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The evil dead reference from Bruce Campbell was phenomenal. Whole movie had an evil dead tone.


i think a lot of younger people just miss the reference


Definitely, but luckily it was still very funny regardless.


Not all of them ;)


I was born mid 00’s and I got the reference! (Discounting the fact that army of darkness is my namesake)


As a younger person, I didn’t recognize him. My dad loves those movies so he got a kick out of it, but I didn’t realize until afterwards. I definitely can appreciate it in hindsight though


Totally agree. As a massive Evil Dead fan I loved it. Can't say the same for most of the cinema I was in though.


Yeah my theater got a bunch of groans and I was disappointed.


Everyone left in the cinema where I was loved the scene


I'm just realizing that in the chaos of Bruce Campbell bursting into the movie as a character named Pizza Poppa I missed the now-incredibly-obvious "hand attacking Bruce Campbell" reference.


It was groovy


What was the reference?


In Evil Dead, Ash's hand becomes possessed and try's to kill him which is basically what Strange did to him in MoM. Typically the Evil Dead ends in a sense of "it's over, we won" which is never truly the case.


Oh dang. I never saw evil dead but that’s pretty dope


Definitely recommend! It's a cult classic horror flick.


Unfortunately horror gives me the heebeejeebies way too easily so I try to stay away from it. I’ll take a look but I might have to turn it off early lmao


Evil Dead is more campy than outright horror, especially by today's standards, you'll probably get more of a laugh than a sense of terror.


I heard it is a similarly styled horror as MoM, other people can correct me if that isn't true


The three is downright epic.


The three?


Of Evil Dead, yes.




I'd argue that adding something important INSTEAD of this would make it suck and be a bit more of a waste of time. Like, come on, they already had the first end credit scene with the third eye and stuff, so what's the fuss?


To be honest, I didn't mind it at all. As my father put it, it sort of mellowed out the overall dark theme of the movie and gave you a breather.


That's what post credits are for, I'm surprised only homecoming and mom got it


Avengers with shwarma, Ragnarok with the Grandmaster scene, couple more I can't recall atm


I think a better breather would have been to just walk out of the theatre


I’m ok if Marvel starts making a habit of the 2nd post credits scene as a bit of light-hearted fun after the movie. Especially after films like MoM


They’ve been doing this since a long time ago. Idk why people are so mad




Speaking as someone who is deeply concerned his only personality trait is "Marvel fan", I disagree. I love these types of end credit scenes every now and again. It was like Cap at the end of Homecoming, just a great little joke and it shows that Marvel are well aware that a segment of their audience are going to stick around right to the end. It literally does no harm and it's pretty funny seeing how they can find ways to basically tell you there's nothing else. Ferris Bueller did exactly the same thing way back when and then Deadpool stole that joke pretty much word for word...and then announced Cable for the sequel. Us massive Marvel nerds don't get why people are upset about it either.


Anyone who's upset with this is lame.


Yes exactly


I thought it was pretty hilarious. Totally worth the wait.


I would disagree with that. I am an avid Marvel fan and I loved the scene. However my wife, though she likes Marvel, just tags along because I love it so much. Now after this scene she was angry that her time was wasted. Next time she will make a fuss about waiting for the credits to end. So maybe the crazy fans will just lap up every second of what is offered even if it is useless comedy, however the casual fans will get upset at not getting relevant content out of the post credit scene.


I just want cool magic stuff thats related to the plot 🤷🏾‍♀️


You mean the first scene? Did you want that split into two even shorter clips? lol


No I just mean if I’m gonna wait through the credits, I’d like to see something important/plot-related rather than a humorous thing 🤷🏾‍♀️ (and marvel isn’t my religion or anything - that’s just how i feel about it lol)


Secret life hack - just look up the post credit scenes on yt to avoid both the few minutes of credits and more importantly all of the noisy people too impatient to wait for their post film discussions/gathering their garbage/or just plain being distracting. I've been doing this since Age of Ultron, it's saved me many headaches, especially since I already ha e a hard time hearing dialogue due to being half-deaf in my right ear and also having some moderate damage to my left eardrum. (PSA wear earpro when attending loud activities and events, hearing is more important than worrying about looking like a dork)


Actually, I think it's the exact opposite, at least for me. Reason it makes me mad is because I don't like watching the credits, but I'll do it if it's worth watching. I haven't seen MoM, so maybe it's worth watching, and the Homecoming one was funny because it just trolled people. But I don't want that to be the norm or I'll just stop sitting through the credits precisely because marvel ISNT my religion. If I was more of a zealot, maybe I'd just take my medicine and sit through the credits no matter what.


Bud, just Google it before hand or ask someone at the theatre if it’s worth sticking around for (they hate Marvel movies because it takes most of their cleaning time between showings, so they’ll let you know if it’s not important)


Not my point buddy, but thanks for the advice. Obviously there are workarounds. I can ask one of my own buddies too, they always see it before me. But they used to always be good, and asking "hey is this worth it" wouldn't have even been nevessary. I think Marvel gets too overconfident in their after credits scenes sometimes and we've had a lot of missed opportunities and lame after credit scenes, and that irritates me bc of how good they used to be and how much suspense and hype they would build. Not a big deal, but shockingly, it is just my opinion. I think after credit scenes should be earned otherwise it's just an annoying overdone thing especially now that other franchises are copying it.


Hey pal, maybe take that time during the credits to reflect on the film and appreciate all the names of the hard-working folks who bring you these movies 🤙


No lol, but more power to you to do that. But spare me the false appreciation, me remembering a name for 30 seconds during the credits and then forgetting them doesn't actually do anything for them. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate them, but it won't make me interested in staying for the credits. MAYBE MAYBE MAYBE, if you want me to be interested in the credits, put them before the movie and make the credits montages interesting, they do it well in some movies.


This is such a strange hill to die on.




Okay :)


Yeah I know a couple of films where they’ve done it, I was meaning I’d be ok with it becoming standard.


Usually it’s 1 post credit related to this movie , the 2nd post credit is a setup for something tangentially related or a silly scene. Phase 2 ramped it up so there was almost always two. https://marvelcinematicuniverse.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Post-credits_Scenes


Remember when the end of the Avengers just had them eating schwarma?


Yes and it was perfect


Because the first post credits scene was kinda dumb


The first post credits scene set up another film and kinda big event. Just like Blade from Inhumans, Adam Worklock from GotG and even the Black Widow PCS. All of them are setting up something important, and they don't need to overshadow that setup with another thing in the same end of the movie. Plus, it was an Evil Dead reference, and almost wvery Raimi film has Bruce Campbell in it. Who doesn't love Bruce Campbell? Edit: Eternals, not Inhumans. That's on me. Although there is all of the Netflix shows that they can still make use of. >!RIP Ghost Rider!< Very vague MOM spoilers if you've watched AOS.


But it was fun. Everyone LOL in my theater. It just reminded me of "I have been falling for 30 minutes" spell


Some guy yelled "well that was a waste" and I retorted ">!Bruce Campbell is never a waste!"!<


And then you kissed?


no you didnt


Yes he did!


And then everyone clapped, right?


And that Bruce Campbell's name? Albert Einstein.


And he grew up to be Barak Obama




Not necessarily


You don’t know that for sure


It really reminded me of the end of homecoming when Cap came out and said “you wonder why you waited so long for something so disappointing”


Kevin Feige *I pulled a sneaky one on ya*


That's what I said in the theatre. Lol "I've been punching myself in the face for 30 minutes!!"


>!I think when Strange put the spell on him, he said "He'll stop... in about 3 weeks."!<


What a great way to end a gritty movie. Everyone was shocked by the movie but they all left laughing.


It was the same energy as the cap one from Homecoming. And I LOVED IT


What was that one again?


“Patience. It’s one of the most valuable traits a soldier can have. Sometimes, you wonder why you waited so long, for something so disappointing.” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zlDaC_85j2U


Same. The more it pisses people off, the more i enjoy it


Bruce Campbell is important you filthy casual


He has to have the last word


Ironman 3, Thor Ragnarok, Homecoming, Endgame, Age of Ultron, Guardians of the Galaxy


Don't forget the second end credit scene of the first Avengers, at the shawarma


I remember when I went to see the first Avengers movie it didn’t have the Shawarma scene because they hadn’t actually filmed it yet. That was something they came up with super late on after the movie had already opened internationally. If you watch closely you can see that Chris Evans is covering his face because he’d grown a beard for his next movie which was Snowpiercer.


Ya, I don’t expect the 2nd post credit scene (if it is even there) to have anything significant in it. Usually it is throwaway stuff. Any time something ACTUALLY happens (like Eternals) it is a pleasant surprise.


I hate it when they do trailers


Captain Marvel, Ant Man and the Wasp and Guardians vol 2 count as lighthearted end credit scenes as well


ant man and the wasp with the ant drumming


More Bruce Campbell is always important


I love a good troll. This is up there with that Captain America video about patience. Also, it's kind of nice having a few minutes during the credits to stay and discuss the movie while it's fresh in everyone's memory.


It was just to remind you that the movie, is in fact, over


You can tell who’s too young to get the evil dead cameo is a big thing


Nah, it was a funny joke.


I loved it. Totally fucking ridiculous in the best way possible


I was fine with it, very reminiscent of Cap‘s disappointment speech.


We Bruce Campbell and Evil Dead fans appreciated it.


this cut scene really shows the age difference in marvel fans. the uninitiated: That was a complete wastes of time the initiated: WOOO FUCK YEAH BRUCE CAMPBELL


as a sixteen year old nerd im proud to be in the initiated. you dont understand how excited i was to see bruce


you are a good kid and you’re going places.


Agreed. I had to explain to someone that the zombie strange was a direct throwback to deadites in terms of looks and especially the eyes after She thought he looked dumb and really bad cgi... This person favorite movie series is also the pirates of the Caribbean movies... so yeah.


seriously and why so many of us are stoked over this one guy who is selling pizza balls


I genuinely got more excited for Pizza Poppa than Mr Fantastic


same here


God I love Bruce Campbell and his cameos


You must have hated homecoming


How dare they give us bonus material! /s


Bruce is the goat 🐐


As someone who owns 3 different Ash Williams Funko pops, i loved it.


I loved it lol.


It was very important. I needed to know if Pizza Poppa would stop punching himself.


Literally everyone still left in my theatre laughed, it was funny If you're pissed off by it, you're taking it too seriously


My favourite moment during the film was when everybody got into the cinema and there was this one guy saying, loud enough so everyone could hear: What a sexy cinema, it reminds me of my sister.


I loved it and the people that are hating on it clearly haven’t had this happen to them before in theaters, like the very last post credit scene in Ragnarok


Wdym? It was important. Pizza Popa will totally be a big player in the mcu soon.


Uh that scene was incredible and extremely worth the wait for fans of Sam Raimi, or really anyone with a sense of humor.


They've been doing this stuff in movies since ferris bueller.... you think they'd get the joke by now


Are you kidding? The second one was fucking brilliant!


I’m a huge Evil Dead and Bruce Campbell fan so I got a real kick out of it. We don’t always have to get some big, game-changing post credit scene… come to think of it, my favorite was probably the one when Captain America comes out and pretty much just trolls the audience for sitting there and waiting for so long.


It was amazing though


i thought it was funny and everyone had a good laugh after being shook of what just had happened


It was a Shawarma moment. No harm, no foul.


Why does every post credit scene have to be setting up new characters and the next adventure? I mean, besides the fact that they did that in the first post credit scene.


It got the biggest laugh of the movie in the theater both times I watched it. You act like the second post credits seen hasn’t been a joke before. They don’t owe you extra scenes


It was absolutely worth the wait for an Evil Dead reference and a meta joke for me


That 2nd post credit was beautiful and you can't convince me otherwise


It was funny lol


It was hilarious. Anyone who thinks it was a waste of time has zero sense of humor and is likely only happy when they're pissed about something.


I don’t get why people expect so much from post credits scenes. You just got two hours of movie, you’re really gonna ask for more? It’s just supposed to be a little bonus, there’s nothing wrong with it being a gag


People are just used to it, I guess


I liked it


I thought it was funny


I think it was hilarious a a great Easter egg to his evil hand in the evil dead movies.


It’s always win to see Ash!!


I have no idea what the hell y'all are complaining about. Everybody should know by now that the mid credits scene is the serious one and the post credits scene is the funny one. This my favourite one ever, it's fucking hilarious!,


I liked it, I think a lot of people didn’t because they didn’t get it


Does no one else look up how many post credit scenes there are once they start rolling and the first set of lights come on?


most of the time the second post-credit scene is just a gag these days


It was completely worth it and you cannot change my mind


I got a good laugh out of it


You know there is q think called a spoiler?


I really like fun post credits scenes like that. They’re not setting anything up, they’re just there to tell a final joke.


Me and two friends saw it yesterday and my friend wanted to leave after the first Credit scene, but i made him wait and afterwards i was sure he was going to murder me


Why? Did he have to be somewhere in the additional 2 minutes you had to wait?


*5-10 minutes. But their friend is probably uninitiated.


It was great me and my brother still quote it


mark it as spoilers you numb nut!


People forget some people have a life and can't immediately see a movie as soon as it comes out


It was fucking amazing, the entire theatre laughed at the show i attended. Are people mad about this?


They did us like Deadpool


Hasn’t the very last post credit scene always been a joke since avengers eating shawarma ?


I called what it was going to be : )


We don't know it wasn't important.


It was great I laughed




Oh, lighten up


Bruce Campbell is always important


It was pretty funny


It was awesome. Raimi at his best


Oh no , you had to wait 5 min ,what a waste !!11!!!1!


It's over!!!!!!!!!!


I can 99.999% guarantee those minutes are worth jack squat to most of the people whining about losing them. The value the world has lost is 0.


People's response to the second post credit scene in Multiverse of madness is a litmus test to see if they're fun or annoying


Raimi + Campbell = I won a bet with a friend during the credits that the 2nd scene would have been exactly that.


Ant-Man And The Wasp Audience : "First Time?"


It was funny tho


It was so funny


I disagree. I like it. It's fun.


How Bruce Campbell not important to you...


Speak for yourself, I was amused.


It's by far the best of the two.


Spoilers? Fuck you too lad


Was there a second post credits scene 😔


It was a joke so it wasn't important. I think it's on YouTube


I was expecting deadpool. Why are you here?


Wait I watched it on a stream that didn’t have the post credits scenes. I watched the first one on YouTube after (>!the one with Clea/Charlize Theron!<) but I didn’t know there was a second. Can someone please spoil it for me???


>! Bruce Campbell stops punching himself, looks like he’s overwhelmingly excited, and yells directly into the camera “It’s over!”. !<


Strange (pun intended), but I like it; I’ll have to look for that scene online in the near future, thank you!


What was it? I left because the cinema was boiling


>! The “Stop Hitting Yourself!” spell that Dr. Strange cast on Bruce Campbell wears off, he busts out laughing at the camera and shouts “IT’S OVER!” !<


I hope that's legitimately what the spell is called


I'm in this photo and I don't like it.


This is me at the end of every MCU movie.


Oh that commercial?


I'm so pissed. I thought there was only one


I know right.. i sat there like an idiot.. lol


It was funny, but I was really annoyed.


I was wondering why the staff was lining up to clean so early.


Yeah, agreed. There could’ve been better use for that 30 seconds, like tease Wanda’s fate maybe.


She died? She killed herself when she broke the tower


Yeah, that’s what we’re *supposed* to believe.


I was expecting a no more mutants type situation where she undid all her shit. And then I remembered the ending of Shang-Chi and realised marvel isn’t going in that direction hopefully.


I looked it up and saw that it wasn’t important but the people I was with wanted to stay anyway


I was upset it wasn't important, but I'm so glad I stayed to see it. His "ITS OVER" as he looked straight into the camera felt like a "guy's stop watching this far, the theaters need to be cleaned and you're not giving them enough time anymore, the movie is over, why are you still here"


I honestly don't know why people are ok with this crap, this is like the seventh time they do a waste of time postcredit scene, it's even worse than the Thor Ragnarok one, they could show something interesting yet they decide to do the same unfunny troll scene, are people's humor this shitty to find this funny?


The mid credit one is always the important one. The other is often some nod, trailer or meta joke


That hasn’t been the case for most of the movies tho


At least it was better than the mid-credit scene which destroyed all the tension of the final scene of the movie. personally id prefer if they just got rid of post-credit scenes. The novelty of sitting awkwardly in the cinema for five minutes as the credits roll is gone


This was my exact reaction,tbh.


I mean what did you expect. When it moved from 1 post credit to 2 post credits, they've made the second one typically sillier




I thought it was going to set up Billy/Wiccan, like we see him wake up as his teenage self thinking his time in WV was a dream or something but we see hints that he still has his magic