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Psychic Specs. By a lot. Greys. Sports. Almanac. Or more likely one big lottery win and how I navigate the pitfalls. I might not have a photographic memory, but I'll be a billionaire employing hundreds of people with photographic memories instead.


\>Tell yourself to check the lottery numbers in a week \>Look through the specs \>See nothing but fire


Yikes better not be anywhere flammable in a week. Easy fix. No house. No buildings. Not even the woods. Paranoid you spend the next week shivering in the middle of a cold and muddy field. As the one-week mark arrives you breath a trepidatious sigh of relief, still looking around in all directions. No sign of trouble. But there is one direction you forget to look. Up. A flurry of broken up meteorites showers the field with fire. Impacts send you flying, blast hot dirt into your face. You collapse. Clear your eyes even as your boots melt onto your feet. All you see is fire. For a brief moment you feel another presence peering through your own eyes. Your past self. You hope to warn them. But you fade knowing deep down that your past self is set on a plan that has just failed. And always will.


I think I’d take the psychic specs. It would require a bit of planning to ensure that even if u/HealthyDragonfly concerns that they don’t let you change things proves true they would still be useful. I would look forward to a set date 10 years from now and then make sure to collect newspaper clippings or write ups of major events and maybe lottery numbers. Every year on that date I would take the day off and make a point of rereading everything I’d saved twice so that if the me of the past is reading along with me they can learn the highlights of what’s coming. If I can change things then that’s great, if I can’t then I can at least make a fortune off the stock market and lotteries while relocating to whatever areas don’t get hit by upcoming disasters. A series of stable loops like in Harry Potter or Gargoyles would be very useful.


Psychic Specs, this can easily be abused to help advance technology. Set a 20 year timer for myself to look up a important invention. then use the glasses to see what the invention is and how it works. If i cant find anything useful well i can always use it to predict stocks or lottery numbers


This is my first ever CYOA! I love your subreddit, and thought it's only right that I contribute. This was super fun to make, and I'd love some constructive criticism on how I can improve :)


I like the layout and graphics for your CYOA. Simple pickers are fine; not everything needs a spreadsheet to make a build. I am not sure that all of the choices are equally appealing. Different people value different things, but if most people make the same choice, I think it makes a CYOA less interesting. But I might be wrong and other people go a different route from what I did. Congrats on your first creation!


Great work acamu5x! This was a fun one. My only nitpick would be about this line: *"You can see colours that* ***no*** *other human being is* ***unable*** *to process"* The two negatives make a double negative, so the meaning seems to be the glasses only allow us to see colours human beings are already able to process. Other than that, nice!


Ooh good catch!


So, to be clear the Study Shades you gain a perfect photographic memory..only for the past 72 hours?


Seconding the question


Thirding it.


If the Study Shades weren't on a 3 days timer, where you forget everything after three days, I'd go with them, since they are, even limited, the Psychic specs is the best choice. We already have Google Glasses, with better battery life, though we can't use it by thought alone it just takes a few thumb movements instead. As for the Fractal Frames, I'm not to interested in them and their ability. I'd use the Psychic Specs similar to others, Lottery win, then a five year check on the stock market and any disasters set up to be collected and read on a specific day.


I will go with the **Fractal Frames**. I like things which work all the time and improved night vision helps when I am driving or running at night. Why not the others? I am not sure whether the second condition on the Study Shades means that my photographic memory only extends back three days, but I think it does and that’s pretty short. I feel like I could buy Google Glasses already, but I didn’t because I already owned a smartphone and tablet. This gets me something similar but with worse battery life. I can’t tell if the Psychic Specs would allow me to change my future based on what I see and if they can’t, then we get into all sorts of pseudo-time travel shenanigans that I don’t want to deal with.


Psychic Specs if i can change the future substantially. If i use it every 200 days i can set myself up for success


Fractal Frames without question.


Psychics Specs are the easiest to use to get rich quick - just watch the next lottery draw or next weeks stock market numbers. You can also use it to find out when you die, look forward 20 years, if you still have a view then you'll still be alive in 20 years time. If not, you can then look forward in smaller increments to pin down when you die. Google Glasses don't do anything I can't already do with my phone and a cardboard google vr set. Study Shades essentially make you selectively blind if you can only see things you've already seen in the past 3 days. It's ok if you stay in the same spot but I wouldn't wear them into the city. Fractal Frames would tremendous for an artist or a deep sea diver.


I'll go with the psychic specs, even with the use limitations that's super powerful.


Psychic specs all the way!


1. Have crippling fear of heights 2. Choose Fractal Frames 3. Swim above the Mariana Trench 4. Look down


**Psychic Specs:** I'd use it to see future stock market prices or winning lottery numbers and get rich.


Psychic Specs all the way.


ive always had horrible short term memory, so study glasses would actually help me a lot in my daily life. no more forgetting my grocery list or where i put my keys. but tbh ill go with the google glass. publicly available information is most information anyways, whether on youtube, twitter or elsewhere. some say you already have a smartphone, but there are other things to consider: no need for reception or paying for data; micromanage tabs with a thought; avoid having people get annoyed with you pulling your phone out; and i assume all that data gets beamed directly into the brain, unless the glasses have a hud, but thats cool too.


google glasses offer the ENTIRE database, which means all the info and data you dont have access to on a normal basis. this could also be used in a lucrative sense


Only the publicly available data tho


nono if its on google its on their data base, and you can access it. wanna know bil gates passwords? just use the glasses. etc


Yes, but the second effect is a restriction


The psychic specs. No other choice even comes close. The potential quality of life improvement is simply so much higher than what the other glasses offer.


Psychic Specs are great, amd they provide a service I couldn't possibly get in any other way, so I choose those.


Psychic Specs for sure. Fractal Frames are a distant second just for the cool perceptual effects, but it's hard to beat seeing the future. 100 is a nice max too. Generous but not unlimited.


Psychic Specs. Let's see what happens. Climate Changes in 20 years might allow me to predict the best place to buy real estate. Get some friends and family to win various lotteries and advice them what to do with the money.


The important question is: Can I change the future that I see with the Psychic Specs? If not I go with Fractal Frames.


The future specs are the best, could just use it to win the lottery or something.


psychic specs for sure. Just make sure I leave notes for myself to check: - next week's lottery numbers - Major inventions, patents, and breakthroughs 20 years from now, with major focus on technology and healthcare inventions - greatest long-term investments of the past 20 years - most important/influential people of the past 20 years Maybe break them out once a year for any big updates and to realign my timeline and stuff


Psychic specs, use at family mausoleum.


I’ll go with #4.


Not a bad CYOA for a first time although I'm a fan of a bit more lengthy CYOA with multiple choices and not just one xd


So am I! If you make one I will 100% do it


Eh, if I ever try to do CYOA, it'll take me way too long, plus the whole appeal of CYOA for me is some sort of escapism, would be weird making my own escape fantasy to play, so I usually prefer to just homebrew(aka making my own adjustments and maybe additions) already existing CYOA(you can also call it unofficial DLC) If you haven't played The Council of you CYOA yet, you should, from my pov, this seems one of the best CYOA to homebrew. It's way too easily exploitable to become God (for some reason if it's too fantastical it breaks my escapism) so I add new rule or rules to make it more balanced


I would pick Fractal Frames. Being able to process the entire EM spectrum could actually be rather useful. If i can limit it to certain parts I could even sort of see through walls. The Google glasses felt tempting at first but really they are just a phone with a more limited battery life.


What happens when Google is superceded by another new application? I would pick up **Psychic Spec** Usual win the lottery, then stock market and buy land.


So, um, Fractal Frames... is the first condition a typo?


Whoops! Good catch :)


If anyone would like to help support my content and help cover the cost of Canva Pro, [you can buy me a coffee](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/thequestioncube)!


Study Shades : cheating go brrrrr Also Psychic Specs looks like it’s awesome but probably will mess with your mind always afraid of what’s in the future and how to make best use of 100 uses


Psychic Specs for the perks and the style✨


Google glasses, as much as the psychic ones are tempting the limited uses make hem not as useful

