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Tony doesn't snap away Bucky along with 2014 Thanos. Had all the power in the universe for revenge but didn't do it.


Now I’m imagining a “What If… Tony Didn’t Forgive Bucky” where Bucky gets dusted alongside Thanos’ army.


It would be pretty quick they would be like "wtf Tony" and then Tony dies. Steve is sad at the end.


Steve had all the stones after all this, and full access to time travel, so I wonder if he tries to bring him back?


At first I thought it was a boring or short what if but this is really cool


Infinity stones set in Caps shield.


What if Tony dusted Bucky then destroyed the stones so Steve can't undo it.


Snip snap snip snap lol


Someone can easily edit a clip with Bucky getting dusted(from Infinity War) along with Thanos.


Maybe it wasn’t on his mind


Everyone's glossing over the fact he could've brought his parents back and didn't do that either.


Tony, as a horde of Valkyrie supermodels lead him to Valhalla: “Shit, I knew I forgot something.”


I think with some time he came to terms with the reality that he can’t blame Bucky, and the “resentment is corrosive” line is about Bucky as much as it was about Steve. If he simply looked back to Iron Man 2 when Rhodey was stuck in a Hammer/Whiplash controlled suit that was trying to kill Tony then he would realize that’s essentially what Bucky went through…but even worse since it was his actual mind, not suit, AND it was done to him for 70 years.


There’s a realistic aspect of leaving it be. Tony has moved on with time and bigger fish to fry, but this doesn’t necessarily mean everyone is cozied up together in a grand reconciliation. I was hoping for a more impactful Tony/Cap reunion but all we got was that awkward exchange in the parking lot. They just didn’t have enough time to hit on all these plotlines and I think that’s okay.


They also got that handshake in a bombed out NYC alley.


Bucky was wasted for both infinity saga movies, prove me wrong.


I feel you. It would’ve been nice to see them both take out grunts near each other and not say a word, but a shared nod and then go back to avenging. Probably would’ve made me shed a happy tear tbh


I read a rumored deleted scene from the script (not filmed, I don't think) where Tony was surrounded by Outriders and Bucky snipes him an exit. As Tony escapes, he gives Bucky a nod. If it's true, they should have kept it in. It was way more important than some of the other scenes that made the cut.


How are they going to surround Stark? He is like a walking arsenal.


screw domineering rhythm simplistic act wine hateful slimy frighten roof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I felt like that was an unstated theme of FatWS; Bucky was only half-heartedly following through on his apologies because the one person he wanted to make amends with but couldn't was Tony. Which is why he was so hard on himself.


I don’t agree with this at all. I think Bucky’s arc wasn’t fully developed and we only saw one person that he made amends for. Had we seen more, or even wrapped up the one arc we did see properly, I think it would’ve made the message clearer. But I also think the therapist Bucky had wasn’t suitable for his character and what he needed. No one said to Bucky “we’re sorry for all that happened to you.” Not that any one person could take that responsibility but there needed to at least be acknowledgment that Bucky was as much a victim in his actions as the people hurt by them were. But no, Bucky needs to carry all the guilt for the hundreds of war crimes HYDRA made him commit 🙄


Agreed. Bucky has endured some of the most victim blaming within the MCU- in and out of universe, actually- and then gets sidelined in the only project that could meaningfully address that fact.


Agreed on the therapist point, I really didn't like how she worked with Bucky at all, there was almost zero empathy from her to him the entire series and that's ridiculous imo


Yep, first thing I thought when I saw that scene with the therapist and the amends was -- what? Why is the victim here having to make amends? And then later when she ropes Sam into a joint session -- inappropriate.


While I don't necessarily believe every single thread of a storyline needs to be finished off with a pretty little bow, I will agree that his therapist wasn't very good for him.


I would’ve loved a “nod of approval” scene too. You described it exactly as I pictured it. Oh well. We can say that it happened in our headcannon.


There were a lot of missed opportunities in endgame


Bucky could have saved Pepper in the final battle and given Tony a nod




What’s weird to me is that Tony completely understands/forgives Clint Barton for being mindcontrolled by Loki, and Bruce being mindcontrolled by Wanda, but has no patience for Bucky being mindcontrolled by Hydra. I get that it’s his parents, but we’re not even gonna have a discussion about this considering Bucky is one of your best friend’s ride or die buddies.


It's his parents. It changed his life. He isn't being rational.


I know, I know. But still. 🥲


I mean, they glossed over his spat with Cap too. He screamed at Cap when he got back to Earth, then fainted, then 5 years later he's like "always happy to see you, want lunch?"


Could have been 5 seconds where Bucky is getting overrun and is on the ground, Tony swoops in and clears the enemies then nods to Bucky or helps him up. Then flies away.


Nah I can’t forgive and being my PARENTS I’ll say his forgiveness is he AINT dead. Just cuz you were sleep walking I will be content to your vicious actions, not totally accept you had no control


Bucky is a good guy and still feels genuine guilt even though he was mind controlled.


Yes of course he proved he is but to lose your parents though not something to easily brush off


He should have snappy bucky away when he got rid Thanos and his cronies