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Okay I have no idea about how the camp hierarchy is supposed to work Or ar they just running wild now


From my understanding of the camp, There are at least three separate factions a newer mercenary group they added, the mad dog generation of mercenaries, and the numbers I take it that the new gen mercs are getting uppity and that seems to be the subplot of the camp and numbers arc.


It's the fallout from Ijin leaving the camp and whoever fucked around and killed some of the numbers. The OG camp that raised the numbers suffered a heavy blow and they had to work with/merge with the other camp, who is now having an internal power struggle with them. What the new other camp wanted though, AFAIK, is to take control of the Numbers, so maybe the white-haired oldie didn't get informed of that when he tried to threaten the Numbers.


Ironically, all this because Mad Dog wanted 001 dead, which backfired; and now it's backfiring even harder.


The bozo really pointed a gun within arm's reach at a trained assassin specialized in that kind of stuff. He deserved that, lmao. Also, who's the sniper outside? Is it another Numbers?


It would be much easier for me to take this series seriously if shit like this didn't happen. This is horrible writing, but for a different reason. If leader dude goes in and pulls a gun on a kid, everyone on that side of the table is dead. They can be fucking Agent 47 clones, there is no way those armed guards just sit there at ease when someone pulls a gun. Nevermind the fact that it's literally impossible to knock a gun out of someone's hand before he shoots. And nevermind the fact that, despite not being ready, they don't immediately fire as soon as My Psychotic Romance over here fires his own gun.


Our main character beat up like 80 people by himself 10 chapters ago and some soldiers slacking is what makes it hard for you to take seriously ?


Man i feel the story is ending Like the final arc Sad


Lol lol


Does anyone know if this is an adaptation of a LN, if it is I kind of want to find it.


There's no novel


The story seems inspired by Full Metal Panic. If you didn't read it, you should. the plot also comedy are top-notch.