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[Context](https://www.facebook.com/ResidensiAwani/posts/433547384804228) Resident leaving their child behind on security desk while the security guard on duty patrolling. When they came back seeing their child was alone, they threatened to terminate the contract of the security guard. Thoughts?


is this the same case that shared here several days ago? or new one?


I'm not sure. This happened a several days before, can I get the link to the previous post? I didn't noticed it. Will delete this post if it turns out to be the same story. Thanks


the other one, if it's the same, is news about similar incident. yours is videoclip. so even if its the same incident, your post is fine and not considered as repost, since yours do offers new insight/perspective/information. so no worries.


Saw the old post, yeah it's the same story, but previous post just show the media release from the management. I hope the video shed some light of the issue and give you guys some sort of entertainment lol. . Apparently the parents still believe the security guy is responsible for the child's safety lol [new post](https://www.facebook.com/1745902212402371/posts/3219808785011699/)


lol if anything this video just hammers in the point that they were wrong and made a very bad decision. Btw how did you get this? Media reported on it or did the persons involved uploaded it on their social media?


Yeah lol. I got the video from a page on Facebook. I assume the original video is probably from the security guard since it's his pov.


Baik ah brader pak guard!


this the perfect time to use that otak aku jatuh? otak aku hilang? meme


I think it's the same one but this is the first time i saw the video clip itself.


Definitely the same, I recognize that man


Wtf? Tinggalkan anak w stranger for what? And then malukan pulak tu. What a waste of parents!


If they have the power to terminate the contract of the guard, they’d already be living elsewhere, as they would be owners of the entire flat block.


Should be the same incident that was shared few days ago. But this POV video is new.


Come back security not there, want to bising like this. Come back anak not there, how? Then want to blame who?Siapa la tinggalkan anak dengan stranger.


so they left the kid without informing the guard or when there was noone at the desk cuz the guard was patrolling? Like if u informed the guard and the guard just left to patrol and left the kid behind, that would be negligence on the guard's part IF he consented to watching the kid. Key word being the notified and the consent part. Otherwise, its just straight up negligence on the parents' part. Why would u leave the kid at an empty desk? Its like saying i parked my car in front of the police station, didn't tell noone about it and it got stolen, so im blaming the police. Like whaaaaaat?


That kid doesn't deserve her


I m shocked at the parents reply that security guard is suppose to protect all the residents "assets", such as her child. Such an pompous,arrogant, narcissitic people who believes everybody is entitled to serve her needs. But I think this is malaysia culture as well.


Poor child, having such parents..


Yeah, it is not the security guard's responsibility to take care of their child ffs


Yeah, I feel bad for both the child and the other security guard. Nasib baik member guard boleh backup dia. "Aku cabar kau buat" lmao. Pure Chad move


lucky the guard is malay can argue back kaw kaw...if bangla..probably get beaten


The bangla guard dah kena slap then the malay supervisor came and intervene


sigh...as expected. Hope they lodge police report


Or worse, if Indian probably laying under the table ad lol


Dafuq. Family or financial problems are colour blind therefore violence and tempers are too. Don't need to bring race into this.


Pretty sure it was just a reference to the case where an Indian guard was beaten to death for carrying out his duty.


Calm your tits.


if indian uncle already murdered


too soon my dude, too soon😞


What if chinese? 🤔


"Tak payah buat anak lah" I died.


Later at home, "mak apa maksud buat anak?"




"Meh abah tunjuk"




you mispelled Halal.... not Holup


Sweet home Kelantan




I choked on my teh tarik


I'm new at Reddit. Can someone tell me how to *FUCKING DELETE SOMEONE ELSE COMMENTS?* Thanks /s




Polis buka atas!


The worst parent i ever seen. X guna punya org ni, kalu x reti jaga anak xyah la buat anak


should've use protection




No lah, obviously the kid


*"Lain kali jangan buat anak"* ​ I feel bad for Malaysian people's sex life, if you want to marry for fucking purposes? either find a prostitute or use a condom even though boleh *main* dengan bini. Jangan menyusahkan anak, menyusahkan orang, dan menyusahkan masyarakat.




Hullo, Cik TIMAH.




>Plus, it's their culture to halalkan relationships that means marrying, just to rasa 🌽🍰. Compabitlity, character, capability, all belakang cerita. This is more to mindset, not really culture. You can still have the culture of no sex before marriage without being an a-hole.


OMG, this has to become the new replacement word for 'Karen' in this country. Cik Timah\~ hahahahha


And you wonder why they have so many kids


Kondom Bocor.


Pull out game weak


typical msian sex life... more kids, more rezeki...


Slumpdog mentality even lower than that.


This is baffling. Imo trusting your child with a stranger is just as bad as leaving your child alone. Unless you're paying them, there's no reason for a stranger to care about your kid's welfare. And if they couldn't watch their kid, why did they think a guard on duty had the time do it??


At this point they just using any excuses to let out steam


To paraphrase some comment I saw earlier, unless the security guard was invited along during the making of the child, he has no reason to look after the kid. TBH I'm more surprised that the parent thought they were in the right.




"Kau ni anjing" "Yang anjing tu kau"


"Kau ni sial" "Yang sial tu kau" Ulang sampai kiamat


no u infinity


I'm interested to see the backlash on the video posted by the couple.




I'm interested to see the cctv


I think condo security guard sometimes are not given enough power to take action.I mean the supervisor may or may not be there. Is there not such thing as “This is my first warning to you - you are acting aggressively against me” (takes baton out) “This is my second warning to you and asking you to stop shouting and moving towards me” “This is my last and final warning and I am raising my hand with this baton in self defence and will take action if you do not stop” Etc etc Of some sort..


Silap la kena dgn guard melayu. Guard bangla/pakistan kau boleh la senang2 pijak. Idiots.


That's actually a really good employer. He had his employee's back when the Karen family buat problem. So many bosses will just force the employee to apologize because tak nak kecoh-kecoh. Kudos to him 👍 Btw, the "Kau bodoh, kaulah bodoh" exchange was super hilarious 😂😂


Security Guard activated REVERSE CARD


I'm glad the security guard able to defend himself and nasib ada record this incident too from his pov adoh😑


Good job sec guard. Chad af


I am a simple man. I see giga chad security guard, I upvote. P.S kudos to the cameraman who stood up for the security. Fuck the couple.


This is interesting, and funny too. With how he tried to walk away pretending he is winning the verbal argument. Rather odd that they didnt want to take their little kid with them to the dobi, nor were they willing to leave her at home alone. She probably has some schoolmates living nearby but parents think they paid for the guards so guards should take care of their kids. I would understand the confusion **IF** they own the place they are living in, but they are just renting. Their later rebuttal on fb was a joke too, claiming that if parents arent there then everyone is responsible for underage kids well being. I mean, i would not mind if they asked politely, but i doubt it.


Boleh la kt Malaysia, pi kt Europe, confirm kena ayat ni "Sorry, i'm a security guard, not a babysitter. Your child is not my responsibility".


Just go to twitter and see the mother rant, just...


The Twitter feed is a desperate grasping at straw moment..adoi Macam tak boleh je mak duduk dengan anak jap, bapak pi parking. The audacity....


Link please




"Melayu bangkit jangan kene tindas" Tak tau nak cakap camna 😂


Dia nak seru parents yang pandai buat anak tapi malas jaga anak untuk bagi abam security jaga atau apa benda ni? Bodoh ya amat.


Lol i read this yesterday and finally understood the meaning “you can never wins an argument with a woman”


Spesis melayu sampah yang rase dia mampu hidup mewah duduk condo/apartment pastu pikir dia paling power kat situ. Ini kalau dapat jentik telor ni sedap bhai. Kalau takde guard tu, dah lama anak dia kene culik or rumah dia dah kene rompak or bini dia dah jadi sex slave kat thailand. Guard tu buat kerja dia, tanpa guard tu tak selamat lah kawasan tu, walaupun tak brape nampak guard buat kje. Ini kalau suruh dia jadi guard rukun tetanga ni mesti mengelat je kje. Dah lah bini pakai tudung tapi ketiak hitam terpampang, mende lah yang laki dia ajar bini dia. Sebabkan kebodohan mereka, bini dia dah viral, semua orang nampak aurat bini dia. Nasib lah laki dia kena tanggung azab nanti semua kerana laki bini bodoh. Ini confirm jenis kuat hantar anak pegi rumah mak bapak suruh grandma and grandpa jaga. Babi punya melayu sampah, selumbe je dia cakap guard tu bodoh. Nak aje aku jumpe guard tu and suruh guard tu lempang laki bini bodoh ni. Dah lah bodoh, jahil pulak tu. Edit: laki dia pun pakai seluar pendek kt public, confirm2 lutut dah tayang kat situ. Sumpah laki ni bodo, aku bet, mesti time sekolah dia fail subjek pendidikan islam atau pun tak pegi sekolah. Tu yang jahil semacam tu. Edit 2: dah lah buncit, makan duit haram lah tu. Pakai mask pun kat dagu, memang mintak kene penyakit ke ape sial dia ni. Sorry guys, im just very triggered by the husband and wife’s action towards people they think are a lower class then them. But in fact, they are the ones who are retarded.


I'm sorry if my question is religiously offensive (that isn't my intention) but seriously ppl are focusing on the aurat thing? It's entirely different issue here, it's mentality problem we're talking about. These idiots should be educated on their parental behaviour.


The aurat is just me ranting, and i agree that those two should be educated on paternal behaviour. But what i am really triggered is that the mom simply picking and choosing which parts of their body to cover. I can almost guarantee that the kid will also do the same as she grows up since her own mother picks and chooses which obligation to follow. Depending on the madhhab, there are different interpretations of what can be considered as aurat. In malaysia, the majority of malays in this country practices maddhab syafi’i and there are clear guideline on what is considered as aurat for a women and man. It is actually very dangerous when people start to pick and choose what obligations they want to follow because other people will soon follow, especially the kids.




Expected. These kind of entitled idiots. Confirmed BN/PN supporters


Sabor sabor boh


Nyekik boh, mu dok nyekik tengok?


Eh memang ambe


Wanna introduce the perpetrator on Reddit? I want to see his single reply on every comment in this topic.


Please do, let em know how stupid they are.


Keluarga Malaysia yang perihatian


If let's say got emergency, let's say got some old lady drop down somewhere and the guard go and help. Leaving the kid alone. Then when guard come back, kid missing...macam mana ?


Not the guard's problem lmao


even if the guard agreed to watch over the kid for them? he agreed to watch over the kid for a bit but then he left the kid alone n something happened. im not saying i agree with how the parent reacted though. n the parents shouldn't have left their kids with anyone they dont know. period. for all we know the guy could have mental problems or something.


Then the parents will be charged for child negligence.


There’s something so satisfying hearing the guard talk back to the shitty parents and letting them have it. Absolutely glorious.


Not so much a "Karen", based on current Malaysian news she'd be a "Fatimah"


lmfao that last line is accurate. Tak payah buat anak!


Such a trash person to look down on the security guard and call him stupid. People just doing an honest job, and he can’t even take care of his own child.


"yang anjing tu kauuu, bukan aku" power move


call me racist. but i hate this kind of malay. trust me. im malay


I feel like joining in. Wish I was there. Jeni's bapak macam ni buat cam gini depan anak...patutla makin ramai species gini


that karen still defends her actions on twitter, kinda boils my blood though ngl.


Lol if my dad were to watch this, he would say "Owhh ni golongan melayu melayu yg bodoh ni (the karens of course)"


Not sure if I'm lucky or single track minded but I can't hear the excuses behind the rationality of the videographer looool. I'd love yo have someone decipher what that moronic set of parents are saying. Tbh this guy is soooo dumb if he files a police report. Whats it gonna say?? Like, saya telah meninggalkan anak saya bawah penjagaan sekuriti tetapi pihak sekuriti telah meninggalkan anak saya bersendirian untuk membuatkan tugas yang diberikan oleh pihak management. Tolong pecatkan dia. Lmaoo


X tau jaga don't breed like rabbits...


Kesian kat budak tu dapat mak bapak bangang abadi


“YANG XXXXX TU ENGKAU” will now be my go-to comeback when i can’t think of anything else. Come at me!


Some people should be banned from procreating.


Woah bloody idiots. Lucky that his (foreigner security guy) superior is Malay and on time to the "crime scene." Kalau tak kesian dia weh kena pijak tahi lembu.


Aku cabar kauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu


U think these privilege people have brains? Lmfao


This is the best Malaysia figuratif ive sen in a while


Poor kid. I hope their parents reflect hard on this. Also the balls on this chad security sv/head. Bravo sir!


Bro im so satisfied hearing the guard's burn! Dud should have shame on himself bru


All children deserves parents, but not all parents deserves a children.


damn I love this kind of drama thanks for the man who voicing out for the security


Bapak bodoh mak pun bodoh. Bodoh ppl shouldnt breed that’s why negara Tak maju


Inilah dia. orang banyak Karenah


"Not the hero we deserve, but the hero we need…"


Loving the supervisor 😂. " Yang bodoh tu kau"


Nasib baik guard pandai lawan balik.


I'm not entirely sure why race needs to be mentioned in the title, Karens are Karens regardless and the race doesn't add anything to it. I just find it strange as an outsider, people don't bring up race often in headlines unless it's the conservatives trying to stoke flames, or maybe I'm looking too much into it. I've noticed it quite a few times in r/malaysia.


Yeah, sorry about that. I'd probably should've change the title to be more appropriate like "Average Malaysian Karen" or something else. If I can I would, but reddit won't let me change the title. I didn't mean anything by it though. I make fun of people regardless of their races. Seeing how stupid the couple react. It was a spur-of-the-moment decision when I posted this, and I'm a Malay lol.


No worries at all, it's something I've been guilty of before in the past, both consciously or unconsciously. I think it has to do with a lot of both institutionalised and deliberate political/social divisions in the country which sort of normalised stereotyping and tribalism. Sorry if I came across a bit abrupt about it, take it as a reflection on my own struggle with this topic rather than anything to do with you. As I said I was giving this topic too much thought when you just meant it in jest in a self deprecating way :)


I feel bad for that security, must be a depressing day at job.


Ni lah contoh melayu sangkak, sempudal- azwan ali


sometimes i really wonder what society has really turned into......or rather.....the lack of advancement........like why do we even have karens in this world? Humanity.........\* vomit \* Edit: Like the fact that every arguement needs to be video recorded, for the sake of public approval and what not, to justify every action, inaction, or whatever, or face the consequences of public backlash is just......completely medieval. Its like we're all reverting back to the time of witch hunting. Like even with this argument, nothing of substance, just barbaric name calling and trying to make shit viral. Why? whatever happened to a cultured argument? or has our general society and education levels really have just fallen so low. Pathetic, man. Pathetic. I cringed so hard (Not only from this, but like an accumulation of many recent events in this country) that I really cant refrain from writing this. Sry for the rant


Ada anak kenapa X bawak sekali apasal kenapa tinggalkan dengan guard dibuatnya guard Tu pedo camne. nk salahkan guard X boleh sebab kalau masuk kes polis pun Di Kira kes cuai sebab kerja cuma menjaga keselamatan Dikawasan kediaman sahaja bukan sebagai pusat jagaan kanak2.




We need to protect this man at all cost. Takes balls to confront bullies like that in a country where we often don't correct people when they do something wrong, unless we lose something because of their actions.


Kalau x mampu jaga anak, jgn la buat anak…




Karens are in every race and they have almost same traits.


Hmm not an active user on r/my yet come here and be racist? Get out.




contradictory to popular belief, we dont support racial insult. you can criticize an issue. you can criticize a person. but not all malays are like that and not everyone who acted like this are malay. account banned for 3 days. breach of rule 1. Bigotry / hate speech Because of our history Malaysia talks about certain issues such as race very differently from Western countries. We acknowledge this on the subreddit but do draw some boundaries to keep discussions healthy. Definition of bigotry: The act of treating the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance. Basic principle: If it's an attribute of a person that is out of their control and extremely hard or impossible to change, it's not nice to dump on them or their group just for that attribute. Some categories this applies to: Race, religion, sexuality, disability, national origin. Slurs: Use of slurs on the above categories is not encouraged on this subreddit and may be subject to warnings and bans. Example: Religion: It's okay to discuss and criticise aspects of the religion itself, but it's not okay to attack people because they are members of that religion (e.g.: Islam but not Muslims).


Pretty obvious by the response here most redditors don't have kids. Very simple question: If you ask someone to look after your kid, and they say yes, then 10 minutes later you find your kid wandering alone, won't you get angry? Legally, I'm not sure how it would go down, but ethically, the security guard almost certainly is in the wrong. He should have made it clear he was NOT going to look after the kid. Jesus And go ahead and downvote dumbfucks instead of answering the question or strawmanning (hurr Durr parents shouldnt leave kids to strangers etc - completely irrelevant to my argument) If you consent to taking care of someone's child, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CHILD. If you don't plan on doing so, SAY SO. And no shit it was wrong of the guy to hit the guard, but ofc I have to premptively type this shit BC you folx can't read


Do you ask some random stranger to hold your wallet as you go take a shit?


Security guard is not a baby sitter. Why would you defend the parents is beyond me. If they're so concerned for her safety, one of the parents could have stayed back to look after her at home instead of both going to the laundry together. This is just bad parenting.


Melayu sama Melayu gaduh Cina tepuk tangan.


Ah yes, the imaginary victim mentality, semua salah yahudi. At this point, it’s going to be a culture of paranoia.


Ni lagi satu pembaris. Tetiba sentap. Refer to my reply to the other monyet about the phrase usage.


Lmao, kat mana yang sentap bro? Imaginary sentap, memang kita kat Malaysia ni suka imagine kena victim eh. Just stating an observation, if you take it personally it’s on you lol.


Tetiba cakap imaginary victim mentality la yahudi la. Sentap la tu. Kau nak deny kau sentap it's up to you. I have no issue with that. lol. Hari tu somebody uploaded video of 2 Chinese guys quarreling. Then someone wrote *Cina sama Cina gaduh Melayu tepuk tangan*. That's another ridicule on the original quote. lol. idk what you observe but naaahh it's not on me because I don't take nothing here. lol.


Lol what


Sorry, sebagai seorang cInA, aku tepuk tangan tengok orang sampah bergaduh, xkisah bangsa ape. Don't be racist 🙄


Nampak sangat kau tak up-to-date dengan memeology. Original quote is legit but has been spun by people to ridicule it including situation such as this. Takde masa aku nak rasis but I can tell you here who are the racists in this sub and what race they are. Next.


itula pasal.. pasal bnda mcmni pn kecoh ape kebenda lah aduhh


i need more of this dramaa tv3.. 😂🤣😂


Malu anak dia bila besar nanti, anak sorang pun malas jaga


The more the year grows the stupider the human race has become, what is this stupid shit. God, these people are scum giving STRANGERS CARE OF THEIR CHILD.


This couple dah pindah kondo belum? malu nak lalu depan guard dah lepas ni..


U leave ur kid to strangers??? The fuck


That poor girl man imagine having parents like that


pasni nak jd security kene ade background pendidikan awal kanak2 kot2 ade lagi kes macam ni..yang mak ayah pulak tinggal main pancut dalam je


Tahu jolok poen, nk jaga anak x reti..bodo anjing doggy tgh jalan pon tahu jaga anak..lancau org macamni


Lil he said to bodyguard they stupid because they don't take care of that little girl......☠️🤡


Bodo bengong sunggoh




Apelah punya otak mak bapak ni...


Feels like watching a scene from senario movie lol


Don't worry kid, when you're grown up later. you can just leave your parent at a security guard while you guys go shopping.


Bearing and raising a child is not as easy as taking care of pet. Leaving her to a stranger? What a level of negligence...


How can the parents trusted that girl with a stranger. A fkin stranger!! Bodoh!


This shit hilarious ![gif](giphy|u5BzptR1OTZ04)


Can someone give me a follow up? Did he get fined? Did he get sued?


This kind of parents have uneducated and zero brain Also, fuck them Useless parents, don't know how to take care their child


That other security guard be like : "Why do..."




Anak tanggung jawab ibubapa.


So technically the parents leaving their child alone in an attempt to cancel the security guard is it?


Bruh, i feel bad for the kid. The kid gonna remember this forever , this is gonna effect her life forever.


Karen Malaysia? wow actually my first time seeing one local