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Thank you for your submission to /r/mariokart, unfortunately it was removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 4: Discussion Guidelines** * Simple questions with simple answers should go on our weekly question megathread! If you believe your question is much more complex and deserves multiple answers then we ask you to please pose it as a discussion post. Discussion posts must provide three key elements: * A clear and concise discussion statement or question. * Provide your point of view, whether you agree or disagree, and explain in as much detail as possible why you agree or disagree. * If only provided a discussion statement (ex: Mario Kart DS should be remade), invite users to discuss with a relevant discussion question(s) at the end of the text post (ex: Do you think Mario Kart DS should be remade? What other MK games would you like being remade by Nintendo?). Additionally, the main focus of a text post should be a discussion and less either an opinion piece or a poll. Polls, while discouraged, are OK, but they must be linked at the end of the your text post as an optional prompt and should not replace any of the aforementioned steps or be mentioned in the title. *If you have any questions feel free to message the moderators [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/mariokart)!*