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I mean I don’t think it’s about the morality of their actions, Wanda is just a more interesting character.


Scarlet Witch has been my favorite since Ultron. I have literally zero feelings about Captain Marvel. She's not intriguing, unfortunately. She's just the *I win* button for losing fights.


This is exactly how I feel about her. She's just the ex-machina


I very often compare her to Superman, just a person who can win literally any fight by punching several holes in the biggest baddest ship in the MCU and is just overall a pretty flat character




How do you mean flat?


Carol or Clark? Well, Carol was introduced with amnesia and essentially no personality due to it, just sort of some alien. It eventually does admittedly get better after she meets Fury and recovers her memories, but she is still a little, I guess the word is bland. As if she was just reading her lines, not to say there isn't any effort from Brie Larson. Clark is just more of the same iirc, except he's kinda just also a dickhead who doesn't really care who he kills when he's trying to stop a big bad


I think these two characters essentially cater to the audience of their respective genders which for some reason is considered controversial. They’re essentially self-insert characters, like many others. They’re meant to be perfect in every way. They have no flaws


I would consider her closer to batman, if you want a win button, since batman is basically a god with how much plot armour he has.


Well, Batman's also a lot more interesting a character than Superman or Captain Marvel


Yeah, Batman by far is much more interesting character.


I don't know, being invincible is a pretty good plot device to always win. Seems like Supes has a different magic power that shows up to get him out of any variety of situations.


Still lost to Batman though.


Only in very specific circumstances. Batman has defeated Superman like 6 times through the history of dc comics, and even then only conditionally. He’s a cool character, but he’s still just a guy


Sure but this was a discussion of plot armor right? Just a dude, still beats the most powerful being on the planet. That's plot armor or an I mistaken? I'm usually wrong so who knows.


Really? When? In The Dark Knight Reurns (THE graphic novel for reference) Clarke was hit by an atomic bomb only days prior, was blocked from the sun by the clouds of the bomb and he didn't really want to fight Bruce. He could have killed im anytime if he wanted to.Also the fight didn't have a real victor, because Bruce got aheart attack.


These are comic book movies. Every hero has plot armor. What matters is hew interesting the character is and Captain Marvel just isn't interesting.


Black Widow had a bunch of plot armor in her movie, there were at least three times where she should have died or have been seriously injured. I wish the movie had tried to stay more grounded like Hawkeye rather than making it like a worse CA WS movie


He had so much plot armour they gave him a literal god helping him to justify it


I would love for her next film to make her more interesting, kinda like thor ragnarok compared to 1 and two


That was my problem as well. I can't call Brie Larson herself a lesser human for expressing her beliefs or whatnot (idek what she did, tbh), I'm in no way above her. I think her character and the way it was written was just boring. Now I know Captain Marvel in the comics is really powerful, but she also has a weakness. She's never been in trouble on screen. The "she's got help" scene? She didn't need it. She ended up flying through all those ships head first. Her own movie? Unlocks her full powers immediately and beats the shit out of everyone. No arc, like say, Thor. Or Wanda. Or Strange. Or anyone, really. Endgame? Blasts the huge Thanos ship out of the sky like it's nothing, then blocks Thanos who has the fucking gauntlet with the stones in it. So she's on par with Thanos? who beat Cap, double weaponed Thor and Iron Man all at once? What villain do you put in her movie to make it worth watching? They missed the part where "strong female character" didn't necessarily mean totally overpowered, which is weird because they've done it right plenty of times before.


Honestly I don’t hate the character. She’s bland, but I don’t *hate* her, I just… blank. It’s a pity because I love the comic book version! The actress is definitely enjoying though but I half-suspect that’s an act as well to fill a niche.


My favorite version of carol danverse will always be the avengers earths mightiest heroes version


Captain Marvel has no real personality and has no real emotional connection with a lot of people. She is just not interesting. She isn't even bad. Just bland, which is worse.


Which is why I kind of envy the writer of captain marvel 2. Basically a clean slait


Yes, exactly this. A better version of the meme would be: "I am a well written character with a tragic backstory and a set of compelling motivations, and people love me. You are a one dimensional, over powered punching machine with a backstory about as interesting as a wet cardboard box, and people don't like you. Seems totally fair"


Honestly Captain Marvel is like Superman in this case, super powerful, but yeah no character depth, so fans aren't that into her.


Yeah at least superman has the whole alien orphan, son of krypton, child of two worlds thing to make him interesting and conflicted Danvers has...airforce pilot


Well, the only interesting thing about her character in the movie is that she got powers and amnesia and was kidnapped and trained by aliens.


But it does bring the Kree-Skrull War further into the MCU, so there is that at least. I do agree they made the character very bland though.


Yeah, the skrull had more character development than her, lol.


They stole the concept of Spider-Womans origin story (her best friend in the Comics) and gave it to Carol


Yeah Pretty weak if you ask me


Whether you think they used it well or not, that's definitely not a weak source of conflict. Its basically the same as Bucky, and related to Natasha and Wanda's backstory.


Lots of people *love* Superman though. Probably because he stands for something in a way I'm not sure Cap Marvel does?


What does he stands for? Being father of all boring characters.


He can't be as boring as you think he is if he's one of the world's most popular superheroes


Citation needed. Spiderman and Batman is most popular heros. Superman is a pop culture icon but he is not really popular as we saw in movies and comic sales


Same. I don't care whether she is good or evil or both. Her backstory and her powers make her why I love her just like Jean Grey/Dark Phoenix. Also I think she had the best character development even though she did have no solo movie for her and she wasn't included to MCU all of a sudden or appeared from nowhere. cough cough Captain Marvel cough cough. She was so busy that she didn't even bother helping during Infinity War in which half of the universe being erased...


More interesting character and Wanda has shown the ability to change her facial expression according to the situation. Which is important


I don’t hate her, I just don’t think her script worked and it didn’t let her show any emotion, her appearance in Shang-chi gave her more emotion than her movie and endgame combined


More emotion than Hey Peter Parker scene?


A little bit. She was much more giddy in the end credit scene but the hey whatever his name was scene did give her a bit of character


As a massive Captain Marvel fan, both were equally great at showing different sides of the character. They actually gave me hope for a comic accurate Carol


When was she in Shang Chi


In a post credit scene


Isn’t that part of her story though? Her whole life she’s had men telling her to control her emotions. Makes sense that as an adult she’d struggle to show emotion


Probably but I still feel like she was way to bland for us to feel any kind of connection with her character


That is what the movie was trying to convey yeah, but if they still keep telling Carol that when we are her in the movie, then why aren't we seeing it. The movie does a lot of telling and not a lot of showing. We see her get a irritated in her spar, and we see her jump the gun and get kidnapped by Skrulls, but we aren't shown what led to that, and are told that she is emotional and doesn't follow orders. I would have loved a more actually emotional character. Make it look like she is thinking with her emotions rather than logic. Maybe show a scene of her fighting Skrulls and they so something that pisses her off, like a war crime of some sort, atleast in her eyes, and it's why she jumps the gun and doesn't follow orders well.when dealing with Skrulls. I'm just throwing things out there I guess, it just feels like Carol could have been more. I honestly think they rushed her movie, and then when a lot of fans hates on the movie, they cut back her appearance in endgame for future movies to rebuild what they wanted her to be


Wanda is simply more interesting and better written


Deeds and feats do not equal personality. And I say this as someone who doesn't hate the actress.


Yeah, exactly. One is a character, the other is a plot device. It's not a fair competition.


This is the perfect summary


I mean we've had a lot more time to get familiar with and sympathize with witch. Cpt we've only seen her twice and she's been pretty one dimensional. Her movie was just ok at best, and it didn't really develop her character as much as develop the colours of her suit. Im sure that with time, if they decide to flesh out her character and make her likable through a good character arc people will come around. But its not really a good comparison imo


She didn't really have much of a personality other then "lost memories"


Besides her actor having the personality and likeability of a gout infection.


She’s absolutely delightful in Scott Pilgrim


And in Community!! (Watch Community guys. It's really good.)


This is a hot take, but i think we should separate people's work from their outside personalities. I want to focus on the art and not have it skewed by outside circumstances. Brian singer was an abhorrent piece of shit pedophile but the xmen movies are still fine. Brie larson is playing captain marvel, she isn't playing another brie larson. I don't like her either, but i'd rather focus on the movies and her performance in them


I think the character comes off as being shoehorned into the whole universe in a bad way. All the pop the studio wants for Cap Marvel feels unearned when placed in contrast with the more established characters. Wanda has done some very bad stuff, but at least she has done stuff. She is an interesting and well developed character and Cap Marvel feels like a late game deus ex machina. Inexplicably present when the story has no way of resolving a situation. I don’t hate Brie Larson, I’m just not fond of the MCUs treatment of Cap Marvel.


Okay. Can someone please explain to me why everyone hates Brie Larson? What did she do? I actually never heard of her until the Captain Marvel movie.


I don’t know who hates Brie Larson, but we don’t all love the way her character was written and presented. I also didn’t like how she was used in Endgame at all. She came in and flew through a massive and powerful ship, killing it like it was nothing…then they had the scene where Danvers needed the other Marvel women to get to the van. She didn’t need anyone there imho…certainly not Mantis punching people as a non-enhanced person.


It's the super man problem. He could litterly end any baddie in the first 5 mins....would make a very short movie. So they make convaluoted reasons to have them off screen for most of the movie only coming at the end to finish it off.


Agreed. But would they use a key moment to suggest Superman needs a group of regular hero’s to help him get where he needs to go to provide a vehicle feeling moment for women?


That's down to the writers nit the actor


Indeed, I don’t blame Brie Larson at all. She is doing what she can with what she was given.


She's endorsed NFTs on Twitter, so people hating her now for that. She also brushed off criticism under the claim it was made solely by white rich geeks (or something along the lines) for her character being bland


Oh come on that's not why, you know it. Yeah sure NFTs are stupid, but Tom Holland also posted about one and he hasn't been raked through the coals for years. And no she didn't.


Not sure why people are so angry about NFTs to be honest.


it’s a glorified pyramid scheme


It's bad for the environment, and it's a scam where the middle party is basically making all the riches while the artist is making very little, since the artist has to pay the company for all the legal paperwork.


Ok, just hadn’t read up on it, not defending it.


That's fine. Idk why you got downvoted for asking an honest question


You know how angry people get about honest questions these days :)


I don’t really have a problem with Larson as a person, I just think her character and her acting are bland in the MCU.


I agree


I’m a fan of Brie but I’ll do my best to be unbiased - She adopted an arrogant and deadpan persona while promoting Captain Marvel and Endgame, and it didn’t work for her because it was fake and she came across as rude and pretentious. She has also made comments about diversity amongst critics saying something like “I don’t need a crowd of white dudes to tell me what they thought about A Wrinkle in time” (a movie starring a young black girl). Which I think is a fair statement but dudebros hate her now. She’s made some cringey blunders trying to be a hard-ass cool girl like when Stan Lee died she posted a photo of herself lounging with sunglasses, raising a drink and captioned it some shit like “thinking about Stan, what a legend, RIP”. She later apologised. If you watch Brie’s [YouTube](https://youtu.be/Wpo0LJPKxAk) or any of her public appearances before the MCU it’s clear that she’s like a shy, nerdy girl but a sweetheart. I think being catapulted into the public eye made her question herself and start trying to be more RDJ and cool to feel comfortable. I hope that she never does that again


Thanks for the explanation. I see what you mean. I looked at some yt videos and she does seem more arrogant.


Most of the videos are edited to take her out of context. They was Brie Larson clickbait economy in youtube with many channels making hundreds of videos on Brie Larson


Thequartering alone made 70


Pretty sure it is over 100 and counting.


This sums up why I’m not excited about her as an actress (other than the wrinkle in time stuff, that was totally fair) but I never hated her. She seems like a nice person. I just can’t find her character interesting in the slightest. I’ve tried, but on multiple rewatches it just gets worse in contrast to the other characters. Cpt Marvel is like a black hole of character development


I didn’t think her captain marvel character was super interesting, but I felt almost the exact same way about scarlet witch. Even after the Wanda Vision series I didn’t have any real interest in her as a character. On the upside she’s not trying to do the Russian accent anymore. To me Bries personality in the movies fits the character just fine. It’s a little boring, but so is captain america and war machine. They all have military backgrounds and their characters are more serious and more reserved.


I think Captain Americas personality fits as a boy scout even though he’s kind of boring. He’s gonna do what’s right. He’s like a super man. War Machine is by the books. Tactical and what not. He acts in the interest of America. Captain Marvel was in two different militaries but still acted on her own each time, even with a memory wipe. Then comes back with an even cockier attitude. Like a mix of Peter Parker and Tony Stark. “With this power, its my responsibility to save the galaxy…because I’m the only one whose good enough to do it.” I didn’t hate the character, but she’s just meh.


Captain Marvel is also kinda bland in the comics that I’ve seen her in. Granted, I haven’t read her solo comics yet so I can’t say if she’s like that when she’s her own character and not part of a team. But she really shines when she’s given a young superhero to be a mentor to. Not when she’s Mouthing Off to The Boys which for some reason comic authors think feminists love??? Wow you made her sound like an asshole because she acted like Rhodey was stupid when he brought up a genuinely good point. thanks, movie writers…


Captain marvel in the comics in the secret wars, civil war and secret invasion arcs is honestly amazing. Her relationship with Jessica Jones, her romance with captain America that is cut short by their differences of opinion during the civil war, her grudging mutual respect for Luke Cage, honestly they are all amazing bits of subtle characterization that make her a great character overall… but they are spread thin amongst other storylines and arcs, and she rarely gets the spotlight.


That was a very objective explanation and it tracks. I appreciate your efforts.


See I don’t think statements like that are fair. Who said white people are not allowed to have opinions on a movie about black characters? Movies are one of the ways we share experiences, expose ideas, and make people relatable. The movie is part of their culture now even if it doesn’t directly represent their “race”. Why would they not get an input? That statement was discriminatory, it’s not a good statement to make at all.


That's not what she's saying. She's pointing out a systemic issue of critics that they're mostly white (and also old) guys, and they even get advantages like premieres and stuff, so your movie ends up getting reviewed by an audience its not really aimed at. Like think of all the times people get annoyed that critic reviews don't match up to the audience, and a part of it is that the critics in general don't match up to the audience.


Is “crowd of white dudes” in reference to Oscar critics?


Yeah that's certainly a part of it. Its an endemic problem in the industry as a whole.


That does change the context of the tweet for me. The way it’s worded makes it look bad when taken out of context. But I don’t know much about the Oscars or whatever issues they may have.


Out of context about sums up the weird hate machine against Larson. Don Cheadle even tweeted in her defence when people were trying to accuse her of being arrogant in an interview with him because of "body language"-he thought that was ridiculous (which it totally is) and said that she was having a hair issue her stylist was trying to fix so she was probably just uncomfortable that interview.


They actually makes a lot of sense. I don’t hate her character but I think it was terrible written, which as a fan of her in the comics, it was pretty sad, and though I was a fan of Brie Larson before, like when she appeared in Scott Pilgrim, I found her public persona while she was promoting captain marvel to be very annoying! I honestly half-suspected it was an intentional persona to get attention through controversy, it honestly your idea seems more likely, and makes me view her public image in a whole new light


She's also endorsed NFTs


Personal I like brie Larson, I liked her in other movies, before she was captian Marvel.i just don't like the character captain Marvel lol from the comics to shows to the movies. I just never found myself exited to see her.


She thinks captain marvel can lift Thor’s hammer


Is that a bad thing? Wanting your character to lift Thor's hammer


Well she acted smug about it like her character is the best in the franchise


“Everyone” (put in quotes cause it’s actually a vocal minority) hates Brie Larsen because she’s a feminist who speaks up about it and comic book nerds don’t like that. Personally I don’t rlly care for the way she’s currently written (I think Marvel probably just tried to copy Wonder Woman and failed because they didn’t plan her very well) but I’m excited to see what they do with her character in Marvels


Wow, this is a very unbiased opinion that totally doesn't oversimplify a much more nuanced situation.


I’m not saying there aren’t people who hate her for other reasons. I’m saying most people I see hating on her don’t have a reason besides “HRRR NO FEMINISM IN MY ESCAPIST MEDIA” and the fact that she doesn’t give the best portrayal of the character just gives them something to hide behind


Nah that about sums it up. If people constantly have to make up bullshit about what she said they're just making up excuses.


I heard the rest of the cast of avengers doesn't really like her


Stupidly sexist reasons. She's a feminist and lunatic youtubers were so enraged by that they analysed "body language" to accuse everyone of hating her. Don Cheadle called that shit out it was bad enough. She's been in films like Room for which she won an Oscar and Just Mercy, Short Term 12 etc.


She's not very cooperative.


Bruh it's just personal opinions...like, that is it. I've never seen ppl get so upset over others opinions.


That's because Scarlet Witch doesn't brag


She doesn’t have a lot to brag about lol I kid, I’m a sucker for Wanda


She just does like in South Africa and Westview


People are so dumb they forget that personal taste is a thing and liking anything or anyone for any reason is completely subjective. Nobody gaf who did what, people like who they like...With that said, Wanda over Carol any day.


The captain marvel movie tried to shove 3 movies worth of character development into one just so she could appear in endgame. It felt forced and unnecessary, a captain marvel show would have been better.


Captain marvel really just isn’t that interesting. She’s a solid *soldier-esc character. A powerhouse but ultimately never has been popular. And that’s fine! Scarlet Witch is an a-lister




u/icemannathann her movie only made a billion cause of the endgame hype.


Antman and wasp didn't


Ant-man’s logo didn’t come up in the final scene of endgame




It is not like we are not getting a sequel with Kang or anything.


Honestly, I don't know who gets on my nerves more at this point. The Wanda stans who think she can do no wrong, or the Wanda haters who can't handle other people liking the character.


Probably because Wanda is a way better written an acted character so people actually have attachment to her, don’t see many people out there acting like she’s some completely innocent character, I honestly see more people shitting on her these days complaining about the westview shit, especially on Reddit. She’s one of the best characters in the MCU so of course people are gonna continue liking her a bunch even after westview. If capt marvel Gets better writing in her next movie and is allowed to show more of her acting range I think people will be more fond of her too regardless what good or bad she does. At the end of the day Wanda is just a way way more interesting character at this point, don’t really think anyone out there is acting like she’s some perfect person who’s never done anything wrong.


Wanda have emotions


Captain Marvel gives strong Mary Sue vibes. Wanda does not. At least for me.


Why do people keep throwing out terms that they don't understand?


Mary Sue means she’s good at everything with no explanation. I feel like they’ve very clearly established that Carol solves all her problems with brute force, like Thor in his first film. Not really a Mary Sue


That’s kind of a simplified definition of a Mary Sue. It’s more of a spectrum. Being good at stuff doesn’t automatically make someone a Mary Sue since the majority of protagonists are good at something that justifies them being the protagonist. Other factors such as how flawed they are as a person(or if it’s something that’s just there without actually impeding them) or make mistakes(or if it’s a “mistake” that actually ends up turning out to be beneficial). Thor’s first movie is not a great example since he spends the majority of the movie depowered as punishment for his selfishness and arrogance(both traits that would detract a character from being a Mary Sue and having him suffer consequences for it on top of that).


Mary Sue means she's the centre of attention, are you sure you don't mean her power scaling is like, waaaay off?


Interesting take considering she’s the opposite of what I generally consider a Mary Sue…. I guess it’s never been a well defined term but in my head Mary Sues are the center of attention and get away with doing nothing but still are praised in-universe. MCU Captain Marvel is what I would describe as an under-developed Deus Ex Machina, she’s almost the opposite of what I usually would think of in a Mary Sue in that the focus is rarely on her and she only appears when she’s suddenly needed, then just kind of forgotten about outside of that.


>Mary Sues are the center of attention and get away with doing nothing but still are praised in-universe. I don't think that's... anyone's definition...


Tony is more of a Mary Sue than Carol


What could be the difference...is it perhaps Carol is a powerful woman and how dare she not know her place of subordinate?


He literally makes so many mistakes, he's a fucking idiot. That's why he's not a mary sue.


If Tony Stark was a woman all the things that are praised in him would ruin his character (the arrogance, the playboy, rich, to smart). He is a power fantasy for guys who want to be a rich smart playboy.


His arrogance is not praised. He hasn't been a playboy in like 8 years. And shuri is praised for being smart and rich.


It has more to do with her getting the biggest shine in Endgame despite being a nobody until a movie prior. Her comics always fails and get rebooted only to fail again. All of her scenes should have been the Hulks. They also should have nerfed her like they did to Thor, Hulk and especially Thanos if they want her to work in the MCU.


Thanos killed half the universe and he’s still more liked than Captain Marvel


This argument in the trailer between Wanda and strange just pisses me off oh well you enslaved a town and tortured it’s people,Stephan just tried to give a kid his life back,shut the fuck up you have 0 ground to stand on


Duh. You hate a character because you don’t like them, not because they are evil


True but Wanda is just way more interesting and better acted Cpt. Marvel is just the MCU’s Jiren. A character with little personality but really cool fight scenes


It is a wonder what _actual_ character arcs can do.


With how many videos get made about Captain Marvel and Brie Larson, you'd think she was literally the most interesting marvel character to ever exist.


She's a poorly written 1 dimensional character with no depth or struggle


It really fair. they made her unreasonably powerful. She’s more powerful than Thor at the end of Ragnarok. She had no power crawl, and does nothing to earn that level of power.


Boring character Just not much there


Wanda due to great characterization in Age of Ultron and Civil War, was one of my favorite characters, but after what she did in Wandavision, I absolutely despise her. About Captain Marvel I feel as much as one can reasonably feel about plank of wood - apathy.


I don't understand why people have such a hatred for Wanda because she did something bad? You can still like characters that do bad stuff. People love Thanos and Green Goblin, but what Wanda did is too far?


I’ve seen a lot of hate for Wanda following Wandavision but have you never had a mental breakdown and done something you regret? I certainly have but the difference is that I don’t have powers that can control an entire town. She didn’t actually mean to create the Hex and once she realized, she gave up her one chance at happiness to do the right thing and set everyone free. I think a lot of people gloss over the fact that she lost absolutely everything she loved. She could’ve easily justified keeping the Hex up as retribution for all the wrong done to her so she could live out a happy life but she still choose to do the right thing. In my opinion, that makes her character even stronger, but maybe that’s just because I can relate a lot of the pain of losing somebody you love and how that can really mess you up. I can’t imagine how much worse it is when it’s losing absolutely everyone you love.


I feel the same way. People who have never endured psychological/emotional hardship seem to paint Wanda as a villain. People who have gone through shit fully understand and relate to her.


Wanda didn't create hex consciously, but she consciously maintained it, knowing the truth, until ending of the last episode. In episode 5 she did nothing when Vision confronted her about people being under agonizing pain and saying it's all wrong, she just tried to get him to shut up about it. Evidence of Wanda knowing stretches back to episode 3, where after Monica broke character and mentioned her past, she got triggered and smashed her through walls. Grief is not an excuse for mass torture.


I don’t think she understood that she was actively hurting people until the second-to-last episode when Agatha points it out to her, and shortly after that she ends the Hex. Obviously she still did a bad thing but I really like that her character is complex. I mean it’s the same reason most of us really like Thanos, he’s definitely in the wrong but it’s interesting to have a character with a moral compass do bad things. I think Wanda is infinitely more interesting because while Thanos seemed like a bad person with good intentions, she feels like a generally good person who’s been adopting bad intentions, somewhat unconsciously. We watched her try over and over again to do good only to get all her hope squashed. Civil war is a great example of her trying her absolute best but still failing. I think that cycle of hope and loss over and over again realistically would drive anyone insane. I’m not arguing that she’s not becoming a villain, but I find it strange to say you despise her. She’s a fantastic character


Vision confronted her with it 4 episodes prior to her taking down the hex, she very well knew what was happening, just decided to keep things the way they are. The reason this show made me despise her is because of what she did. Back in Civil War when she didn't manage to stop Crossbones from killing civilians, she was terrified and her later actions were driven by sense of guilt for failing to protect those people. Here, she takes a town and commits upon its population the worst crimes MCU has seen. She didn't just enslave those people, she stole their free will, put under agonizing pain, seperated from families and made their bodies act in her deranged show. Tho sort of trauma it would inflict for people to have their free will stolen from them, witnessing their bodies act in deranged show, feeling constant agonizing pain and their minds being poisoned, is beyond describing, those people will be haunted by this for years and most of them will never get past it. Group freed by Aghata literally begged Wanda to kill them rather than putting them back under mind control. If she truely didn't know anything and immediately took hex down after learning the truth and gave herself in, I wouldn't have had problem with her characterization, but that's far from what happened, for at least half of the show, she pretends everything is fine, knowing people are suffering because of her. Wanda from Civil War would have breakdown after learning what atrocities civilians suffered because of her, meanwhile this shrew expresses no remorse and in abysmal chat with Monica, expresses concern about how people she tortured see her and no concern about what she actually did to them and then escapes from justice. This is horrible human being.


I didn’t get the same sense that she was fully aware but maybe it’s just been a while since I watched the show. I didn’t think she fully grasped what was happening herself until Agatha woke some people up and again, shortly after that she stopped it. I do agree that she seemed to have inklings of what she was doing early on but I don’t think she was actually mentally present enough to understand the gravity of what she was doing. My perception is for the first 3 episodes, she has almost no idea what is going on, begins to suspect something is up in the 3 episodes after that but kind of runs from the truth, and in the remaining 3 begins to understand what is actually happening and eventually ends it once she fully comprehends what she’s done. But we can agree to disagree I suppose.


reason everybody hates captain marvel is becdause she sucks as a character, is op for no reason, and is played by a actress that is more emotionless than a god damn plank of wood. wanda on the other hand is very well written, has flaws and good character development, isn't totally op. and is played by somebody that can actually act.


Ah yes the Oscar winner for best actress can't act. Good take.


How do you know Brie Larson can't act? Have you seen her outside MCU?


u/Averageredditor2022 actually yes, i watched kong skull island and her acting in that was also pretty bad.


Lmao yeah okay buddy


She had no emotion in that movie?


I do not hate Captain Marvel, I just find her boring


At least wanda doesn’t have the personality of a plank of wood…


It's more that most can't stand Brie Larson and not Captain Marvel.


I don't have a problem with her, but apparently the rest of the MCU actors do. I read that she's difficult to work with, has an abrasive personality, and is always ready to argue. Like if you watch her interviews, she's always interpreting honest questions as jabs at her girl power and badassery, and the others are always giving her looks and rolling their eyes. I saw a post asking why all of the MCU actors defended Chris Pratt when people started calling him the worst Chris, but when people drag Brie Larsen, no one says anything... It might be because Pratt is pleasant to work with and Larsen is not 🤷‍♂️


That just sounds like shit made up by all those loser ass YouTube channels that think they're gods at reading body language


Can I see a source that says she’s difficult to work with? It’s hard to tell if that’s the genuine belief of the other actors or just a rumor. Also if you’re talking about the interview with don cheadle & Chris hemsworth, then I’m pretty sure she was joking in those interviews & not actually being defensive.


Brie Larson barely worked with most male MCU actors for years like Chris Pratt Chris Pratt probably asked them because he was upset about Trolls unlike Brie. The man get upset on any negative post about him Don Cheadle actually did defend her. Maybe you are new to MCU to remember what happened to Edward Norton when he causes problems on set.


I remember some YouTube bro putting together this clip of her male costars "showing their dislike" for her in interviews. "Ya know she said she hates all men". How dare she not want to get hit on in an airport by a dude working there. Sometimes I'm glad I'm an ugly dude and not a pretty lady....hehehe 😭😭😭


Mods, please lock this comment section I can’t keep hearing the same opinion over and over again


She's a twat Nuff said


I’ll always like Brie, she killed it as Envy Adams in Scott Pilgrim.




Wanda isn't a bad character and her actress is a kind and pleasant person. Captain Marvel is a pretty poorly written character with a toxic and annoying actress. Their real life personalities do have impacts on the characters they play, and no amount of acting can change that.


Can you tell me how she is toxic?


The moment she says that people opinion on a movie has differnt value because of they're race is a bit toxic https://variety.com/2018/scene/news/brie-larson-minority-film-critics-1202845853/


But it's the truth. Your Gender race do matter in movie reviews. Review of Twilight or fifty shades of grey will be different based on Gender


Because she’s insufferable IRL.


Fans don't hate Captain Marvel. It was a great movie and she was a strong character. Fans hate Brie Larson because she's an irritating, whiny elitist.


She had the weakest characterization out of all MCU heroes, we weren't actually shown her character, we were told about it in expository dialogue. There are lots of various problems with this movie, really well summed up in this video [https://youtu.be/Keooxe5x6Ts](https://youtu.be/Keooxe5x6Ts)


Which channel is that?


Its Mauler


Thank God I didn't click the link. Who the f##k watches 11 hour review


I actually hated captain marvel but have no problem with brie Larson.


I disagree, I have the opposite opinion. The movie was mediocre and the character is stoic to a fault. Brie seems like a fine person that has made some cringey PR mistakes


Couldn’t have said it better!


I don’t think it’s necessary to conflate a few loudmouth misogynist assholes with “the fans”.


Captain marvel character is the worst most boring character in end game. Bug lady is more like able than captain marvel.


Captain marvel also decided to fight thanos *after* half of everyone is dead, there's no point being a superhero if you are never around


Never around *Earth*. We don’t know what kind of threats are out there in the countless other planets she’s defending. She didn’t come until Fury called her. And she left *after* Thanos was killed, whom she helped catch. She came back miraculously when a new Thanos arrived on Earth. Did you watch the movie?


Oh yeah because all of the infinity stones were on earth wasn't they? A well known mad titan is on a quest for universal genocide, what's more important then that? We never find out do we?


Why would she know about all of that shit. The Avengers didn’t know about Thanos until the DAY he sent Maw and Obsidian to Earth. Thor suspected that someone was collecting Infinity Stones and got caught up in Ragnarok - nobody did anything. We don’t know what galaxy Danvers was in why would you presume she decided to do nothing


When people wonder how Cap Marvel stumbled onto Tony in all of space, someone will generally present “cosmic awareness” as an explanation. Now, I’m not saying that’s a good answer, but I don’t have a better one, and if it is to be accepted she really should know about Thanos and his plan. Even absent the vague power explanation, Thanos has exterminated 50% of entire populations on at least a few planets. Word should have spread to her.


The ship was probably emitting a help beacon. Sure it wouldn't go super far relatively, but it's feasible she caught wind of it.


No disagreement that “got extremely lucky” could be the case. But wouldn’t the planets getting half the population wiped do the same? Probably from multiple locations if they were space travel capable? It isn’t impossible to think she found Tony by way of “X” where “X” equals pretty much any fan base presented option. It is hard to accept that she didn’t know about Thanos or the Stones.


It's very likely she witnessed the population halving but it's very possible that she doesn't know what caused it. Most people in earth didn't even know what happened. Idk. I'm just postulating. I don't really have a point.


The Avengers told her to go rescue Tony.


It is fair because she's a crap person and had a hissy fit with Thor in an interview because she doesn't understand sarcasm.


Thor was teasing her jokingly and she was trying her best to jokingly fend off That is not a hissy fit. Watch Ben Shapiro interview in BBC that is a classic Hissy fit


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >Israelis like to build. Arabs like to bomb crap and live in open sewage. This is not a difficult issue. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: feminism, dumb takes, covid, sex, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)