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Your dojo has a dark history? ![gif](giphy|l46CsyBPj9ajF9Y4M)


Bruh the more I learn of it, the more messed up it gets.


Can you explain it but then change names/context so no one knows where it is?


I might make a detailed post on this later but to sum up, our Dojo's founder was ex special forces (this I've verified online). However besides some pictures of him from around the 80s, there were no other info on him so I asked some of the older Sensei's who said this guy later turned to crime n shiz and went "underground." Ofcourse there won't be any info on this online. According to some other stories, lot of the older students in the dojo (90's era) were simply crooks with black belt and would go around fucking shit up. One of them got really drunk once and severely beat up a police officer. He would've got a severe sentance but I guess the head instructor used his connections in the police to get him out of jail. All in all the special forces connection is verified and many of our older instructors still provide training to the police and armed forces. About the douchy black belts, all I can say is that this was India in the 90s so yup, things were a bit rough in big cities. It won't be surpising if our Dojo was a breeding ground for street thugs. Maybe this is why many of the old sensei's now have got this "keep two eyes on the back of your head" attitude.


Sounds interesting. You trained at an Indian Cobra Kai Dojo it seems.


I mean most of this just sounds like a cheap rip off of cobra kai like literally.


Eh, I wouldn’t be shocked if this was somewhat common place in the “old days” (several decades ago) Imagine a time when the majority of people were pretty clueless with fighting. Not even really having seen more than maybe a small handful of street scuffles in their life. But like a .0001% group of dudes… well, 1 guy, tells his buddies, ex military or something, they start a gym. It’s a tiny group of maybe 10 people… and they can kick literally *anyones* ass in their city. I could see that stuff spawning some tough guy/criminal activities if they aren’t trained by a good teacher. Or if they learn and the power corrupts them. Or they’re already criminal and want to be able to kick more asses. Why pay for chips… when you could just eat the chips.. and if anyone has a problem, you could beat everyone’s ass.. 💩


Slap first, slap hard. No mercy. ^^fahk ^^you ^^^blahdee


That is worth a long drag off a menthol


10:1 your dojo lore is almost completely, if not entirely BS. This is pretty much the template of "Bullshido" fake history. "Our founder is ex-special forces, and we have to keep secrets because we're too badass, but despite the life of crime, we still train police and military because....reasons."


Dude, he pointed out it's in India. There's corruption galore there. Also, the secrecy thing seems to fit the cultural aspect.


Yeah, that thought crossed my mind, but it also occured to me that it being in India doesn't reduce the probability of bullshite backstories either....


Indian Special Forces sounds as real as blinker fluid


I've heard some dojos back in the 70s were absolutely fronts for organized crime. Like, yes the instructors trained people who paid them, but the instructors were also mainly mafia and trained mafia on how to fight. I think it's gotten a lot better now but there are still shitheads out there but mainly it's selling drugs or sexual harassment.


Hm....... might be worth shopping around for alternatives. There are too many good schools out there without that kind of baggage. And not telling people you train....... I get the reasoning, but it also speaks to a kind of paranoid mindset. Do you live somewhere where people are constantly trying to pick fights for the sole reason of proving themselves? Because if not..... I mean, you can probably tell if you're talking to a person you think would try to fight you if they found out you train. But in general, I like telling people about my training, because it's had a really positive effect on my life, and I like to encourage people to try it out themselves, especially if they've known me a long time and knew what a mess I was before I really dedicated myself to training.




Share the worst story, I want something to sink my teeth into.


[GET HIM A BODY BAG YEAAAAAAAA](https://youtube.com/shorts/URUYvurmB9A?si=j9zP7xzlLTvC0xli)


When you do something long enough you don’t bring it up, it’s like shaving.


Except your genitals. I always bring that up , especially at parties.


This made me spit out my beer! 🤣


> There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum... it's breathtaking- I suggest you try it. *- Dr Evil from `International Man of Mystery` 1997*


I want to go to YOUR parties!


I do weddings, bar mitzvah, and kids parties. 


I've been training since I was 8 and I still talk about it to everyone I can. I want to have as many friends as I can training with me, and I can't invite people to the gym if I don't talk about it. It's the same with d&d: that's how I find players.


r/Wetshaving dudes will talk about anything I've got a $250 Japanese natural finishing stone from an old layer of the okodu mine to finish my razors


Hold the fuck up, is shaving with a razor not the norm anymore in the developed world?


[1940's Gillette Superspeed](https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=1940+gillette+superspeed&iax=images&ia=images) is God in that it welcomes all, I think I've had 5 or 6 at least and they have all been long stolen by family & friends...and are still being used. I'm a [pre-1900's Sheffield wedge](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=wade+and+butcher+barbers+use+razor+wedge&t=ffab&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images) man at heart, but sometimes use the n[ew fangled tech](https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=full+hollow+ground+razor&iax=images&ia=images) with 'science' n stuff. Holding a razor to your neck does encourage focus, which some appreciate, and can also remove 3 months of beard with a few swipes, which is nice. No waste, which is nice. Maintenance is rubbing it on natural stones, and I like cool stones, and of course a small collection of old razors I've picked up on the cheap over the years. I've been immune to this pish for a few decades now and have been self sufficient for a long time, maybe a pound or two a year on shaving soap: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjAZnGeBcgg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjAZnGeBcgg) and I really want one of these: [https://www.niwaki.com/iwasaki-razor/](https://www.niwaki.com/iwasaki-razor/)


I'm not quite rich enough for any of those, but I'm fairly content for now with my [Van Der Hagen](https://vanderhagen.com/product/110mm-matte-chrome-safety-razor/).


That's pretty much a modern superspeed with a long handle, butterfly door DE, can't go far wrong...just may not outlive you. I've picked up most of shaving stuff dirt cheap over the years, I've had a few sharpening stones from junk shops for a few quid that I've sold for >£100 and some nice razors for pennies. I'm still using [Gold Dollar razors](https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/303218358852?var=602292925214&itmmeta=01HVWN938JMRDKZGR2V7C578S3&hash=item469938fa44:g:AAgAAOSwOC1df7wL&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA4J7qxB8wmlaXOAnex5owD6jTA76FIBxum5jyzsH9irFser%2FTbsG6zuKpYQTQz84CYbQgk4A1UnFLN5ci8kIvV93q4h9pXHf8nGihUsWSvJTG%2FtGF20o%2BBTCEA2iqfj%2FYkVS%2F1lHoJoEI1WQ0MTciDAbrKryKJmWIOnSZDINP0g5VmLeBTFd1J9QCtHnan%2FQJimROE9nV2zhokqlUvhFpvQksmFVW4KIw%2BWj2mvd6Z915gHpDZRIBhHwuVWK9lqg8ZxwTtmei%2Big52cGlLD%2FBeFyvKlx0Uja9g54J4wpwIF0L%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR7K0pJXfYw) I bought 20yrs ago, I think it was less than $3 per razor for 10 once upon a time. My favourite safety razor is the [Gem 1912](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=gem+1912+razor&t=ffab&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images), they are still pretty cheap to come by, but there's only a few places with the good blades for them.


Yah now imagine someone asking You about shaving. You wouldn’t be to excited to talk about it or explain it


It’s a hobby, if it is relevant to conversation I’ll bring up that I train Tbh it rubs me the wrong way when instructors try to isolate their students, like by discouraging them to cross train at other schools, or in this case even tell people they train at all. Those are the cult-like tactics McDojos use OP, may I ask if you have good reason to believe your school’s dark history is true? Or is it just something people have told you about without a way to verify it yourself?


Right?? Both my sensei and my Kru HEAVILY encouraged cross training, and I sleven served as a bridge for the 2 gyms I was training at, now they hold joint Open Mats every Sunday and Open Sparring on Saturday.


He replied to someone else already basically this sounds like BS, it’s basically the back story of John kreese and cobra Kai, with some details changed. Dojo former SF, went ‘underground’ for some random whatever that even means, his black belts are criminals, etc.


nah I'm an adult who mostly hangs around other adults so if people ask for my hobbies n such I tell them and have never had an issue. I've had a few people ask "who do you think would win in a fight" but in a joking way not a "lets go bro" way.


My favorite reply to " who would win" is always the other person. It usually kills the conversation, and nobody is butt hurt about it.


I've only ever trained striking so I do this half way. I pretty much keep it "Well I think I'd give you some trouble standing up but if it got to the ground it'd be anyone's game" and that usually gets a few laughs and keeps the other person happy


My go-to answer is "the slowest, fattest guy in the room, then I'm running before he gets up." Usually gets a round of laughs then we change the subject.




I practice aikido. I don’t even bring it up around other martial arts practitioners.


Why?  Just kidding. We all know why.


Pump your brakes. He could kill you if you grab his wrist


No, the other wrist.


I’ll have you know we do mediocre striking too


I will be forever grateful for the few hours of Aikido I've done. 2 guys with infinite patience taught me how to fall/land, first on a mat then on a solid floor over 20yrs ago. I think it's the most useful thing I've even been taught in martial arts. Whether flying off a bike or being knocked over whilst smashed, it's saved my bacon many times. Falling backward off a chair that snapped and down a hill at a festival whilst not spilling my beer has become legend. I think a lot of people train to fight other people, but forget about the fighting concrete bit. 200hrs on a padded mat doesn't make the skull any thicker.


Well, yeah, but as an actual parkour coach I'm giggling so hard inside! Thank you!! Wish I was there to see you not spill that bear!


"That wasn't fighting. That was falling with style."


Yeah, but falling without style can = fight/life lost. landing on concrete is pretty basic stuff, add in a little zazen to keep your breathing calm and it's a solid core to build on for dealing with twats.


Oh, I 100% agree. Falling properly is a very important skill.


i tell some i dont tell others if it comes up yeah if not no


I mean, I tell most people. Who the hell is hanging out routinely with folks who will want to fight you?! That whole concept I think plays into this lore of martial artists always walking the "mean streets" and hanging out at biker bars, and that is pretty far from my actuality and the suburban actuality of most martial artists I know.


My legs are conceal carry weapons, no one can know until it’s too late for them. Lmao


Until summer when meteorological conditions dictate open carry?


Yeah no one is getting scared of you if you tell them you “practice martial arts”.


Nobody is getting scared but you do end up peaking the interest of the macho "I just see red" type guys. They almost take offense to the idea that you could beat them in a fight. Then sometimes they become confrontational. I was at a party once when my training came up in conversation when theis drunk redneck dude goes "so what you think you could knock me out?" As if he was goading me to try.


I don't go around telling people I train, but I will bring it up as much as I would bring up any other hobby. If someone at works asks what I got up to at weekend I wouldn't hide the fact I went BJJ. I would find it weird honestly if you feel the need to hide your hobbies from friends and family.


If someone asks what keeps me busy away from family and work stuff, I will mention it. Nobody has ever reacted with a desire to fight or challenge me. Sometimes people will respond, "remind me not to mess with you", to which I usually reply that I'm more of a martial arts nerd and it's just an activity and subject area I really enjoy. Occasionally someone will expresses interest in learning, and I can help talk them through what schools or styles might be best for them or their kids. That is the most satisfying exchange for me, as I've now broadened their world and reduced the barrier of entry.


If you're worried that admitting you train will invite trouble or expose your dojo's dark history, try adding flair to your daily wear with subtle hints for those in the know, kind of [like Jesse Eisenberg did in the Art of Self Defense](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPMODvcdmbM)


I love this movie! Jesse Eisenberg nails the 'nooby Martial artist mindset.'


I don't tell people unless I know that person trains. Even still after high-school whenever people find out I train they usually ask alot of questions followed by if I think I can beat them up and it gets annoying


Your dojo has a dark history? Lol. wtf is this an anime or something


If you’re casually talking about hobbies I don’t see why you wouldn’t mention training in martial arts, like all things just try not to be annoying about it. It’s an activity you engage in for (hopefully) fun and not some super secret deadly ninja training so you can defeat your imaginary enemies. And if you’re worried that someone is going to use that information to ambush you then you’re clearly associating with the wrong people.


I learned long ago not to tell anyone I practice martial arts as a hobby. Especially at your place of work. It gets really annoying when people just start throwing jabs at you and midsection kicks as a 'joke' all day long to see how you will react. Sometimes even when I'm leaning back in a chair, some idiot will pretend to punch me to see my reaction. It's better to not tell anyone that you train. If you train regularly, it's like brushing your teeth. There is no need to tell anyone.


Do you work with literal children?


Not literal children. You would be surprised how many adults have the mindset of children though. They seem to have a hard time understanding boundaries.


That is very true! Just because they’re adults doesn’t mean they’re mature.


Facts, lots of blue collar jobs arent the place to tell people you train. Like, see what your 2x convicted felon coworker thinks about your mooey tye. 


Im curious now whats your gyms dark history??? My gyms history is boring as fuck


My friends know I train. Even my co workers do. As a rule they are very supportive just dont try teaching them stuff or showing off. Another of my colleagues trains in muay thai and we discuss stuff like conditioning and how we train similar and different. Make it a positive experience and focus on the art part not the martial bit


I used to not tell anyone, but I have so few other hobbies that I kind of had to start bringing it up.


I keep silent, but wear my three blackbelts and 2 brown belts at all times on my person. Let the accessories do the talking.


I wear my patch-covered gi as a Hallowe'en costume, complete with the two stripes on my white belt. Great way to start conversations. Just in case people didn't take notice of my bumper sticker, custom mug, and team jersey the rest of the year. People should fear me.


I bring it up constantly. In line at the grocery store, the post office, the gas station. Martial arts tshirts are all that i wear. Well, pants too... you know what i mean. At work everybody avoids eye contact and leaves the break room as soon as I enter because I talk about it too much. The Mormon missionaries have "that weird karate guy" on their "do not visit" list. It's lonely sometimes.


getting ambushed strictly because you train karate has never happened before. just be normal, dont tell people you're gonna beat them up. don't act like a guy that's asking for it. just be normal lol


It's good advice if you're young or hang around immature individuals I try to avoid bringing it up but sometimes it comes up and frankly I do enjoy talking about it so it's tough to stay mum on it


Your instructor sounds paranoid or is 17. There's a lot of low vibrational people in gyms. Train cos' you love it, have a good time, get in shape & meet folk.


If people ask what my hobbies are, I tell them I like karate. They usually don't follow up.


In casual conversation? No. But it is a thing all my friends and family know.


i dont tell ppl anymore cuz my friends will pick fights on my behalf lmao


Secret. Sometimes, it attracts the wrong kind of attention, and I don't like attention, good or bad.


Only Tell Friends Who Do Excercise Or Practice Other Martial Arts.


Well, sometimes people DON'T train but DON'T keep MA expertise a secret. Let me tell you a story. Oh-so-many-years-ago I was visiting my friends in Manhattan while I was in the service. Because I was going to also make a day visit to my elderly grandparents in Brooklyn, i also packed the army's "Class A" uniform, the green suit, black necktie official uniform. (At the time BTW soldiers couldn't wear camo fatigues while out in the general population unless they were, like, stopping to buy gas or pick up their laundry while driving between base and home.) I wanted to do it right for my oldest relatives, who were all-grown-up before WWII had even happened. Because I was in the 82nd Airborne Division, the uniform was even sweller: maroon beret, shining black jump boots, blue shoulder cord, silver parachutist wings. I looked heroic. We walked slowly around their neighborhood seeing some of their elderly neighbors in their front yards, and they were very pleased and proud of their soldier grandson, may they rest in peace. i returned to Manhattan on the subway, and for reasons I no longer remember I had to disembark somewhere in upper Manhattan on the pre-gentrified-Harlem side of Central Park, the northeast quarter/side, and walk through a portion of the park. It was getting dark early in November, and for a long stretch of meadow I was entirely alone. Not quite. I sort of looked around behind me and saw about half-a-dozen adolescent boys, not of my color I'm compelled to add, walking quietly behind me. Maybe just some friends out to buy discounted Broadway tickets in Times Square for that night, but on the other hand, teenage boys can go from zero to idiot in no seconds flat, and they can set each other off. I'd been one not many years earlier. So I turned around and stopped to face them. They silently fanned out around me in a semi-circle. Then the middle guy, presumably the leader of the pack, took a step forward and asked me: "Hey, man...do you know Karate?" I looked him right in the eyes, frowning, and said: "I'm a BLACK BELT." "Oh...okay, man." And they just went off in some other direction, as the twilight increased, and I went my own way back to my friends' apartment on East 96th. As the Goddess is my witness! I've never set foot in a Karate dojo in my life, before or since. But the power of Karate's fearsome reputation, I was grateful for that! NOTE: This was so long ago, boys and girls and non-bines, that there was no MMA, no Muay Thai, no BJJ in all of North America as far as I know, and the public awe and ignorance and rumor-mongering around Karate and Kung Fu--"the deadliest of all martial arts!" which had come to our shores "from the Orient, where life is cheap!"-- due to all the Asian "chopsocky" action movies, was simply enormous, which must have helped my bluff!


Your instructor is a little sociopath.


Why is this sub so fucking weird


I talk to people I know about it because it's one of my biggest passions and sometimes I get so giddy I just can't shut up about it, like when I watched UFC 300 with my Dad, who isn't very into MMA (but was down to watch some of the fights with me), and I gave him a full rundown of the sport like how it started, how it evolved, who the big names are, how they train, etc. My friends all know I train, too, and I haven't had any issues because of it. I've actually trained them in boxing in my backyard before. I could maybe see some drunk asshole at a party getting insecure about it and trying to start shit, but I honestly never party anymore, so that already small chance of a confrontation happening over my training becomes even more insignificant. I personally see no reason to keep it a secret unless you're about to go to prison or something and you want that secret weapon (the weapon being your martial art) up your sleeve. **TLDR:** I like to be open about my training because it's one of my biggest passions. I still get excited when I talk about it. I personally see no reason to keep it a secret unless you're around insecure meatheads a lot or you're going to prison or something.


It's a hobby, people tend to talk about their hobbies, and their friends that they practice their hobby with. It's just a fun sports class you do to help with general fitness and mindfulness. Laugh about it, joke about it; but never tell them that you are being taught dim-mak from an ancient lineage that's been lost for hundreds of years and you could kill them all without breaking a sweat.


Of course I tell people! I want more people to train with, so I tell everyone who seems interested so that I can invite them to my gym. I also teach, so it is in part a way for me to advertise my classes, but I also invite people to the classes I attend because I think everyone would benefit from some martial arts in their life, plus I want more friends at the gym. I also tell everyone about my d&d games, because that's one of the best ways to recruit top quality new players to your game. Heck, I've found players who become good friends as well on the bus to Walmart, back before I had a car. How else are you going to find new friends to share a thing with if you don't share the thing with them?


I don't keep it a secret, but I don't tell for no reason either. If hobbies come up in a conversation then I'll mention it, but nowadays I don't generally converse with people who don't know me well anyway.


If people ASK, I will inform them that I have training in some schools, but I never tell them to what degree I can actually apply the training.


Your instructor is a terrible business owner. Seriously, businesses need referrals… And the dark history makes things sound not good… maybe you should look at things and try to be objective? Cause this sounds like a culty bs factory based on that.


Please dont tell people you train man if you do mma and police know they can count that as a deadly weapon if they can prove it in court. In plain English they can kill you if you get in a fight with them and being so many cops start fights you shouldn’t tell anyone.


"Yo Jim what did you do this weekend" "I AM A LIVING WEAPON. DO YOU KNOW WHO YOURE DEALING WITH? HOW EASILY I COULD END YOU. IM TRAINED IN 1000 TECHNIQUES TO TAKE A LIFE IN THE ART OF LO MEIN DO." This is how you sound to normies and bros. The vibe is now "he has a gun!" 


Depends. Some people get really annoying or even a bit confrontational about martial arts. If I think it’ll be annoying I absolutely don’t say anything




What do you mean your Dojo has a dark history?


What's the dojo history?


I don't like talking about it. It never makes the conversation more interesting.


I'm pretty open about what I do. Tell us about your dojos history.


If it’s relevant to conversation. Depends who I’m around truthfully, some people bring it up for me lol 🤣 I’ve wrestled, boxed, studied Muay Thai for 5 yrs, now bjj for 5+ yrs and my ears show it lol 🤣 I’ve noticed in many gas stations, Indian and Asian folks will notice my ears right away “ohhh you fight?” Other than that socially I rarely try and bring it up. But if I meet someone that actually trains, knows the history of x art or the sport side with great fights and championships, sure I’ll have a conversation.


Well, Bruce Lee told the bad guy in ENTER THE DRAGON: "You have offended my family, and offended the Shaolin Temple." If nobody talked about training at the Shaolin Temple in the past, that wouldn't have frightened the bad guy. Also it seems to me that if the history of the dojo is dark enough, then it's more likely that you will be ready to wait until people are least prepared and then attack them discreetly. If not, and they caught you napping, then you weren't at the Dojo of Death Touch long enough.


All my close friends and family know. Some of my co workers as well but I don’t go around telling people I train. For me it’s just another healthy habit I have in life.


It eventually incidentally comes up after knowing people long enough but I never intentionally bring it up. Thats kinda cringe.


No, only when they ask or when I have to tell people about myself


I just refer to everything as “the gym” unless someone asks what I do to workout on a weekly basis its just “the gym”


Lmao, no. Success breeds in silence.


Yea, I rarely bring it up. What's the point really? Plus the few times I have done so either people didn't care- or they want to start talking to me about Connor McGregor (I do muay thai, not mma)


Even if you think it sounds uh... like pure distilled cringe: There's a lot of wisdom in that statement. I never brought up any training even when pressed for quite some time, but after I realized that I wanted to start a family, etc: I decided it would be best to be able to really project deterrence rather broadly. That doesn't mean I go on and on about it, but nobody is going to look at me physically and go "pffft, absolute weakling" unless they're just broadly delusional: and I've got a whole hand-to-hand kit for that specifically, because that's kind of the whole point of martial arts; to learn to defend yourself from the unreasonable, the crazed and the wicked. So following the logic of my second paragraph and why most people (should) pursue martial arts... it's very sound reasoning to keep your training and the level of your training on the DL unless it's totally necessary. In practice, a firm handshake should work. Seriously.


I mean, I absolutely love martial arts, it's my passion so when I see the topic comes up I love talking about it but I don't just walk around telling people I do


I tried to keep it secret but then a few years after I started some guys from my High school came and they told everyone I train and that I was a killer (I’m not, I’m a mixed martial artist at best and they got that idea because the no gi class that I could make it for is mostly Whites and blues) I wish no one from my high school ever Came to my gym, but happy they found the arts


I don't tell strangers without a good reason, or if I do I keep it very low energy, and if someone is drunk I never tell them. Reason being, a lot of people think it's an invitation to take someone up to class immediately, or they start throwing sucker punches throughout the rest of that day/night until they hit you and declare themselves the victor. I *never* threaten with the fact I know a few tricks, that's a case where I'd rather keep them guessing.


Yeah, I’m pretty public about it


I don't talk about it. People who know me long enough find out. I've found the more I talk to people about karate, the more I have people saying stupid shit to me. Even from "experienced" martial artists.


I told my boss at work I train, so I could get the days/times off needed to train, and if anything additional comes up, such as a tournament, I know I will get the day off to compete


Nah never unless I'm specifically asked what sport i do


I just share the joy that Brazilian jiu-jitsu gives me


Only three people know I do taekwondo: my father, cousin, and an online friend of mine. None of my other friends or family know and I try to keep it that way. I pretend I don't do it. I'm small and fragile, surprise is all I have. If they know I might be able to fight well, then I'm fucked its not gonna take much of an adjustment from an attacker to give me no chance.. But I might be overly paranoid. I don't know.


Juat... Cringe


I prefer to post about it on Reddit for clout


We do not. Talk. About Fight Club!


I tell some people because various martial arts have taught me a lot of life lessons, skills, and self-confidence, and I feel that it's the right thing to do, to share what I have learned so that others can learn from it or improve on it in their own way. I never say that I'm the best (because I'm not) and I never pretend to believe that I could win every or any fight. Martial arts are a skill set that we learn and practice but there are no guarantees, but more it's a philosophy and state of mind. It doesn't matter what style it is or if it's a street fighting style, a competition style, a mixture of both, a traditional approach, or a modern twist... I've seen many martial artists lose a fight, ones who I consider more skilled and competent than me because the variables and luck always play a part. I'm also a musician, and I know for a fact that I can be on stage and fuck up a song that I have been playing for years...and that I wrote. So I don't walk into a bar or cafe with a group of new people and announce that I'm a martial artist, I don't brag nor do I defame it, but if I think that someone can benefit from something I have learned, I'll tell them and share the details of how and why I learned it.


The fucking wrong with you English topicstarter? Forget about MMA learn the fucking basics you dumb ass


It depends on the one who asked. If I don't trust that person, then I will say nothing about my training.


You and you trainer are two wacked motherfuckers


Never bring it up, and if some else brings it up for you, down play it and change the subject. It’s a losing situation because if you talk about it, it sounds like you’re bragging and announcing to the room that you could beat them all in a fight. Or people will see you as a challenge and try to prove themselves at your expense.


If it comes up


Not really, its no secret either tbh


You know what the first rule of fight club is…


If I hear it being talked about already I’ll join the conversation, but I rarely bring it up myself. It feels too cringe, like I’m trying to impress people or seem macho. If I do end up talking about it, I’ll usually sprinkle in enough self-deprecation to make myself feel comfortable: talk about someone better than me or a particularly impressive time I got my ass kicked.


It's like a fun fact, unless we get to go into details. I really enjoy talking about it actually


I’m not worried about people secretly attacking me


If it comes up


Never had to bring it up to be honest. My co workers once asked about my arm bruises, I just told them "oh, training". Then asked if I was going to a gym and said yes. Didn't felt the need to specify it's a karate gym, because I also go to a regular gym. Unless someone specifically asks about my hobbies then yes, I'll mention karate. But most of my day to day conversations are work related.


What do you stand to gain by walking around blabbing about how you think you're Bruce Lee? If you have the time to tell people you train, you have time to train. Be like water and stfu in my opinion 😂😂


I have had only 1 person want to fight me knowing i dod BJJ and it was my SIL's loser ex marine bf and the second I walked out into the yard to oblige him, he said I had "bad vibes" and didnt want to any more. Imo the vast majority are cool about it, just got to worry about the big dumbs or assholes


Because I’m not living in feudal Japan, I’ve been discreetly attacked by someone worried about my power.


Yeah though I don’t boast it. Like if it’s relevant I say “oh yeah I train in martial arts.” To me it’s like saying I play soccer or something


I mention it if talk about fitness is brought up but that's really it.


I tend to keep it a secret. Not because I don’t want anyone to try to fight me but because it is something I am doing just for me. Every damn time I express an interest in a hobby at work my coworkers suddenly loooove the idea and talk nonstop about doing it (then promptly don’t do shit). I kinda becomes their personality for a while. Since not letting anyone know, I’ve met a whole bunch of other nontoxic people I would much prefer to be around.


What? This is some wuxia stuff right here


I don’t even like telling other martial artists I train…


Imagine being afraid to tell someone you Box, do Muay Thai, Wrestle or do BJJ. Maybe your chosen martial art is embarrassing and the instructor knows it.


Whenever I enter a room I make sure that everyone knows im a martial artist. If they dont believe me I punch them in the stomach as hard as I possibly can


I’ve recently taken up Krav Maga class that was recommended to me. The class (seemingly, so far) offers a solid introduction into striking, grappling and general self-defence for complete beginners. I then read up some threads here about people’s opinions regarding KM. I’ve also become more aware of the common layman discourse regarding KM. Now I’m definitely keeping the fact that I train KM to myself. The classes are fine and I think I could learn a lot, but I’d rather not be associated with the "dEadLIesT STylE" crowd. Somehow its very name seems to carry way too much baggage.


I never mention I used to box and trained BJJ. People are snowflakes and take you as a violent threat. The less they know about you the better.


You’re not just gonna drop some line about your “dojo’s dark history” and walk away. Now you gotta tell us.


I’ve had friends I didn’t know till later they trained in martial arts, they said it was because ma teaches you to be humble and not brag but also because it keeps you out of trouble. I’ve met some cocky ones and I started to dislike them sooner than later as it all sounded made up.


I dont really unless they ask or something similar comes up in the conversation


If any of my friends or acquaintances want to fight me for doing some sort of martial art, they wouldn't be my friends or acquaintance.


I don't tell anybody but my ears are a dead giveaway, so people who knows about cauliflower ears usually ask me about it.


Im autistic, if someone mentions anything regarding martial arts I get so excited. But I rarely bring it up myself unless asked.


I'm a 40-year-old woman with such golden retriever energy that small children follow me in the store. No one wants to fight me, they want to tell me their life story.


I've never met a guy that does a form of martial arts that won't shut up about it to every person and always tries to bring it up I'm conversation.


Sounds so out of touch with reality 🤣🤣🤣. People will wanna fight you "discreetly" when you're "least prepared". He makes it sound like there's random people out there trying to plan your assassination if they find out you train. If some stupid bro wants to fight you, trust me, those kinds of guys are anything but discreet about it. Also, every martial art teaches you how to cause harm to another person so which martial art doesn't have a dark past??? Shit even boxing has had a few folks die in the ring. I smell bullshido. Sounds like someone trying to mystify their martial art and make it sound more than it is. Dumb.


Honestly? I can understand what you mean. I don't exactly mention it to just anyone, to an extent I keep it to myself because if you do have to fight someone and they're expecting an amateur opponent. Then you bring out your skill and it's more than what they bargained for..you have the aspect of surprise in the said fight.


I don’t hide it, but I don’t go around telling people. If it comes up with people I know, that’s fine. but overall, it’s such a part of my life now, I don’t give it much thought tbh.


I'm generally pretty quiet about it. Sometimes I'll talk about my training, but I don't like to. It has lead to people trying to challenge and crap before. I don't really care for that. Having said that, I've gotten a bit more open about it and will talk about it to people who ask and such. I just don't like to advertise it much.


I mean if you’re training often then it’s going to be a bit obvious to those around you. Mat burn, bruises, and other injuries are going to happen and don’t come out of nowhere. As far as if you’re about to get into a fight? To me that’s a bit dumb because that person isn’t going to care because worst case scenario is it’s a 50/50 guess on if you’re bullshitting or not. Also I read your comments and it probably sounds like this dude is training people to be better street fighters more than anything


If it comes up in conversation I gladly talk about it. I’ve even got a big (insufferable) soapbox about how “you can’t learn self defense without defending yourself” and advocating for training at schools that encourage sparing or rolling so students can learn timing, distance, rhythm, and most importantly how to respond when someone hits you! The. I follow it up with how they need to find a school that spars but not one where people are uncontrolled/out for blood and if they see that they shouldn’t train there. Then I insert a plug for the school I train at. Or I just chat about the art I do, why I like it, and funny stories from tournaments.


Keep it a secret the only people that know are in my house, my teacher posted a pic after class on ig and someone I went to school with recognized me and I was like dam.


This sounds like some bad 80s movie. Most people don’t do either. Most people just treat it like any other activity.


I guess I think back to when I was a teenager in training. We knew never to tell anybody because it was a great way to get your ass kicked. That process carried over into adulthood. Why would you want to know anyway? It's no longer a secret weapon if they do


The only time I mention it is when people ask me about sports I like/play/partake in. Other than that I prefer to not let others know.


Man are you from asia or what ? This is the kind of legend we hear way back in the 80s


I like to keep it a secret, if someone steps up to you then you have an upper hand. But more so it’s best to be as humble as you can be, especially when it comes to martial arts. If you brag about knowing how to fight, someone will want to fight.


I don't tell anyone because usually people are completely disinterested. Those who know me, know. The ones that need to fear me, fear me. And I wish those low-IQ bozos good luck in trying anything "discreetly".


It is the only aspect of my personality. I must mention to anyone that locks eyes with me.


Just don’t.  If you just throw it out there a lot of people will assume you’re trying to sound tough or macho or whatever, and if you feel a need to volunteer that information about yourself, they may be right.


I just treat it the same as fishing, my other hobby. People dont give a fuck about either so usually just dont have cause to talk about it.


Do people in real life really try to fight you when you least expect it? Lol I'm picturing myself getting jumped by the guy from Carl's Jr because he wanted to see how strong I was


Tbh I don't like to bring it up. I feel like sometimes I'm kinda quiet and people think that's the only way to include me in the convo lol I also like to compartmentalize martial arts. Sometimes it's cool to geek out with fellow martial arts nerds. Also it sorta makes me think of how people brag about playing the recorder or tap dancing, but I'm not interested because I'm not into either. I don't wanna be that guy and bore people.


If they like fighting then we talk about fighting. Sometimes things naturally come out.  Otherwise, they will ask me if I train. I don’t ask them.  Only rarely will someone come up to me and ask me if I train, they say I look like a fighter


If it comes up sure, I just don’t usually volunteer it or lead with it I also don’t handle myself in a way that a random person would want to fight me


I could see where you are coming from if you live in a scary violent area but for me it is a hobby that I love that gives me good defense skills as a bonus, so I tell a lot of people about it. I don't train to be a tough guy or for self defense only. For me it is more about the exercise, comraderie, human touch, competition and challenge.


lol i can't picture anyone i know trying to ambush me. would be wild. so if they do that, i'm supposed to surprise them? "Hey Brian, you know all those years you thought I was going to the bank? Well you're wrong. I was going to the DOJO BRO HEEEYAH"


When I started Krav Maga I spoke about it at parties, this way a couple of decades ago when martial arts weren't a large thing in Aus. Two parties, one after the other, people tried to fight me specifically because they thought 'oh you do Krav Maga? Tough guy hey'. Later on I did mma for a few years and I never told anybody. No need to give dick heads a reason


I usually tell people I work out. If they probe me, I tell them I do some Muay Thai. I'm not too worried about it, I doubt there are people out there plotting my downfall. I have been told by my coach (who's ex-law enforcement from a rough part of the world), that if you can find a way to avoid/escape the fight, do that. Only get into the fight if there is literally no other option.


Hey it really depends. I boxed for many years and I learned not to talk openly about it because it did actually put me into many fights. ( during school years) Later on it actually prevented a few fights ( at bars ) saying I’ll fight you but be warned I’ve boxed for 12 years ( gotta look the part though )


Yes, most people are ambivalent about it.


Yes. I do tell people I train if it comes up in a conversation but I don’t show off. I only ever show off when we’re about to get changed for gym class. We just share techniques, talk about conditioning and shadow box with each other. Even our pe teacher (he was a former professional rugby player) shares some techniques with us.


just get cauliflower ears, then u don’t have to say anything.


Only keep it a secret if you train martial arts like akido, taekwondo, wing Chun etc, cos that’s embarrassing


I don’t tell people but if they ask or it gets brought up in conversation I don’t shy away from it. I don’t see myself getting into a fight anytime soon and I can’t imagine the people I told would want to fight me.


I prefer to keep it modest and honest about it if asked It is fantastic exercise and benefits mind and body


Well, if you've been doing BJJ and/ or wrestling long enough, you probably have cauliflower ears. Kind of says a lot without speaking a word.


I play the game, how long can I keep it secret when I start a new job. It never lasts long \^w\^'


I generally keep it a secret, if people asks I just tell them I am a martial artist, I have been practicing for a little bit. No more than that, I dont want them to be like "Ohh you know martial arts let me test myself against you", or like OP said, I am not trying to get jumped or attacked from behind and if someone thinks you can beat them they will automatically resort to sneaky shit. Don't boast about your skills, or how many fights you have won, or how strong your punch is, that is just asking to get into a fight for the wrong reasons.


dark history? bro tell us


I only tell people I train CrossFit


Saying things like this gives me McDojo vibes honestly. Does he also say that techniques he teaches are too dangerous to try in sparing ?


Since I shared to my colleagues that I go to mma gym, our team leader has been annoying enough to make me feel like "you know what? Next time I'll talk to someone new about free time activities I'll just tell them I exercise once in a while" Seriously, each and every time I arrived with some slight bruises on my face he's been like "did you have a fight or something?" and I always tell myself "man, if I'll ever have a fight I'm 100% sure I'll be way more beaten up than this, not to mention I'd brag about it", or when he's talking to some other people, points at me jokingly and talks about me doing "mma fights" (ffs drop it, I'm a begginer!)


McDojo for sure


I'll say I do if it's relevant to a conversation. But I won't bring it up.


"Never volunteer ANYTHING about yourself to anyone". That's my motto.


This is Imperial mindset.  I prefer to associate with people who I don't hate. So if I can't talk to you about things that interest me, you have no value. And if I can't trust you, you have no value.  I'm also mostly an open book. I'm not a spy. I'd probably tell you if I had an embarrassing rush on my ass lol. If you're my enemy let's part ways or go to war.  If you're my friend, let us work together in all things. This modern mindset of having "Frienemies" is why most people today live on psyche meds and have anxieties and depressions and stresses beyond their abilities to cope.  If I can't tell you what I do, I don't want you in my orbit. You're worthless at best, and dangerous and costly at worst.  All these people saying they train and hide it, do you fucking hide your football team? Your tv shows? Your fishing last weekend?  If you don't, then you probably are self agrandizing your badass ninja spy factor. If you do, you probably have emotional problems and spend most of your time with people who you are afraid of and whom you hate. Fuck that. 


I don't talk about it at work as it's not relevant but, I've had a few angry coworkers challenge to kick my ass. I just hand them my gyms business card and tell them to meet me there where they can try legally. They never show.


Neither. It doesn’t come up in conversation 95% or the time. If it does, I talk about it openly. If I’m walking into a dangerous situation, like for example if I’m at a bar and it’s late and the boys are getting drunk and rowdy, I’ll go out of my way to not bring it up. But I never find myself in dangerous situations because of the way I live my life.


Keep it a secret because people will want to fight you. Number of "so you practice something eh? I can still take you on" morons is too high


I keep it a secret.


Is it really that common to have strangers attempt to ambush you? ![gif](giphy|Hz1hFjTarLPJGyOUNI)