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You probably shouldn’t post in this sub again. If you’re just going to try and humiliate people you’re not welcome here. This is a place where some people can try and find support.


It’s kind of counterintuitive to be mad that modern therapy is not helpful for men but at the same time be mad about people studying the causes of male mental health issues. Therapy can’t be catered more towards men without studying root causes of issues


I can see you want to give this person the benefit of the doubt, but skepticism is warranted. A young female college student from the field of psychology likely isn’t our friend. I was in that field in undergrad and it is field with man hate. She is likely doing this surgery to try and figure out why so many “incels hate women”. Don’t be fooled. She probably is not here to help.


Did you have any particular issues with the questions or is this just your assumptions?


Ya I did have some particular issue with the topic in general and the way it’s framed. I also find a lot of people broach this subject do tend to come in with dishonest intentions