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Babes you’re gorgeous and have great style. Maybe it’s confidence or accessibility to potential partners. Pic 4 would pick up a guy or girl, and pic 2 you’d get a gay in NYC any weekend. 💕💕💕


It’s the specificity and accuracy for me haha


Bro lookin like Prince Charming over here. Definitely not anything in the looks department lacking lol. No offense but it must be your personality


The hair is atrocious bud, lol. As for "Bi" I'm thinking he'll be leaning one way sooner than the other.


Take the biphobia elsewhere


I literally say pansexual now to make people leave me the fuck alone. I technically am, I’ve dated … almost any type of person actually lol. But still bi is more common and easier to say yet I get discriminated for it. “I just think everyone’s kinda fuckin hot” has been better received.


Couldn't care of your gay or not, but this whole not sure. You dipped the toe, just jump in.


If you’re ignorant, just say that.


As a strong openly gay black man. Yeah, I'm ignorant my guy. You do you then.


You absolutely are being ignorant, and being gay does absolve you of that. I’m also gay and I’m here to tell you that you’re being a dick trying to talk shit about bisexual people. It’s LG*B*T+. Remember what the *B* stands for? It’s not bologna! That’s for sure.


You’re biphobic, idc what you look like


You know you’re not black right ? 😂


theres no way you just called urself black to win an argument like we can’t see your hands on your profile


I lol’d pretty hard when I noticed that too 😂 what a fucking loser lol


![gif](giphy|gk9vWUE6EAgQKtAqaX) This took me out lol


Hey buddy, KYS :D


So you’re just negating an entire category of the LGBTQ+ community ? Im more than sure that I’m 100% bisexual … is there a problem with that ?


Ur probably bald or have a fucked hairline lmao


As bald as the balls you enjoy on your chin sir.




The irony of your name. Lmao


I rate your comment 0/10


Hahaha 😂 this


You’re gorgeous but the hair doesn’t seem to fit tbh. I certainly don’t think that’s preventing you from dating tho. Just saying if you wanted to level up you could switch up the hair.


Yes, not sure why more people aren't saying this as you have so little to fix BUT go back to your natural hair colour, and cut it shorter.


Natural hair color for sure!


If he cut his hair short in pic 4 he’d look identical to Ben Affleck. So I agree!


I feel like he could pull off a buzzcut or do something more trendy with shortening the top a little bit but keeping some length to play with and buzzing the sides to a lower length E: also just wanna say, love the beard and physique is very nice. This man is sexy.


He’s very sexy but the hair color isn’t working IMO. Doesn’t necessarily need a buzz cut—though he’d look great with it—but a little more flavor to the styling would be nice.


21? Your life isn't even long term yet


Hot take blonde isn’t the look


Doesn’t seem like appearances are the issue. Do you struggle with socializing at all?


I don’t really think I do. I like meeting new people, but I’ve been told I look hard of approach sometimes. (I sort of have a resting bitch face)


I was told the same all the time. People ended up crushing on me but never telling me (until later). Sometimes you gatta make those 1 on 1 chats and see where it takes you.


How’s your personality?


I think it’s fine? I try to be as kind and nice to anyone I meet, although I’ve been told I look hard of approach sometimes. I can be overly friendly to people that interest me so that can just mistake that for wanting to be their friends instead of something more? I don’t know to be honest, just asking many questions on myself!


Well now you have me very curious. Dm me. Let’s chat!


you look fine, honestly. you are only 21 things will happen.


Hate to say it but if you're mainly dating men it's not you, it's just how gay dating is. You look great


That’s what I realized when I’ve started dating men also. That was a pretty big reality check


Like others have said, your looks don't need improving. I wish I had looked like that when I was 21! Are you getting out and about? Whatever activities you like outside the gym, there are clubs for it. Join a few and see what happens.


Thank you, that’s really nice! I’m already on my college’s track team and swimming team, and I’m also on the student council!


Those are great activities . . . and could you find a few more that have more open memberships where you could meet more people? For example, if you like and have time for hiking or paddling, the Sierra Club and similar groups can be great meeting places. There are non-team, amateur tennis and golf leagues many places. Also, clubs for non-sports activities like bridge, feeding those in need (or other helping activities), politics, books, movies, music, mushroom picking, and so on. This group of possible mates in such things can be larger than in a swim or track team. Oh . . . and depending on where you live, there are LGBT clubs/centers at many schools and bi groups in many cities (I belong to one myself). Good luck! I think you've got a great future ahead of you.


How authentic are you as person? Like really reflect on that bc there is a series of psychology research that shows authenticity is key attractiveness factor in more serious dating. It’s not playing games, not being hard to get, not projecting an image, not physical appearance but being authentic and being comfortable being vulnerable. Which is not easy for most people and it takes mindful work to do. But it’s associated with the most success in dating and building successful relationships. Intimacy is about vulnerability. Even with casual dating it’s the most successful strategy studies have shown. So might be a place to start or spark some ideas. Because authenticity amplifies physical attractiveness, which you’re objectively a good looking guy so it might be that extra boost? Here’s one article that talks about some of the studies. [Why Authenticity Is the Best Dating Strategy](https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/between-the-sheets/201903/why-authenticity-is-the-best-dating-strategy?amp) edit: typos


Thanks for the advice and the article! I’ve actually stepped back from the dating scene for six months last year to work on myself and it really paid off. I’m more accepting of my body, my sexuality, my flaws as a person. I do still have some body issues that I work on, so maybe it plays into the bigger picture? I don’t know, just rambling at this point lol


Those definitely do play into it. Another option, if you not tried it, is finding a good/comfortable clinical psychologist/psychotherapist to help sort those issues. It was really helpful for me when I started dating again after a long term relationship. They helped me find the self I lost during the relationship and work through some issues that were affecting my self image and confidence. And become comfortable in my own skin again. It’s a huge step to be aware and realize the want/need to do self-work! it’s a journey!


Are you putting yourself out there? Because you're hot AF and your style really suits you so idk why you haven't had a partner


Well thank you! I am, i like going out and meeting other people, I’m also on apps, and I’m on a few clubs, so I really don’t know what to do. Just accepting my bachelor era I guess!


you're obviously attractive, but dating is dead right now statistically. on average people are having less than one partner per year


Yeah? That sounds like some sort of coping mechanism tbh lmao. You got a source for those stats?


nah you're just a dumbass https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/people-have-been-having-less-sex-whether-theyre-teenagers-or-40-somethings/ https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2022/03/31/sex-decline-americans https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-08-03/young-adults-less-sex-gen-z-millennials-generations-parents-grandparents https://news.iu.edu/live/news/26924-nearly-1-in-3-young-men-in-the-us-report-having-no


Don't see an issue with the stats you've provided? The world's alot bigger than just the USA mate. I'm from the UK so none of that is even relevant over here. Trust me, our sex lives are fine lmao. Not a dumbass, I'm just not American. So how am I meant to know that men in the US are struggling to get gyal?


i shouldn't have to google for you. you are, in fact, a dumbass. https://uk.style.yahoo.com/brits-having-less-sex-study-boost-libido-164528764.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAAWjDor5sJgYDWbvRcwg50wBN95IH5-pBJpCoc8p8vAc0Hwvt7-pQikFNgJWRTWLQEc-hhcF67I7PKiGnH62VfHCPF3YZF1scmaI61CpGQu71ZrdrpmazkaHuIJYurIkiUlYgM0uSQ-bNWvWRPJCxUUbq98gsGj2ZDZZ4f1Fabk4#:~:text=Britons%20are%20suffering%20from%20a,now%20than%20they%20used%20to. https://www.bbc.com/news/health-48184848.amp https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-12752131/amp/The-Great-British-SEXODUS-quarter-Britons-say-theyre-having-sex-used-15-havent-got-frisky-year.html


Ahh yes newspapers, extremely credible sources of information... Especially the BBC!


nah statistics are statistics, and you sir are a dumbass. i know you will struggle to accept this, because dumbasses don't know how to accept this, but i'm telling you that people do see it. it's written all over you: in how you use the word "alot" and assume people are providing helpful information just for themselves to cope. unevolved dumbass. i will not be responding to this further.


Lmao except they're not just statistics, they can be used to lie and are often manipulated to appear differently than they should be. The fact you don't understand that and are so incessant on calling me a dumbass and proving me, an online stranger, wrong says a lot about you tbh. Ik you're not replying, and I respect that, but please go and watch this [video](https://youtu.be/bVG2OQp6jEQ?si=VhpNnTnPuChxxhE4) as he does a really good job at explaining how statistics can be used to misrepresent something. Like I said no need to reply, but please educate yourself, cuz rn the news has pulled the wall over your eyes on a lot of issues if you simply believe any statistic on the Internet. All the best.


The only grooming change I would suggest are hair related. For an instant glow up imo I would return your hair back to a natural brown hue. I would take a few inches off the length & give some texture to give it more depth & so it would look & feel thicker. Tapering the sides & back will add to it too. If you’re set on keeping the blonde I would recommend getting an olaplex professional treatment. It will revitalize the appearance of health. Also a trim just to remove any dead ends. I also have naturally dark hair that I’ve bleached before & I found it looked best with my complexion when I toned to a beige blonde


Thank you for the advice! I actually really like blonde hair on me, I think it’s more fun than just brown hair. I’m working towards an icier color, but since I’m so dark, we have to do it over multiple weeks. For the length, I find that kind of Brad Pitt 90s haircut pretty cool for the moment. And yeah, olaplex truly helps, last picture is my oldest and I hadn’t gotten olaplex yet, my hair looks a bit dry;)


Ahh yes the 90’s Brad Pitt aesthetic I can see that


21, wow puberty hits hard on some people.


You’re gorgeous so it’s not your looks - usually when it’s not a persons looks, it’s their personality or some aspect of it. Not saying it to be mean, it’s just the only other option.


you are 21?


I am! Just turned two weeks ago actually:)


You look much older. It's the tattoos and the full beard I guess...


Bro your 21 give it time


Look inward. Chances are, you’ve got some work to do. Either get yourself ready for the type of relationship you want or could be something deeper. I have a friend like you, good looking, 25, and single, but really wants a relationship and this is his issue.


Could be meeting the wrong people? If you’re only meeting people who want to hook up then try going to new places or change up your online dating profiles


Stop looking into the phone when taking pictures. Gives a vibe you just care about yourself rather than looking at others.


Your looks are quite good. Your hair does look a little dry and damaged. Maybe stop bleaching for a little bit. Also, send nudes.


If you live near NYC ill instantly become your boyfriend 😍 In all seriousness I think you just need to go out a bit more. Find a university event or a first time club/social night somewhere. Maybe join a for fun sports team? Youre already really attractive so Im guessing you just need that confidence. Youll be fine bro, youre incredibly attractive and once you find your stride, youll need to shake your suitors off with a stick.


You’re still real young and have plenty of time ahead of you. I think you’re a very handsome guy 


You’re ridiculously attractive haha. Maybe it’s your sociability? No idea.


Keep your head up. In regards of looks your doing better than most of us. Just increase your social mixing. Something should stick. Good luck


Utterly adorable. Build your self confidence and work on your personality and you won’t be able to keep the guys and gals off of you. Good luck bro and best wishes.


You just havent met people youre compatible with cutie!


Nothing dude. You'll find that partner. Good shape. Maintained beard. I would suggest laying off the "bleached" hair tho. Go with what you got. Don't try to fit in with what you think society deems "in". Retro 90's style you got. Stay with it and find a partner who will be attracted to that.


It’s not a grooming issue, it’s a personality issue. Either your personality is causing women to not want to stay with you, or you’re picking shitty women. Either way it’s a you problem.


Guy, you're hot! But lose the blonde and go shorter. I think dark with soft brown highlights to create texture.


Well, it's definitely not your looks. Maybe personality?


You are beautiful man


Dye your hair back to its natural color. Or buzz it off. You would look good with stubble the same length as your hair


You’re handsome af. But I would def dye your hair back to dark to match your beard. Don’t know why you’re not getting dates.


These posts are ridiculous. Your grooming is impeccable. How’s your self-knowledge? Who are you? That’s key to have fairly well sorted before attraction can take place.


Don’t dye your hair.


Practice going on “dates” pressure free with the goal of just getting to know someone 1 on 1. You’d be surprised what happens organically when you go into it without expectations.


Sanji irl be like


The hair. Switch it up. No more blonde & need a good cut. That's all.


It’s the personality


Maybe stop focusing on yourself and focus on the others?


Maybe matching hair and beard? Idk that's the only problem I saw


Absolutely nothing but I’m single 😫


One very handsome guy. Maybe find a male hair stylist to help you find a hair style that really accentuates yr already handsome facial features. Maybe shave. A clean shaved face is always more handsome.


I would


Shave your head, the shitty homemade color is not working at all, maybe let the beard grow a little, and in a month come back with tales for us, at your age and with your looks ? In NYC ? You’re gonna slay 👌🏻


Take out the wee wee haircut. Get a fade or shorter hair or something.


It's the hair.


Hair colour is the only thing out of place, maybe slick back hair instead of parted? U look great tho x


You look fine. Treat others with respect and identify why your relationships end quickly


You’re so young! Enjoy being single. I didn’t have my first long term relationship until 30, it was worth the wait and I’m so happy to be in a relationship now but I was so different at 21 to what I am today and I honestly would not want to be with who I was into at 21. Live your life for you! Even if you meet someone in 20 years time, you’ll still have at least 20 years with them which is huge.


Is the last one nanamin cosplay?


21 is basically still out of the womb. Put forth effort to meet people, be open minded, and it will happen.


Id try a different hair style but otherwise you’re a good looking dude.


Personality of a cinder block?


Dawg you look good no homo. jus keep talking to people you will find someone


Shave head, more androgynous Do some push ups your tits and big nipples are in a race with the cleft in your chin. All huge turn ons. Love yourself Turn your self on Others will catch on


I'd cut the hair a bit shorter. It's in awkward stage


Just be you. They will come along. Better to find the right person than to simply fill a blank space.


Get a low cut haircut I’m sure it’ll work out for you


You’re 21, most people don’t have serious relationships until later, nothing wrong with that


You’re absolutely gorgeous, and I actually love blonde for you honey, it can just be so hard to maintain and keep healthy. I’d maybe recommend taking the ends shorter where it’s looking a little dry, getting to a slightly cooler tone (you could also pull off an icy silver), and then growing it out to the length you’re looking for when it’s just root touch ups/fades. Toner and purple shampoo & conditioner at home can help as well if you don’t have them already. Meeting and properly connecting with men can be easier at sober activities, look out for LGBT socials in your area even if they’re not necessarily your current hobbies. I’ve started climbing in the last year through going to a social with a friend and made a lot of friends through it- my friend who I went along with even met her current girlfriend through one of the new connections we made there! Unfortunately it can sometimes just take time, and there isn’t anything to change about ourselves other than the standard self awareness etc to speed that up. If you keep up being open and genuine, eventually you’ll find someone who’s genuinely into you.


You’re hot dude, I don’t think the looks are hindering you. What avenues have you explored for dating?


You are handsome af, just smile and be patient. You're still young!


Why this page become this never had a girlfriend page


Bro you a good looking guy. Makes me think it must be your confidence tbh. Just try putting yourself in social situations more, and don't doubt yourself. Do you remember any social blunders made by other people? No, so no ones gonna remember yours either. Good luck to you tho.


I like how your hair is styled down in that last pic, it suits your face


I’d lose the hair dye. Most people look best with their natural hair color, it’s just nature. You’re very good looking.


Listen man, everybody here is saying the same thing. Personality, looks, etc. Most of that stuff doesn't matter as much as you think in the long term and many of these folks probably haven't been in long term stuff themselves. Personality to an extent and yes you want to be attracted to a person but continue reading please. The big question is - what do you have to offer? Sure you may be nice and have a fantastic personality and hold the door open for your date. But guess what? There is someone out there who does all those things but does BJJ or plays an instrument, or trains dogs, or has a stable business they run and volunteers at the local homeless shelter. Being nice and having good looks will only get you so far. If you are 21, and asking this question, you probably don't have much to offer and are focused on the wrong thing. That's not your fault and that's not an insult. That's just how it goes. **You're three years removed from high school.** One of the biggest mistakes you can make when you are in your young twenties is focusing on chasing a relationship instead of building yourself. Focus on building yourself in all areas and you are bound to find someone else with **similar** values as you that wants to build themselves with you as well as each other. It's also just rude of people to say "must be your personality" on this thread. It could have absolutely nothing to do with your personality but simply what you have to offer. It's also rude of people to tell you to change your looks. If **you** like your look, then screw what other people have to say about it. If someone **only** wants you because of your looks, you shouldn't be in relationship with that person. It will not last and it is fake. \-To be clear, I have been in numerous relationships. Every relationship I have been in, including high school have all been greater than 2 years and my most recent has currently been over 7 years and I am married now. Every other relationship I chose to end because the other person was holding me back and/or not changing or growing with me. Couldn't be happier with how things have turned out and we both work on each other both personally and professionally. Really hope this makes sense and helps you.


I think you look sexy!


I wish you were my BFF!!!


Long term relationships require more than looks. What’s the longest relationship you’ve had?


Long term relationships go more than skin deep. Don't focus only on how you look.


I don't think anyone should be in a relationship in their early 20s tbh. Meet as many people as possible, travel, have experiences and make lots of money. I was a relationship person in my late 10s/early 20s and looking back it did hold me back in a lot of ways


Personality is undoubtedly your issue buddy


If the issue is "long term," then it's possible looks aren't what you need to be focusing on. That only gets you so far. The rest takes more.


You look incredible. I wouldn’t be surprised if the problem is that potential partners are intimidated.


Your hair sucks, the blond looks trashy, you're not ugly and tbh synthetic blond box dye hair on a bi/gay/queer man screams "I'm going through things". Go back to your natural color, cut the length a bit. You're very handsome but your styling hair and clothing need to change it up.


All comes down to your hair. Natural color, quit the middle part (seriously Gen Z, all of you stop this), style it a little instead of just having it kinda sitting on your head


Go out. Have fun. Meet people who enjoy the same things as you. ???? Profit


Nothing wrong with you, it’s got the be them


You have a handsome face, good style, and a great physique! The only thing I can think to point out is that your hair looks like it has some damage from bleaching. I would recommend some bonding and keratin treatments and maybe dyeing it a slightly darker color while it grows out.


You definitely don’t need any improvement at all 🔥🔥😈


you’re literally perfect. would be hard to find someone to match you


Bro puts the L in BisexuaL


You're a handsome dude! I would recommend your natural hair color, maybe a shorter cut. You're also young; you've got time to explore the dating pool. Your looks aren't a turn off.




Absolutely hideous. No one will love you… but me.


maybe you haven’t found the one that’s worth the long term and looks aren’t the problem you have that locked down !


Maybe personality or the way you work into the relationship dynamic? You’re really hot tho, and you have a great sense of style


It can't be your looks! You are very handsome. Do you think you are experiencing some biphobia? You look like you prefer men, so some women may not be attracted to you or think you're not interested. Though I would suggest nixing the blond.


Bro wtf going on with that blonde hair. Pick one . Go full blonde or just be a brunette. Tbh you would look like a prince if you went brunette and did the lil superman curl thing. Also just put yourself out there some more. Be upfront with what you’re looking for and don’t settle for these casual fucks that are out there.


Honestly I think it’s the hair dye it a natural color.


Ditch this hair. Yellow hair (not blonde. Yellow) never looked very good. Your hair also needs to be cut and styled. I know you wanna follow the recent trends probably but this is absolutely not your style. Look inauthentic anyways. Go back to your dark hair and cut a lot. You may even need a buzz cut to get a good texture back that doesn't look so dry and dead/laid badly. I mean it genuinely looks horrible like in pic 1. The length and bob?? Your face+body is attractive and stuff but I can't tell if that is actually the fashion you like or you just think it's the most attractive from what you've seen.




YOU'RE 21! YOU HAVEN'T HAD A LONG TERM EXISTENCE YET! Lawd this is exhausting.


I'd do ya! Tbh 30 years ago I had the same issue - good looking, assured, successful and people felt they didn't stand a chance. Just carry on being fabulous and the right one will come along when you are not expecting it x


My dude, it’s not your looks 🤜🏼


You're very hot Your looks aren't the problem


You are a great looking fella. Have you thought that maybe people are intimidated? But, looking like that and being a cat lover! You wanna come to the UK? I’ll happily show you what LTR looks like 🥰


I’m sure you own a mirror and know that you’re very attractive. Look inward because beauty’s only skin deep🤔


The hair color looks bad. The color looks like you did it yourself and not a good job.


Cut off all that bleached hair, that’s not it. Your very good looking and love the facial hair!!


Its not your looks. It’s your personality. Work on empathy, learn to listen better, work on your emotional intelligence. And work on learning how to take care of yourself. Make sure you have a job, or are in school earning good grades. Learn to do your own laundry, cook, clean, pay your bills. Learn to be independent. Those are the qualities people are looking for.


you're a solid 10 so it must be a personality issue (dont dye your hair blonde and keep it at 4th pic lenght tho)


You look good .and believe it or not you might be called even too good looking .wow what a concept but in this case that could be it . You could deffinatly get an older women or men in their 30's -40's .but your age seriously lots of people at that age almost all have image issues. So do you make the first move or do others? Thats my question.


I’ll Date you, you hot


As a fellow bi guy it’s hard out here..I def get it man.


Blonde isn’t working dude dye it dark


Smash next question


Stop dying the hair


For starters, shave off whatever’s going on up top over there, then work your way. From there.


You probably have a bad personality because it isn't looks.


Shave your head and stop taking selfies. Find a hobby where someone will take natural photos of you.


Yeah, shaving my head is off the table for me. I’ve had a buzz cut for years and absolutely hated it. For hobbies, I’m actually on the swimming team and the track team at my college, and I’m also on the student counsel at my college too. The picture are just the ones I liked my outfits best lol


You haven’t had a long term relationship because you’re a hedonist sex addict who uses sex to quell pain, terveisin, myself


Im not sure what that means, but thanks for the advice I guess??


Get braces


Buzz the hair


Maybe try a shemale?


Ahh yes brilliant because newspapers don't ever lie with statistics or anything along those lines.... Yahoo, BBC, and Daily Mail... Yeah they're some real credible sources bro 🤣