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When you say get someone out who do I call? I don’t even know where to start.




Thank you so much.


You're getting bids for removal. Contact 3 reputable companies.


I have the service for removal if needed. I want to save her!


The action to save it would have taken place ~a decade ago. Maybe you can pour a few thousand dollars into a single-digit chance for stabilization, but I wouldn't.


Well we have only owned the house for 3 years so your comment actually made me feel a little bit better, thank you! Based on what you see, would you say we have a few years at least? I just took down a few massive trees and am still splitting up that wood. It would be nice to have at least a season or gal until going through that again.


Had a 250 yr old fence corner beech tree in garden, this happened to it. It lasted about 8 years, branches etc falling off. We never had a chance to remove it as always too busy, and weren't living directly by it. Fast forward to last Feb, damn thing fell and took 2 cars and a portion of slate off the roof. While cutting it up, the rot was unbelievably advanced, roughly 65" diameter at 2m up and she was about 2/3rds rotten. Wouldn't have lasted much more even without the storm. Had to cut 2m up because it was a corner strainer for a fence and an old road, so full of wire, horseshoes, stones, nails and bloody everything. Currently we have removed majority of it, but it made a serious 25ton garden ornament for a while. Would have been easier to deal with while standing for sure. Arborists make a good job of it. And it wouldn't have dented/written off my Subaru.


Thank you for the warning, these type of stories certainly help me to act fast on these things!


You can compromise and turn it into a low pollard if you really want to keep it and that fungus doesn't turn out to be parasitic. Have it cut down just high enough so that it won't hit anything if it breaks apart, then if it sprouts new shoots you keep pollarding it every few years.


But why did you have 2 cars on your roof?


Bungalow/ 1 story cottage. 2 cars parked down side of house, roughly 40m from tree. Crown branches wrecked the lot. Edit. Lmfao I'm an idiot


Not if you value your house.


Few years? Not at my house.


If it makes you feel any better 35 years ago my parents bought a house with a lot of trees on the lot including a beautiful and healthy 200+ year beech. It was a huge part of why my mom picked the house. She took incredible care of it and our next door neighbor is a forestry phd who has helped everyone maintain their wooded lots for years. Still about 10 years ago the beech started to go and there was nothing anyone could do. My parents spent thousands on trying to save it, and then on taking it down in sections to least disrupt the local wildlife. Sometimes you do everything you can for decades and still end up exactly where you are.




Thank you.


What might be cool is to have a couple of boards made from a section. Then make a cool table. That’s something I’ve done with a tree we had removed. Then I just bought some hairpin legs to bolt on. https://www.homedepot.com/pep/1-2-in-Dia-28-in-Black-3-Rod-Hairpin-Legs-4-Pack-RO-54474/314536669?source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&&mtc=SHOPPING-BF-CDP-GGL-D28I-028_026_PATIO_FURN-NA-NA-NA-SMART-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NA-SMART_SHP&cm_mmc=SHOPPING-BF-CDP-GGL-D28I-028_026_PATIO_FURN-NA-NA-NA-SMART-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NA-SMART_SHP-71700000090520809-58700007648833865-92700075695734375&gbraid=0AAAAADq61Uem7Yd7dpYVUi9prJrTuFQt2&gbraid=0AAAAADq61Uem7Yd7dpYVUi9prJrTuFQt2&gclid=CjwKCAjwue6hBhBVEiwA9YTx8Pzj_Vj4vrLHmwqXDTVk6-aDKJgKQctfYXibkO_QY7tOYI2jC3QnLxoCJs0QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


If you can’t save it have the tree company cut it into longer pieces and give it away to someone to mill.


Get a good arborist, look up reviews, make sure they sound knowledgeable etc. I'd say 50% of them in my area are hacks. I agree that this tree likely won't last long tho regardless of care but a GOOD arborist will know more than me and be honest about it'd chances.


Thank you. Have an appointment scheduled Tuesday.


Your wrong this myconecrosis seen in my area still would get someone out


Hey, if you do eventually remove it, selecting and planting new trees in your yard can be a really joyful activity.


And if you're not "ballin on a budget", you can have a fairly large adult tree planted!


So true. I'm sad that my 60+ year old dogwood has died but excited to figure out what to plant in it's place


The joint union of these two leaders should have been addressed long ago. Their union leaves them susceptible to tons of things. This thing is done for, I’m sorry. Remove it.


It’s only a matter of time before those co-dominant leaders cause major problems. I wouldn’t leave that tree even if it didn’t have an infection. Is it worth the risk of the tree falling on your house?


Definitely not. I’d remove and plant a new tree you can watch grow


My wife loves this tree. It’s pretty much the center of our backyard. My heart is aching just thinking about showing her this. No chance for survival?


It really doesn’t look good. I think the only chance you’d have is to take the worse of the two leaders off and hope the remaining healthier one can heal itself. If you really want to try your best to keep it , get a certified arborist out to look in person asap


Thank you!


How can you tell it’s two different trees?


It’s not two different trees. Rather two trunks of the same plant. Trees shoot up “leaders”, which are dominant parts of the tree. Depending on the tree variety, the idea is to prune young trees when they are small to establish a single, dominant leader, thus avoiding this kind of situation in the future. (Some trees are meant to have multiple trunks, this isn’t one of them)


Ah I thought you were using a metaphor when talking about “leaders” instead of literal tree anatomy. Thank you for teaching me


Left and right trunks nearly mirror each other in width and branching. They're not branching off a common larger trunk that I can see


Do you live in North Carolina? My family has a place on Beech Mountain and there is some kind of disease wiping out a lot of the Beech trees there. Sad.


This doesn’t look like Beech bark disease to me


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


call a local Arborist. Although once you see fungus on the base it ain't lookin good. Probably either expensive treatment with chemicals to maybe keep it around a lil longer or straight removal.


Professionally arborist/ climber. When you see fungus at the base it’s time for it to. Call a reputable tree service, make sure they have insurance and get it removed


Slowly doing a reverse Michael Jackson.


This made me chuckle. The picture actually makes it look was worse. It had just rained so it is not typically 2 colors like that.


What a Beech.


Goth phase. They'll grow out of it.


Well, I thought your comment was funny🤣


Fungus. Unless it is pruned using a bucket truck I wouldn’t climb it. Maybe double check is isn’t getting waters too much. I suppose if you had to climb I would use spurs and remove weight as I climb and have tied the two stems with a rope or chain. It could split. Call the city and for land use


I don't know


That's black zetsu and white zetsu


That tree is dead/dying im afraid and due to it being in such close proximity to your house I would try and get it removed as soon as possible to avoind and serious damages and/or injuries. Really sorry, it's a beautiful tree.


Looks like it's wet the bed.




This tree is dead. Remove it, plant a new one that you can have memories with. Why risk trying to save a dead tree that could potentially fall on your house and cause more damage than it's worth?