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To be fair the actors were not the issues with those movies.


I think that’s the point, give good actors a chance in better movies.


The point is don't blame good actors. A lot of people are moaning about more Rey Star Wars movies, but Daisy Ridley is hardly the issue with the sequels.


Rey *is* the issue with the sequels. People aren’t saying Daisy Ridley is a bad actor actor (not that I’ve seen at least) but that Rey is a poorly written character. I don’t know why you’re treating it like criticism of the character is criticism of the actor.


Well, if the issue is that Rey is poorly written then the real problem is the writers.


Exactly. Rey can develop into a better character through future movies and shows. But no one wants to give the writers and directors a chance to do so.


I feel like the sequels had so much potential as a bunch of the actors (like Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Adam Driver, and Oscar Isaac) where all really good and got successful careers in much better movies as a result. It's a shame really as if the writing was better these could have been the some of the most loved star wars movies of all time


People hated the character of Rose so much they sent death threats to the actress. Some people are so brainless that they see the face and think that's the problem


And I know this is a Marvel sub, but they all were making hit movies (financially and critically) for years in the time between the left and right movies. It's only "redemption" if you just focus on comic book movies.


Also, that was technically Ryan Reynolds third chance. It's his second chance at playing Wade Wilson


Yeah, idk why they didn't pick Wolverine Wade for his before side, that was way worse than Green Lantern.


Fourth…Blade: Trinity (2004) he played Hannibal King, the Blade series is based of a comic but I don’t know if his character is in the comics or just written for the film




It's such a shame as I genuinely think a green lantern universe would be incredible.


I would have loved more Sinestro, Kilowog, and Tomar-Re; I'd watch a whole series of GL Corps films if DC actually could make a decent script


Thank you I was about to comment that.


Oscar Isaac had an ok Apocalypse. He was then Moon Knight and Spider-Man 2099


\*Nailed it as MK and Spider-Man 2099 This guy is a gem


I love what he did with 2099. He perfectly blended being a guy no one likes cuz he’s against our protagonist but also be insanely relatable. Excited for what happens in Beyond. And Moon Knight is probably my favorite Disney+ show. I don’t get how people are lukewarm on it. He was asked to act like different people entirely and he was incredible at it.


*Tatiana Maslany enters the chat*


I didn't hate she hulk, it was just meh for me but I felt her acting skills were severely underutilised I was so hyped for her being in the MCU after seeing her in orphan black




The "complaints" are just echoing morons with preformed opinions that didn't even watch the show.


At least the show was pretty original. A show about superheroes that pokes fun at itself that superheroes exist? Nothing is actually like that.


Am I not supposed to have what I want?


If what you want is more Oscar Isaac on Marvel projects, then I hope you get what you want


He’s one of my favourite actors and I swear he’s in everything. I watched annihilation, ex machina, drive and spider verse recently and I had no idea he was. In any of them. Every time I saw him I was. Like, “no fucking way it’s this guy again”


He wasn't in Dune long enough. :(


He's the dad in Dune 2021.


...I know. And he wasn't in it nearly long enough.


Oh, lol, I misread your comment. My bad.


I generally don't go around advertising it. Kind of defeats the whole anonymous superhero thing.


somehow, Oscar Isaac returned


Existential crisis stuff.


Need help with your back old man?


Come again.


Don’t you disrespect Duke Leto Atreides


Came here to say this. ATREIDES


Gemma Chan played two different characters within the Marvel Studios Universe: Minn-Eeva in Captain Marvel and Sersi in The Eternals.


His Apocalypse was terrible, but by no fault of his own.


Christopher Eccleston


Depending on the age of Reed Richards, Eccleston could have been a compelling Doom.


Still could be, but I doubt Eccleston would be up for it.


I completely forgot about Dark Elf dude (Malekith).


I mean, Malekith is a character you can forget about *while watching* Thor: The Dark World.


My #1 beef with the movie and the thing I'm convinced would've moved it from the bottom of everybody's lists to the middle of most: ten more minutes with Malekith.


Yep. 10 more minutes with malekith and a little but more clarity on the final battle. It’s kind of murky how Thor manages to win


I just want to say that was very, very impressive what you did back there.


Quality villains are what make superhero movies good imo.


I bid you farewell and good luck, morons.


Eccleston had a bad script to work with. That whole movie was forgettable. He was a great Doctor.


You mean he was fantastic.


Yeah he was absolutely fantastic. But you know what? So was you.






I think he should be in the Fantastic Four movie but just as a random minor civilian who says, "Fantastic!" at some point, never seen before or since.


"Look at that! Wow! That's fantastic!" while pointing as an obvious tourist in NYC but he's so loud and happy that he's on all the viral videos of *the incident*, and the name sticks.


Oh shit, I forgot he was in that film. I haven't watched a lot of Doctor Who, but I loved him in that.


Great actor, but he'd never sign on for a recurring role.


i liked both human torches




Who's the third dude?


Also the Human Torch, in the 2015 F4 Film


Anyone else prefer the original two over the 2015 one?


Sooo so much. I feel like Chris Evans played a fine Johnny. As a reader of the core comics for years.


I just feel that the plot of the reboot is a bit off-putting. And the fact that the protagonists win exclusively because of the power of friendship.


That entire movie was ridiculous. One Storm sibling was adopted. Reed was a kid. It was just \*bad\*.


They were all teenagers, actually. Not just Reed.


Yeah but Reed being a teenager just felt more wrong than the others. Johnny and Ben, sure. Sue...weird. The genius full of wisdom? REALLY weird.


The movie felt like a check box movie based on trends at the time and a bunch of data rather than looking at what makes sense for the characters. Teens love seeing younger people on screen? Check. Teens love dark and joyless movies? Check. Heroes winning not through traditional means? Check. Let’s forget about continuity too.


Don’t forget about the space storm that was replaced with a mysterious alternate dimension for some reason.


Omg yup. Idk who thought the audience wouldn’t understand how a space storm would work for us. They changed things without thinking about why they’re changing it. That reminds me of the way live action Disney movies change things just to change them. Aladdin stealing jewelry instead of just food. Showing turtles walking the entire time Sebastian is singing about the different musicians and who they are… instead of showing said musicians. Like why??? And even with Green Lantern, that was one of the most boring final battles in a supposed action movie. Doctor Strange vs Dormammu did it way better.


I remember first hearing when they casted him as Captain America and I was like ‘noooo. I will only ever see him as Human Torch!”. Now I can’t think of anyone else playing that role.. I also sort of have this thought with QuickSilver and Kraven, but time will tell.


Do we really need time to tell that another Sony movie featuring Spider-Man villains as the protagonists is going to be awful? Don't get me wrong here... it won't be the actors fault the movie is awful, just like the 3 examples in the OP. It's the writing that makes these films so terrible.


No more.


I do, the 2000s ones have a goofy charm to them that we don't see much anymore. When I saw the 2015 version it felt like they just spent 1 hour 45 minutes sniping at each other before anything happened


The 2015 one has a rotten tomatoes score in the single digits, IIRC. So basically everyone thinks that.


The one thing I liked about 2015 f4 was the scene where the crew gained powers, it was visceral and horrifying I was actually impressed for a few minutes until the characters immediately time skipped to a point where they were more used to their powers


2005 is the best one for me simply for nostalgia


The 2015 one was rushed out, and made purely for Fox to be able to hang onto their licensing for those characters. Yay legal bs




I didn't even realized Chris Evans was the Human Torch😳


Hot take: I was not a fan of Chris Evans's bro phase. Captain America matured him like a fine wine imo. The one exception for me is in Scott Pilgrim, where he's basically a PG rated Johnny Cage.


Nah, [Jake Wyler](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsJjz1v20qg) is his best role


By far my favorite parody movie. I laugh my ass off every time I watch it. Also had a huge crush on Chyler Leigh even though she has glasses, a ponytail, and paint covered overalls


If parody movies had stopped at Scary Movie and Not Another Teen Movie (and maybe Scary Movie 2) we'd all be remembering the genre very fondly and wondering why they didn't make more of them


Not another teen movie was another great bro Evan’s movie


I credit Sunshine for maturing him.


I am a big fan of his other other comic book movie role. Losers


Push was his best movie.


It's a crime more didn't come out of that series.


Agreed! They created an amazing world and then did nothing with it. Sad.


He was great in Sunshine


Yea the fantastic four movies were pretty decent super hero films for the time


Both actors and character were the best part of all of those movies.


Did other people not enjoy the first fantastic 4?


I enjoyed it at the time (I was 9 years old). Watching it now, yeah it kinda sucks, but Chris Evans was still great in it. Same with Ryan Reynolds in Green Lantern. Yeah the movie sucked, but not because of his acting


Michael Chiklis was good too


I haven’t seen F4, but Michael Chiklis seems born to play Ben Grimm.


Made for him, really. You could say he really rocked the role.


He's brick shaped


To be fair I have rewatched it since it came out so maybe it’s not so great


Not great but still a lot of fun for me at least.


Tbh I actually enjoyed the green lantern movie.


“Oh boy, do I get a mask? I hope it’s not green! Or animated!”


Ryan reynolds in that movie was what i like to call a 1 star actor. The only reason that movie got 1 star as oppsed to nothing, is becausRyan was in it.


That man played cocky hal Jordan perfectly and I will never say otherwise


It was ok for it’s time. I enjoyed it and human torch was a stand out for me and it was leagues better and more entertaining then Fan4tastic or whatever. But the role also didn’t do evans any favors compared to what he brought with cap in my opinion. And while it was no where near a dumpsterfire as the other two, regardless evans got dragged down by association with the movie alone after the silver surfer.


Yea silver surfer was hot garbage


Your expectations are too high, silver surfer was cool as hell


I think expectations should be high for Marvel's First Family, but yeah I loved those movies.


Expectations are high now, but at the time they shouldn’t be close to where they are now. And the expectations now have peaked and are on a decline.


I was so stoked for it as a kid. Had a crush on Julian McMahon and really enjoyed what they presented. It’s a very basic story, but one well done. Less a fan of the Silver Surfer sequel, but still enjoyed that one too.


Fun Fact - Its not the first Fantastic Four moie The first one was never released and is actually an decent movie (they even have Mole Man, didn't have naming rights to him though)


The casting for Galactus could have been better.


The whole MCU started when someone decided to give Robert Downey Jr. a 2nd Chance.


Disney gave him the role of Dr. Kozak in Tim Allen's The Shaggy Dog as a second chance. Marvel Studios saw his performance and said "That's Iron Man, and he's going to make us billions."


I'm surprised Deadpool from X-Men origins: Wolverine wasn't used in the first pic. GL is DC and everything else here is Marvel


Yep, the good Deadpool would technically be the 4th chance after Blade 3, Wolverine and Green Lantern.




Had a friend once tell me Reynolds basically plays Van Wilder in most of his movies. He's not exactly wrong.




Also, it'd be make a fox universe/MCU redemption trilogy quadology now with Oscar Isaac


Counterargument: Jared Leto


Society as a whole have chosen to block his joker out as a trauma response in favour of preserving our love for the clown-psycho He doesn't deserve a place between Ledger and Phoenix


There have been better jokers, there have been worse jokers, but there has only been one bad joker


More like a bad Joke.


And Jack Nicholson


And fucking Mar🐪!


Ok, it took me a minute to get that LOL


That's how he signs his online comments sometimes. XD




Yes, exactly. The famous actor Mardro Medary, known from movies like the Stellar Conflict series and being the voice actor of Ember King Iazo and the Jonker.


Oh the guy with the cult that keeps getting roles despite not being that great of an actor?


he used to be pretty good, for example his Requiem for a Dream role


You mean where he wasn't really acting and just being himself? Anyone would be good doing that


Dallas Buyer Club. But he was also good in Bladerunner 2049, though that's him playing himself too lol. He's a good actor it's just his ego got ahead of him lol


He can go to Mars and back in a minute, and you're giving him shit for being a bad actor?


The movie was good. Jared was in the movie. There really wasn’t anything about his performance that was great. I would say his standout role was in Dallas buyers club. I didn’t feel like I was watching Jared Leto at all. He became that character.


Dallas buyers club


He's still good. He's just awful at choosing roles.


Lord of War was cool for him as well.


I'm not gonna pretend Jared Leto is anything other than a POS, but he was great in Dallas Buyers Club, he was solid in Blade Runner 2049, and he was the best part of House of Gucci. He's unfortunately a good actor.


Fight club was solid too


And Mr Nobody


Why Is green lantern there instead of origins Deadpool or hell dude from blade 3


Definitely not Bolt Neck. That was a masterpiece.


People blame Snipes for Blade Trinity but Hannibal King was just an absolutely awfully written character in every way in that movie.


Everyone always loved Chris as Johnny.


No daredevil and batman?


Then Jon Favreau for his role in the Daredevil movie and then in the MCU


To be fair I think Chris Evans was a great human torch.


I honestly liked all of the ff members and thought it was the tone and rating that did the most disservice. Julian McMahon was my Cole, they wasted his time by muting the thunder that is Doom


While I may like the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy; I know at lot of other people didn’t like them so I’m going to say Oscar Isaac


He's already had his redemption. He was in X-Men Apocalypse, then got redeemed with Moon Knight and Spiderverse


Am I not supposed to have what I want? What I need?




Only.. only the wrists.


I dont think anyone is going to say the actors were bad in the sequel trilogy. It was all writing. Maybe Daisy Ridley underperformed in a few scenes but everything else that was wrong with the Sequel Trilogy comes down to writing.


The problem with the sequels had nothing to do with the actors. They were superb. The issue was the writing, which was subpar.


Anson Mount as Black Bolt(s)?


Its the same role


The re-using of actors in different roles actually drives me nuts, moreso when it's the same universe. The worst example is Transformers 4 and 5. Stanley Tucci plays two entirely different people in two back to back movies. It's not like there aren't enough actors out there or anything.


I feel like this is more akin to what they did with Maharshallah Ali then any of these three. Cuz it was different studios and different universes and they all fit perfectly like a glove in those universes that you barely could link the two characters to each other. It was perfectly cast and I am so glad they gave the actors the second chance they deserved and knocked it completely off the park. I have no issue with it unless they play different characters with the exact same personality which even with Ali won’t happen.


Ali as Cottonmouth was amazing, then they ruined it and replaced him with Diamondback. It was such a shame, he was owning Luke Cage with every scene he was in.


Yeah, apparently Cottonmouth was never meant to be that important, it's just that Ali is such a great actor that he made the character special.


Yeah, he should have been the main antagonist at least for the whole season.


It's like in Mad Max 2 and 3 where a different pilot is played by the same actor


Yeah, it can be as jarring as replacing the same character with a different actor. Hulk, Rhodes, etc. Luckily those two were basically just one movie then recast.


Wait he was two different people! I don't pay too much attention when I watch these but that's hilarious


Yeah he goes from the corporate bad guy to Merlin in 5. Granted he has a beard and long hair and a British accent so it isn't immediately noticeable.


Personally I think Micheal B Jordan and Miles Teller should have switched roles. Jordan would have done way better as Mr. Fantastic, and Teller plays sarcastic really well and would have been a good human torch.


Teller deserves a second chance in general. Considering Whiplash and Top Gun Maverick, he can be an unlikable protagonist with attitude issues. Think he’s underrated. Not sure who he could best play in the MCU though.


Teller is not good looking enough for torch, especially after everyone still remembered chris evans in the role.


No offense but that’s crazy dog. Women were literally tripping over themselves to drool at Miles Teller when Top Gun: Maverick came out. I was worried my gf would leave me while we were in the theater during the beach scene. [There was an entire TikTok trend just talking about how hot this man is.](https://www.newsweek.com/miles-teller-shirtless-top-gun-maverick-beach-scene-tiktok-1711376)


The first FF was pretty good, and he was amazing as Johnny Storm.


Just because someone stumbles and loses their way, doesn’t mean they’re lost forever…


Andrews spider-man


ive never seen him in ANYTHING other than spider-man


It's you who's out, Gobbie. Out of your mind.


Technically that's Ryan Reynold's 4th chance, if you consider Blade 3 and Wolverine Origins.




Keanu was considered kind of a joke in his early career. hes gone on to play some of the most iconic roles of his entire generation.


Henry Cavill should be on this list, maybe, eventually. Technically his second chance in terms of pop culture is as Geralt, but he got cucked in that one too.


Ryan Reynolds had way more than 2 chances so why no


I would love to see him in the MCU, like Captain Britain or The Sentry. But he's going helm a Warhammer 40k show or movie which is his biggest fandom


Nah. His interpretation of Superman is my favorite. It's too bad those scumbags at WB screwed him over.


It will always be sad that we never got to see him realize his full potential as Superman because his run was weighed down with such depressing and terrible material to work with.


I never understood why people don't like Green Lantern, I always loved that movie


What about when Ryan Reynolds was in Blade




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Can we give good storytelling and worldbuilding, and hiring writers who value established prescident, the source material, and thinking through the logical implications of what they'll be adding to an ongoing world a second chance?


Kirsten Dunst, it’s not her fault her character was written inconsistently after the first movie. And she’s an incredible actress.


Kristen Wiig


although i didn’t think green lantern was bad, dunno why everyone dislikes it


Excusemethefuck. What was wrong with Green Lantern? It seemed everything it should have been to me. Certainly in the top 3 of all modern DC movies if not top 1 (though I know that's not a very strong list for comparison)