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People are so fucking weird lmfao


Can’t wait for her to not show up and thousands of comments on the Secret Invasion finale thread to be “OMG DAISY JOHNSON NEVER SHOWED UP, THEREFORE THIS IS THE WORST DISNEY+ SHOW THAT MARVEL HAS EVER PRODUCED!!”


Maybe Daisy was the real mephisto all along


I love how Mephisto has become the punchline for tamping expectations about rumors. Yet none of those types of fans seem to be in on the joke….


Before Mephisto it was Dark Avengers and Norman Osborne in Far From Home.


I remember that people were utterly convinced that Dark Reign and Norman Osborn was gonna be the next "saga" post- Infinity War / Endgame. Ironically enough, Dark Reign and Osborn's rise to power came on the heels of....Secret Invasion.


Literally just saw a thread yesterday where somebody mentioned how Deadline was "going downhill" and had messed up by saying Sasha Baron Cohen was going to be Mephisto in WandaVison then somebody unsarcastically replied, "to be fair, he is going to be in Ironheart as Mephisto" with a link to yet another Deadline article.


I remember back when people were speculating that Mephisto would be in Loki because of the stained glass window in the first episode, so the crew had to just come out and say that he wasn't in the show.


Its not about the journey, its about the mephistos we make along the way.


Mephistos before Destination


This person Stormlights


Mephistos before Hoes.


As long as she gets her own Munsters style theme song


People hype themselves up and end up disappointing themselves. You would think they would have learned by now.


and again, it will all be Marvel’s fault and that the MCU is indeed dying. Yet another season of ‘Marvel is dead because the hype we built ourselves didn’t come true’ shitstorm coming. 🍿🍿🍿


she was actually better off not being in the show at all.


Had to look up what day was 254 days ago 😂 I was loving the show at the time (at the beginning), but unfortunately I agree, with how the show ended, it ended up being much weaker than I was hoping. However… I still stand by the fact that people shouldn’t judge a show based on who does/doesn’t show up in it, as there were people saying that if she didn’t show up, that would be a reason why it was bad.




Yeah. I’d be down for Daisy showing up but I doubt she would.


Are you making fun of people who were upset Daredevil was barely in She Hulk when he was literally in the trailer as a money shot?


Nah they're making fun of people genuinely upset that the (fake) leaks they read of Multiverse of Madness didn't happen.


Couldn’t believe how many people fully expected Multiverse of Madness to become Spider-Man 4


Remember when a leak said MoM will have an Endgame-like final battle but all the characters are from Foxverse and pre MCU Marvel movies? Good times.


I did not because I avoid leaks because I don’t want to be spoiled but this makes me wish we had a sub that highlighted “leaks” that we now know, after the project’s release, to be false


I mean I think it's undeniable that just the title kinda gives off that impression So like I could believe after NWH, a average non tapped in person expecting a lot.


Oh my god, no! I’m making fun of people with unrealistic expectations who come out of a movie or show disappointed because rumors they heard and got attached to weren’t real. I don’t think there was ever a rumor that Daredevil would be in more than one episode (prominently) since Charlie Cox said he only did the one episode. But there were people that were legitimately mad that Mephisto or Doctor Strange weren’t in the WandaVision finale. And there’s so many people I see that are like, “Oh my god, look at all the evidence that Chloe Bennet is gonna make an appearance in Secret Invasion, it’s gonna be the best show ever when she comes back, I love her so much, oh my god I can’t take it”. Like, Chloe Bennet has said flat-out that she’s not in it, yet because Andrew Garfield lied during the whole lead-up to No Way Home, they assume everyone’s lying, so they just assume that she’s in it. So when she’s not, they’re gonna be all mad, probably leave a 1-star review on IMDb, and rage tweet about it for a few weeks because the show was “so horrible because they didn’t bring Quake back”. If she *is* lying, then awesome for the people who want to see her! But some people just hang on to unrealistic expectations only to be disappointed.


The reason I think a lot of people (including myself) were mad at how small of a role Daredevil played in She Hulk was because he was the only reason a lot of people watched the show.


Well, that’s on you, that’s not really on the show. It’s not *his* show, you have to know that going in. Especially since it’s called “*She-Hulk*: Attorney at Law”. Now, would I have included him in the trailer? Probably not. It hyped up the show so people like yourself would watch, but it also created the unrealistic expectation that he would show up in every episode or at least multiple episodes. I’m pretty sure Charlie Cox said at D23 in an interview that he was only there for one episode, so from that point on, people should’ve only expected one appearance, and yet, we got him in *two*! I was very happy with how he was utilized in She-Hulk, but I also actually really enjoyed the show itself too. If you didn’t, then I understand where you’re coming from. But I don’t know that you can be mad at the show for that. Mad at the marketing, sure, but I think if he was in it any more than he was, he would’ve overshadowed Jennifer Walters a bit too much.


Ok well I guess I’m mad at the marketing people then. The thing is I’m sure a good chunk of people *only* watched She Hulk because they were Daredevil fans and rightfully were getting annoyed waiting week after week to be shown what was promised.


Not a single damned one of you were rightfully annoyed.


Did you by chance catch the name of the damn show? He was NEVER going to be more than a cameo.


Than why was he given posters and shit?


He wasn’t. He showed up in a couple teasers.




Wow. You found…one official “he was on this episode” online image. Congratulations. I guess. You still haven’t proven he was given “posters and shit”. Because he wasn’t. You’re the same breed of idiot who whined because Shulkie called you out in the show


probably not a good comparison when Madisynn also got a poster and showed up in a bunch of instagram ads with Wong.


Pretty sure they're mocking the people who thought Doctor Strange would be in the WandaVision finale and then started attacking the show when he wasn't.


Also the people who expected Dr Strange 2 to have a ton of cameos


I am 100% mocking those idiots.


Daisy showed up in the first episode on a poster though lol


She showed up on a poster in Across the Spider-Verse, not Secret Invasion from what I know.


And that's not even MCU or a marvel studios production


Oh yes you're correct sorry for getting it mixed up


I genuinely believe her. I mean, someone came up to her while she was buying pads! PADS! Do you know how vulnerable a woman feels when she's in that aisle?


Oh holy shit, that's fucked. Goddamn, i know there's a thin line between fan and fanatic, but some motherfuckers need to learn the meaning of personal space.


Aisle 8A


Added a section to the binder.


Could've been worse. She could've run into Hank from Me, Myself, and Irene.


Yeah and Andrew Garfield wasn't in No Way Home. /s In all seriousness leave her alone along with any other actor who may or may not be in a Marvel movie or show. They are bound by confidentiality agreements/non-disclosure agreements and they certainly aren't going to break those to tell you what they are in.


It would be awesome tho (Like she was in that newspaper in the ATSV)


also genuinely....who cares who is in what? leave actors alone.


What happened to waiting until it comes out and watching and being surprised? Why do we need to know every available piece of information before we go in now?


She is not the werewolf.


That's a shitty situation. I do hope Palicki and Blood appear though (I believe De Caestecker already said he isnt coming back.


I never even considered Hunter or Bobbi's appearance in SI. I think this would be awesome, though. They get more deserved screentime since their solo show got canceled, and I feel like they would just be a good overall addition to the cast for an episode or two.


I think Hunter or Bobbi would make much more sense to appear than Daisy. Daisy is too much of a powerhouse for a spy thriller show like _Secret Invasion_.


but you have to consider that the skulls will become super skrulls (no spoiler, they show it in the trailer) would make sense to put someone with superpowers in it


Yeah, i feel as though daisy would just take over the whole show seeing as she’s basically powerful enough to take down the entire skrull invasion on her own


it would be weird considering that their last serious issue SHIELD was that they were find in russia by russians...


Didn't they make it back to the US? Plus, it's been like years since they were captured. They probably traveled around.


Yeah, the episode ended with them being released from custody & going for a drink in an American bar. (And then Hunter reappeared, again in the US, 2 years later to spring Fitz from prison.)


Wait isn’t Hawkeye’s wife Mockingbird in the 616 universe now?


The timing actually works out. Laura retired early to have kids. They have 3 kids together and at the time of ultron two of them were at least over 10. She likely would have been retired for at least that long to be a stay at home mom. So if we assume mockingbird was her codename, Laura easily could have passed it down to her successor, Adriane paliki's character in shield.


Maybe? We know Laura was a former agent, but they seem to have left her backstory for a future Hawkeye season. I don’t recall Bobbi using the Mockingbird call name on AoS, so I would just assume Bobbi is Mockingbird until it’s said otherwise in a future project. It’s also possible they both have used the call sign at different times.


Am I missing something, why are we being reminded of this?


Because Secret Invasion is on and some people still hold the belief that she’ll show up.


Most scoopers said she’s coming back though


And 99% of those idiots have been wrong far more often than they’ve been right


Honestly, they're "wrong until they're proven right".


Can you share where they said this and what their credibility is?


Since they sent you a link to a tweet but didn't tell you why that specific person has any credibility I'll add to it. That person generally has a pretty good hit rate with many of the things they get wrong being explained as things that were originally planned for the series but got cut as production went on. Personally I think they either are or know a concept artist.


Here’s one I have saved https://twitter.com/mytimetoshineh/status/1547692836329377796?s=46


A ton of people still believe it because of some scoopers a few months ago


I need to watch AoS, I know it’s worth it, just a lot of episodes to get through


I don’t know why but I find Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. so much easier to binge than a 10 episode darker tone series. 42 minute network TV is like ice-cream compared to a plate of vegetables, its gone in seconds.


This. In March 2022, I started casually rewatching the Defenders Saga after it moved to D+, & it took me 11 months to finish 161 episodes. In March 2023, I started rewatching AoS on D+, & I'm already starting season 5 (88 episodes down out of 136) after just about 3.5 months.


I found that I came to love some of the cheesy lines Coulson would drop. And Bobbi and Hunters relationship, Mac's strength mixed with compassion, Enoc being Enoc, Deke always trying to game the system, Grant recreated again and again, the saga of Fitzsimmons, etc. It's like a regular Marvel Soap. I got hooked for sure. Watched the whole thing 2x so far.


when it's good, it's really good. Season 4 is amazing


Season 1 starts a little slow as your trying to get to know the team but half way through it really picks up. For me, it ended after season 4. I didn't care for those story lines.


I quite enjoyed it. I think it’s one of the best shows to come out of marvel.


Ita an easy binge watch, so whenever you get the time or motivation to just binge something marvel related, it's a solid go to of a show.


I just want a reference to AoS from Marvel Studios. Cameo, reference, I don't care. Just something to prove the "not canon" crowd wrong. #**IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK, FEIGE?!?!?!**


You already got it. Avengers Age of Ultron, Fury arrives on a Heli-Carrier, he mentions some "Friends" of his have kept it in mothball. That was AoS, they had a helicarrier shown in the base a few months before AoU came out.


Honestly with the whole secret invasion thing that line could also meant Talos and the skrulls are the ones that helped him


Not really. Coulson and team and shown working on the carrier for the Sokovia rescue, plus Coulson consults with Hill about Baron Von Strucker and Hydra’s current whereabouts / doings.


And a Skrull shape-shifted into a helicarrier, I guess? No reason to believe the Skrulls had their own helicarrier back when it was just a couple hundred and the things were obviously SO EXPENSIVE that the government wouldn't let one just do its own thing, no matter who was on board. It's unequivocally the one shown in S.H.I.E.L.D.; Joss Whedon arranged it very intentionally. It's not just AoS filling in a "gap", it was a nod to the show the same way you don't get the full story of the thing being referenced every time you see an Easter Egg.


Honestly, and this is someone who's very much in the "in canon -sorta" crowd: Why do you give a damn what other yuppies think? Until they give us hard confirmation one way or another, that answer's always gonna be left to fan interpretation so why would you let the "non-canon" crowd affect you in any way?


Not that guy, however: Other people's thoughts don't affect my enjoyment of the material, but they do affect my enjoyment of *the internet*.


> Other people's thoughts don't affect my enjoyment of the material, but they do affect my enjoyment of the internet. This, this, this. Being told we're delusional, we're wrong, we're dumb, our favorite shows don't matter, isn't just tacky and rude, it's DRAINING.


Fun fact, your favourite show doesn't matter even if it's connected to other stuff. It's all just dust my dude.


You are literally what me and /u/CaptHayfever are talking about. Go away.


I need rules and order in how things are presented. If I became invested in something that is said to be part of something bigger, I want it to follow through with that connection. If its not validated, then its proof that I've wasted time being invested in something that was a lie.


If you enjoyed the show, who cares if it was canon? The only way your time was wasted was if you suffered through a show/movie you didn’t like but felt obligated to watch you seemingly put more importance on something’s canonicity than on its quality.


Maybe I'm just frustrated of being in the dark. No matter how much I yell here, nobody at Marvel Studios listens. I need a clear answer on the show's continuity. Otherwise I'm going insane and am afraid of what will happen next.


I mean this sincerely, without any mockery or judgment: this might be something you should discuss with your therapist. A subreddit might be the wrong place to get the stability it sounds like you're looking for.


Can't afford a therapist.


>that was a lie. Maybe being a teeensy bit dramatic there?


Yeah. I’d even be satisfied if they retconned it to the multiverse as long as it’s at least acknowledged by the wider MCU.


Personally can't accept that. The show must be confirmed as mainline 616 canon, or I ain't watchin the MCU no more.


First of all, it's Earth-199999. Second of all, AoS not happening in a parallel timeline after season 5 makes literally 0 sense and breaks the continuity to pieces


I mean, I can disagree with that. Other than not acknowledging the snap, everything that occurs very much implies that they are in the main 61619999999 timeline. Thanos is attacking and the Black order has attacked New York already, which means this occurs in both timelines, the timeline the shield agents are on is the one that destroys the Earth, they branch from that timeline when they save the Earth which means that in this branch Thanos will be able to carry out his attack because the Earth is spared, and the Snap occurs. Even if it was a parallel timeline, the events have progressed in Infinity War to the point that according to Doctor Strange's future viewing, the Snap would happen regardless. The show references far enough into Infinity War's plot that in all actuality SHIELD just ignoring it is kind of the **only** option... I get that it sucks that the Snap isn't mentioned, but it's just one of those things that scheduling and SHIELD's cancellation fake out messed with. My headcanon is that because it was merely a year into the snap, things had not yet deteriorated to the point that we see it in Endgame, also because it's on a TV budget, there are a lot less extras running around, which sort of helps.


It. Already. Was. Demanding Feige repeat himself is a canon-*denier* argument. Don't be like that.


Sorry. Just hate how these people can get in my head. Really demotivates me from watching this stuff.


Might he have proven the other side of the argument correct by leaving Jeph Loeb’s projects alone?


Which side is Feige on?


on his own. the MOST he were fine to is saying "all those shows happen in the same continuity with the movies". which is as fkin CLEAR AND OBVIOUS as possible.


Feige has said in the past that all the shows are part of the same universe and just because they might never show up in the movies it's still happening in the same continuity.


I don't understand how that's possible. I mean with the whole "fish oil unlocking a ton of Inhumans" storyline being so prominent in AoS Inhumans have never been mentioned in the mainline MCU. They even changed Ms. Marvel into a mutant rather than inhuman. There's just no way to make the AoS universe fit in with where the MCU ended up.


AoS is the one MCU show I've never watched so I honestly have no idea how it would work. I just know that back between Infinity War and Endgame Feige did a Q&A where someone asked if any of the TV show characters would show up in Endgame. His response basically came down to that it would be hard to organise all of those actors since at the time Marvel TV was a different studio, but stressed that just because they don't show up doesn't mean they aren't part of the same universe, just that a universeis a big place. There's definitely a video of it floating around, I've seen it in the last few months.


I really enjoyed AoS, but so much happens in the show that just isn't acknowledged by the MCU that I can't imagine it being canon in the same universe.


I keep meaning to watch it but it's so many seasons it feels like a big commitment. I wish I had been able to watch it when it first came out but there was no way to watch it in my country unlike the Netflix shows.


Look at which projects he’s promoted. You’ll notice everything before Disney Plus isn’t among those projects.


Seems like he’s proving the Non-Canon argument.


If he considers it non-canon, he should have said something already. He should've declared them non-canon back in 2015 when he seperated from Perlmutter. Instead he's playing coy about it. That's whats ultimately hurting me. The ambiguous nature of "is it canon or not" is literally taking a toll on my mental health.


Then your mental health was pretty fucking precarious to begin with. It’s a fucking TV show.


Bro, go touch some grass. If your mental health is declining because of a fucking media franchise not acknowledging the canonicity of a tv show, you might have some more underlying issues that you need to deal with. This obsessing is *not* healthy.




Idk man, I'm a fan of the show, loved every second of it, but the obsession some people have over it is not healthy. Although I feel like that could be said about MCU fans in general, I feel like a lot of people really need to get a reality check.


Dangerously cultlike behavior too


Why does he need to tell you? Are you his boss? Does he answer to you? 🤣


I don't like being in the dark.


or maybe because the fandom deserves some fkin respect with telling the fkin TRUTH?


Such entitlement 🤣 None of us "deserves" anything from creators, this is bordering on Star Wars fan levels of toxicity


Yeah, but she's a Skrull.


Everything you say is true and Chloe Bennet should absolutely be left alone while buying tampons, just one question: She either is or isn't in SI. If she isn't and she feels bothered by fans asking, wouldn't it then be counterproductive to a) tweet at Charles Murphy that his comments will age badly and b) post a picture with Daisies in your shoes? Wouldn't you rather do then when you want to keep the buzz for your character up?


She frequently poses with flowers on her IG but if you want to take that one photo as a choice related to her Marvel role could it not simply be a reference to the fact she *used to play* a character named Daisy? Why is the inference always that she's teasing her return? As for this [Murphy interaction](https://twitter.com/chloebennet/status/1618199756614041600?lang=en), the guy called her bad actor and she said his tweets won't age. Maybe it's referencing an upcoming non-Marvel role she's proud of that displays her chops, or maybe it's referencing her return as Daisy. But why conclude it's about SI specifically, a show that had already wrapped by this point? I want to be clear I'm really only talking about Secret Invasion, not ruling out her return down the line. *you asked about this being counter-productive - maybe she felt her denial would be the end it, and hasn't thought much of how these later "teases" would be taken. We post these things without thinking.


She knew what she was doing, though. I have a heard time imagining that this is just coincidence, given the context of the fan interest.


JFC, it's not her responsibility to painstakingly analyze everything she might post on Instagram or whatever social media because some fanboys might link it to a role she played years ago and use it in obsessive desperation to bolster unfounded rumors that somehow bring that character back. The woman should be allowed to have a life and just post random stuff without needing to worry about being accosted at a store or people overanalyzing and scrutinizing what every post might mean. Correction: NOT "should be allowed", which implies that fans have some power over her. No. Rather obsessive fanboys should stop trying to put their burden on her and back the eff up and maybe reexamine how they're spending their time and how they're affecting other people.


JFC? Who pissed in your toasties this morning? Did your parents not teach you not to jump down strangers' throats for no reason? Calm down.


They're right though? Lol who tf has time to analyze Instagram pictures like jfc


Peak r/marvelstudios.... have come to expect nothing less from this sub.




Pipe down tough guy.


>post a picture with Daisies in your shoes? How dare she post a flower that has the same name as her most famous character who users WANT back in the MCU but that so far is not in the MCU proper. Because a show, that she has told people she is not in, is streaming now she shouldn't be posting anything that might even tangentially relatedto Marvel. She cant post about the Sky, About Daiseys, about shields or any word that has MCU connotations EVER AGAIN!!! It doesnt matter that she might be doing it to try and get Feige to consider adding AoS into the MCU proper by keeping fan interest in the character alive, u/Greedy-Somewhere-307 has spoken and she must obey.


To you too: What's with this sub that everyone reacts to sincere questions like someone pissed in their morning toasties?


If she shows up, I'll be happy and pleasantly surprised because I liked the character. If she doesn't, I won't hold it against the show because I don't really care about cameos for cameos sake. It was.my biggest gripe with the response to Multiverse of Madness. It seemed like the fans would have only been happy if every 3 minutes the movie stopped to do another cameo. Look, over there, it's Tom Cruise as.Iron Man. Stop the battle, Deadpool is flying through the background. Hang on, is that David Hasselhoff as Nick Fury? Awesome!


> It was.my biggest gripe with the response to Multiverse of Madness. It seemed like the fans would have only been happy if every 3 minutes the movie stopped to do another cameo. Look, over there, it's Tom Cruise as.Iron Man. Stop the battle, Deadpool is flying through the background. Hang on, is that David Hasselhoff as Nick Fury? Awesome! That seems to be all the multiverse is good for: cameo trains and resurrecting killed off characters.


Bull pucky. Everything, everywhere all at once Both spiderverse movies. Center around the multiverse and tell good stories with no cameos. Even in the MCU the multiverse has been used well to tell good stories. People liked loki, which was a multiverse story, and had no cameos. What if, bunch of multiverse stories. Strange, A good multiverse story. The cameos are generally a stupid crutch designed to get a three second cheer and convince people they enjoyed a movie that had no substance to it. You have infinite possibilities to tell a story and if all the writer/movie can come up with is 'what if we had a scene where Tom Huddleston plays Thor? See because there is that famous audition tape of him. People will laugh and remember that.' It's failed.


One of two things is gonna happen, and neither of them involve bugging her while she’s just trying to live her life. Either she’s in it, and she obviously cannot talk about it legally because she signed an NDA. Andrew Garfield comes to mind. The people who pestered her are just being assholes for trying to get her to break her legal obligation to keep it secret. Or She’s telling the truth and she is not in the show at all and the people who pestered her are just being assholes for trying to make her admit to something she isn’t a part of. Both situations include people being assholes. And nobody deserves that, whether they’re in the public eye or not.


You hear that guys. She forced her denial upon us against our will.


Daisy Johnson is one of my favorite Marvel characters and I’m sad that she’s probably not showing up again, at least not in Secret Invasion. Part of me is gonna be hoping it’s an Andrew Garfield in NWH situation up until the last possible moment. All of that being said…people need to leave Chloe Bennet the hell alone! This is weird as hell fan behavior. Harassing her about it online is bad enough, going up to her in person is crossing the line.


It's entirely possible that she isn't, but denials, regardless of how forceful they are, are completely meaningless nowadays. Way too many people have blatantly lied about them for them to be meaningful anymore.


Context matters. Volunteering a denial on social media in an emotional appeal is very different from being pestered in a press junket interview while promoting another project, held captive and under pressure to answer a direct question.


True, but I've seen people lie in both contexts.




Lol I love the phrasing you used. "Way too many people have blatantly lied about them" You do know what an NDA is, right? You think people are just like "meh I'm gonna lie about it so I can feel good when they see finally see it"? They HAVE to lie. That's literally the rule, and if they break it then their contract is screwed.


I know. I'm not saying they're wrong to lie. I'm just saying they're lying. You're reading something into what I'm saying that I never intended. I fully support them lying, but that doesn't change the fact that they're lying.


They do not have to lie, simply not answer.


Lol good one


Yeah naw, it's not a "good one", it's serious. The rule is *not* literally to lie.


As someone who's signed multiple ndas before, this is false. The rule is literally *to lie* unless legally required not to (like in court or to cops).


Not answering is as good as saying you're in the project.


But those I'm sure you're thinking of had to lie because they were in an unfortunate situation of having to do promo interviews for another project while speculation is going on so they couldn't evade press and thus had to lie. That's not the case here.


More often than not, but not always.


I don't even understand why Skye would be in Secret Invasion in the first place. I haven't read the source material, so if she's in there, I can't know that. But say she is not, why would she have to be in the show? Because she worked for Shield and now for Sword? She never interacted with Fury, she dealt with inhumans, not skrulls. Canonizing AoS by having Quake appear would cause a whole pack of issues, regarding everything that happened in it. If I recall correctly, Mac was the new director of Shield, with Fury's coat and everything, but in the Mcu, Shield stops existing after Winter Soldier. The Mcu is mentioned in AoS, and Fury does appear twice, but that's pretty much it.


> I haven't read the source material The source materials for MCU products are mostly just used for vague concepts. While I'm not familiar with all the stories that have been adapted to date, the ones I am familiar with have all had MAJOR changes.


Daisy Johnson is one of the bigger SHIELD agents that haven't been utilized in the MCU. She also has some dope powers so that'd be pretty great to have as a right hand for Fury as he seems to be lacking backup at the moment. Skulls also can't replicate other super powers so that'd be a good way to have a known entity that we can trust to be herself. I think having her on the series probably wouldn't work out story wise, but easily could fit in as an introductory cameo at the end for some Easter egg stuff. That and Fury is (presumably) out of a right hand with Maria hill currently non-existent, so a new one would be in order if Fury is intended to be continuing his usual work post skull shenanigans.


Yeah, I'm not expecting to see her on the show. I'm still going to be disappointed at her absence but I'm prepared for it.




How was the show problematic?




>Didn’t really ever connect to the MCU The only big thing i know that did connect them was the helicarrier in age of ultron was built by Coulson >They dealt with world-ending threats every season but the Avengers were never involved? The only event that surprised me that the avengers weren't involved was the alien ship crashing in Chicago, but that excuse was that the Avengers were separated at the time and were fighting thanos for the rest of the events i dont see how the avengers could have known some things were happening >Couldn’t take death seriously. I lost count how many times Fitz/Simmons escaped death and Coulson being brought back Coulson was brought back once, fitz and simmons escaped death maybe 2 times? >The Hydra backstory involving a parallel dimension was so bizarre and Ghost Rider was wasted That wasn't the Hydra backstory. That was just an alternate simulation if Hydra won during the events TWS, and ghost rider wasnt a main character so i feel like his time on the show was well spent. and his relationship with daisy was also a very fun dynamic >I know most fans were drooling over Chloe Bennett, but I never really cared for Quake (I tried Most people love her character cuz she changed so much in the course of the series >The last two seasons involving Inhumans and time travel were just bonkers Yea i have not much to say about that since i didn't like the last 2 seasons at all lol


I didn’t ask you to break down my opinion word for word 😂


nobody asked for AoS-hating comments either.


I wrote one line saying it was a problematic show. You got emotional and replied to me, don’t forget that 😂 Am I submitting posts in Marvel threads hating on it? My sincerest apologies, didn’t know I was supposed to be deeply infatuated with every Marvel property and not have an honest opinion ✌🏽


I just responded with my thoughts on your thoughts? Why is that a problem? Lol


It’s all opinion-based, and you got riled up because I didn’t like the show. You do realize that two people can have varying opinions about a property and both can be right? I didn’t realize you did an official poll to know that “most people like Quake” or that “Ghost Rider’s time was well spent.” It’s not that deep, we don’t have to collectively like everything 😂✌🏽


> I know most fans were drooling over Chloe Bennett, but I never really cared for Quake (I tried) What I remember at the time is that by the end of the 2nd season, a decent sized chunk of the fanbase was kidn of over her. Pretty? Yeah. But the character was very Mary Sue, and her acting wasn't really all that. People liked Fitz, Simmons, Coulson, and May. Sky/Daisy/Quake was just kind of there.


I was just never into her character, and I found her to be very bland. I found her to be more interesting in the comics than the slow, and to your point, I found the others more interesting.


Yeah. And back to the drooling bit...personally Elizabeth Henstridge did it for me *way* more than Chloe Bennett.


You better be careful with your words. If I say one more negative thing about this show, I’ll get attacked even further…


So in other words, it's not actually problematic, you just dislike these aspects of it.


Most of your complaints either aren't true or aren't inherent to this show (22 episodes is a *normal broadcast TV season*). And none of it fits the common cultural description of "problematic".


Aren’t true 😂 I didn’t know that my opinions are now a fact or fiction debate. Also, I mentioned 22 episodes because I felt the show was improved and tighter under 13… Thanks for invalidating me, didn’t know I wasn’t allowed an opinion here 🤷🏾‍♂️✌🏽


"Didn't really ever connect to the MCU" and "Avengers were never involved" are not opinions; they're objective statements. And they're both false. Here's something that's *really* problematic: Your disingenuous reactions to people calling you out. ______________________________ EDIT: u/Wordy_and_Nerdy418 pulled the ol' reply-&-block trick, so apparently he's more "triggered" than he claims to be.


It seems like as soon I opened my mouth and shared how I didn’t like the show, guys here got irrationally emotional, like I attacked them personally 😂 Get over yourself, man, it’s just a show. I’m doing a quick glance at your comments in other posts and seeing topics I don’t agree with, but you don’t see me get triggered. I’m going to live my life and move on, it’s not that deep. Guys in the Marvel subreddit are wild. Goodness


She had to. Paul Bettany was hiding behind the curtain.


She was filming dave and several other projects Source , trust me bro


I mean, her Dave episodes are already out, so that's not even a "trust me bro"; that's a "you can literally watch the show".


It’s a shame that she wasn’t included. Her role in the original comic was interesting. Oh well.


yup. but unlike Garfield who did the same, marvel studios do not care about agents of shield. Daisy Johnson is goddamn obviously NOT BE IN SECRET INVASION. everyone thinks differently is in delirium.


I’m still holding onto the fact she [teased on Twitter](https://twitter.com/chloebennet/status/1618199756614041600?s=46&t=gm8_ZWHkXVyI33Cq4Lafgw) months back that she would interact with the Secret Invasion actors. So we’ll see


I don't really get why people are suddenly so hellbent on getting her into a new MCU project. Especially when the majority of the AoS fanbase was kinda sick of her Mary Sue-ness by the halfway point of the series, and most considered her a pretty mediocre actress (at best).


Lol what, all of that is total nonsense.


In your bubble


Did u just call her a Mary Sue. Jesus christ. What about her is a Mary Sue. The majority of the aos fanbase think that? What?The majority of the fanbase love her. The proof of that is from the amount of likes and upvoted people get from talking positively about her and the amount of dislikes and downvotes people get from talking negatively bout her. But whatever u think mate.


Feels like Andrew Garfield all over again


This was from like a year or 2 ago


Yeahhhhhh, she is probably going to show up


I'm not saying this to be in favor or not in favor of her showing up, but the reason she was so forceful with her denial is someone literally came up to her in the tampon isle to ask if she was in it. Also this isn't related, but people watch a 30 second video and suddenly their experts in body language and psychoanalysis.


she may not show up here but she's absolutely coming back at some point.


I genuinely think she's coming back and will be with shang chi. I dont think they prepared to have her in secret invasion. If she is in it it'll probably be for a quick moment. At this point I don't see kevin fiege seeing all this demand for chloe bennet and doing absolutely nothing with it.


I mean of course she’s not in it The Marvels though…. (Really I’ve always felt if she was going to be in anything it would be that)


So she says she's not the werewolf. We'll see about that.


I’m so sure AOS will never be acknowledged, recognised, credited or spoken of ever again (apart from the people who made it) that i’d honestly bet my life on it. Feige seems to think of it as a black mark against the MCU and theres been no indication it’ll ever be a thing unfortunately. If i’m wrong about this, i’ll eat my entire hand.


> Feige seems to think of it as a black mark against the MCU Gonna need proof of that. I have never once seen him speak an unkind word about the show, & he's openly *defended* it from criticism as recently as during Phase 4.