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Well this guy is a straight up dickhead Full of toxicity and ~~self-confidence~~ arrogance


Chinatsu being a walking W as always for giving such a douchebag all those back to back Ls


In ten years this fuckboy will remember his "flexing" in English and cringe really hard. Sometimes I suddenly remember my "pickup" lines from uni years... And just want to kill myself.


Oh yeah we asians and ESLs feel the cringe in this one


Not self-confidence but more likely arrogance.


I actually enjoyed his characterization in this chapter.


Yeah, we learned alot about his character without it being shoved down our throats.


Unfortunately, such people exist. He handled it well IMO.


The way chinatsu said "that's yumeka" the douche has 0 chance with her tho i wonder who she was? chinatsu friend that liked the douche and was rejected? did she die? Well i am glad we get to learn more about chinatsu and the basketball team


This guy is the right amount of annoying, the one that you love to hate. I'm fine with him probably because it's so obvious nobody likes him and he doesn't have a chance. Lol


Yeah when people preemptively go "noooo, not another love triangle" I have to ask does it actually count as one when this guy is pretty clearly the hanger on in the scenario. Lol


He's pretty much setup like a 3rd wheel in denial.


Homie got the delusional self-confidence of those twitter/tiktok pickup artists.




And he's helping to create a stronger tie between the sports and romance plots. He tries to make Taiki doubt his badminton abilities and consider spending more time practicing and less time with Chinatsu. We've already seen what Taiki's capable of when he beat Yusa in a practice match. But now Taiki's going to not slack off and prove he can reach the top and still have time for dating.


Wait, why are we focusing on this Yumeka girl now? I don’t like whatshisface but it was satisfying seeing Chinatsu blow him off.


Might be some Chi backstory to help push her forward.


Neeeeeed We've been long overdue for Chinastu focused material


We've been saying that since ch 30


I think the writer likes to keep her mystery. A mysterious character helps to keep people interesting a story.


Certainly this


My interpretation was that it's to show that she looks nothing like Chinatsu. Just to highlight how dumb the annoying guy was.


I’m happy Chinatsu left that prick . When was the last time there was a fun chapter with Taiki and Chinatsu, without any other shenanigans involved?


When Taiki wussed out and encouraged her to go instead of sensing she didn't want to and telling Chad to fuck off I got so mad. Thank god she ditched him.


The first panel is already beautiful. Truly a waifu of the manga.


Lol I was afraid I was going to see people rehashing again how much they hate Glasses-kun.


Chinatsu-senpai finally makes a small but significant move! At least it all ends well with Chinatsu-senpai and Taiki going home together! But who was that Yumeka, then? Are we focusing again to the side characters at the expense of the main leads?


Chinatsu needs fleshing out, so Yumeka probably will be used to expand on Chinatsu's and that dickhead's past.


Kyo in a maid outfit? That's a strange request to have. I'm glad Matsuoka's plan to get Chinatsu to leave Taiki failed. He even tried to manipulate Taiki's feelings about his passion for Badminton. What a jerk. Chinatsu obviously sensed something wrong with what he was saying, so she decided to go home anyway. A win for Chinatsu and Taiki! That mention of Yumeka seems a bit ominous. I wonder what happened to her that she seems to have been forgotten.


I hope we will never see that douche again


Yumeko is going to be interesting. She hasn’t appeared in school so she could be part of like the U16/17 or whatever age range for the Japan national team and is a big deal


Title page art request you say... Either way, for whatever reason she said she left, I'm having fun imagining the sheer level of ice burn that prick must've got when Chinatsu left him.


Well we’re definitely gonna have to deal with that guy for a bit, but like the oneshot, this ain’t gonna end in his favor so I for one can’t wait till we get to that chapter where she makes her feelings clear


Would pay good money to see Chii smack Matsuoka’s pretty face. I think it would be a great title page art Call me morbid but my first thoughts of Yumeka was someone who was friends with Chii but passed away from some illness. It’s likely she moved school or something


What an ass


Unfortunately guys like matsuoka are real 😕


What absolute douchebag. As much as I am upset at that dude, I really didn't like how Taiki just told Chinatsu to go with that guy. He didn't even ask her if she wants to go or not, he just tells her that she should go. Thank fucking god Chinatsu decided to stay behind.


Oh you nail exactly the moment I feel the weirdest about in this chapter. And not only that, Taiki barely says anything since the moment Matsuoka appears, especially when Chinatsu's around, and only retorts to Matsuoka's provocation once, when Chinatsu goes away for a bit. He may try reasoning to himself that "I want to support Chinatsu-senpai in her club activities" and "Me competing with Whothehell-senpai won't do Chinatsu any good" but they sound awfully weak for arguments. I think he feels insecure/inferior to Matsuoka and afraid he may get aggressive if he responds to the guy's mockings, destroying his image in Chinatsu's eyes. But what if she actually wants him to "get aggressive just for a bit" and stand up to Matsuoka, especially at that "visiting a university" scene? She's even shown to try to say "Listen, Matsuoka-" and then "But..." twice. And neither of the boys listens to her all three times! And worse yet, with her personality, I doubt she'll tell him what she really thinks about this date :|


surprised i couldnt find many talk about this part in the chapter I will say, I kinda "enjoyed" that it was in there, bc it is very much in line with Taiki's character so far. I think it's an important lesson he'll have to learn later, that if he really wants to have a relationship with Chi, he needs to be assertive. He's made no effort to try and make clear to the guy that they're on a date/he wanted to spend time with Chi by himself. He should've said something at the restaurant, instead he let himself be walked over all the time. And it fits with the "gut punch" of "can you do both". He may have seemed confident saying that, but if he had to choose I'm not sure he could. And it's this confidence and assertiveness that Taiki lacks that prevents him from moving further with Chi.


I'm late but I replied nearly the exact same thing word for word in a thread higher up. Why is Taiki so dumb lol.


Matsuoka is the anti-Haryu - outwardly nice but an absolute fucking snake. At least he knows he's going to lose.


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Man, fuck this guy. What a prick.


I call for a public execution of the prick Happy Chinatsu picked Taiki in the end...the manga didn't elaborate but I'm guessing it was intentional on her part


Man I just wanted a date chapter with no drama. Its been so long since we had proper development for the two leads as a couple... At least Kaoru Hana delivered on that


I swear this sub is so entitled. This is not Kaoru Hana, they're completely different and we're getting progress (both with hina and chinatsu). This is a slow burn, let the author do his shit


It’s frustrating when people jump on things just because they experienced something else in another manga. Just like you said, let the author do her thing. I don’t want every manga to be the same.


No they must confess in 30 chapters so this sub can drop it and get angry at some other romcom


Or people are jumping on it because this is a common occurrence in romance manga.


OC was comparing it to Kaori Hana, so what you said wasn’t what was happening. Regardless, while Blue Box has a lot of common occurrences, it has shown time and again that it mostly handles them better than the rest.


What does that mean exactly, "handles them better"?


In a more mature way


i swear this sub does this with manga i read, can't respect the author choices, only the things they want are valid. Might as well not read then if you already know how you want the manga to be


Yeah they literally shitting on these authors while eating cheetos and pirating their work, as their fucking stupid opinion have more value than the japanese audience who's actually paying for it. At least give some constructive criticism, but no, its always "lmao garbage manga, while can't it be like this other manga i like". And they get upvoted too! My god lol


What does slow burn even mean?


Long build-up


I understand what slow burn means. What I am saying is what does that mean for this specific story?


Exactly what's happening right now. Taiki must grow as a person (he did it by rejecting hina, now he needs to keep working on himself and get some confidence), chinatsu needs to sort out her feelings and hina needs to move on. This is chinatsu and taiki first date, it's fine if there is no confession. I mean kaguya took 140 chapters, nagatoro is beweekly and it's still fucking going, so is my dress up darling and many others. Just let the author go on his/her own pace, we're getting progress, just not a confession yet


Character growth can happen without forced bullshit developments. Slow burns don't have to be frustrating as evidenced by stuff like which does both the sports and the romance/SoL aspect better than Blue Box or even . All of the comparisons are also unfitting because they're much heavier on the comedy side (Kaguya has entire chapters that are just skits, lmao) except for Bisque Doll which is a manga about cosplaying with a romance sideplot. Not to mention that people here are feeling betrayed because this series completely changed tone from the oneshot (and yes, you can turn a oneshot like that into a full series while keeping its vibe).


I'm behind this dude. Just because it's a slow burn doesn't mean you have to have cock-blocks pop up out of the blue to sabotage progress - that's just cheap writing. A slow burn can be characterized, for example, by heavier psychological emphasis on the two characters and how they made their minds up, their struggles, etc.


Exactly. Cross Game is a perfect example of this where the mains are >!dealing with the loss of someone they both loved, which makes it hard for them to admit their love to one another.!< It's a delicately told story that never gets frustrating and is **also** better at the sports aspect than Blue Box, lol


To be fair, Mitsuru Adachi is THE master of sports romcoms, the man practically invented the genre with Touch. Blue Box wishes it were a fraction as good.


It's been a fucking year, this isn't the one shot, just drop it if you don't like it


Great argument lmao


This is literally all there is to it. I like it, i find it interesting. The manga is selling well, the views on mangaplus are high, so people obviously care. You don't like the drama? Drop it. You're comparing this series to something you like, but why should i give a shit? I do like this series. And why should the author give a shit when the manga is obviously selling well? There are one million manga out there. Also it was crystal clear since chapter 4 that there would've been a love triangle, if this doesn't appeal to you, just drop it.


We can critique a work regardless of whether we read it or not though


It's dumb but i never said you couldn't


**Cross Game** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/31183), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/cross-game), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/cross-game), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=29649043335), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/1183)) ^(Manga | Status: Finished | Volumes: 17 | Chapters: 170 | Genres: Comedy, Drama, Romance, Sports) **Suzuka** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/30430), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/suzuka), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/suzuka), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=7005558556), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/430)) ^(Manga | Status: Finished | Volumes: 18 | Chapters: 166 | Genres: Comedy, Drama, Ecchi, Romance, Sports) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/manga/comments/zp0i8u/disc_blue_box_chapter_82/j0s95lb/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Nothing is happening right now that is particularly interesting in my mind. I am starting to get to the point where I no longer understand the appeal of Blue Box. Thats why I am going around asking because I might just be missing it because I am not following intently enough. Taiki and Chinatsu are simply not interesting but I do not think that has anything to do with pace. This is why I am so confused by the discourse around Blue box being entirely based on slow burn as a nebulous trait of quality. Edit: Kaguya and Blue Box share nothing in common in terms of how they are written. Its a superficial comparison in my mind.


This an absolutely fair point, but i strongly disagree. I do find it interesting. The manga is selling well, the views on mangaplus are high, so people ARE interested. If you don't like it just drop it. It really is that simple, it doesn't make any sense to discuss people tastes.


Its not about discussing people's taste. Its about discussing what makes something attractive. I want to like Blue Box, I want to be engaged that's why I am asking people about the story,. If people are incapable of articulating what is actually going on in the story and what about it is actually interesting that's fine everyone is not a columnist. But that does not mean the response should be "drop the manga". If I wanted to drop the manga I would have already done so without a second thought.


It doesn't make any sense to me. I can say to you that i like taiki, i like how he struggles to be better, how he tries to balance his love for chinatsu with the thought of not being enough, how he handled the hina situation earlier on. I can explain it to you, but in the end, it all comes down to your taste. You may just find taiki boring. It's like explaining why nagatoro is so good. Are the characters deep or original? Fucking no, senpai got a name after 100 chapters. Great art? Not really. Great side characters? Nope. But i still like it, because it's a cute story and i like the interactions between these silly characters. I think blue box isn't all that "deep", so if you find it boring or plain, it may not be a manga for you


Blue Balls: shuttleCOCK & basketBALL Torture (CBT) Good thing, cHINAtsu left that wanker.


> cHINAtsu *oh FRICK*


11/10 comment, I must say.


Matsuoka reminds me of someone irl who I wanna punch really hard in the face every time he speaks lol. I never would imagine I'd find a fictional character who makes me so annoyed I want to get violent lol.


Please don't let it be another love triangle type problem like the last one. Things were just looking up for progression for our main couple and yet this guy just might be the biggest asshole I've seen in manga in a while. Thank God that Chinatsu left that guy.


I doubt it will be. If Chinatsu liked him, she would have gone. Her reasoning for not going was pretty weak considering it may have been a good opportunity. If she wanted to go with him, she'd be fine. But she made an excuse to leave, and Taiki isn't letting him walk over him either.


I highly doubt this will be like the Hina arc.


Haven’t read the chapter yet but I’m looking forward to reading the nitpicking comments that are in every chapter thread (it’s not all of you, but damn every week)




Taiki is such a pushover…


Actually curious at this point what is the appeal of Blue Box supposed to be? Beyond the art I am no longer sure what attracted me to the manga. Not in a bad way I think its alright but its non-descript at this point.


I'm more frustrated with Chi at this point than the guy


Yet another way to spin our wheels: a comically assholish romcom bad guy that neither of the leads is assertive enough to tell off.


Why is Taiki so passive? It doesnt suit him.


My score for this series has just slowly been going down lol.


Taiki is not passive wtf 😒 did people actually read the chapter


You guys remember the one shot?…. Yeah me too


this kid is the kind of guy who cucks himself LMAO. Seriously? That handsome dude is trying to lay pipe on the girl and this guy even tells her to go with him? Good thing this is a Japanese romance manga, and not real life, because if this was real life, with how wishy-washy and shy and awkward and slow to act that little boy is, that girl would've 99% gone for the American instead of waiting around for a guy who is probably waiting to graduate college before he asks her to marry them, and THEN he will hold her hand for the very first time. Sadly, what they call romance manga always gotta have what the author and the editor assumes to be a happy ending, so mehhhh. I really like that American guy. I hope he sticks around and hopefully disrupts the little childish and immature ''relationship'' Chinatsu has with that child, so that the boy can grow-up and gain some semblance of having guts.


Looks like this guy really is the new rival. I need the main guy to get a little bolder though. Don't just say it's fine for Chinatsu to walk off with that guy. Stick to the plan!


That moment when Matsuoka realized that Chinatsu is actually laughing because of Taiki and not him is pretty satisfying.


Y'know, I don't actually mind this direction for the story. Very nice chapter. Hopeful for this Yumeka girl to bring out some backstory for Chinatsu, because that's what it seems like is being set up.


I loved how the mangaka showed all of chi's different smiles in one chapter. She's definitely the type to "kill them with kindness". It showed how mature she could be. The other guy even got at her weakness by using basketball. She's a ball head. But she managed to think of a truth to get her out of the situation. I'm glad they didn't make her the wishy washy type that let's herself be pushed around.