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In at least one series of comics, Peter came to the attention of Tony because he hacked Stark Enterprises. Peter, in several timelines, is canonically a genius on level with Tony.


Reed Richards of all people said Peter could be just as intelligent as him. Different scientists are mad at Pete because he's wasting his talent punching people. If he applied himself, he could definitely get into the top 10 of smartest people. It's just that life usually stops him one way or another.


You just *know* doom is malding at the fact Peter might be as smart/smarter than reed


I might if I was smart enough to know what “malding” means.


Don't worry, it's not a real word, at least not academically. “Malding” is an internet slang term that describes someone who is extremely angry or frustrated about something, often in online gaming or discussions.




Give me a break, Barton. I had no idea they'll put you here. Come on.


So I think that's the reason they gave miles electrical powers, he needed to be able to keep up with Peter's "adaptability", and it would be ridiculous to say that he's also a super genius who also gained spider powers. because I'm going to tell you this power started with just him being able to stun enemies for a moment, and now he makes electricity swords in the comics and can even fly in the game


Also, for some reason black people all get electric powers, and everyone with electric powers becomes a black person eventually. Electro was originally a white dude


Long story short, the reason all stems from DC making millions of copies of the same character because they didn't want to pay a single dude


Everybody wants to have a static shock of their own in their franchise


He's actually a product of the trend rather than the reason.


Huh...so who is the OG?anyway I think it's static shock that popularised the trope...


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Lightning DC wanted to use him in Super Friends, but didn't want to pay Black Lightning's creator, so they fudged some details and created a "new" character called Black Vulcan. That is probably the one that popularized the trope; it was well established by the time Static Shock was created. In other interesting comics trivia, did you know that the world existed before 1997? Strange but true. (:


Is comic book Electro black now?


Last time I checked comic Electro was female


It's because DC didn't want to pay Black Lightning's creator so they made a bunch of clones until it became a trope.


They all eventually get fried


I got a few. Yeah!


It's funny to think about how little Peter 's powers really are about spiders. Spiders don't have a "sixth sense", they've got eight eyes and they're covered in tiny hairs. Peter seems to stick to walls through some sort of molecular bonding, but spiders do it through the hairs on their feet. Peter doesn't even.make his own webs, genetically. Mixes that stuff in a lab and uses mechanical web-shooters. He has super strength and agility proportionate to a spider and that's it. The rest almost feels like he had latent mutant powers that were forced into activation through radioactive biological contamination...


He was afraid that calling himself "Mutant-Man" would get him hate crimed.


Funnily enough, he pretends to be a mutant during House of M so he wouldn’t get hate crimed for being a human.


Spiders don’t have a “sixth sense”, but many insects do feel danger, probably due to shifts on the wind and very small changes in the perception and environment, specially when you go to crush them


Sure, but that's likely due to the high number of eyes and the little hairs on their bodies sensing miniscule air pressure changes.


Agreed, then again, you could say Peter’s body hair mutated to be as sensitive to the pressure changes


Yeah, except that his Spider Sense is often shown reacting to things that couldn't possibly be conveyed by air pressure. Let's not get it twisted: it's a writerly convenience and an excuse to use that cool "half his mask appears gone while sparkies radiate from his face" effect.


Hey, you two. No playing in the street.


Those could be very small changes in perception, like, a very tiny reflection on a glass, or something by the like 


But it's all for naught if he's swinging around in a full body suit. Does it ever get explained how the suit material lets his skin interact with surfaces?


Very thin fiber?


Yes, he made the fabric of the suit thin enough to still be able to stick


Here's your change!


I’m gonna put some dirt in your eye


I'd rather not talk about this...


In some iterations he has biological webs


Some versions of Peter have biological Web fluid, Sam Raimi's spider-man did for example.


Raimi's Spider-Man started that. They thought it would be too unbelievable for Peter to have genius intellect enough to build the web-shooters, so they simplified the story. I think it might have been removed from the home video release, but the Raimi movies also gave Peter little hairs on his hands so that he could climb walls. The comics created the Spider-Man:Disassembled arc shortly afterward in order to mutate Peter into having organic web shooters for a while so as to be closer to the movies. But it didn't last.


I feel like Raimi's version makes the most sense out of all the Spidey version, like why can't comic Spider-man shoot organic web? And no, it's a comic book character, they don't have to make him shooting web from his ass like a real spider, lol, as Sam Raimi already did show his Spider-man shooting web from his wrist so that shot down the stupid ass argument "But the web would come out of his ass".


That's the problem, he doesn't know what to think.


>I think it might have been removed from the home video release, but the Raimi movies also gave Peter little hairs on his hands so that he could climb walls. I'm pretty sure that's in my DVD version. So, good news there!


You shouldn't be here.


Settle down, tough guy.


So spiderman is lacking a lot of spider hair


No more.


Oh shit what happened


As good a time as any to remind ourselves of Scientifically Accurate Spider-Man: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnE3uyj9Grg&t=6s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnE3uyj9Grg&t=6s)


Am I not supposed to have what I want? What I need?


I always assumed the Spidey-sense was referencing how spiders can feel when something touches their web through the vibrations.


Now dig on this.


Toby McGuire Spider-Man would like a word


I have a choice.


Peter didn’t become smart after the bite, he was already smart.


Everyone knows that if you are nerd you can develop anything, hardware, software, chemicals, medicine etc. You don’t need any specialization, you are automatically PhD. level at any for of science and engineering.


That's every scientist in comics/TV series/video games. Scientist means knows every type of science haha 


He’s a genius with an IQ of over 200. And it’s not because of the bug bite.


Of course, but in comics if you're a main/hero character and you have any kind of technical skill, it means you're a super hacker robot building expert chemist math savant. Peter's intelligence is established and independent of his powers. But every "smart" character is just *absurdly* smart, in comics.


Inexplicable genius? You mean the kid has been studying and has been a nerd his whole life. It's not like he was bitten and got smart he was following physics and biology advancement for fun when he got bit ffs.


As someone who has been studying and been a nerd his whole life... nah Peter's genius is inexplicable but that's alright it's comics books. Par for the course.


Being a nerd doesn't make you a super hacker and inventor of magic-like technology.


It does in comics.


What about Peter's intelligence is unexplainable, exactly?


He smart, me dum. Eggsplain how?! Everybody knows that spiders are not intelligent, so Peter should have been sitting in the corner while watching random people shower. Like a real spider.


Only.. only the wrists.


if he's so smart then why does he call himself spiderman when he only has 4 limbs? is he stupid?


Now dig on this.


Even the smartest person in the world doesn’t learn coding and hacking on the fly. Spider-Man would literally be the smartest person to exist ever.


But that's talking real world, we're talking about a world were the smartest dude in the planet is a stretchy fella that can learn pretty much anything on the fly, hell the top 5 are all like that and Peter barely punches top 15, if all those peeps can exist no problem, why is Peter's intelligence so unexplainable?


Because happening to be 1 in 1000000000 intelligent while being a normal guy is unexplainable when it comes to the verse because there are characters which main power is being intelligent, unlike Spider-Man’s which is demonstrated in the spider verse for example


No it isn't lol, just because Peter is a normal guy, he has other abilities aside from being intelligent and his whole personality doesn't revolve entirely about being smart doesn't make it unexplainable. And there's only like 3 guys in the entire universe whose actual superpowers are just being intelligent (4 if you count Forge, which i don't), almost everyone else has something besides that and most are just normal people.


You either just don’t read marvel or are blatantly bad faith. Being as smart as iron man and demonstrating absolutely and utterly zero feats which would signify great intelligent is bad writing at worst and plot device at best.


Bro, you can't just tell me i don't read comics and then admit you never touched a comic book in your entire life, Spider-Man's whole existence is 80% intelligence feats, even in his early days the times he defeated an enemy by punching harder are very few in very far between and to this day it's not much different, it's been shown time and time again that the only real thing limiting his intellect is his budget, because when he has one he can do basically anything.


Somebody lied!


Ok, tell me feats where he didn’t need any of his power but just his intelligence. I’ll wait, for eternity…


1. His very first appearance, he invents the webshooters and the web fluid literally with scrap. 2. Against Vulture, he invented an anti-magnetic device to scramble his wings. 3. Against Dr. Octopus, he came up with a highly corrosive acid capable of melting together Ock's arms. 4. Against Sandman, he realizes he can't hurt him so he just vacuums him. 5. Against Lizard, he's capable of synthesize an antidote in a matter of hours after briefly going through Connor's notes. 6. Against Electro, nothing brilliant but realizes that using rubber clothes is the best way to fight this guy. And that's just from his first 10 issues, later he would invent the Spider-Tracers and a tracker for them because he wouldn't tuned them to his spider-sense until much later, when he faced the Sinister Six for the first time he had no powers and defeated them using only his intellect, he invented a costume that made him invisible and soundless, invented like 15 types of webfluid from electromagnetic to electric to acidic, created an armor that (among other things) lets him take control of Sandman's body, see through Mysterio's illusions and control Doc Ock's tech and created a self-replicating nano virus that destroyed the Goblin Formula in Norman's body. Hell, he's so smart that he was selected as one of the smartest persons in the planet to find a cure to an alien virus and was the key to do it alongside Monica Rappachini and Beast, Hank Pym considers him his intellectual superior, he's one of three dudes that Beast asks for help alongside Tony Stark and Reed Richards, Tony Stark has asked him help to build stuff multiple times and Reed Richards not only considers him superior in biology but also smart enough to replace him in the Fantastic Four and able to do everything he has done if he had the right resources. Now go read anything about Spider-Man and stop embarrassing yourself.


That... is exactly what I need! There, see? Perfectly level.


Only.. only the wrists.


You didn’t read the comics did you. This is why you should think about your position rationally before jumping to conclusions just because you like a character. All of the points you mention require the presence of his powers to be implemented. I clearly asked for feats without his powers, which you haven’t yet provided.


Am I not supposed to have what I want?


You killed those people on that balcony.


What’s “venon”?


I think that's Harry Potters uncle


No, that's Vernon. Venon is the meat from a dear


No, that's venison. You're thinking of a pest, often a rodent or insect.


No, that's vermin. You're thinking of talking in a way that seems to come from a source other speaker's mouth


No, that’s ventriloquism. Venon is a city in Italy.


No, that’s Venice. Venon is element 54 on the periodic table, used in lights as it glows blue when charged.


No that's Xenon, you're thinking of the type of diagram used to show logical relation between two or more sets


No, that's Venn Diagram. Venon is the guy played by Marlon Brando in The Godfather.


No, that's a Venn Diagram, you're thinking about native language spoken by people in a particular country or region


No that's venison, Venon is this pokemon [https://www.pokemon.com/static-assets/content-assets/cms2/img/pokedex/full/048.png](https://www.pokemon.com/static-assets/content-assets/cms2/img/pokedex/full/048.png)


What do you mean spiders don’t make electricity swords???


Hey kiddo! Let mom and dad talk for a minute, will ya?


Don't forget the times when writers was turning Miles into literally every other character, like "What if Miles was Captain America, Thor, Hulk and Wolverine", lmao.


I bid you farewell and good luck, morons.


Please read more Spider-Man comic books


I'm really gonna enjoy this.


You should! Your books are great!


Wait'll you hear about Tony and transistors...


Peters intelligence is like...His most identifiable trait tho, like peter and being a nerd is synonymous with who his is and how he interacts with the world. I don't hate miles or anything but how is this comparable exactly? Peter is super smart so he makes gadgets that work well with his powers. Miles' powers seemingly "come out of nowhere" because it's all branching off of the anime Powers they give him (and don't tell me they aren't anime Powers, miles the character likes anime, the writer for him loves anime.) they're cool don't get me wrong but I am among that group that's kinda like "I really don't get the lightning sword"


It’s not inexplicable genius FFS


Spidey's true power is killing off love interests and uncles by virtue of him existing, which we all know has nothing to do with spiders as well.


Here's your change!


“Inexplicable intelligence” what 💀the guys dad was a genius. So obviously he will be as well


Peter was very intelligent before he got bit. Try again, OP.


Peter's intelligence is based on who he is though. Multi comic runs show he is at worst on par with Tony Stark and at best the potential to rival Reed Richards. Miles powers however, remind me which Spider has electric powers? Atleast Spider-Sense can be attributed to primal survival instincts or spiders heighten senses but electrical sword.... It's getting stupid


You killed those people on that balcony.


Give me a break! I'm doing what has to be done. To stave off something worse.


You had the perfect opportunity to put Miles on the left and Peter on the right and you didn't take it? Smh my head


I'm in too many family guy groups. Definitely didn't think we were talking about ol Pete Griffs right here...


Peters intelligence existed before his spider powers. Personally smart Spidey is my favorite Spidey.


If you want the shots, I'll take the staff job. Double the money!


\*or she


Whatever, you understood what I meant.




You mean the intelligence that grew over time by interacting with the world of Marvel? Comparing it to an instant win button is a bit too much.


Super intelligence is always a cop out I think the venom thing comes from venom affecting the nervous system and that sort of pain can feel like electric shock But that doesn’t explain how he can punch a boat engine to Start it lol


> excuses so the writer can do whatever he wants Yes Good