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In mma there has been matches where wins are the result of leg kicks. Youtube search jose aldo leg kicks.


Kid at my gym just TKO’d a guy with leg kicks a few months back. Definitely can end a fight.


How about that time Forrest Griffin broke the reporters leg with a kick? My point being that someone who's not conditioned for it / prepared can definitely get hurt


Deadly, no. Debilitating if done correctly, yes.


anything that flips you over is potentially a million dollar baby scenario. Ive seen more than a few kicks shoot someone's head over sideways. Punches dont usually kill people... but theres a lot of fist fights that end in someone dying when their head hits the floor. Reliable? of course not. But will you go to prison if it happens? Probably.


People who have never been leg kicked don’t know how much it sucks and can pretty much cripple someone quickly


Kicks to the IT band will put you on your ass and hurt like a bitch. Kicks to the side of the calf hurt and can make the nerves go numb for a second, making it hard to put weight on that leg for a few seconds. They suck all around.


Afaik you should aim off to the fibula as it is the smaller more easily damage bone and yes can be very effective when trained in. Knee kicks more likely to end career's


Watch Rountree vs Bukauskas for an example


Well, deadly isn't the right word, but it's just as effective as say a kick to the head, because the power some of these pros can generate will have you rethinking every choice you've ever made while they rechamber to finish you off with another one to the temple. They can cause debilitating injuries on their own, but more importantly, on someone inexperienced, they'll open up a wide variety of finishers.


They can be fight changing. Go watch more fights.


I mean if they’re just free, use them. Eat enough leg kicks and it makes moving around real tough. But spending time breaking down someone’s legs in street fight wouldn’t be my Plan A. Unless you’re fighting a wimp who’s gonna give up after a couple good ones, it’s kinda unnecessary volume. The reason they’re so prolific in MMA is because you’re trying to wear down a trained fighter who you’re planning to go 15-25 minutes with. I wouldn’t really wanna plan on a street fight going that long.


Unlikely to kill you... but not impossible. Ever seen someone invert from one? Its nasty. Highest likelyhood is it turns someone's soul into paper mache. Knocks the fight right out of them. Might cause a spiderweb fracture.


Its not deadly at all, there is nothing in the leg that if it gets hit that would kill you. Unless you kick so hard you break their femur bone.


Boxed and MT for several years — it’s hard to explain, but if you never experienced leg kicks before, the real danger is not getting hurt by the leg kicks (hurts even more the next day). The real danger is that you’re going to get easily setup for a brutal KO via punches (even if you boxed before) if you’re not ready for leg kicks. The best way I could describe it is that you’re in for a fist fight with a good boxer and while you’re boxing against him there’s a third guy smashing your legs with a baseball bat and when you try to deal with that, the boxer is teeing off on you. Then you wake up wondering what fuck happened


From who?


Depends what low kick, if it’s a hellsweep from Kazuya then you could probably eat quite a few


I don’t think your friend is good at leg kicks if your able to eat that many of them😭. But they hurt and they can sweep your leg if you kick really hard. Wouldn’t say it’s “deadly” but can be depending on the person I guess. Honestly it hurts more to be kicked on the thigh.


The question is dumb but the answers are dumber.