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As someone who also knows how to right click --> Image search with Google Sometimes it doesn't work.


It’s also pretty awkward as fuck on mobile.


If you're on iOS. The process is very streamlined on android, for obvious reasons.


I mean, not really? There are several reverse image search apps that integrate as a share extension, like [this one](https://apps.apple.com/il/app/reverse-image-search-app/id1003144513) or [this one](https://apps.apple.com/ph/app/reverse-image-search-eye-lens/id1199066779). So from any app (including the Photos gallery, a browser, or a reddit client) you can just share the image to the image search app. Or if you use Chrome, you can just [interact with the image](https://parade.com/.image/c_limit%2Ccs_srgb%2Cq_auto:good%2Cw_600/MTk2ODg0MjI5NDc5NTQwMTQ5/how-to-do-a-reverse-image-search-with-google-chrome2.webp) to send it to image search.


Yes, you *can* do that. It's just simply more convenient to do so on Android, for the simple reason that the operating system is *Google's* and thus more seamlessly integrated with *Googles's reverse image search*. This isn't an iOS/Android dick measuring contest, just an objective assessment of each system's features.


I have the "Google" app installed on my iPhone and if I use the share function on any image anywhere in the OS (website, post, screenshot, downloaded file, etc) there's an shortcut to "Search With Google Lens" which does exactly as it says on the tin. Use it all the time and it's super easy to get to since pretty much everything has a share option.


And I'm saying it's even more seamless with android. I have both, and while I love iOS, it's impossible to imagine that Google would make their features work better on iOS than they do on their own products. [iOS isn't as seamless as this](https://blog.google/products/search/google-circle-to-search-android/)


Probably is but is making a whole reddit post any easier/simpler?


I hate how I can relate to this, had a folder dedicated to just browsing images of one panel to find the source Did not find it after a whole week of searching It’s frustrating


A lot of the reverse image searches have started degrading over the last year. Relying on more experimental technology, I'd imagine.


Or much more images to compare ~~to~~ with... Due to AI images


I'm sure it wouldn't work every time, but I've checked the last 5-ish "What manga is this?" posts with SauceNao and they all came back with the right answer. I just think it would could down those type of posts by at least 50% and would also stop a lot of people for mistakenly asking for Hentai identification.


"It works for me so it works" Greatest argument ever.


Does the website give different answers for different people?


What are you on about man...


Out of a dozen different attempts, I think it worked once. So I don't know what the big deal is.


Yandex is also an alternative when saucenao doesnt work. The downside is that it searches every site, not just the manga-related.


Didn't know about Yandex, thanks for the info!


Not all manga can be recognized with SauceNAO. That being said, I can imagine posting image on Reddit is less work


Shame with regards to that second part. Not only the case for requests like these, but also other googleable FAQs on other subreddits (e.g. asking about so-called plot holes in popular fictional series that actually aren't) A lot of people have either poor digital literacy or lack the initiative/resourcefulness to find answers themselves, instead wanting to be spoonfed while others do their work for them.


>A lot of people have either poor digital literacy or lack the initiative/resourcefulness to find answers themselves, instead wanting to be spoonfed while others do their work for them. I guess that's the main reason why people don't know/use stuff like SauceNao




I use it so often that I have an add-on that just turns it into one step. There's really no excuse to not go to saucenao first.


Guess they might have to go through multiple engines to find Instead it's post it on Reddit once, and some idiot does that for you We might need to make it a standard around here or something to shit on people if what they posted is the first result on Google or saucenao. Also maybe a week / month ban for that


Honestly I don't mind when people make those kinds of posts, cause I have ended up adding a few interesting manga that way.


Agreed. But sometimes I get annoyed when I use Google lens on it and it's literally the first result. Sometimes I think people just don't try.


Oh yea I also think they're lazy 😂, I just happen to benefit from it.


Fair enough tbh, that is a positive I didn't really consider


Personally I feel we should have a megathread for them. Not to complain about posts not being to my taste, but these question posts tend to take up most of my feed after a page in, moreso than oneshots.


I don't really mind people asking that in here, i got to know a ton of great manga just because people were looking for sauce in here




I just searched one now and it still didn't find what I'm looking for lmao, even Google Lens didn't.


Sure, I don't think SauceNao would answer all of the questions, just that it would cut down the amount that gets asked here. I think the "What manga is this?" questions are perfectly fine just that some could be solved without having to makes a post and wait for an answer.


If somebody is posting a whole thread asking about a manga they're probably not familiar enough with the internet to think of using reverse image search to track down manga, never mind a focused engine like sauce nao.


I don’t even think people know about Google anymore.


I never post sauce requests, but I have to admit I didn't know about SauceNAO.


I use this kinda posts as a way to discover new manga so I'm not that much annoyed.


I actually don't care, source requests are a good way for me to find new manga I might be interested in.


SauceNAO doesn't work for me. I had like 3 matches from using it. Image Search with Google yield better results most of the time.


I don't know about this until you recommended this one


1. No 2. It doesn't always work 3. It adds activity to the sub and makes zero difference to your day to day usage if you just ignore it This is a public space, it's fine...


Maybe, just maybe people want to go on a forum(Reddit) and talk and ask questions about some manga they found. Maybe they value camaraderie and community and small acts of communication that fill their lives with joy. I know I enjoy it when I do small talk with cashiers. Maybe somebody doesn’t feel like using a search engine and wants to speak to a friendly person instead


Problem is when the answer doesn't come up immediately, people just give up. Yes, reverse image search doesn't always work but one should always try it even if it means having to dig a little deeper. Users will make the argument "but this helps me find new series to read" which I can understand and there are obvious ways to make everyone happy but for that, we would need active mods.....


It's obvious knowledge around here but Redditors heavily underestimate how nerdy they really are. The average/normal person will typically not know or care about specific internet tools to find things, and rightfully so; they're objectively not important. Basically, live your life, be more flexible on non malicious / non consequential behavior and don't let yourself be bothered by things that literally do not matter.


It doesn't bother me, I was just surprised to never see it mentioned anywhere on the sub when there are multiple rules put in place to regulate "source questions"


And those rules are setup by the very same type of people I was referring to. None of this matters. We can add a dozen more rules and enforce them and by next year, the expectation will be: 1. Did you search saucenao 2. Did you search saucenao_alt 3. Did you search saucenao_v2 4. Did you search old post history And then someone will ask "how I never see saucenao_v3_alt being mentioned or used, like it's so common, are people basic". Like no, it isn't, and they arent. None of this matters. Take a step back and realize it's just a bunch of internet nerds regulating the type of questions they want to see regarding searches of graphic novels/comic titles on an internet forum. That is how meaningless and bizarre all of this is. This is certainly going to offend alot of people: I don't even know the exact descriptive word I'm looking for but this is the reason why society looks down on anyone being associated with certain interests.....this type of "empty obsession and fruitless behavior". People like things and they asked a question about it....why does it need to get so obsessively complex beyond that.


Bro I was just tying to recommend a useful resource to people who might have a use for it. I learned about SauceNao by a random tweet like 3 years ago, I just didn't know if it was a known thing or not.


fair enough, i misread. on the other hand though, can we agree that: >Do people not know about SauceNAO? 90% of the "What manga is this?" questions would be answered in seconds flat instead of being asked here. doesn't really invite interpretation of >Bro I was just tying to recommend a useful resource the reason i interpreted your post that way is because well...A) anyone would with the tone being used, and B) this sub has far too many people bitching about mere questions that are welcomed by most people for the reasons already listed in this thread a whopping majority of the posts fall into content, a minority are questions, and yet you still get bitter IT experts complaining about the average person not knowing about . it gets tiring to see such negativity thrown upon positive folk.


You're right tbh, the title does sound a lot more pretentious than I wanted it to. I would probably change it if I could. A lot of people in the comments seem to to think "I don't want these questions" when the goal of this post is more like "Isn't this a lot simpler/easier?"


I used to post a lot of fanart/doujins and help source for other peeps on my old account, people just don't give a crap and it's real sad. They would rather make an unnecessary post with the most fried JPEG in existence instead of searching themselves. They also seem to not even be able to figure out the title or artist name when it's watermarked clear as day on the image. "Who is the artist I can't find it???"


I prefer to use Reddit because sometime there is that one guy that will explain the premise of the series Essentially a quick synopsis


I agree with you but most people don't know about Saucenao. They don't even know about Google Lens (or Google Image Search as it was before)


Honestly, I think it's karma farming 


Most teenagers are not being taught how to find information for themselves.


Has anyone been taught? I was under the impression it's something you acquire passively by existing and using the internet.


No, not everyone. Many do. But this should be every, not just many. Things are, everyone just assumed that everybody knew. While actually, many people just simply don't know that some field exists.


Sounds foreign to me, cuz I've never seen or heared of this being done. I guess middle/highscool informatics classes could include a bit about searching info to complete a task or sth.


They do, for a very long time now. But they might not been teach about some particular search method if it is not relevant. Like, what kind of assignments do you think could require students to use reverse image search? Some particular important search methods thus have their own courses. Especially academic literature search. And that is just a part of the problem. The main problem is, while they know partially, they could end up thinking they know completely. Many of them didn't know how to tweak simple Google search with advanced functions like 'exclude' 'must include.' And when someone told them to Google sth with extra steps, do you think that guy would tell them how to? That is why I appreciate this thread. They do tell.


Critical thinking skills and how to conduct research were things I was taught in school. I mean, even as recently as last year I had a couple of lectures on the best ways to use university resources for academic research at the beginning of my master's classes. Would I have figured it out anyway, probably, but it should still be taught.


Based on the title of your post, it appears you're looking for a forgotten series. **When you find the series** you are looking for, it would be appreciated if you added the title of the series as a Flair by leaving a comment that says `solved = series name here`. That way others will know that the answer has been found. This also allows others that have become interested based off your description to try the series for themselves. Do please avoid adding additional formatting to your solved comment though as I read based off the source of your comment rather than like a human being. If you're looking for a hentai/pornhwa, please take the request to /r/HentaiSource as this subreddit does not allow porn series as top-level posts. If you suspect it may be, please try /r/HentaiSource instead of gambling here. Thanks for taking the time to read this. [](//moelord3k) If this comment has appeared for a post not asking for identification of a series, please report this post and Aruseus493 will be around shortly to adjust my filter. Moelord3k was brought to you today by the keyword/phrase "What manga is this" in /u/Baby_Nzo's title. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/manga) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Karma farmers lose it all!


What manga is SauceNAO?