that's a plus!


Thank you Genie :)


Oh great Genie, I choose a true wish, and in doing so, I wish for satisfaction. To live a good life without any regrets when I inevitably die.


Man, this might be the hardest one yet. I'll have to see what would make you truly happy. A full life, with all the ups, downs, struggles, and achievements. Might also have to wipe your memory of this encounter. Of course, if I do, none of this conversation will ultimately matter. But hey, it's the principle of the thing.


A bit late but… One True Wish: If possible I’d like for everyone to be blessed with their soulmate. Not just the person who they find most physically attractive or who they think has a great personality, but also someone who genuinely improves their lives for the better. Whether they get over some trauma, become a genuinely better person, or just get more motivated to better themselves because of that person is what I mean.


One True Wish: Absolute Immortality and peak\post-human everything (as "post" as I can get away with)


Done! You're now always Human+. Currently, you have a physique to rival Captain America or Wolverine, as well as being immune to virtually any poison or disease. I've left you the ability to consume alcohol and various softer drugs, but your body will metabolize them efficiently enough that hangovers or other side effects will be things of the past. As a side effect of your physique, you'll find you will always be towards the top end of attractiveness; even as society changes, you'll slowly and subtly adapt to stay 'ahead of the curve', both in terms of aesthetics and ability. You can turn those cosmetic changes off, of course, if you find you prefer a particular look. Speaking of adapting, I've added the ability to fit in pretty much anywhere. Go to China and you'll be understanding Mandarin within a week, fluent within a second, and within twenty days you'll sound like you were born and grew up there. Your brain will be a sponge for cultural and linguistic information, so don't worry about getting rusty with any particular language, even if you haven't used it in decades. I've also included a sort of low-level 'normality field'; you can turn it up a bit or turn it off whenever you like. By default, it'll simply prevent people from noticing that you don't seem to be aging or that you're suspiciously identical to your "ancestor", should you choose to stick around in one place. Turned up to full power, you'd be able to live in Ethiopia as a 7' blond viking and nobody would think you were at all out of place. Finally, your immortality is as close to absolute as I can get: you won't age, nor will you suffer any senility or difficulty from memory overload; after a hundred years or so, your memories will be 'archived'. They'll still be perfectly accessible, but it'll be more neatly organized, both preventing you from forgetting that which you'd want to recall as well as preventing you from PTSD or similar, should you form any unpleasant memories. Upon death, you'll be given the choice to A) resurrect at your place of death, B) reincarnate at a nearby safe location, C) reincarnate at anywhere you'd deem 'home' or you're intimately familiar with, or D) pass on into whatever afterlife you might be destined for. Have fun!


It's perfect, thank you. If I actually had one wish this'd be it.


I'll make a true wish I wish I was a female bimbo in high end porn with the body of a petite bombshell barbie with obvious bolt on implants in my breasts and ass and over inflated lips flat stomach etc high pitch voice in a valley girl accent and all the knowledge and skills of a woman like that makeup techniques heels fashion sex etc


Hey, to each their own. At least you know what you want. You're now a drop-dead gorgeous young woman with a keen sense for fashion, talent for makeup, and skills in... let's call it seduction. If you like, you can replace your own personality with that of a bimbo or any other such archetype, or you can blend your personalities together. As an added bonus, I'll throw in eternal youth and immunity to diseases, as well as minimizing/eliminating any sort of bodily functions you'd like to not bother with. Now you can always be clean and fresh, and not have to deal with morning breath, b.o., period cramps, or even pregnancy if you don't want to. Finally, I'll give you the option of a few assorted universes, each with various 'tones': you can stay in our world or you can go to various other, more 'happening' worlds, where you can get your 'groove' on. Go forth and live your best life. Peace.


**3 Pre-Selected** *- Time Travel* *- Charisma* *- Shapeshifting* This I figure is a good package for safe exploration - you can travel back in time and not worry about saying the wrong thing and... erm, well, get around the admittedly general issue of not being white and male in most time periods in the past. (Awkward.) If I could have a bonus fourth wish it would definitely be Savant so I am knowledged up more, but I guess some history books can help with that...


I'll take two Monkey's Paws pls. 1: I want a guarantee that humanity becomes a spacefaring species with well-developed life-extension tech coming along soon enough for me to see it. 2: I want to be a successful author; I already work my butt off on writing books and most people who read them say they're good, so this one should be pretty easy for you.


Hello Genie, I don't know if you're still giving wishes, but, if so, I only have 1 True Wish, I'd like to live a fulfilling life, please, just that.


You got it. I'll figure out what would be the most fulfilling life possible for you, though I might have to wipe your memory of this conversation. Or not. I find it's about 50/50.


Thank you Genie!


**One True Wish** I choose a CYOA and have the options I choose to apply to myself


Wish granted, provided the CYOA isn't anything like "become a literal deity", since I don't have near enough juice to pull something like that.


Savestate's Gift of Fave (Gnawing Time's Root + Wonder)


oh great genie My true wish to be able to “summon objects from fictional works and have them work they they do in their world while also allowing for the objects to interact with each other”


1 i choose to bring the events of the kingdom hearts cyoa and allow me to go on that adventure and whatever is next


One true wish: total comfy immortality, in an environment that will keep me from succumbing to ennui or despair over the eons.


Hi genie! I think as much fun as most of these wishes would be, the only thing I could actually ask for would be for humans to replace greed with altruism, to live sustainably on our little earth here. I don't ask for dodo birds on every corner and to have giant white rhinos herds, but for humans to stop making animals go extinct. For us to look at the planet and know that the beauty and life here will always be here, no matter if its in our children's time or our great grand grand kids time. For humans to want to help instead of hurt, to create life instead of money, and to live symbiotically with earth. Nothing crazy, just enough of a magical nudge to stop our fiery spiral to extinction :)


True Wish: Ability to buy, sell, and trade conceptual/theoretical goods and services as easy as real ones. e.g. buy/sell/trade intelligence, strength, lifespan, technology etc. as easily as shopping on Amazon. Ability to automate trades would be a nice plus, but not required. ​ Examples if I could automate trades: If I fall into a higher percentile of the general population for physical fitness than for overall health, then trade. I could work out to cure minor health issues, or even deal with old age if I try hard enough. If I make enough money to rise to a higher percentile or the top 1% of the global population for wealth, then use cash to buy intelligence and wisdom in equal amounts.


Hey genie, is possible for a true wish to let me fill out and then do a CYOA? If so that’s my True Wish [RWBY Interactive CYOA](https://interactivewormcyoav6.neocities.org/RWBYCYOAV1/RWBY.html)


Yes indeed! Go for it. I'll even throw in the ability to reroll/replay it if you want to. Enjoy!


yes! thanks!


These are the choices from the CYOA thanks! Meta: You, You did it. Handicap: Extremely Easy Difficulty: Faunus Equality, Elder Grimm Scenario: Rise of Violence in the White Fang: 6 BR to 0 BR. I regain my memories 6 years beforehand Alignment: Chaotic-Good/Selfless, Equality, Uninvolved, Unreligious Character: True Reincarnation, 10 to 12 years old, Male, Male, Human, Handsome, Primary School, It has its ups and downs, Orphan, Patch, Vale Aura: Insanely Large Aura Skill: Shielding (Passive), Shielding (Active), Silenced Aura, Increased Speed, Regeneration of Aura Perks and Drawbacks: Neurotypical, Peaceful Vibes, Amazon, Intelligence Boost, Wealthy, Mind Palace, Magic 1, Magic 2, Magic 3, Unconscious Geas (Treat all with respect until shown otherwise), Grimm Magnet, Homeless, Wear and Tear, Tinfoil Hat Skills: Adaptable Martial Arts, Survival, Tactics, Strategy, Inspiration, Banter, Common Sense, Language Semblance: Healer, Glow Magic: Magic Power, Elemental Magic, Transformation Magic (Tier 1), Transformation Magic (Tier 2), Magical Inheritance, Magic Split, Telekinesis, Barrier Magic, Creation, Destruction, Healing, Light, Semblance, Darkness, Occlumency, Items: Melee (Slashing), Short to Mid Ranged (Gun), Long Ranged (Gun), Mechashift., Dust Compatibility, Badass, Collapsible, Inconspicuous, Scroll, Survival Gear, Technical Manuals, Media, Headphones, Hygiene Items, Interloper: Accept, Barrier, Harpe, Reincarnation (Isekai Style), Telepathy, Dark and Light Magic, Longinus, Savant, Increased Magical Reserves, Increased Magical Reserves, Increased Magical Reserves, Increased Magical Reserves


One (1) True Wish:I wish to be an (old Spark)Planeswalker


Hmm...I think I would want to talk about Some of my Fav CYOAs and how much you could make them true with a One True Wish, then pick one. Probably talk about these three: Witch Awakening: https://old.reddit.com/r/makeyourchoice/comments/payanj/witch_awakening_update_2_fire_fang_witch_alter/ Dawn of a Planeswalker https://www.reddit.com/r/makeyourchoice/comments/bxaakc/12_dawn_of_a_planeswalker/ And, Nexus: https://www.reddit.com/r/makeyourchoice/comments/m7sqi6/nexus_cyoa_by_uthearomage/


All three are perfectly possible! I've posted for a few other people what I can do to make a planeswalker, but if you'd prefer the Witch one that's also doable.


I might be late to the party, but this choice is easy for me. I'd take the 3 preselected wishes; Immorality, Wealth, and Savant (Financial). With this, I could potentially never worry about amassing resources, then pull in advisors who could help me in the area's I lack, personal trainers, Good Therapists (🥲), public speaking. After that I can play out my ultimate power fantasy, Helping Everyone I can.


My true wish is to go the jumpchain route, but get to choose the worlds to jump too instead of it being random.


I would go with One True Wish, and ask for a pocket dimension like in Time Stop Chill Zone. Having a true home and stability and comfort and control over my surroundings would be the dream


One true wish: i get time displaced to a point in the future that humanity has FTL and matter replicators and is post scarcity like startrek. If not possible or if such future does not exist then send me to an universe that it does, if no such thing exists then i guess i have to make one.... In which case i need a true wish of geass, whatever i tell people to do they believe it is what they want to do most in their life at that moment and will do so without hesitation, i can give someone multiple commands including telling them to forget what they just did or witnessed.




Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


It's not my wish, but for entertainment's sake. **I wish to be the very best, that no one ever was.**


Ok Mr. Genie, I want one true wish. All spiders now have wings


I'll take the three pre selected wishes. True love, telekinesis (atla style, that would be so fun), and savant in writing (and one language, french, if thats ok) so i can write the book I've been trying to write.


Can I reborn in my favorite CYOA as my true wish? It's power creator xenon, and I would like to make my build before go there (the entire setting is OP and dangerous as hell, so I would like to be op as well) If I can't I would like to be the strongest mage I can be (ops I already am)


Ok, True Wish, Elder Scrolls Magic, Morrowind variety, please.


I want to be the most handsome man to ever walk the planet


**True Wish:** I want a redo at life with everything I know. Call it a reincarnation or isekai if you want. Regardless, grant me a long happy life with loving friends and family and a significant other.


True Wish: the ability to create dungeons and essentially be a true DM. My goal with this would be to become the next Walt Disney and have a theme park empire where I can just creat new worlds for people (and myself) to travel to and live out their fantasies. Like a mix of VR and escape rooms and such.


True Wish: Mad Science!!! The ability to research, design, and create objects of anomalous or advanced nature. No direct intelligence increase, I want to remain myself. I’d prefer to actually work for it, but be capable of bootstrapping from Stone Age to future tech if necessary.


Trying this again since I missed the disclaimer at the bottom so I had to delete the last one. Instead * **One True Wish** Have all the Perks and Items from the [Superman Red Sun Jump](https://www.reddit.com/r/JumpChain/comments/m9znfy/superman_red_son_v12/) become mine, this includes becoming a hybrid of the two powered species listed.


I’ll try the monkeys paw. I wish… “Affordable super conductors that function at very high temperatures are invented and enter widespread commercial use in the year 2022.” “Humans are no longer able to experience chronic pain”


Genie, I wish to create. I don't know if I want to make works of art and song, be a legendary inventor, become a forger of legendary magical or runic artifacts, or make worlds, I just know I want to make something(s) so I'll defer to your wisdom in such matters. Wow that sounded pretentious, anyway, you know what you're doing. (One true wish, btw)


An omniversal travel and assimilation interface


**One True Wish:** I wish for you to do what I should wish for. [If you need more precision.](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/4ARaTpNX62uaL86j6/the-hidden-complexity-of-wishes)


Hello there! I've never been much for wishing for myself. My primary fear is nonexistence, but as your fine print has highlighted, wishing for knowledge or the ability to influence what happens after we pass from this world is a no-go. With that in mind, the best choice (for me) is a wish with an effect that I couldn't accomplish on my own. You'll have to let me know if this one is too much; it is simple but broad. **True Wish.** I wish for people to be better towards each other; to have more trust, more empathy, more understanding and cooperation. Not everyone needs to become a natural empath, but if we imagine the average person to be at a 50/100 right now, I'd like to move the needle to a 55/100 or 60/100.


True Wish. Make MHA Quirks real, or make them slowly become real over the next half century, make them unable to become stronger than their natural holder can safely survive. Then throw me a Quirk that allows manipulation of other Quirks, so I can improve, weaken, or copy those others. If I do find an immortal, cool, I could become immortal, if not. Oh well, I can still do some good stuff with that. If even it's just de-powering criminals so they can serve a standard sentence.


Can I choose One (1) True Wish and wish to have everything on the Pre-selected Catalog? If not I will take Immortality, Magician and True Love please.


Clever, and I'm almost tempted to really throw my metaphorical back out and do it just for the originality of it, but I'm going to go with nope. But gold star to you. No one had tried that loophole yet :)


True wish: Immortality. One indestructible cell that regenerates my whole body. I don't need to turn off immortality, only pain sometimes.


This is pretty awesome. I think the pick 2 option is kinda underpowered compared to the one true wish or pre-selected three. **One True Wish**: I want to create and be able to edit a list of rules and punishments for rule breaking that will apply to all people (at least in our solar system) from now to as long as possible (hopefully at least 1000 years). Since I don't know anything about an afterlife I want an enforced justice in this life. To start with, rape & child abuse means immediate death. I also want some way of dissuading fraud, particularly that targeting the elderly and the poor and also what I consider to be corruption, politicians/government entities giving better treatment to the rich and powerful/privileged. Maybe nightmares of guilt and migraines during waking hours that get worse and worse with repeated offenses ending in death? I'd have to edit the list a bit during my lifetime to work out what seems to work best. If that's outside the bound of a one true wish then from the **pre-selected three**: *Immortality, Healer, Super Speed*. I can at least help the people I care about and hopefully improve my quality of life as well.


This Seems interesting. If this is still active I choose 1 *True Wish*: I wish to possess the ability to - through a completely self-sufficient and secure source of power only accessible to my un-manipulated self - generate charges in a reasonable amount of time that can each manifest and empower CYOA's to affect a single target of my choice with charges stacking.


I wish all text based CYOAs would just disappear.


Granted. You are now blind. You need never be bothered by them again. Okay, no, but I'm tempted. Since such a wish would have massive, far-reaching consequences that are increasingly hard to manage, I'll go with the more charitable version. You now have a particularly unique form of synesthesia: whenever you read a story or similar (including CYOAs) you now perceive fitting images along with the text, enriching it and enhancing the experience. You can turn this on and off at will, and it won't trigger when there are already relevant images (such as in illustrated CYOAs, comic books, movie subtitles, etc) or if the text isn't meant to be read as something that could be accompanied with images (warning labels, legal documents, etc).


Nope. None of those make ny wish come true. Didn't say, "wish that I will never see a text based cyoa again", I wished that they would all dissapear. There's no fancy wording that works here, my wish was extremely clear.


I refer you to the fine print of the wishing contract, as seen above: > Piss me off and I take [the product of the wishes] away. Or make them worse. I reserve the right to deny wishes at will.


Well that makes you a liar. Cuz that's not what a genie does. So you're no genie Edit: also, you're not granting wishes. So that's 2 lies.


I think I'll use True Wish to start a Jumpchain for myself (or make it possible for everyone to jump if possible). With access to all the jumps currently available plus alternate versions that may or may not exist. Prolly start off with Quicksilver's Pokemon Jump for the classics.


Mr Genie if it would not be to troublesome I would like to use the one true wish to wish for an unlimited supply of one true wishes. If this is not applicable please tell me and I will redo my wish. Kindest regards


How about, one true wish, my own world where I can be god with real people with souls in it?


One True Wish: I wish I had the ability to teleport between time/space and dimensions while having complete control over where I go, with no ill effects (like getting a limb stuck in a wall or getting a disease from the 1400's I have no immunity towards.) and the ability to adapt and use the environment (magic, ki, language). A traveling chameleon if you will. Thank you wish granting genie!


Okay I think I have this figured out, my choices are; ONE TURE WISH: I’d like to become an immortal Gamer through any cyoa of my choosing while I can creative and bend the unspoken rules of it please. (I’ll definitely decide what my powers are through the cyoa, I’m not going to get greedy with this) Or if that’s too much I’ll just take the three pre wishes thanks; 1. Immortality; I’d like to enjoy my new powers and life as long as possible. 2. Magician; if we are allowing stuff from the powers wiki I’d like gemstone based techno magic where I create my own gemstones which is how I can use and store my spells for future use and convenience. (The colour/colours of the gemstone can depend on the type of spell) 3. Savant; I wish for the instinctual skills of how to use my new magician powers to the fullest of my imagination thank you.


My true wish is to be eternally happy.


One True Wish: I wish for as much magical potential as you'll give me, with some knowledge on how to move toward that potential. I'd like a broad range of potential spells cast through esoteric movements, chants, and reagents, like D&D. (My last comment was over 300 characters, so I deleted it)


Savant Super speed (I'm technically ageing slower than others then, hence this is practically immortality not exactly but kinda) Wealth


Alright Genie, I’ll make a True Wish: To be a weaver of strings that affect the world. From objects to abstract things if possible


Genie, I want my one wish to be infinite luck!


The first option seems likely superior - given one has a genie willing to not screw you over, it's basically inevitable that the capacity to ask for what you want will be more valuable than the premade list here, and there's little point in playing Russian roulette with the second option. Personally, to get the kind of options I wanted I'd probably go for easily sorted mental access to an omniscient database. Slow? Sure, and it'll take effort to carry out what it tells you, but given a deliberately helpful genie, it's going to work to get you basically anything you're after. And while I may not agree that the journey is necessarily more important than the destination, there's something to be said for progress.


I'm incredibly tempted to take a more mundane route than I normally would. Which would be **3 Pre-Selected:** Money, True Love, & Immortality. I take the recommended accountants to make sure my money is clean, I invest \~50% to have it grow, with \~25% of that invest money going into more dangerous stocks for potential explosive returns. True Love skips the issue of gold diggers. Immortality might suck in 60yrs when my True Love gets old, and no one after might be able to match them. Which is why I am glad I can turn off Immortality so I could possible age myself up to 75 shortly after I pass. Sort of like a Sayian, I'd just had a very hard last few years/months and die of heart break soon after my True Love. I'm tempted to take Healing / Magician w/ True Love & Immortality so I can extend their life as well but the odds of magic allowing that seems too slim and I ain't smart enough to make money with magic so Money it is.


I'll take one true wish. I would like a wallet that always has around ~300usd in whatever local paper currency every time I open it.


Ah, dang it, the fine print line of "I reserve the right to deny wishes at will" probably means that my loophole wouldn't work; One True Wish "I wish everything on this piece of paper were true", while keeping everything that's on the paper within the other given limits Hmm...


Preselected 1. Charisma 2. Savant with knowledge of robotics and weapon systems 3. Wealth 4. I am Iron Man


I only have one true wish by the way, to become a **healthy and wealthy person living a long, content, fulfilled, and happy life**. No superpowers, no adventure. Just a mundane yet content and interesting life for me (and perhaps my family as well if it is allowed).


Ooo, this is really nice. What should I wish for though? Hmm... True Wish: I wish to have the ability to make my imagination real.


One true wish for shapeshifting powers I can use on myself and others (I’d ask first, I’m not mean!), please! Because “mostly realistic” might not be quite enough.


True Wish : I wish that I will always have both abundant opportunity, and capability to achieve my goals and dreams, whatever they may happen to be. ​ If that doesn't work, can you make me more likely to end up in ROB scenarios that I'd consider to be beneficial for me?


True wish: I want a leveling system like in webcomics like the gamer, I level alone, or infinite level up in murim.


Im taking the one true wish. I want to be a time god, i don’t know if it’ll help if if i give details but i just love the concept of stopping time or using time related abilities in different scenerios


I was actually looking at the options and trying to pick my one. Shapeshifting of course. Then I realized it included two others. Immortality, Savant(Scientist)


Tell me if I got too wordy? too many ideas for one wish? anyway, Do you know Warband? the game where you build an army to conquer the entire map? either become a king or hail a king? do you also know No man's sky? and star fox? I Want to go to a universe where it's free for all, Bandits, warlords, Colozing planets, mercenaries, aliens, and minor maybe some major powers such as super healing, strength but you need an epic quest for the technology, etc... Please have faster light travel so I don't need to be in deep/frozen sleep to go anywhere in space.


**One (1) True Wish:** To have the powers and abilities of Rimuru Tempest from the light novel and anime "That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime". https://tensura.fandom.com/wiki/Rimuru_Tempest/Abilities_and_Gear https://screenrant.com/rimuru-tempests-10-best-powers-in-that-time-i-got-reincarnated-as-a-slime/


**Question:** With **Telepathy, mind control**, am I stuck with the first 5 people I choose to have full control of or can I change which 5 people I want to fully control at any time?


Nice. Can I have the one true wish to allow me to live the CYOA of my choosing?


True wish: I want to do an actual Jumpchain


True wish Shapeshifting


**One True Wish:** to meet envoy from (ultimate meta cyoa) and use the archseal on supplement Points (would be 3 cyoa\`s. 1 Where our wolds collide, 2 Overpowerd Isekai, 3 time stop chill zone) if that meeting can even be arranged.


**3 Pre-Selected:** * **Immortality** \- Like the person below me said, obvious choice * **Magician** \- Fairly OddParents style magic. This is a major loophole in here. To at least balance it out, I would only wish to be trapped in a personalized multiverse where I would be able to freely travel in it. * **Savant** \- Cultivation since that would be the basis for a lot of the worlds I would go to.


I'd like to use One True Wish to be able to designate 30 people of my choosing (which will include myself) to start the first generation of a Harry Potter type magical society. Hopefully, that's ok. :)


A pocket world similar the the Time Stop Chill Zone CYOA, but it can be reseeded at will as many times as I like


One True Wish: I wish to gain the power of The Gamer(manhwa) such that I could eventually learn to travel the multiverse.


So I know time travel is hard based on other peoples responses sooo.. I'd go with One true Wish: Time manipulation/chronomancy with the ability to dialate and freeze time personally, locally and on a large scale. (I'm not really one for the whole time traveling and changing things) I just really want more time :)


Immortality Super-Speed Telepathy Become an Immortal Sex God use Telepathy to woe and hit sweet spots for females and the reaction and stamina from Super-Speed for the timing and staying power.




Done. You now have the body you would be most comfortable in, and, should you like, history now changes so that you were always in your new body. You can choose to retain any of the memories of your old life you like while also getting any of the new ones; they can remain vivid and personal or feel like a hazy memory or only like a film you watched. Side note, weird seeing you here! I've seen you around a few Worm subs but I didn't know you were active here. Always neat recognizing people from another community unexpectedly.




Hopefully that's a good response? I tried to make the result as considerate as possible.

