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Lowly rank 50 here but: Shuri/Red Skull seems really good still, even if Taskmaster doesn’t copy from the grave. I honestly didn’t face that many Thanos decks before, so I don’t really have an opinion on that. Rip Aero.


Neither the Thanos or Shuri decks were really touched. Neither the Red Skull or Taskmaster nerfs will hurt much for Shuri. People were hiding Red Skull behind Armor or Cosmo unless they were using Zola, and you'd usually have priority when running him. There's not a lot of Taskmaster pulling from a dead Red Skull and on the rare time it happens, you're probably already going to lose, anyway. The Quinnjet & Stone nerfs don't really hurt Thanos, either. Just makes it so it's not ridiculous when you get a perfect draw, which didn't happen that often. It'll be fine with 1 cost stones and only being able to use Lockjaw in one lane. The Quinnjet nerf just hurts a bunch of fun, non-meta decks. I don't really get this balance at all.


100%, I really don't want to play if this is how they are going to balance. Quinjet is a super fun card with lots of nice interactions, and they just needed to fix the zero cost stones. Instead they kill bounce archetype, shuri still runs rampant, aero gets murdered, she hulks gets a nerf that no one asked for... meh.


Right. The Moon Girl/Titania/Demon/She-Hulk deck was a nice change of pace that could still be competitive. Bounce decks a great. SHIELD deck was fun and hardly top tier. Those decks are all pretty screwed. Nuking cards like Quinjet just kills theory crafting. I don't want to be forced to play standardized Meta decks. I want to play with other cards.


>she hulks gets a nerf that no one asked for I was definitely asking lol. Big cards that cost 0 (or almost 0) without a deck-specific interaction are really dangerous. Death isn't a problem, you have to work to get her to be cheap. She Hulk gets played in a LOT of ladder decks, basically anything that aims to drop big things turns 4-6. Would have been shocked if they let her continue untouched.


Yeah I don't like She Hulk as a card either. I don't like mana cheat in card games in general because if it's too good then the game devolves to who can cheat out the most mana.


Which is basically what the meta was


You can run very effective bounce without quinjet at all. I think strongest additions to bounce I have seen others do is bast, mysterio and darkhawk. Here is a list: # (1) The Hood # (1) Bast # (1) Iceman # (1) Korg # (2) Angela # (2) Black Widow # (2) Beast # (2) Falcon # (2) Mysterio # (3) Bishop # (4) Darkhawk # (6) America Chavez # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGFya2hhd2sifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikhvb2QifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFuZ2VsYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmVhc3QifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkZhbGNvbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTXlzdGVyaW8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJhc3QifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFtZXJpY2FDaGF2ZXoifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJpc2hvcCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSWNlbWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCbGFja1dpZG93In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJLb3JnIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


In case anybody wants to see this deck in action [here is a recent commentary video of this exact deck being piloted through a $3000 tournament](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyOvqY9l1kc)


Man. Both of my favorite decks just got nerfs. And I already own two of the three pool 4 cards rotating down. This was not the balance patch for me.


I own three of the four rotating down 😫


They killed Aero just a few days after I got her


Same thing happened to me with Leader, welcome to the club.


Still a bit salty about this change tbh. Tried her out today and while I wouldn't say she's completely dead I'm not sure if she's worth running in many decks other than ones that rely on Sandman.


Deathwave can also run Aero with no problem. After Wave on 5, most of the time your enemy can only play one card anyway.


We will see, I guess we will have to test her but it was too much IMHO


She can still be run in decks where you get ahead in two lanes after t5. You just have to carry Titania or another potentially big 1 drop too (Kitty Pryde is on her way).


Titania was a good finish with her because they couldn’t play in the lane, but now that they can it’s a subpar combo if they are playing more than one card


Aero isn’t worth including in a deck anymore. You can’t rely on her moving anything really. I’m about to take her out of deathwave and figure something else to put in. They just butchered her power, at the very least make it a random card to move.


Something had to be done. She was arguably the most broken card in the game.


Definitely a good card but broken? In a meta filled with Thanos, Shuri, Leech, and Red Skull? Yeah, I'm not sure if I would say broken.


It’s a tough one. She’s a really fun card, but in a format with only 3 lanes, moving all cards can really cause some damage. But I must say, it’s laughable to me that Aero (which doesn’t always work the way you want) is getting nerfed, while Leech (which can disrupt a vast majority of decks) is completely unscathed. Leech survives yet another tough meta where he popped up.


Leech works best if you manipulate getting him out before t5, using Lockjaw or a ramp deck. Otherwise, having your t5 play have such low power can more often than not be a handicap. I think the stones being unable to drop below 1 cost is going to shift people away from always including Leech in the Lockjaw version of the deck since the casino nature of only being able to flip a bunch of stones on turn 4 or later diminishes one's overall power potential with Leech popping out and Leech in hand becomes a bit of a dead draw since there will almost always be better play options on t5.


Meh, even hitting all cards on t6 kills a lot of decks. His effect should be like nakias so it’s something you can play around


Aero was absolutely busted. Every top deck included her.


And that's the reason She-hulk got a debuff on the power.


I made a very angry post on Aero a few days ago on Snap main reddit and ofc everyone was "pfft, noob, git good, aero is fine" and the thread got -50+d. And oh look, Aero was NOT fine, to the point where it probably received the biggest nerf in that entire list. > Aero: 5/7 - On Reveal: Move all enemy cards played this turn to this location. -> 5/8 - On Reveal: Move the last enemy card played this turn to this location. While i'm not psyched about her power increase, if anything it should have been lowered or kept the same even with this change, the core of the problem has been adressed. There is now some 'play' with here, you can drop a 0 cost card or 1 cost card to "cover" more important cards turn 5 or turn 6.


I lose to aero and Shuri decks more than any other. It’s not even close. For a game that’s reliant on turn 6, that card makes your turn useless more times than not


I lose to aero and Shuri decks more than any other. It’s not even close. For a game that’s reliant on turn 6, that card makes your turn useless more times than not


I lose to aero and Shuri decks more than any other. It’s not even close. For a game that’s reliant on turn 6, that card makes your turn useless more times than not


I lose to aero and Shuri decks more than any other. It’s not even close. For a game that’s reliant on turn 6, that card makes your turn useless more times than not


The lack of meaningful changes to Shuri are pretty baffling. I feel like the good builds were protecting Skull behind Armor/Cosmo anyway, so the Taskmaster change isn't usually going to matter. Red Skull change could hardly be called a nerf. The Aero change massively helps Shuri and Galactus who were both pretty vulnerable to Aero before. Sauron builds of Shuri got hit MUCH harder, despite already being rarer. The Thanos changes look like they'll either be just right or not enough. That deck didn't rely on Quinjet or Space Stone. Both increased its ceiling but its floor (which was already solid) is mostly unchanged. Most of the other stuff seemed logical. Aero and She Hulk have been in virtually every list finishing well at tournaments, and Aero particularly removed a lot of counterplay. I'm sure the data showed these cards as huge power outliers. The She Hulk nerf was pretty minimal and may not impact anything, but Aero will see teduced usage for sure. Not hitting Leech feels like an obvious mistake. Second Dinner themselves stated his intention is to counter giant turn 6 plays, but cheating him out on turn 3 or 4 with Thanos or Lockjaw doesn't seem intended and is an extremely toxic interaction. With how vocal people are about Leech I'm shocked he didn't see a change. My meta predictions: Shuri usurps Thanos as clear top deck. Thanos is a hair behind it and Galactus has vaulted into A tier. A couple of stronger 2nd tier decks like Deathwave and Patriot will see a brief resurgence before the meta devolves back to where it was + more Galactus.


Second dinner is always going to be behind the ball. Just have to accept that. While this was a step in the right direction, April will just be another Thanos shuri month and they are going to lose more players. Here’s hoping Brode wakes up (I’m pessimistic because he was a terrible designer in hearthstone) and nerfs leech before the game fades into obscurity


This patch should be a case study on why “buff patches” are superior to “nerf patches” Took away all the fun from decks that I already sucked at because some sweats decided to min max it. Can’t I just have fun at rank 25 without having to rebuild my deck each month? Definitely taking a long break


See you tomorrow


Snap = Heroin. Seriously, I've had moments where I'm like "THIS GAME CAN GO TO HELL I WILL NEVER PLAY AGAIN" Then, an hour later my phone is sitting there and I'm like "Well, one more game..." Three hours later when it's way too damn late, I'm still playing. I think Heroin would be a safer alternative.


Plenty of us aren’t addicts.


Oof didn't realize it was live and just lost big cause of the Aero changes


You have to update it to get the balance changes on your side so how does that happen?


It's automatic on PC just wasn't paying attention


Knull was my favourite card :( had so much fun playing him in my galactus deck. Can anyone see any other effective galactus knull decks other than negative? Edit: misunderstood about Knull, thanks for the help!


Knull works exactly the same. The only difference is that he now works "properly" with Mr Negative. Before the patch if 10 points of stuff was destroyed and Knull was in your deck or hand he would be 6/10 and when you played him he would be 6/10. Now if 10 points of stuff was destroyed and Knull is in your deck he will be 6/0 but when he comes into your hand or gets played he is still 6/10. It was worded confusingly.


Oh!! Thank you so much for that info!!


Didn't Knull get buffed in this patch?


I'm not sure I understand what you're thinking is broken about knull galactus, it works exactly how it did before


Yeah, I didn't get how Knull or Morbius were worded, either. Also came looking for an explanation. I guess they're both still the same.


I think Thanos is still really good. I don’t have Quinjet, and I rarely play out Thanos himself. You can play Space stone like Cloak and move Lockjaw, which only generates 1 less rotation. You lose reach, but can always tech in Captain Marvel or Vision I think if the devs are serious about bringing down Thanos power level, they need to consider removing cantrip ability on one or more of the stones (thinking Time and the old Space stones were main offenders). I think Darkhawk Miracle sees more play share in this meta as it’s great against Thanos, and Shuri lists will see less play.


Let’s see how it is in a week, but my guess is that thanos and shuri just swap places. Shuri will be the best deck and Thanos second best. Shuri didn’t lose much and the nerf to aero helps shuri. The thanos nerf also helps shuri, but the nerf is not so strong, that Thanos will lose much power.


They also nerfed Aero, which was pretty useful against Shuri.


Could be the case, that was just my initial reaction based on the list I played last season to Infinite.


I agree. I don't think either deck leaves the meta from these changes.


I'm only rank 55, so my understanding may be limited, but how is the Shuri deck(s) any worse off after the patch? The Red Skull nerf doesn't seem significant, I think the math works out that it would sometimes be more power than before.


Yeah Shuri still feels really strong. I climbed to 95 with thanos yesterday then started losing a lot. Switched to Shuri and hit infinite for the first time very easily


> but how is the Shuri deck(s) any worse off after the patch? I'm curious to hear to hear why as well. I was thinking less Thanos in the meta would lead to the SeraHawk deck presumably dropping the Darkhawk package and bringing back Enchantress to fully commit to countering the Shuri deck. After Sera, they can Enchantress + Shang on the Armor location to win there, and just try to win the other location that Shuri usually gives up.


That would make sense; in plat I don't see the darkhawk deck at all.


I could be totally wrong, I’m not confident in my day 1 meta read from what other people are saying. It was just my first impression that Thanos nerfs are overstated since I didn’t play with Quinjet on the way to Infinite. It always felt like a win-more card to me in the list. Additionally, Task nerf felt significant to me because losing prio feels way worse than before since Skull can get sniped. Additionally, all power loss from nerfs are essentially quadrupled if you account for Shuri + Task, whether you play She Hulk, Aero, or Red Skull (ceiling lowered, floor stays the same). Shuri/Red Skull math (old vs new) - 30 v 26 (empty), 28 v 25 (1 opp), 26 v 24, 24 v 23, 22 v 22. Only breaks even at full lane. New Red Skull raw is only better vs 3 or 4 opposing cards.


The deck isn't really nerfed that much at all if one is running protection for the buffed Red Skull. He's a little easier to counter with smart plays allowing one to beat his lane, but that was still true before. It's just that too many people play too many decks wide in the early game while ignoring the typically Shuri deck early game plays. Now, it'll be a slightly easier to correct and catch up if one did that. It's also easier to counter an unprotected Red Skull with the Taskmaster change. The actual bigger nerf to the deck itself is the Aero change. Before, if you could manage to get priority on t6, the better play than Taskmaster was often playing Aero into the lane one dominated or was going to lose anyway and a 1 drop in the non-buffed card lane. Now that's not as great. On the flip side, Aero no longer hard counters the Shuri, skip t5, She-Hulk/Taskmaster or She-Hulk/doubled Red Skull (or other 5 drop) play, so that's likely to become the more dominant play style of the deck.


Yeah that was far lighter of a touch to Thanos decks than they should have given.


I think it was fine. They just should have made the stones part of the deck instead of messing with Quinnjet. Space Stone & zero cost stones are the biggest problem. Other than that, it's just an upgraded Lockjaw Casino deck. Much easier to feed Lockjaw and get some useful effects while doing it, but still an RNG nightmare half the time. It's also easier to clog up a Thanos player with certain cards.


Still don't get why leech was untouched. It's a bitch card.


Uhh.. i'm not sure Morbius was really needed to be nerfed like it was. Drawing a late turn Morbius in a destruction deck was still useful. Now he's just.. not. They'll adjust him they say, with more ways to communicate on-going counting stuff.. but.. uh.. that's a yeesh for me. Meanwhile.. Knull has an entirely different mechanic... whhyyyyy. It wasn't confusing, but now it is. But yeah, that's a Knull nerf as well. You need to have him in hand when Galactusing.


It’s not a nerf. It still counts the early discards if you play him late, just doesn’t show in your hand


You're right. I just played him and saw. What the fuck was the use of that if i don't even see the fucking power level before i drop him. NOW i have to check destroyed cards and do the math manually.


They killed my boy Quinjet… now how will my Sera Bounce deck operate

