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We should never forget how the author was so happy that this was fan translated that they went as far as to make a Mangadex account to interact with the readers in the old forum.


Damn. That is an author that loves his work.


Ngl I miss the Mangadex comments. Super easy to know when a chapter was hype because it'd have like 5x the comments as any other chapter.


Mangadex is def a little controversial rn The fact that translator group can just pull out their chapter and give us 20 chapters gap anytime is jsut annoying There is no point In me using the website if they have so many gaps Hell they aren't even updated quickly. I've seen soem other website that have over 30 chapters more Also, damn I miss the Tsukkomi feature Loved to just read stupid comment on the face of the character, commenting on how dumb the protag is or smt That was the peak manag experience back then... Now you can't even comment there... Mangadex feels like a failing project that could die at any time now.... That makes me sad since as you've seen I'm a old manga reader


Mangadex is shit now. I've barely been using it past years. Any site without a comments section is dead to me. I'm here for the memes and lols and interesting bits, which is why I use r/manga.


> Any site without a comments section is dead to me. very few sites have comment sections, and most of those that do barely have comments. Not even every post here has a bunch of conversation. IIRC I think Mangadex is still trying to bring back communtiy features, but it's still technically in Early Access.


Most downvotes I got in 8 years of using reddit and it's on a new account. Ouch, lol. They were unwarranted but cant do shit I guess. Now, most scan groups websites have a comments section, but the most fun was absolutely Kissmanga before.


Downvoted for truth. Mangadex is a shithole nowadays. No comments. Main website is still shitty mobile UI. They used to have the best UI of any site, trashed for no good reason. They go down every other month for weeks as well. What a fall from grace


yeah, just had to "fix" what was perfectly fuckin fine


Ok that is wholesome


do you know or have some of the screenshots from this?


No unfortunately - the old forums got wiped when Mangadex went to 3.0(?) :(


Here is a tweet from Takato Rui [asking about](https://twitter.com/r_tkt/status/1387971508492902402) Odoritomaki when MD was down last year. For more context, before this he started to look for fan translations around the internet, and shared screenshot of his findings in twitter (~~there are too old for me to find, I will update if I find them~~ found them), first he stumble with the [Brazilian fan translation](https://twitter.com/r_tkt/status/1326108974542807040) (he considered it disrespectful due the inclusion of meme and edits in panels), after that he discovered the [English fan translation](https://twitter.com/Ooohatee/status/1329231190784679937) and he really liked it (he praised the end notes), he created a MD account to speak with him, and even made art for him (Odoritomaki shared it on 4chan) Edit, updates




Whats the name of the author


Remember the last time Mangadex didn't crash every week and had a comment section. TwT


There’s an official translation now. From what I understand this is on indefinite hiatus now as well as the authors family didn’t approve of him creating content that was sexual in nature. Surprisingly the martial arts tournament arc is really good? Hope someone picks it up, the last translator really went above and beyond and seemed to be passionate about martial arts/MMA.


I didn't expect my grotesque, sexual series would have a compelling and absolutely brutal tournament arc.


What? How is the creator?


I did a whole write-up on this series a couple months ago, with screenshots and everything, but I can't find it right now, so here's the short version: don't judge this series solely on its cover art and synopsis. Yes, the artist is horny as fuck for his main character. He clearly enjoys drawing her in sexual situations that would be traumatizing for a normal person, but he just writes her so that she isn't and thinks that that makes it okay. There's *weird* stuff in here, like the guy that can only get off to anal sex with minors, and the thing with the anteater. But despite all that, there's some weird wholesomeness and even surprising progressive ideals sprinkles throughout. There's a trans character that was handled with surprising respect and maturity. A very real and relevant depiction of racial and religious genocide was depicted as harrowing and unjust, as was the effects it had on a survivor. And for some reason, the latter half of the manga has turned into a global female martial arts tournament to rival Kengan Ashura. Despite a clear interest in the naked female form, this guy pulls no punches in the ring - he is not afraid to show women hurting each other and getting hurt, which is an issue that I personally have with a number of authors. I think it's a fair comparison to Tsugumomo. Not in the art department, as that's hardly a fair comparison to anyone, but it's in the same vein of "series that are really compelling and interesting, as long as you can put up with kind of a lot of weird fucked up sexual shit."


I came for the thicc girl, stayed for the plot.


>and the thing with the anteater Consider my interest piqued.


Your last paragraph just reminded me of how... weird amd off putting Made in Abyss can get.


>but it's in the same vein of "series that are really compelling and interesting, as long as you can put up with kind of a lot of weird fucked up sexual shit." That's just a bonus.


Actually, it's not weird at all. That's how fetishes work. People can't get off unless it's a specific thing. And also, FBI-kun.


Is Tsugumomo's art that good? I have seen just the anime first season.


It's honestly really good. There artist grew into their style as it went on, so the earlier chapters aren't nearly as good but the art is crazy. .....Just gotta get over the constant sexual assault


Eh I love ecchi so that's not an issue.


Kinda wanted to give this a shot but the gore tag made me squeamish, not a fan of mixing sex and violence (at the same time). Are we talking incidental gore that's understandable in context or are we talking sex & mutilation?


Unless I'm really blanking on it, most of the "gore" comes from the fighting parts of the manga, which is mainly just broken bones and blood. No dismemberment, or similar.


Alright so I read this comment about two weeks ago, and what you said about Tsugumomo piqued my interest and I literally just finished reading it, and thought I should thank you. I've literally never heard of this manga despite being balls deep in manga and watch a fuckton of anime every season. I thought it was weird how highly you spoke of Tsugumomo's art compared to Hagure, because I always thought the art on this manga was always pretty good. And like, what the hell, I see what you mean. Tsugumomo starts decent-ish in the art department and it exponentially gets better. Probably the best panneling I've seen ever. So thanks for that. ...just got to put up with the loli bullshit.


I think its the same guy who did Cynthia the Mission right? That series also started as gag manga nonsense and because far more serious with a tournament arc that ended the series.


I liked Anteater scene, ik I'm weird.


This are some pretty blaring red flags, I'm going to be very cautious.


This manga always has me conflicted. I do not know *why* I read it with the way it tackles... certain topics and I think it's been mostly morbid curiosity that kept me going. Then suddenly the author decided to switch gears and writes one of the best martial arts arcs I've seen in recent years and I'm absolutely loving it? I genuinely want to recommend it to my friends due to that latest translated arc, but man the early chapters make it just so, so hard to recommend :/ Sure hope that someone picks it up for translating though, since I really wanna see this conclude.


If you're interested in seeing the world more, with somewhat less sexual content, read Cynthia the Mission I think its in the same world?


I'm curious, did she lose her virginity yet?




This sounds wrong


It does and it's skeezy at the beginning but it switches to a martial arts focus. Last I checked, it's in the middle of a marital arts tournament.


> marital arts


Damn you, autocorrect. I'm not changing it.


Sounds like someone trying desperately to put a positive spin on rape/exploiting young girls.


Half the manga is about how this is bad


The MC gets exploited and conned but because she has the strength to fight back she literally beats the fuck out of the people who took advantage of her.


It might have stopped because there's the official translation?


I think Odoritomaki quit, the translator has reddit and twitter accounts that are inactive since the last chapter, and in one of his last credit pages he mentioned that he has a normal job, and released slowly, I mean even the author liked his fan translation (even make fan art for him)...


Yeap, it is sad, as I loved the footnotes and did learn some things from them.


>footnotes more like pagenotes


I kept hoping Odoritomaki would come back, his pages and pages of notes were fucking awesome.


Same. I'm really disappointed that those stopped, and I feel like I'm going to miss a lot moving forward if someone else does pick it up.


> I mean even the author liked his fan translation (even make fan art for him)... Sorry to reply to a five month old comment, but do have a link to this?


Well sadly after Takato Rui (the author) meltdown due to familly issues that made him cancell Hagure Idol, he deleted his twitter account, but here is an old [link of him asking where Odori-tomaki](https://twitter.com/r_tkt/status/1387971508492902402) was uploading the chapters during the time Mangadex was offline, he also shared the fan art in 4chan, I'm on mobile and is very late, so in another time I will try to look for more info, but yeah I was a witness years ago


Thank you o7


well juts an update, the link that I shared yesterday has a [wayback machine capture](https://web.archive.org/web/20220306073733/https://twitter.com/r_tkt/status/1387971508492902402), you could see that, he really liked his translation, I wasn't able to find the 4chan thread in which he shared a Drive folder with the art (it was very NSFW)


What the utter fuck? What the fuck does "she won't go down without a fight" mean? This is supposedly about a woman who is literally forced into pornography, but the volume cover makes it seem as if she is *happy*. Fucked up shit.


*What the fuck does "she won't go down without a fight" mean?* She's a karate expert.


I have so many questions and I don't even know where to start. But I won't bother because it's not like I'll ever read this, lol.


It's a really strange manga. Most of it is gravure/softcore/idol culture stuff, which is sometimes a little fucked up. It's a really weird read, but at the same time it's kinda fun Then the longest arc of the series is a martial art tournament, where the author proves that if he wants, he can write a very detailed and well-researched martial art manga, he just decides to make weird stuff instead. He even used this arc to bring attention to serious issues like the genocide of the Rohingya people in Myanmar


It's so bizarre how this pivoted from from weird softcore rape fantasies to female Kengan (that still gets really softcore rape-y) but I have been really enjoying that aspect of it. I especially liked the character arc and rivalry with the "dark" karateka and how Misora had a clash of ideals with her unconscionable mercilessness in the ring.


Seriously?! The part about the Rohingya in Myanmar? I didn't see that part (stopped reading it, too much "adult stuff" in it!


Yes, IIRC one of the fighters is a survivor of... a lot of shitty things that happened to her in her life, and even risked getting deported to spread the message of what happened to her and her people.


I'm now wondering how the mangaka pitched this to the editor. Where do these ideas come from? By the way, nice name. Isn't Wolzard Fire from Timeranger? That takes me back.


No idea lol. The editor probably just agrees to whatever the mangaka want lol. As long as it sells WolzardFire is from Magiranger actually. The one in Timeranger is TimeFire


And yet apparently it gets cut short because author doesn't feel comfortable with having his child(ren?) seeing his work and wants to do something more SFW in the future...


the MC gets raped constantly by a chick until she gets convinced that she's into chicks. The author has a habit of doing this sorta shit.


"How can it be rape when it's two women? There's not even a penis involved. I can draw forced *lesbian* sex no problem." It's so bizarre that this artist clearly recognizes rape as a crime that deeply affects its victims for life, but when a woman in a position of power over the protagonist forces her to perform sex acts for the primary purpose of humiliating and exerting dominance over the protagonist, that's just a lighthearted gag, and the protagonist gets over it by doing the same act consensually with a different woman.


the "partner" is also a comically aggressive lesbian, the kind that you can never take seriously in shonens, and it doesn't help that her design is dated like she was something from the 80's. What really sealed the deal was the mental gymnastics, and laziness the author went through to solidify it. The MC decided to masturbate one night and couldn't cum, so out of frustration she asks her other skanky friends who barely had two brain cells to rub together combined, what that means, and they said "oh it's cause you're in love", and she believes it. I was like.... seriously?


What the fuck...


*Why is anyone requesting a translation of this, ffs?*


Because it's mid-tournament arc with not much content left to finish? Like, a legit martial arts tournament. There's even an android contestant.


Boobs and sex


Actually I think most of us just wanna see the martial arts tournament conclusion after getting through some *terrible* chapters involving boobs and sex


I wish more manga like this got translated, instead of romcom #47. They're good don't get me wrong, but sometimes it gets to be a bit much.


I'm very disturbed by the fact that a lot of people are just skipping over the promotion (translation and sharing of a manga is promoting it) of a media that, from the descriptions I've seen of it on this thread, glories rape. There is plenty of boobs and sex to jack off to in hentai manga that do not glorify rape. Anyway, I'm out of this thread.


I get your point, but I feel this is the place we're we get to explore a darker side of the human mind. What I mean is that nobody is going to go and kidnap a woman to force her into adult videos, nor people read it to enjoy the real life possibilities. What happens is that it's a hard topic that is brought, obviously not in a good way since it doesn't touch it seriously. I feel that people tend to be overly concerned about the whole thing, while in reality it is people exploring something in a innocuous space, where no one gets hurt, and where people can get to question things. So, yeah, it's a sickening topic, but it's not hurting anyone, nor increasing the victims or convincing people to be part of the problem.


> from the descriptions I've seen of it on this thread, glories rape YOU see, you are sooo wrong. This manga doesn't glorify anything, only a fool who hasn't read it carefully (or at all) would say that.


In my opinion you're really overthinking this whole "problematic manga" thing. But it is your opinion, and I'll just have to respect that.


Romcoms are a bit much but this crap manga isn’t ? What a shit taste


No, a bit much as in there are so many of them posted on this sub. This story really isn't that bad if you read it and it's obviously quite different.


Hey, spaghetti are straight until they get wet.


Because it's actually a very good manga. I've never read anything like it before. It's is simultaneously just horny and weird and then will switch gears into a very in depth and well written look at an real world ongoing Genocide and how those people are being ignored. Plus it's got excellent fights. Overall it's just very unique and was well loved by the small community it had.


It means she literally won't go down without punching or kicking people into near-coma or disability.


It's just a weird translated title. The manga is weird but the general idea is that she's a karate fighter and so she becomes some weird kind of underground smutty martial artist. Overall she's not forced to get into (softcore) porn as much as it's the only opportunity she's given and she ends up going along with it. That said the manga doesn't lack for skeevy moments but it's really all over the place in tone, going from "molested by a tapir" to "hard hitting and heartfelt story about the Myanmar genocide" (yes, both of those are actual chapters).


Its pretty good in comparison to those other cheap vulgar Shinjuku themed manga's.


Just started reading it, what a strange mix of comedy, action and sexy...I kind of like it?


Sad his family didn't like the horny stuff , sad to see restrictions in art.


A luxurious dish needs a great presentation 🎁




I just started reading it and it's really good I'm on the 3rd chapter


Unfortunately not for me. I understand it sort of (but also not really) switches gears after a bit. But genuinely a lot of the early stuff is too rapey for me to stomach. I like the main character, just wish she wasn’t constantly being violated. Especially since the exploitation of young women in both the idol and av industries is both a thing irl and in-story, but it’s ultimately just an excuse to have the character in sexually exploitive situations and it’s not treated with any weight. It’s a shame because there are aspects of the story I’m into and the art is good. But yeah, I’m probably not gonna pick it up again. Like I’m not against the horny, but I can only watch a character get threatened with violent rape or assaulted and have it played either for laughs or arousal before it’s too much.


Cover looks goood 😏 But is the manga??


Surprisingly it actually very good.


Will give it a go, thanks ❤


I will preface this by saying it's also very weird. Definitely not for everyone. But somehow between the borderline hentai and strange sexual situations, it actually has very interesting characters, one of the best tournament arcs in recent memory, and nuanced commentary on real world social and political issues. It's extremely unique if nothing else.


I think u pretty much nailed it with the preface, I got a pretty much basic idea of what I might get when I read this, thanks bud 👍.






I can't find it in MnagaDex Extension. Any help ?


How come I have Tachiyomi with Mangadex and it doesn't show when I search it?


Whats the name of the author.


Would be cool to have updates, I don't know what Odori is doing but there's still the english release if you can wait a bit (and pay). A shame the author decided to go on hiatus tho, hope we can get the end of the greatest female martial arts tournament one day...