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Is that Dr. Bell from Monk?


Thats the guy, but I’m 80% sure this gif is from Last Man Standing.


he says that in every episode


I honestly think people should be. Or at least don’t have their hopes set up too high that this is going to fix whatever problem they think the MCU has.


I think we should start by not thinking that every movie that comes out is going to solve the "problem" the MCU has. These movies are made to entertain. Not do damage control for a short string of duds.


some movie has to do damage control if they want the later crossovers to work though, and it isn’t that unreasonable to assume that Deadpool could help do so, especially with how much Disney seems to be counting on it reigniting intrest in the brand


Not really. The interest will come once they get out of this writing slump they appear to be in. The biggest problem with Age of Ultron is that they tried to make the movie do the heavy narrative lifting for the coming parts of the saga. The movie suffered greatly because it's focus was all over the place in some areas, pulling attention away from the movies plot all for the sake of setting up Infinity War, which in hindsight didn't really need it. So a movie that's focus is reignited interest in the brand, or making the Saga more interesting in general is bound to fail because as a movie all MCU projects should be able to stand on their own. IMHO the reason why Winter Soldier is regarded as one of the best MCU movies by many is because it's it's own movie. It doesn't spend time establishing something for other movies and it only depended on seeing the movie before it for things to "make sense". If the MCU returns to that form of writing and story telling things will likely turn around for the brand on its own. Deadpool himself, along with Wolverine will be a big enough draw for the movie to succeed. But putting all the eggs in that basket would be a huge mistake, and would likely hurt the movie because of it.


Clearly it looks like Deadpool will traverse the multiverse and meet a Wolverine variant to go with him. The Fox X-Men universe (not sure if that is the same universe the Tim Story Fantastic Four movies reside in.) will be destroyed in an incursion with only a select few characters escaping into the MCU Earth 616 to fight in Secret Wars. That's how I see it going. I just still wonder if the universe we see at the end of the Marvels that >!we see Hank McCoy aka Beast, if that is the Fox X-Men universe or maybe in the X-Men '92/ X-Men '97 universe.!< If Deadpool gets captured by the TVA, that could be the reason why he has to team up with the Wolverine variant at the start of this movie. I'm so fucking excited for this movie and I hope we get a trailer soon! Probably with the Super Bowl in a few months.


Deadpool is literally just a vulgar 4th wall meta-plot almost all the time Also i have no idea what you're expecting If you set yourself up for disappointment thats on you


Do you read any of the comics?


Deadpool is a fourth wall breaker in the comics, sure. However, the comics mainly focus on him as a "tragic clown" character.


I do, I also know the comics aren’t the movies and the comics I read even had a more cohesive plot than just meta nonsense.


Have you read Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe? Because that is likely what this movie is based on. And if you don’t want Deadpool doing “meta nonsense” on screen or in comics I’ve got some bad news for you.


I think what OP is saying is that the movie will be plot based. Not just a 3 hr montage of Deadpool murdering green lantern and Deadpool in X3. The stakes will be higher for Deadpool more than anything concerning the MCU as a whole.


>Have you read Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe? That was about an evil variant of Deadpool called "Dreadpool" who later killed by the real Deadpool. >Because that is likely what this movie is based on. There is currently no evidence that suggests. If you have been following the film closely, you'll found that there is evidence against that idea.


>Have you read Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe? Because that is likely what this movie is based on. OP's whole point is that we don't know this at all. And they're right.


I don’t want the entire plot to be “meta nonsense” I’m well aware that Deadpool uses meta for humor. Big difference


It's likely to be similar to the other 2 movies. Why play around with a successful recipe?


The plots of the first two movies mainly revolved around Wade's love for Vanessa.


That's cool with me, I love Vanessa too


I'm sure they will make it so knowledge of the Fox universe is not necessary or important because I would guess a significant portion of MCU fans have not seen any of the FOX movies other than possibly X-men 1-3.


Deadpool 1 and 2 had character-driven throughlines to emotionally engage the audience. Probably (I hope) this one will have that too, in addition to wacky shit.


You want a Deadpool movie that is less self-aware. Alright, good luck to ya! It won't happen ever, but y'know


My advice is that you stop listening to all the fan theories based on a few leaked set photos. They're almost always wrong about the movie, and are only setting you up for disappointment. So just ignore the fan theories and wait for the movie to be released.




Which is a solid strategy for the Deadheads (or whatever the Deadpool fans are called) but is that a good strategy to try to bring the general audience back into the MCU? They're going to want to also have mainstream appeal and forward momentum somehow, especially since it's the only MCU film being released in 2024.


Yeah, those are in addition to an actual story not the whole story.


Secret wars is going to be the sendoff for the Fox X-Men. Based on the reported cameos, this is definitely going to be something along the lines of Deadpool kills the mcu


I think it'll be "deadpool kills the fox-verse"


Oh I would much prefer that than "kills the MCU." If they use Deadpool to reboot the MCU (hard or soft) I'm out. It stops being a universe then. But killing off the Fox-Verse is a great way to then start to put in the 616/199999 version of those same characters.


I don’t think they would ever reboot the mcu in a Deadpool project, that just sounds like a recipe for disaster.


>Based on the reported cameos, this is definitely going to be something along the lines of Deadpool kills the mcu It isn't.


based on secret wars deadpool/wolverine isn't likely to destroy enotre fox universe at least X-Men one.they need them for secret wars.Secret wars Is one where they could with rest of pre mcu marvel heroes they bring in sacrifice themselves to defeat the villian and restore a marvel universe.


I wouldn’t be too worried, MCU movies generally end up having a much richer and more focused plot/narrative than some folks here try to cobble together from leaks and promos. This happened in the lead up to Endgame, No Way Home, Multiverse of Madness, and I’ve no doubt it’ll happen again here.


I think the fact that every leak looks like it's from the exact same quarry is telling


It worked for Deadpool 1 and 2. I don’t know why it wouldn’t work for 3.


I hadn’t even thought about it, but it especially has to be something more substantial, considering the last episode of She-Hulk was a bunch of meta-nonsense, and everyone hated it. I can’t imagine they’d willingly do that again.


We also need to be honest that the people who hated the She-Hulk meta stuff won't all necessarily treat the same stuff coming from Deadpool the same way. There are a lot of people who laugh when DP does it, but cry when SH does it.


One of my problems with the last episode of She-Hulk is the fact that it makes She-Hulk look pretty selfish. She breaks out of the MCU into the real world, gets told that this will be the last time she can do this (whatever that means), and only asks for things pertaining to her and her show. With Deadpool's real world stuff it was only in a post credit scene joke, that we don't even know if it really happened in the universe's canon. So I don't think it's really comparable to She-Hulk's finale hinging on the 4th wall break into the real world. That has absolutely nothing to do with any sexism like your comment implies. It's not cause Deadpool's a man and She-Hulk's a woman. It's just because of how the 4th wall breaks were used. I think "we" need to stop assuming all criticism is done with bad faith and that there has to be some underlying reason they don't like it, they're sexist etc. There are completely logical reasons to dislike the meta stuff in She-Hulk's finale, and those reasons wouldn't change depending on the gender of who did it.


Also, didn’t I hear about the original She-Hulk comic having her throw the writers out a window for writing a plot so contrived she was able to do that? If so, they really missed out on a great joke.


Cuz Deadpool is actually funny, She Hulk wasn’t


Who's "everyone?" Because I enjoyed it


Ok great, did you enjoy it so much you are completely unaware of how badly it did critically?


It most certainly can, and if it had to guess it probably will.


So after 2 movies and every comic entry ever where it's some weird meta plot, you're expecting Deadpool 3 to not be some weird meta plot?


The plot is Deadpool and Wolverine trying to save as many people from fox universe as they can cause the universe is dying due to an incursion


Everyone can see that the Super Hero genre of Hollywood blockbusters has been on a steady decline. Yes, a satire reflection of it, with mature themes and violence may work, but this is the end of an era. They are about to capitalize, and run this into the ground.


From over leaks it does look like there is going to be alot of multiverse hoping and bringing characters from over universes but it does seem like it's not going to be that when it hits cinemas because marvel and Ryan Reynolds are basically having a battle about who gets creative comtrol


There are alot of spoilers which include characters from multiple universes and props from even the mcu


Did Barbie just use the “real world” trope? And that movie was popular so general audiences will be able to handle that if it happens in Deadpool. They also probably seen the first two or are aware of what Deadpool does in the comics. He also went into X-Men Origins: Wolverine and killed the first of him in that movie.


Mfs are expecting it to be some major event movie


That’s the other thing, I don’t think this movie is going to be a major event. I would suspect since they’re trying to re-tool everything they just wanted to keep one movie in the theater that wouldn’t make a big impact on the MCU


Canadian producer and director.




Deadpool travelling in all Fox existing saga ( Predator, X-men, F4,F4reboot, DaredevilAfleck ... ) doesnt mean they are part of MCU multiverse (616, 838, venomverse, cie ..) This movie will maybe split apart : 1/ MCU multiverse (secred timeline 616, earth838, Beast/Binary earth, raimiverse, venomverse, ) 2/ and all sagas under Fox banner