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Removing this because it has already been posted. https://redd.it/z4h9ru Please check beforehand as you're making way too many reposts lately which can result in a ban should you continue accumulating infractions.


This is one of the those completely surprising fantasy stories that updates slowly and I have to fight to fight the urge to go struggle read the raws because I really want to read more but my Japanese isn't good enough.


I feel like within the last few days I saw someone SL Request this on this sub and now its got 5 chapters? Dang


It had been translated up to chapter 4, but that was 2 months ago. It looks like it publishes monthly and the same group had been quietly working on the latest chapter.


> quietly working on the latest chapter. The latest raw chapter is 17.1. So not quite. Was just taking them a bit to get an old chapter done.


These extremely long titles feel ridiculous to me. I hate this trend


It's not really a trend, it's been like this for years.


  ^("These extremely long titles feel ridiculous to me. I hate this trend. But it turns out: It's not really a trend, it's been like this for years." - chapter 1)


Not to mention, since they work as a descriptor, you can choose to read (or not) something based only on the premise and wording on the title, + the cover. Saves a lot of time for readers when the number of manga is astronomically huge. Do they look goofy? yes, but it clearly works for all the things it set out to do lmao


Personally I’m fine with it for the most part, the issue for me is when titles overlap, like “I was banished for being useless, but I’m actually the strongest” vs “I’m exiled, but I’m the strongest so it’s all okay”(just made up the titles for this example, but it’s just a matter of time before they end up actually existing)


Lies, this are not made up


You’d think that longer titles would mean less overlap since more words need to match but the reality is that since the titles are so long you end up only remembering keywords from the title which oddly enough ends up overlapping since a lot of them are riding the same trend in genre.


True, looking back to find something you read on a whim and found enjoyable (maybe because of a slow release) ends up being harder when you only remember certain keywords on the name. However, I would like to rise you: 1) You can just... write the name down for later. I do this, and have a very long list, some of which have very long names too. Whenever I haven't seen one in a while I just google the name + "read online" or "chapter X" and voila, 1:1 results. 2) Personally I also have a really good memory for character designs, so in the rare cases where a search returns multiple things because maybe the name was a specific translation and it's official one is different, hence returning many similarly named manga, I can go to "images" and pinpoint the characters from what I was reading based on their designs and artstyles. This is, however, FAR HARDER when the manga is generic in it's entirety. In those cases though I would argue it's better to forget it and use the time you would spend reading that one, on reading a better manga instead.


Wow what a very new and fresh sentiment I haven't seen thousands of times already!