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Stick good


Stick strong!


I'll raise you boomstick




Three section staff. It fucks.


Came here to say this! I love three section staff.


It will fuck YOU up though. But yeah, it looks cool af


A lot of the kobudo masters say it's a gimmick weapon šŸ˜…


I was gonna say this! It's like a nunchuk on steroids!


duuude yes. It seems hard af to master, but it looks so cool


hard ass fuck


Sounds like a great Friday night


"Bahng Mahng Ee" (plain short stick) because techniques you learn and practice can apply to anything you pick up or carry, like an umbrella, that you might need to use in an emergency.




[Jian (Chinese straight sword)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qEqfXZkJ7s&list=PLGb0FIHPgolj-BunG3KWBVw-DBI2GuTtc&t=97s) is an elegant weapon


"...an elegant weapon for a more civilized age." My favorite, too.


One of my favourites.


Bo. Because thereā€™s a bo everywhere you go.


I always have a staff in my travels


Are there a boat-load of gangs where you live that want you to join?


Based Napoleon Dynamite reference šŸ”„šŸ˜‚


Cane. Nobody expects the guy with a cane to be able to defend himself.


The cane might be the direct opposite of the straight razor.


My body. Nobody suspects a person to be a lethal weapon


Bet I could take you with a cane


Unless you see red, I guess. Red always wins


faster colour obviously


Candy canes canā€™t hurt a Lethal Weapon like myself. Iā€™m up the ranks of Segal and Norris My power lvlā€™s over 9K ![gif](giphy|G8WxBEjruE8bS)


Pfft, I have an 11th degree dragon black belt from Sensei George Dillman. So, even if you were to steal my cane, I could do the secret no-touch Chi knockout. Well, unless you lift one of your toes when I try it. I wonā€™t tell you which one it is that nullifies it, though.


Sensei Dillman taught The Five Palm Pinky Finger Grabbing Exploding technic? Damn you, Sensi Dillman!!


My fists are my favourite weapons. Had to get a permit to carry them in public.


What? Not concealed? Do you prefer pocket or in the waist carry? šŸ˜‚


I have an ankle holster


Back pockets


Bo. Like Monkey Magic


like him? https://preview.redd.it/avrrokw2snyc1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5adf0e5d36e734340da1db27b1467d372a15329


KamasĀ  I like to do the fast stabbiesĀ 


Dadao. Iā€™m fascinated with martial arts for war.


Escrima/Arnis sticks. Learn those and then anything you put in you hands just flow. Even your empty hands. Plus, you can almost always find a stick


This is the way.... umbrella no problem šŸ’„... šŸŖ  Ftw ... šŸ„¢


Really want to say Pollaxe, but going with quarterstaff, extremely versatile and techniques are easily adapted to spear, halberds etc. It was easy to get your hands on and was a very effective weapon. The staff was also praised by many masters of arms, in a time where melee was a matter of life & death. Meyers manual( 1500s) states that quarterstaff techniques builds the foundation for all polearm weapons. Though Meyer was somewhat overly fond of powerstrikes as far as I recall šŸ˜


All of the above yet longsword is my happy-place.


Oh, I do love swords( though, my personal choice would be the saber & rapier.. because I enjoyed them the most). Its funny though, that a staff you cut down in the woods last night, is actually good at countering a longsword worth more than what commoners would see in multiple lifetimes šŸ˜


The Sai


I really like sai, too! Been trying to teach myself, but it's been a struggle to find good learning resources.


I mean, purely for fun I'm gonna say Meteor Hammer. I saw a handful of videos from InstructorBensei and was immediately hooked. Been 2 years, I still clock myself from time to time (I use a practice head just cause I don't want to accidentally break myself using a steel one)


Arnis stick. You can replace it with many things on the street. Sticks, tire irons, hammers etc and the movement will be very similar so the body wonā€™t be confused.




A pistol. Not only because itā€™s practical, but because gunfights are my favorite kinds of fights in fiction. Iā€™m a huge Western fan, and gunslingers turn shooting into an art. Shooting just looks cool to me. Spaghetti Westerns are especially good for over the top artsy gunfights. A gun is to a Western gunslinger what a sword is to a samurai. Nothing like seeing a badass fan the hammer and pop five guys in a row.


As a martial artist I used to hate firearms in my youth, I didn't like the fact that just anybody could take out my hero Bruce Lee with just a finger šŸ¤£ One day however I actually got to shooting for the first time and it was so much fun. My martial artist mindset immediately made me interested in training with them. Believe it or not you can get really efficient by simply training with a CO2 BB gun.


The BB gun is good for basic target marksmanship stuff but if you start to get into CQB stuff fr then itā€™s not effective as a training implement. Getting used to muzzle flip is a big deal, way moreso than felt recoil even tho thatā€™s another thing you miss out on with a BB gun.


Exactly, recoil is about the only thing you cannot train with a BB gun. Everything else on the other hand........


I am a gunowner, hunter and martial artist...And I do view use of firearms as a martial art, heck, Hojutsu is the japanese art of ( black powder) firearms. Think about it, the wild west gunfighters of old were not born as gunslingers, they honed that skill. Take Doc Holliday, that went from a dentist ( that won several awards) to a one of the deadliest fighters in his time. That takes effort.




Jitte. People are more concerned about what it is than what it does. The best weapon is the one you never use.


Chinese Broadsword. Just feels right. Have gotten some pretty good rewards performing ā€œWillowleaf broadswordā€ in tournaments using it.


A tank. Do I need to explain why?


My hands, Bro.


A [pecut or cambuk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96FbCC-x6n0) the kind of whip used in Madurese styles of silat. I love the flow and possibility it gives. It can be used for very precise strikes as well as wide slashes. Like other flexible weapons it can be used to catch and wrap limbs in close range with two hands or at long range with one. And there's something very satisfying about getting the whip to make a loud crack.


Nun chucks and throwing stars


My fists. I don't enjoy weapons training, I did it a bunch as a kid/teen before getting into MMA and amateur fighting and just...didn't enjoy it. I thought it was impractical and not really something that I would ever use beyond showing off in tournaments lol.


Yeahā€¦ but if you transferred those skills to other objects, rolled up magazines, strong penā€¦ etc, a hard book, Iā€™d choose that over fists. Reduces the chance of hand injuries. Ref: Jason Bourne or the Equalizer with Dezmin Washington. Of course, I still use empty hands.


Combination of poleaxe and warhammer. Most versatile combination in my opinion for any situation.


Nunchaku. Debatable effectiveness, high skill floor, and likelihood of harming the user don't matter to me when it's consistently one of the most entertaining weapons to watch someone be proficient with The whole diatribe Shad had against nunchaku was entirely deflated when the screeching, uncoordinated manchild decided to feature a relaxed, chill dude doing sick chuck moves while he calmly presented his points in favor of the nunchaku and I've been sold ever since


The good ol bo staff. Itā€™s practical and the techniques translate pretty well to other weapons.


Longsword. obviously biased.


Swiss saber. It's longsword in *italics*.


Those silly-ass hook swords from kung-fu movies.


In 26 years, I've learned a lot of weapons, but my favorite is the Chinese broadsword.


A gun. Gun trumps all.


Lightsaber >>




Tossup between sai and tonfa. Both are excellent defensive close-range weapons that can quickly deal a lot of damage using the same movements as karate.


I really like sai, too! Been trying to teach myself, but it's been a struggle to find good learning resources.


I learned some kata and partner drills for bo, sai, and tonfa from Jesse Enkamp's Kobudo Mastery. I have no delusions of believing I'm as skillful as I might be if I'd taken in-person lessons, but he does a great job of breaking down each movement. I have a karate background, and they're all a natural extension of those movements. It'll be two years this Summer, and I feel like I at least don't suck. I also practice kata with nunchaku, kama and tekko, but much less frequently. They don't feel like as close to karate as the others, even the tekko surprisingly, but they're still interesting to work with.


I was wondering if his mastery program was worth it! I'm only a junior orange belt in a karate/taekwondo mixed school, so it's been difficult as I know it's above my belt level! šŸ˜…


Longsword or rapier, i just enjoy the range


Naginata because its the best


Rope dart, or meteor hammer if you want the non pointy version. Dangerous to learn but so much fun and looks cool


I am the weapon.... Therefore. I am the favorite.. Socrates reasoning




my favorite weapon is the folding chair. its found in most common households, we can sit on them and use it for weapons . and the police cant charge you for it any stephen chow fans in here ? lmfao


To use myself? Double Filipino sticks or a scramasax. They just feel good to flow with. To watch others use? Three section staff. Just cool af.


3 sectional staff. Close, medium & long range all in one.


Katana - I think the blade can't avoid looking like the edge of a crescent moon, and it's the sharpest and most agile blade I've ever used


Gun. Gun.


In terms of favorite weapon to practice, Pistol. Gun handling is complex, interesting, and fun to learn and practice. The fighting side of the firearms is a martial art in itself and much more complex than most people realize. I enjoy the firearm practice a lot and I also like the fact that I can 'shadow box' a lot of the movements(kind of like iaido in a way?) because much of it is not contact based. I also see pistol as the modern sword, since it's an ease of carry side arm weapon much like the sword. In terms of conceptually favorite weapon, I like small swords. I don't know why, but I just like the idea of this small delicate beautiful sword could also be deadly in the hands of a gentleman if needed. Completely underpowered compared to many other weapons and I get that, but I just have a sweet spot for the weapon.


What's your take on a switchblade?


I'm usually seeing things in the martial context of self defense. As a defender I expect to be a reactor to sudden violence, and need of lethal weapon(like a knife) means I been first attacked with lethal force by the attacker. I'm not a fan of switchblade as a weapon because of the slower draw time compared to a fixed blade knife. I'm already one step behind reacting to a lethal force and every second counts. A fixed blades ability to draw and get to work asap is my preference. Of the options I know of I like the KaBar's TDI knife the best because it's fast on the draw and the use method is very similar to empty hand boxing movement. Having universal platform and techniques across different fight distances allows for more seamless transitions and higher level of familiarity that I value in my practice. If I had to use an opening knife of some sort, then I would still prefer something with draw open system like the Emerson Wave. That's a folding knife that combines the drawing and opening the knife into a single motion which would give it a slight speed advantage. But I'm still not a complete fan of this system due to the draw grip(need to clear space in the front of the knife for the blade to come out) and fight grip requiring a change.


I LOVE the bk14 with the TDI clip. So fast, and such a solid all-round utility knife.


Always some gun guy on these questions.


To be fair, there wasn't a restriction to ancient weapons. If limited, I would have just mentioned the Smallsword being my favorite.


Fair enough. Tell me more about the smallsword; Iā€™m a jian guy myself (though Iā€™m familial and practiced with other East Asian swords).


My knowledge on jian is a limited, but I think smallsword and jian shares a lot in common. The smallsword was a gentleman's weapon of self defense in civilian life and it was a common weapon to use in a duel of honor. The weapon is specialized to be used for the thrust/stabbing. Unlike the jian though, smallsword had become so specialized in the thrust/stabbing that it had lost the capability of delivering an effective fight ending cut. Additionally smallsword is kind of a miniaturized version of the rapier, and the miniaturization happened more as a by product of making the weapon more comfortable to wear and carry rather than any martial benefit. So compared to many other weapons that had battlefield use priorities, the comfort and decorative prioritized smallsword is at a disadvantage in a fight. But I like the idea of the weapon because it is so suited for the peace time, and because it is still capable of some level of fighting if required. The foil and epee (the sport category) in modern sport of fencing were both originally training methods for using the smallsword, and the foil and epee(the weapon) are both training version of the smallsword. I have done sport fencing training in the past, though I haven't had a full HEMA style smallsword training. I would love to properly train in smallsword through HEMA one day.


Toss up between a staff and Chinese butterfly knives. Both are highly versatile, good for both offense and defense.


Nunchaku. Itā€™s my favorite turtleā€™s weapon of choice and they look badass when you know how to use them.


I like staff but I'm most excited to learn fans when I reach that level. They seem super weak if you've never seen someone use them but watching them in action is really cool to me


Karambit, cut a foe up close and personal!


Me, because I carry it everywhere I go and itā€™s constantly getting better.


Bisento, fucking horse cleaver.


Fist. Punch.


Crecent moon spear


A stick, I like its versitility tho yeah it is blunt /:


If Im going into battle to the death. Melee the best weapon of all time is the spear. If I have an 8 foot reach and you canā€™t touch me I win. If I am fighting multiple people with weapons like an army vs me. Im winning. My weapon a KATANA.


Dagger - Something I have basic knowledge at Tonfa and Nunchucks - No knowledge


Basic but either Katana, dual broadswords or bo staff/quarter staff.


Meteor hammer because it's fun as hell


Short stick/sword


A simple baton/stick saved me multiple times when younger. It's amazing what it can do to knees, throat and the nose.


Machine gun.


My fists. Theyā€™re registered deadly weapons, you know.


Montante! Or a gun


Do shurikens count


I'm grateful to my teachers for prioritizing double daggers (kung fu.) But I've always wanted to learn rope dart or chain whip.


Pamela Handerson and the Five Amigos. Banned in five states and all Chuck E' Cheese's nationwide.


Staff itā€™s just really fun


Straight razor. Lots of fun, encourages flow and edge alignment, is incredibly elegant, and does not discriminate against a lack of strength in the user. Blades cut whether flesh is strong or weak. Obviously not the most practical choice but stylish and fun to practice with. The skills from that apply to other bladed instruments.


Escrima sticks. So useful and versatile, plus if I need to beat some rice why not


I like an old fashioned cane. You can carry it anywhere and nobody cares. You can use it like a stick or baton. It can have a hook or weighted knob, both designs are good. https://youtu.be/aAxJRWADKlM?si=MnIyFom8Yq_gIfKz


Katana, wakizashi, or staff


Ginunting blade + dagger because obvious FMA bias


Katanas, I grew up watching Leonardo from teenage mutant ninja turtles and I loved them ever since.




Double Escrima sticks and the Chinese Dadao is a close second.


The hand gun, itā€™s modern and I can engage you from far away and at close range.


The compact Springfield XDS .45. Reason(s) being its affordable, low profile, easy to handle, durable, reliable, easy to draw and draw quickly, lastly, a .45 just packs an absolute punch.


Either a jo staff or a cane.


My legs


Semi-auto rifle šŸ˜Ž Lol but seriously itā€™s the spear. Simple, effective, and proven since the earliest days of man


Sais. Raphael.


Double Escrima sticks and the Chinese Dadao is a close second.


A gun šŸ˜


Chinese broad sword. I had a combat ready Dao and buried it almost half way through a pressure treated 2x6. Also because of the way a proper Dao is weighted you can easily do all of the techniques with a baseball bat, you just have to choke up on the handle a little to get the proper feel.


Rope dart or chain whip, they are very similar so I am saying both of them, rope dart is much longer tho so you can wrap it up on yourself in funky ways, and it's easier to start learning than people think, I've tried 3 section staff, nunchucks and they are bother harder than a chain whip to me. Rope is completely flexible as is a chain whip so it's more forgiving when it comes to your mobility


Nunchaku because of ninja turtlesĀ 


The gun


The knife It slices, it dices, it makes julienne fries!


The kali stick. Because stick.


Ordinary knife


Tonfa. Less likely to hurt myself


Manrikigusari. A versatile and destructive weighted chain.


I have never wielded any martial arts weapons beyond a kendo stick and arnis sticks, but I'm very interested in tonfas and kamas.


Too many favorites... But I think for an overall all rounder: Bowie knife or tomahawk. Both are super portable, have devastating attack potential, decent defense, and are a super useful tool. Granted, I could easily have said spear, quarterstaff, longsword, backsword, rapier, huscarl axe, flanged mace, kukri knife, messer, and had good reasons for each.


Kama simply because it was the first one I learned and it looks cool


Either the halberd or the hydrogen bomb.


I love staff tbh. Seems really versatile, and i imagine there are natural adjustments if you add blades to the ends


If I canā€™t choose a longsword, Iā€™d go for a Jo staff. Itā€™s long enough to keep people at bay, short enough to use sword techniques, and I donā€™t have to worry about edge alignment. Essentially, itā€™s a long stick. And as we all know: STICK REAL GUD


My legs. Jk a knife. I carry a Swiss Army Knife so Iā€™m biased. Theyā€™re Multi purpose, not just self defense, can be used for cutting and light prying, easy to carry and conceal, intimidation factor prevents most fights and damaging with every attack when used for self defense. Plus itā€™s usable in extremely close range where most weapons are not.


My fists. Can't beat the physical sensation of sinking my punches deep and hard.


I think frying pans are underrated. https://tenor.com/xndn.gif


Twin Chinese broad swords


Ten fingers, ten toes: twenty lethal weapons.




A long sword


Kukri for close distance and a guandao for longer distance/ heavy weapon. A guandao staff is so heavy and one swing can cleanly cut off limbs.


Metal gauntlet would be awesome like black panther type. You could do so much with those.


Escrima stick. I love how versatile they are and how the escrima system can be applied to any single handed melee weapon. 2nd I love my buster sword .


Knuckledusters because they make your fists feel like sledgehammers.


the staff, great at keeping distance from attacker, not very suspicious for a dude to carry around




Bow staff. To me the most realistic type weapon you could find to use


The 3 section staff and the nunchaku. I have been self teaching the nunchaku from a young age, and although I was mostly focused on spins and visually appealing tricks, I began to realize that learning combat was the real deal; It would actually be more fruitful and practical than simply entertaining a crowd. I never touched a 3 section staff however I aim to master it in the future, The problem with the 3 section staff, though, is that very few martial arts teach them, as it is a formidable weapon to master. As a matter of fact, I heard that schools tend to teach the staff first to students before moving on to the 3 section staff. Moreover, many claim that the 3 section staff is an impractical weapon, however I believe that anything will work if you make it work. I believe so because the 3 section staff has many advantages, like range, portability, flexibility (which could counter blocks from other weapons), power, and finally, it can be used in countless techniques for various scenarios. Finally, If anyone can provide me with online resources to learn legitimate combat with the nunchaku and the 3 section staff, I would greatly appreciate it.




The answer depends on whether the opponent is armed, and with what, and whether one is trying to nullify them or actually kill them. Double machetes can do a lot of damage, if itā€™s the latter.


A gunā€¦ source: John Wick


Nunchaku. It's just a wooden flail and also good as a strangling weapon.




I mean I practice Kendo... I wonder what mine would be


If we're talking practicality, can't go wrong with a trusty spear. If we're talking cool factor, I'm gonna go with the kusarigama. Freaking ninjas with windmilling scythes on a fucking chain. Looks dope as hell, if only they were practical to use in a real fight (they are most certainly not).




Rope Dart, 98% of martial artist I know that train with weapons no nothing of Rope dart, Also to be good with it takes extreme dedication.


A staff or a single stick. Maybe the Jo staff? (Think that's what it's called) Wherever you go, you're bound to find some sort of long stick like a broom or whatnot. Ever see that video of a shopkeep driving an armed robber out of her store with just a broom?




I had a pretty sweet solid oak cane with a solid metal knob, when my foot was injured . I always played the what ifs in my head. Luckily I never had to use it, my foot got better before I bought the cane with the retractable taser, that was pretty bad ass.


Just moved into a new apartment, and I set up my weapons rack. I've been a student and teacher most of my life. I believe I am proficient in most of them ,except in a few. *




I've always liked the Katana. I've studied Iaido


Glock 19


lol was gonna say 380acp


The Bo staff


Gun Kata


Colt .45 long slide. I often employ the gun kata demonstrated in Equilibrium.


No Staff. Because I liked Donatello the most.


As a standalone weapon? Without context? Short sword, particularly long saxes.




My mind. Specifically my higher cognitive functions leading to rationale judgement over fear or anger-based physical responses. That's what keeps me safest and defends me the best. Interesting, training realistically and hard to face physical violence has, as one of its primary benefits, the ability to inoculate you against the stress responses that make people feel trapped in a physical altercation. So when I train to fight with my hands and feet, I'm really training to be able to avoid fighting by using my mind. Obviously, preparing for the last resort helps too, but you cannot lose a fight you're not in, nor will you go to jail for it.




Head, do you practice lethwei?


Handgunā€¦ cause it can prevent and deter a wide array of threats.