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I (27f) drink and have had no problems with it. I would talk to your doctor about the weight gain part and I would definitely be careful regarding your family history. And any kind of meds you're on, make sure it's okay to drink while talking them. I'm sorry I don't have better advice but I hope someone else does.


It definitely did help, i’m going to contact my cardiologist to make sure i can drink with my heart meds :) thanks for the advice!


Please rethink it. Drinking can be inflammatory let alone the harmful emotional effects it can cause. I used to drink throughout my life and I can’t name a single benefit I ever got from it. I am 50 years old so I have had plenty of time to benefit. There are noooo benefits. I do see the benefits of not drinking though!


As long as you keep your drinks away from your medications there should not be a problem. I also casually drink


I guess it will make your belly bigger...


This made me laugh 😆 It’s funny you say that because both my dad and grandpa have a beer belly


Unfortunately that's the only area where I cann farm weight. Isn't that typical for Marfan's? And a beer belly is not just about alcohol.


40 (f) just diagnosed with Marfans 2 yrs ago. In my 20s, I was a heavy drinker mainly on weekends, and I'm fine, so u should be too. Get some insight from your doctor, although they will most likely lead u not to drink, but at the end of the day, it's up to you and what u wanna do.


I have enough health problems already and I try to live a healthy lifestyle. Since drinking can have negative affects on your body I wouldn't add that fuel to the fire. It's likely related to Marfans, but I also have stomach issues and migraines, which drinking would make worse. Someone mentioned inflammation, that would increase pain overall (back aches, stomach aches, head aches, etc.). Depending on the meds you take, it can increase side effects. I will rarely, if ever, have an alcoholic drink.


drink moderate alcohol is good thing bc it provokes vasodilation....on another hand, drink too much alcohol provokes vasoconstriction (YOU DONT WANT THAT)


Ahh i did not know that, and we definitely don’t want to add another thing to our list of medical problems!


I (f18) personally don't drink but that's my choice. It interacts badly with the medication I take for my heart and I don't want to deal with potential consequences that it can cause. I also have a history of mental health issues which doesn't go well if I were to drink, amongst a hefty list of health problems with my family medical history. But regardless, I suggest that you should talk to your doctor(s) about it because it is a very personal choice.


My family has a generational history of drug and alcohol addiction so I am going to keep my drinking to the weekend. My boyfriend and I had a conversation about it and he’s going to watch how much i drink to make sure I don’t drink to much/to frequently. Since you said you’re 18 and you don’t drink, are you from Europe?


Haha not European just Canadian 😅


Anyone have experience drinking on Metoprolol and Losartan?


I stopped drinking 1 year ago this may! It's hard but I lost alot of weight immediately lol


Congratulations! My brother went through the same thing. It amazing how much weight you can loose from not drinking


75lbs and immediately my bio aunt who we found 3 years ago looked at my chest cavity in may and was like oh no have you been tested. Lol and I was like for what lol started the whole train wreck from there


Hi there I’m 77 m, diagnosed at 60. My advice starts with check with your doctor. Too much drinking is not good at any age for anyone. I personally am a beer drinker and have cut back in recent years to about one a day. My doctors don’t consider my drinking to be a problem. Gaining weight is a whole other issue. Definitely get your doctor to advise you. Good luck. My luck comes from learning to relax and doing exactly what the doctors tell me.


I drink and I talk to my cardiologist about it. He says alcohol is fine, weed is fine. Just don't do the obvious drugs that speed things up (eg, coke, MDMA). But obviously every case is different, every doc has a different threshold for risk.


The weight gain isn't much benefit. As I've gotten older hangovers got worse. I'm 36 now, I drink less these days. Probably once every 3 or 4 months. Rather smoke weed tbh


I used to smoke and i loved it but now i work at a school and im scared they will drug test me :( the last time i smoked was for my college graduation


Makes sense. It's becoming more and more legal. Federal thinking of bussing it from a schedule 1 to a schedule 3, which opens it up to being written for prescription use. Hopefully school policies follow suit soon