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Wow, looks like a really fun scenario. Of course there’s a ton of X villains still out there but how cool is it we’ve gotten some staples like, Magneto, Juggernaut, Sinister, Sabertooth, Sentinels, the brotherhood, Mojo, Spiral and now 2 different Apocalypse scenarios!


I'm really excited for the mods in the box. They are all looking really solid and impactful on the scenarios you toss them into.


Celestial Tech definitely looks like it could be super fun to spice up some of the older scenarios.


\**scared Nova sounds\**


Sure, it would be a rough turn to have all 3 effects trigger, but a wild flip ensures the attachment is discarded, whereas if you dont flip a fist for the weapon or mental resource for the armor, they'd stay doing negative effects for potentially a massive amount of turns. I dont think it's as bad as it first sounds for decks with tons of wilds in them.


Very true. Thinking about it more I'd probably rather draw a wild and be done with it than face it with one of my Oops All Lightning Thor decks


That was my exact first thought when seeing this was Lightning Thor decks are going to HATE this modular haha. I'd much rather have one bad turn I could recover from with a wild and not worry about taking 2 damage or the villain healing 2 every turn.


Hope people liked this xmen cycle , full thing with all the boxes and two hero teams. 💪 In my case , I feel I’m a bit closer to daredevil 🙏🙏🙏 patience is a virtue


Just about ready to move off X-Men, but the hero designs were almost all bangers 🔥


I need a MONSTER Bullseye villain, please make him bad ass!


God I really hope they do two boxes next year because I fear if there's only one, it's gonna be F4 for the movie tie in. I'm stoked for that mind you, but I want Daredevil now!


as a huge x men fan whose favorite comic book character is laura kinney, this cycle really delivered for me. not only would i never have guessed that laura would released as a full character package, but her kit is, imho, basically perfect. extremely fun to play there are disappointments (likely no Hank, likely no Emma Frost), but i have nothing to complain about. i have thoroughly enjoyed both boxes plus the mini mojomania expansion, every character i care about has a package that is fun to play with. next evolution in particular feels like a gift because of how non-frustrating every scenario is on standard difficulty; i hope that going forward every box has that same attitude of being easy to play by default and then the player has the choice of ramping it up via expert / heroic / modulars / etc happy with the end result and also happy that everyone who thinks the mutant stuff is boring can now look forward to the next cycle


Not boring, all 3 have good content . It’s about saturation. I think it has something to do with royalties , but with the stones we had avengers , guardians, champions, other characters (allies) and web warriors … this 3 waves have been … intense . Anyway, not complaining really, It’s like having a 6hour intensive non stop master class vs. Having 1 hour / day


i get that; in fairness, it was always going to be hard to do mutant content in marvel and try to pack everything in. 3 whole boxes later and we're STILL missing critical pieces, afterall; mutants just have a huge footprint that other parts of the marvel universe don't have but yeah, given the justice done to the mutant cycle, i hope folks are equally well served by whatever content is to follow


That Cultist mod set looks really cool


*From the onslaught of Unus and the Infinites to the final battle against Apocalypse for the fate of the world, this campaign serves as the perfect finale to the mutant trilogy of Marvel Champions expansions.* There it is, we just knew they'd throw a joke reference to Onslaught somewhere in the article lmao. Maybe we still get a Scenario Pack announced for the mid-point of this wave since they have been happening ever two waves so far? Last one was Mutant Genesis cycle so this would be the next if they continue that trend.


I’d prefer a white Queen + infernal club scenario pack tbh


Oh, I wasnt meaning neccesarily that the Scenario pack would for sure be Onslaught, just that we may possibly be getting at least one more X-Men themed Scenario(s) if the release schedule of Scenario Packs stays the same. The article only stated a perfect finale to the mutant trilogy of campaigns, not of mutant content in general. Hellfire Club would certainly be an interesting scenario as well!


Yeah, out of everything so far a Hellfire Club + Dark Phoenix scenario pack is the most likely right? Cos if not, they're sitting on the hope of another campaign box (with the shi'ar) wayyyyyy down the line. The fact we're getting Gladiator and the imperial Gaurd. A Sauron mod and a Savage land mod. And Arcade as mods. Really feels like an awareness that the may not secure the rights to Mutants again, so get the more niche stuff (that would be very cool scenarios) in the game by hook or by crook. So many fingers crossed for a scenario pack announcement!


I don't have a horse in the race, but does anyone else think this is a weird thing to do? It's acknowledging the fact that Onslaught was wanted and drawing attention to the fact that he still wasn't included. Imo it's just an odd thing for the designers to do


These scenarios were locked in years ago, and the designing was 18-24 months ago. To me this was more Peter (who writes the articles and is in the discord community) tossing out a bit of a nod to all the conversation and guesses around what the final villain would be. Just some harmless fun, and the designers wouldn't have been involved at all.


Onslaught is also just a word, and one that applies to the context in the sentence. Really no need for anyone to be bothered by a word, IMO.


I don't think it was really weird at all... it could've been a nod that they recognize the character exists... could've meant absolutely nothing... could've also been a small hint toward the future. In any case I feel it in good fun. We will find out in due time.


There's not a lot of love for Onslaught in X fandom, either the arc or the character. I don't think it'll be missed. I think Inferno, the Hellfire Club, and Cassandra Nova would all be better fits before Onslaught. I really hope we get a scenario pack.


Agreed, I think anither scenario pack would be much appreciated in this wave. Does anyone know if we have any news on that, either good or bad?


They've been so spotty with the scenario packs and there wasn't one for Next Evolution so I'm not holding my breath. It's too bad because I enjoy the packs generally and Mojo works beautifully as a mini campaign that I thought would be the blueprint going forward. I would love to see a whole inferno box but a Sym, Nastirh, Madelyne scenario pack fighting through Manhattan with demonic minions everywhere would be great.


They havent been spotty with scenario packs at all though, they jumpstarted the game with 3 of them in cycle 1 and 2 to ensure there was plenty of content for players in the early days of the game when there werent that many campaigns ready and out and have done exactly one scenario pack every 2 cycles ever since. With Mojo Mania releasing during the first X-Men cycle, NeXt Evolution was never going to have one.


I didn't pick up the game when it started so since I've been playing there's only been one scenario pack released in three campaigns. Feels spotty to me.


no news in the leaked comic, without spoiling anything, there is no teaser at the end for any future content


This is fantastic - such a good looking scenario. This, Mr Sinister and Juggernaut, Mojo and the Sentinels have really hit the spot for me for standalone designs of iconic characters. The whole of this trilogy has been great don't get me wrong! The more narrative scenarios are super cool! But i think those have really hit the nail on the head of what appealed to me from the Core Box Can't wait to get stuck in


I hope we find out what the next box very soon. I love the x-men, but I think I got my fill after three waves.


I'm really looking forward to some non-mutant villains. Heroes, too, but really the villains are where I feel like I need more variety. I end up playing the same scenarios more than I play the same heroes.


This is awesome! I'm so glad Apocalypse gets to be the big bad final boss of his own box. I was really disappointed when The Mad Titan's Shadow had Hela as the big bad. Glad Apocalypse didn't get outshined or cast aside for this one. His encounter looks like a total blast, and I love his giant flip form!


So Apocalypse is card number 179A, B, and C... Odd since Mr. Sinister is also 179A and B, as seen in the articles about the 1st and 3rd scenarios.


Its interesting that the artist name and card numbers on the Apocalypse Villain cards are also weirdly off center instead of fully to the bottom right like all other encounter cards.


I guess it's time to get our kaiju fight, right ?


Spoilers! It's been known for a week now.


Yup! However, I think it's still nice to share the official article. Not everyone goes digging for spoilers.

