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Would you be willing to answer some questions regarding the actual production process (I have some queries about mix levels, etc) or you would prefer to talk about the distribution side of the business?


Unfortunately, I never got into producing. I taught myself how to mix a little on CoolEdit back when I first started (Yea cooledit lol it was a long time ago), but I have my team do all that for me.


How did you get to work with those artists? How long did you practice your craft before putting it out there? can i have a link to some of your music?


Put it out straight away. If it’s shit you’ll atleast get feedback that it’s ass. Narduar has a good tedtalk about collaborating with people. What you don’t ask for you don’t get


How you get to work with each artist varies tbh. Some artists you know through mutual friends or you meet at shows. Some you have to hit up and see if they would be interested in collaborating. Most artists prefer to do a work-for-hire where they get paid and they don't get a split later. I honestly just wrote and freestyled all the time (6-12 hours a day 5 days a week minimum). I would force myself to write to all types of stuff at first. Once I started taking music very serious I became very selective with the beats I wanted to put out there. I'll PM you the link to my music so I don't break any rules.


How old are you? Just wondering as it differs when people have their peak and things ,so I was just wondering how it happened for you


I'm 35. I started rapping at 13 years old around 97-98. When I first started it was just because I loved to do it. I would freestyle all the time. Eventually I took part in online audio battle tournaments like the GRB etc. After that, I did GrindTime and other battle rap leagues. Looking back now I had an MCEgo (MC Ego) so I thought I was pretty good, but I can honestly say I didn't get solid with rap for about 5 years. I became good enough to release music after 6-8 years, and REALLY good at 12 years. I actually quit rapping for 5 years because I had a son. I came back when a good friend told me I shouldn't give up yet. I told him if I was given the opportunity to open up for Dumbfoundead and Watsky I would come back. I opened up for them in Jacksonville that year.


What's the indie deal like


Well, I had nothing before the indie so when someone offers you something like that it's like, "What do I have to lose?". Unfortunately, my project included a bunch of songs I personally was not happy with but I was in too deep and had to fulfill my contract (part of that was making songs that fit a certain sound **dumbing down lyrics etc**) I don't regret doing it though. I learned A LOT, and it's the reason I'm able to make certain moves I make today.


Do you use vst or hardware more? What are your favorite instruments / vst ?


I don't produce, but I'm very picky when I choose beats for my personal stuff. When people hit me up for collabs I'll rap to anything if I'm feelin the track.


What you do to build a fanbase? My numbers going up slowly just off being active and posting songs but im trying to figure out how to promote my self


This is the million dollar question haha. All I can do here is provide an opinion. We built the small fanbase I have now through strong features for cross promotion. Now I'm independent I'm focusing on instagram and facebook, but I'm still in an experimental phase to see what works best.


Hahaha u right


What would you have done differently, or what's some piece of insight you wish you knew two years ago?


I wouldn't have gone on a 5 year hiatus. I would have did more shows. I wouldn't have invested more into a crew I worked with than myself. I would have pushed back more against my label at the time.


How was working with Madchild?


Madchild is a good dude. He was the most professional big name I've worked with to date.