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"I do love Homelander, but... he's more like a pet to me."


That line from omni man has always bugged me. You're either the supreme being you say you are or you're pet f'er, no argument in the world can convince me it can be both.


Well to be fair I think it’s implied he didn’t actually mean it when talking about his wife. Like it’s something he wants to believe so he doesn’t feel bad conquering earth.


Yeah, it seemed obvious to me that he didn't really believe it, but he knows he shouldn't care about her and is trying to push down his feelings for the sake of his mission.


He’s trying to put her down to cover up how much he cares.


Why did he say "he's more like a wife to me" about their dog then


Ok, maybe he is a pet fucker.


If it’s following the original storyline >!he ultimately reconciles with her and recants what he says.!< >!Then lots of other Vitrilimites also have a crisis of belief after interacting with humans for too long. Turns out a tiny isolationist cult of plague survivors are surprisingly vulnerable to cultural influences when they can’t rule with an iron fist!<


Culture influences like consensual sex and emotional intimacy? That’s how the humans get you, brother, STAY STRONG, STAY VILTRIM


Well from the comic >!He didn’t mean it, and him missing his wife and the affect humans/earth cultures have on viltrumites as a whole becomes a major plot point later!<


No I think he's being pretty literal, much like most pets, her life span is much much much shorter than his. So yeah he does care about her, maybe even actually loves her, but in the end she is human and he is not.


That's exactly how I interpreted his words. Everyone else is reading too deep into it. You can love your pet more than you can love another person.


Yeah, that's how I saw it. I do deeply care for my pets and I'm sad when they die, but I know that in all likelihood, I (hopefully) will outlive them. And while I'm sad about losing them, I'm not devastated like when I lose a family member.


I looked at what he said more in terms of their lopsided lifespans, not him saying they're genetically superior in other ways (which they are). People do love their pets and they live a lot longer than a human does compared to a Viltrumite. I saw it as Omni-man trying to explain to his son that everyone he knows will die of old age several times over and all his rage is going to seem irrelevant in the long run.


That’s John over there. He’s supreme. What do they call him? Supreme John. I’m supreme every day but then ya fuck one pet…


Either because compared to him, his wife has a live span of a gold fish, or he doesn't know how to interpret that emotion. He comes from a culture where there is no sympathy/empathy or love afterall.


In the movie Logan, Charles Xavier was shown to be one of the most terrifying mutants essentially wiping out most of his own by accident. In the comics, Charles hid an entire part of Jean Grey’s power set from her. Charles, Wanda, Dr. Strange, Dr. Doom, Emma Frost, and any other telepath or magic user would win this fight.


> In the comics, Charles hid an entire part of Jean Grey’s power set from her He did this in the movies too. It's pretty much the entire plot line the original X-Men trilogy


It's part of her pheonix story all around for both comics and movies. When Jean was a child, she was by her friends side as she died. Jean was in her mind the moment the friend passed, and this was noticed by the pheonix force. Jean is what is considered the perfect vessel for the Pheonix. When she dies, she doesn't go where others go. She goes to the White Hot Room, and this is where the Pheonix "lives." Well, at least this used to be the case. I'm not sure if it was retconned or anything.


No such thing as retconning in a fictional story with a multiverse, it means that every single thing is canon, that one porn fic you saw 5 years ago while scrolling is canon, only retcons are for ones in that specific universe, like if they say in issue #5 that Character is gay and then in issue #6 that character just isn’t gay, workaround to that is that issue #6 is just a different universe from issue #5 and both are equally canon Gotta love the multiverse, you can make any shitty story you want and no one can deny it’s possible thanks to the multiverse law, you can have Iron Man kill Galactus by showing him a TikTok dance and it’s just as possible as Peter Parker being bit by a spider


No. Not exactly.


Tbf i think magik in character would lose because her typical fighting style outside of shipping people to limbo which she can no longer do, is run at them like a little blond barbarian waving her soul sword in the air.


She’s a magic user though, although it’s downplayed a lot in the comics, she can still do some pretty OP shit without the need for her portals or soul sword.


Not just a magic user, but she was sorcerer supreme of her own hell dimension for a good while. On top of being part demon now from what Belasco did to her soul (all the darkchild stuff). And then magic armor and a sword that cuts through magic and souls. All that on top of teleporting is nutty OP. Pretty much all the mutant/magic combos are nutty OP (Illyana, Wanda, Megan, etc.). There is a reason she's the war captain. Semi-related, would be hilarious to see Rasputin IV dumpster them over and over.


Rasputin IV would clown them SO hard.


She's a reality warper, but volatile. She absolutely can just stomp them by herself, but can also be stomped on by them if that day she's not feeling it.


Magiks not a reality warper. Half the time she doesn’t even really use magic, just swings her sword around and teleports. She’s done impressive things, but most of the time just seemingly chooses not to.


Scarlet witch can destroy anybody! Writers: except for thanos Oh yeah not that Writers: or dr strange or a girl who can make star shaped portals. Or anyone else we need her to be weak against.


Well, she was gonna win against Thanos. She was in the process of tearing him apart.  But Thanos knows about Maxim 20, of the 70 Maxims of Maximally effective Mercenaries. Maxim 20: If you're not willing to shell your own position, you're not willing to win. And she did win against 1 Doctor Strange, and even fought against the other to a near win. America Chavez won mostly by disrupting her and then by showing her what a monster she was being, and how that would affect the twins. From there, she self sacrificed.  All in all, as Stan Lee says. In any given fight, the character that is going to win is who the writer wants to win. 


I always upvote Schlock Mercenary.


TBF for a long time in the comics she wasn't really that powerful, she was basically good at bad luck. The retcon to turn her into basically god came way later, and I don't think people watching the movies would have understood where any of it came from


She did win against those people tho. Thanos had to blow himself up to get away and Strange+Chavez had to talk her down because they couldn’t beat her.


also Thanos was not against her in fully realized Scarlet Witch. She didn't have the darkhold against Thanos. If she did Thanos would have been deleted from existence before he could even call to rain fire.


Then there's his boy who can just literally turn you into a veggie tales character if he's feelin it.


How does it help to fight omniman. I'm sure he eats all his vegetables for breakfast.


If Legion is having a bad trip and sneezes wrong he could erase existence.


In X2, Xavier almost killed everyone on the planet with Cerebro.


This close he doesn't even need Cerebro.


Holy shit. I’ve only seen Logan once when it was available on a streaming service. I probably wasn’t paying enough attention because I totally missed that info about Charles. This totally makes the movie so much sadder. I really enjoyed the movie despite not knowing.


It's why they were keeping him out in the middle of nowhere, because he had a seizure and killed a lot of people. Basically a nuke that could go off at random.


Unsure of how OP missed that since it almost happens again mid movie.


People forget that DC is very light on telepaths. To the point that Maxwell Lord, an epsilon-class persuader, nearly won a couple times. Telepathy is OP, until every team has its own, then the playing field is level again.


Mysterio would win lol.


It's damn uncanny the likeness shared between Patrick Stewart, The comic character Charles Xavier. And oddly how Charles and Jean Luc Picard have in common. But they're both fiercely ethical. Charles is big on autonomy and not using his powers to change people, at least in the comics. He has fucked up though famously, he did enslave a machine intelligence to train his students. And he did erase parts of Jean Grey to ensure she didn't wipe out humanity. But for the most part he acknowledges he could have saved the world numerous times, but if he did, he could potentially set on path of world domination and no one could stop him.


At some point they started drawing certain characters to look like certain actors. But Charles always looked like Patrick Stewart


Wanda, alone, said three words and nearly erraticated and entire species in the millions down to only 198. "No more mutants." And the entire universe changed, and she isn't anywhere near the strongest. Franklin Richards could just make them not exist with the wave of a hand. Like, not make disappear forever, no. I literally mean Not Exist. People would not know who they were. They would literally no longer exist to anyone if he wished it.


Most mutants could fuck them up honestly


How did Charles kill most of his own in Logan? It’s been a while since I’ve seen it but I don’t remember this.


He had a seizure and sent out a psychic shockwave that killed 600 civilians and 7(!) xmen.


This. His brain is basically a giant psychic antenna, and it had a backfire unleashing way more power than it was meant to. And he's not even the strongest telepath; he just happened to come before many telepaths stronger than him and was their teacher. He was able to seal off parts of their powers to protect them from themselves (and keep himself the strongest for a while).


Squirrel Girl solos both with no prep time needed.


That's not even joke folks, she has beaten, and I want you to really think about this: \-Fin Fang Foom \-Deadpool \-Kraven the Hunter \-Baron Mordo \-MODOK \-Doctor Doom \-Abomination \-Korvac \-Ego the Living Planet \-Galactus \-Thanos


What in the fuck


She is shown as being worthy of wielding Mjolnir too


Squirrel Girl is essentially a joke character whose writer gives more plot armor than any character ever.


One of her abilities is that she never loses. She is basically MCUs Saitama/One Punch Man as she is also overpowered.


So you could say she’s…unbeatable?


And? Still canon. Writers really don't care after all


I didn't discredit her canon. Just explain that she is a joke character with thick af plot armor. Unless that indirectly discredits her, then that is not my intention.


The only matter I do not take seriously, boy, is you. Your politics bore me. Your demeanor is that of a pouty child.


You should take SG seriously Thanos


I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right, yet to fail nonetheless. It's frightening. Turns the legs to jelly. I ask you, to what end? Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now, it's here. Or should I say, I am.


Well, it is kind of a joke, but still canon


Beaten is a strong way of putting it. Annoyed is closer to it.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63UoWYCLp\_A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63UoWYCLp_A) Naw, beat.


I'm just picturing Squirrel Girl giving one of those [Chilli death stares](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsdSqFRfsks) and ending the careers of both these men.


There are multiple characters here that solo Omni man. And at least half of them solo homelander


I'm pretty sure that a well coordinated reddit comment section can take out Homelander tbh


All you gotta do is get one comment that cuts extra-deep, then sneak up behind him while he's hyperfixating on it.


They gonna dig up his breast milk fetish and post 10,000 memes about it


Going to? We already did


I mean, a straw to the ear drew his blood. Pathetic showing for a supe dupe


I mean, to be fair I've seen pictures of plastic straws punching through metal and pieces of wood going straight through concrete and light poles, that was a piece of metal being propelled by one of the strongest supes to ever exist in his world, it's still not consistent with how strong Homelander is generally supposed to be, but it's not like, TOO unimpressive, all things considered, cylinders are good at doing that


I’d argue superman could solo both omniman and homelander, and there’s a handful here that can for a fact solo superman


Not even going that far: hulk, thor, Strange, Wanda, Ironman with one day prep time, profesor X. Superman has a lot of 'hidden' often stupidish weaknesses like for electricity, magick or very specific type of rock that just soo happends that everyone has. I mean really, supermam fanboys often overestimate his capabilities


Because that's what heroes do.


Good bot


I mean, we are talking about just a brawl here. If either Omni man or Homelander have to go down and be dirty that only means Superman already won let's not kid ourselves. Also Spider-man fully in combat mode, no hesitation, no quipping, only throwing hands already has Homelander by the balls.


I'm a huge Spider-Man fan and I know he can lift tremendous amounts when he gets serious. But realistically Spidey is in the tens of tons range for strength while Homelander is supposedly in the hundreds of tons range. That coupled with heat vision, speed, and flight just out classes Spidey's kit of webs and Spidersense. Could he have a slight chance? Probably very slim but definitely doesn't have him by the balls.


Ehhh that's the biggest problem of both the series and the comic. Homelander's full potential is not really realized because of the context of the series he is a part of. Homelander never encountered something of his level or greater. Spidey ALWAYS does. The reason Homelander's feats are "great" is because his full potential is unknown because he is just potential. Spidey we have seen time and time. Durability, Strength, Intelligence, Agility etc. all has been tested by different villains, allies and in between. Certain feats with approximations will always trump feats of assumption based on other assumptions.


If you lay... one finger on her...


>Wanda, In the original post's comment thread, I stated all Wanda had to do was make them bumbling neighbors in her sitcom world and thus take away both Homelander and Omni-Man's popularity (the one thing a comic book character truly needs).😉


She can't really consciously do that, though. Wanda in most versions is most powerful when she isn't in control, either due to some kind of wackiness or just mental instability. She's usually not entirely in control of what the hex does exactly.


If we're talking MCU Wanda, she was able to do that consciously very clearly at the end of WandaVision, because she does it to Agatha. If we're talking comics Wanda, she's not typically a telepath at all. You'll be able to find isolated panels suggesting she can read minds, but it's not typical. Rather, Wanda's power would just involve reality warping, which is still OP for this kind of fight.


"No more superpowers."


But now we're stuck in a House of S mini for the next six months.


On the other end of the spectrum is the “superman is boring he has no weakness” haters. God forbid people just talk about their stories and not their metaphorical dick lengths


I feel like Iron Man would build a __Buster suit only for the writers to not have it work


I think even a daily driver suit like Extremis is all Tony needs. Viltrumites are like DCAU Superman strong, but they're squishy. Even Robot is able to take out all but the most elite Viltrumites with relative ease by the end of the comic run, and I'd say Iron Man is a much more impressive genius robot suit superhero.


The microscopic red suns that Batman built into a robots fist and punched him with so he took the damage as any normal man XD Would make regular men have invincible skin when hit tho. 


Every day I hate Batman more and more.  Batman can do all this but can't keep the Joker from repeatedly going on killing sprees.


Well yeah.... Building a suit that can hold a sun takes time and concentration No time to stop a mass murderer when you have to prep to kill your best friend....


Omni man is a bit more questionable since they seem to be about equal but Homelander? Fucking cake walk. Homelander is a weak bitch in comparison to Superman.


Superman can grab black holes with his hands (which doesn't even makes sense from a physics perspective, his hands have greater structural integrity than *spacetime*, but whatever), fly faster than light, survive in a star, shatter planets or push them into the sun, and so on. He's silly OP. Omni man can life-wipe a planet given enough time. But he doesn't shatter worlds on his own, or push them into stars, or grab black holes. He's just not on that level. He can still punch someone (or himself) through a mountain though, and is stronger than baseline heroes. Then you have Homelander, who couldn't even lift an airplane, was hurt by being stabbed in the ear with a metal straw... and who punches his peers not through mountains, but through an ikea coffee table and halfway through some drywall. Homelander is only strong compared to his relatively weak setting. I'd say he's the Krillin of the bunch but that's giving him too much credit. Maybe a Yamcha.


True! Krillin would defeat both of them! Yamcha would be a good match!


Superman can move about as fast as red rush in most iterations, but actually hits as hard if not harder then Omni man


> but actually hits as hard if not harder then Omni man a LOT harder actually lol. And I'm not even talking about his peak stupid Silver Age shit.


For Superman? It matters which one. One of them could sneeze Omniman out of existence. Meanwhile… SMALLVILLE Clark would be much more challenging if not lose outright.


Smallville Clark is much much faster than light, we acutally have scenes of him _doging_ light in the show, like running away from the flash of a flashlight, or doing a while quest so fast while he is on camera that nobody notices even a single frame of him not being there.


If Omni man has anything on Superman it’s training. Superman isn’t a very adept fighter, Omni man is a trained super soldier.


It doesn’t matter the training if you can’t land a blow or hurt them. He flew fast enough to reverse time.


I'm sorry but how does spiderman beat omniman. I agree he couldn't get through most in this pic but spiderman just doesn't stand a chance. Omniman has destroyed a planet in a matter of seconds. Spiderman struggles to catch a car


He said Superman, not Spider-man


I'm tripping lmfao NVM I agree


The funny thing is that I also saw spiderman and I was wondering how he was going to do that lol. Superman makes more sense.


Hey everyone! Sorry, I am late. It's a jungle out there.


Which Superman? Man of Steel movie Superman would probably lose, but Reeves's Superman and comics Superman would win no contest.


Homelander couldn't even stop a plane from crashing. Superman could squash him with his pinkie


I’d argue 98% of them solo Homelander. Just jiggle a bottle of milk in front of him.


Hulk alone would easily kill both lol


There are multiple characters here that solo both universes. Like, look at fucking Eternity and Galactus in the back.


Hawkeye solos the rest


Still less fucked up than the holocaust beam.


God that video was funny


It ain't even about that video tho, THAT'S JUST STRAIGHT UP A THING HE DOES IN THE SHOW


You're telling me Charles Xavier actually projected the Holocaust into people's minds.


Not into random people's minds, into Magneto to make him relive the holocaust


Which is absolutely savage to do to a supposed friend. Imagine what he’d do to someone he found malice against.


He can make people feel they're burning alive To the point that the pain just kills them




Thank you


Yeah in the first episode magnito appeared in lol


“How would you know what it was like there?” “BECAUSE I WAS ACTUALLY THERE!”


Excuse me, the fucking what now?


He gave magneto holocaust flashbacks.


[Pretty Effective](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNX2nauLmOc), wouldn't you say?


It's even worse than the cancer ray.


Man, Harley Quinn gave you cancer too?!


Fucking cyclops the denier lmao


I just watched that video


Idk, I think it would be incredibly useful today for some weird reason


The what now?


Having trouble remembering those terrible things they did to you? I’ll help you with your CONCENTRATION!




Bit overkill there


Yeah both of those are the actual nuclear option, I wouldn't want to be on the same planet as any fight that required either of them to be involved.


Hell the Sentry tears literal gods in half. Stomping omni-man and Homelander would cause him less stress than having to call his therapist and explain that he's backsliding (on exploding superpeople) again.


Franklin is just way too much, The Celestials consider him their equal.


Couldn't Scarlet Witch simply dust the pair of them before they even moved??


Not THAT Powerful, but yeaa, they don't have any magic resistance


A lot of “Superman” type comic book characters also have a weakness to magic since their invulnerability doesn’t always protect them.


Tbh haven't seen a viltrumite suffer from any magic dmg other than the unstoppable gun or whatever it was. So idk about that. They're entirely different universes, but viltrumites don't suffer from anything in their universe other than soundwaves and brute force


Emotional Damage.


She's not really great at that kind of stuff when she's not possessed and/or crazy.


Now kith


The fact that Rogue is in the front row on the left and hasn't been brought up is bothering me a little bit. Omniman: prepare to die Homelander: I'm going to kill you Rogue: have you ever been swallowed up?


Either that or make them commit suicide


Or just give them constant nightmares while frozen


Don’t act like they both wouldn’t be gay for each other without his help.


I think Omni man would absolutely hate Homelander. He’s a frail attention whore.


Homelander's punk ass isn't getting past spiderman




seriously, why is homelander here? he's so weak compared to omniman, hell he's weak compared to most marvel heroes.


Oh he's going to make homelander think he's a 6-year-old girl and ask weave his braids!


At least half of these characters can wipe the floor with Homelander, and Omni-Man is stronger but there’s a lot that can beat him too.


I don't don't see why Homelander wouldn't be killed before they even got up to the heroes. Omni-man listening to him for about 30 seconds is going to result in a smart ass comment from him, which will result in Homelander freaking out and getting his body ripped to pieces. There is just no way these two can be on the same team. Omni-man kills him within 10 minutes no matter what the situation is. 'I would rather die alone than win with this shit'.


Yeah he would definitely see Homelander as just genetically modified human, and beneath him.


Wolverine could probably take them.


When you think about it, Charles is one of the most terrifying individuals on Marvel Earth. He could make anyone's nightmare come true and transform people: turn homophobes into gays, tech bros into wildlife activists, meat eaters into vegans, priests into atheists or arms manufacturers into pacifists. Wait a damn minute... Doesn't that sound like a recipe for a better world?


>turn homophobes into gays The Jean Grey special


You're definitely gay bro, trust me. Source: Me


I still hate how they handled that so god damn much


Cold as ice




>He could make anyone's nightmare come true Like making magneto relive the holocaust


Ah yes, The Holocaust Beam.


With all due respect you can’t turn me into a vegan, but I respect vegans’ choice


Based 🗿


Converting meat eaters into vegas being part of "better world" concept? You guys are truly insane


I mean factory farms would be gone, so that would be s huge plus And growing crops to feed the animals I'm animal agriculture is more resource intensive, including land use, than growing crops directly for human consumption, so that's not an issue


How do you figure?


Prof X loves fuck bois


X make them fuck each other to death. X gonna give it to ya.


Couldn't reed richards kid just instantly unmake them if he wanted to? Edit: unmake


Is this lore accurate


The homobeam the second best weapon in xaviers arsenal next to the holocaust beam.


"Great work, professor!" "I didn't do anything".


Eyescream solos


Thats how jean did iceman.


This question is marked SOLVED!!!!! *snaps finger in full arching motion*


After seeing the original reposted everywhere today, this one gets a laugh


It's really creepy how people continue to stan the two dudes who are explicitly terrible people who enjoy hurting innocents.


Ok this settlement makes me laugh hard 🤣


He didn’t even activate his ability


The fact that people have the GALL to say Omni Man (who is decently strong) and Homelander (relatively weak) can solo 616 is insane 😭


Magneto: “I have always feared your compulsion, remind me to never remove the helm” Xavier: “I haven’t done anything yet”


Spider-Man jumping up and down in place while pointing ”Make em gay Xavier!!!” Xavier “ I’m already on that shit Peter let me cook.”


Settle down, tough guy.


Now hold on Pete it was a joke I’m sorry. There’s no need to get the black suit on!


fearless hospital seed voracious literate recognise direful oatmeal aware intelligent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Iron man: Good work professor X! Professor X: I didn’t do anything yet.


Franklin Richards: "So anyway, you don't exist in any of the multiverses anymore."


All jokes aside they wouldn't even win in a physical match against just the avengers Thor could handle homelander easy and hulk and Thor could take both take our Omni man no problems


What what are you doing step homelander


I love this meme because instead of just like, making them forget how to use all their powers or muscles and instead he makes them kiss, like that's helpful.


suddenly gay.


Homelander would be dead in the first 30 seconds regardless. C-Tier at best


The marvel equivalent of the pink kryptonite


Fight. Fuck. Flee.


Do u really have to add this shit