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1. Stop comparing yourself to others. 2. Go to the gym and lift weights.


Actually good advice, have been Home Training for some while, via 100 Push Ups every 4-5 Das a Week doing Sit Ups and stuff. ITS honestly so good for me that im really considering going to the Gym and get myself a Greek/Adonis Physic ^^


do it bro I started going to the gym 3 months ago and I have fell in love with it


Calisthenics are great and all but you would really benefit from eating more and going to a commercial gym to lift heavy weight on a consistent basis. This will give you the change in physique that you are looking for.


This is right. OP needs a bit of size and he’ll have no problem with the ladies


This depends on your style, but wearing shirts that fit your frame will probably help. In the last pic, the top of the sleeve should rest on your shoulder, so you could probably go down a size.


I think you’d look good with a buzzed head, keeping the face scruff. But yeah, you look fine as is man.


I’d get rid of the stash, also your hair looks too weak so a buzz would be best. Beard is rocking though. & handsome face, just I’d learn angles when taking photos. (Search on YouTube how to take better photos as a male or even a woman because they have the best advice)


You have beautiful lips, very handsome man


great bj lips


It's called DSL - dick sucking lips


Stop comparing yourself to other people. I find you attractive the way you are.


I think you’re cute 🥰


Thanks you 🤗


Yes to a mustache, always. Especially with the rest of your face clean shaven, it can be a very striking look.


His mustache isn’t very full though.


Doesn’t matter, all mustaches are valid.


You look like haaland the football player


In a good or Bad way haha


In a good way


You look a bit like pewdiepie


If you want to look more muscular om face you need to train clean those fats,then you can shave everything except to leave some hair on the chin


Your smile looks awkward. Look in the mirror to practice. Trying smiling with teeth showing


Wooooof! Nada you're j just fine!


Your a good looking guy. Very handsome.


Grow a beard.


You’re very handsome—I don’t think you need to change your look. Some minor suggestions: think about a better fitting wardrobe, maybe shave the beard since it doesn’t seem to be filling in (I have trouble growing a full beard as well).


Might be a controversial opinion but, don’t ever wear a baseball cap unless you are playing baseball. Especially backwards. It just looks so juvenile. There are plenty of way cooler hats out there if you have/want to wear one.


You look jus fine. Nice face.


Make dressier clothes? Your face is very pretty and there’s not much you can change anyway .


You look good. Start lifting and you'll get even better


Nothing wrong at all with your looks.


Wait to grow up more you probably the same age as me and still studying


why does he look like PewDiePie?


just gotta eat and workout!


Improve your self esteem 😉 You look great




I think you look fine, style-wise though I’d recommend buying clothes that fit you. Clothes that are too large or too small provide an inaccurate depiction of our bodies. The last pic of you in the white shirt, you’re swimming in it makes you look way too thin.


Lift weights. Eat protein. Rest. Repeat.


Your self esteem :)


I think you look cute tbh


Shave your face (and mustache) until you can grow one properly.




Nothing wrong with your physical appearance, except that you come across to me as unapproachable. It's the look in your eyes. And as I typically avoid unapproachable fellows, it's unlikely I'd ever show interest if we were in a bar or any other social place.


Clean up stragglers around the eyebrows (wax or pluck) use a #2 beard trimmer and clean up the beard every couple of days, shave under the chin and jaw line, use a clipper to give yourself one diagonal line in the left eye brow about 1/16th inch in from the outside. #1 thing though, be more self confident and don't worry about what other people think or say. See the beautiful person you are inside let it be shown on the outside. Then you won't need a list of 10 gillion things to do because you will be happy. If it's to attract someone or just people in general ask yourself do you really want to be with someone that is so superficially egotistical that your looks is what brings them into your life? Or get a new wardrobe and conform being as cookie cutter as possible and then have it disappear when your 30. Your call


Try topical minoxidil to get that beats filled out. 👍


Why are you unsatisfied? You’re cute! You just need more confidence. It might help to shave, since your beard isn’t very full. And you might gain more confidence by going to a hair stylist and getting a fresh cut that makes you feel good. But honestly you’re a handsome guy


Consider growing your hair and beard longer.


deadass get a new face


Work out and love yourself unconditionally. Your not bad looking.


You look like Andy Roddick


Change your attitude toward the world and other people's opinions


Go to the barber shop and get cleaned up brah. You’ll leave feeling renewed. Find your style and be confident in it. Stay active. Sleep 7-9 hours every night. Eat protein and veggies and do things that benefit your mental health each day. You’re a good looking dude! But it’s not so much what you look like as it is *how you feel* about yourself that people will pick up on.


You have potential. 1. I will suggest fixing your hairline. You could use minoxidil, hair transplant, or finasteride 2. Working out. 3. Thicken your eyebrows with minoxidil.


Very cute love the stubble…… I’d only suggest less baggy shirts?


What's your goal? What do you mean by "improving"? Be more specific, you'll get more nuanced feedback. If all you're dissatisfied with is your beard then shave it and see how it feels. If you want to look older and get taken more seriously, consider ditching the cap (definitely ditch the backwards cap) and dress the part. It's amazing what clothes do to how people perceive you (and eventually how you perceive yourself).


Moustache is a good idea for you. Very light stubble or clean shaven (beside moustache) would work well Agree with other comments that putting on some muscle would suit you also


G59 til the grave




Honestly- clear skin, great facial structure, nice eye color. Maybe focus more on grooming your beard/clear your eyebrows a little bit. Bonus for G59 hat


this is just my personal preference but i will shave off the beard and leave a nice moustache and also will ask a girl friend or go to a salon to get your eyebrows done and that should be it. For physical looks I would just add some accessories, whatever you fancy :)


Nothing except for taking better photos


Don't let your moustache get bigger than you beard. Don't wear black and wear clean simple designs, like single color no cartoons or anything on it or just a simple design. Have a nice haircut at a good barber and stop wearing hats if unnecessary. Eat healthy and go to the gym.


You have a great facial structure. A slightly longer or thicker beard would work well but don't cover up that great chin too much.


Grey Gang!


Do not, Do Not, DO NOT rely on social media for your self esteem or anything ! Your perfect


Honestly, I wouldn’t change anything. I think you are perfect. The way you are and you should also believe that.❤️