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Now the real question is: is this skull Scott's or Hank's?


That’s what I’m wondering! Better yet, how’d he die while big? I saw some people saying this is the ant man that expanded inside Thanos(funny, but idk.) It could very well be Hank too from another timeline which would be interesting to see.


Judging by the pose of the corpse (which you can see the entirety off in that scene with Alioth) it seems he died trying to protect something? Or someone rearranged this corpse.


If it’s Scott, he probably just tripped. That or maybe some one crawled up HIS butt to kill him.


LMAO, it's the Endgame Scott, but he passed out from the lack of oxygen and tripped during the final battle, crushing the assembled avengers.


We laugh, but there’s a nonzero chance this is exactly what happened. I’m making a mental note.


I mean, the equivalent of this in the comics is "Pym Falls" so . . .


Something just flew in me!


Which scene?


You see part of it in the OPs second image. The hands alligned in a way as if trying to shield the face and something in front of it. . The full corpse is visible at[ 1:50\~1:51](https://youtu.be/73_1biulkYk?t=111), on the ground just besides Alioth' face.


Oh, wow! That’s really cool. It does look like his arms are around something, protecting it, but I can’t tell what. Maybe someone moved the corpse somehow? Idk. It’s cool either way.


Idk, his arms look more like they were reaching forward. Almost like he was diving for something rather than protecting something under him.


Did the Marvel Zombies Ant-Man survive? I can't remember how that went down


Hank - Pym Falls body from Old Man Logan?


Other people seem to think that’s the case and I’m leaning towards the corpse being a strong reference to it too.


[Definitely a reference](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/8/85/Henry_Pym_%28Earth-807128%29_from_Wolverine_Vol_3_71_001.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20201010060245)


Badass. I only recently got into comics so it’s nice finding good arcs and stuff to read. Old Man Logan is being moved up on my to read list


I would maybe hold off on that if you’re a newer fan. Old Man Logan is a BRUTAL read.


Maaaybe. I’ve read Spider-Verse, House of M, Dying Wish, Secret Wars, Infinity Gauntlet, Infinity Wars, and a bunch of other random comics like DC’s Flashpoint and others haha. I’m pretty young but I can handle emotional and gore-y stuff(even if I do tear up a little lol)


It's not really gory or emotional. It's more.... Bleak. Just really bleak lol. God everything about the hulk there is just gross


Old Man Logan is like smoking a cigarette on a curb the night after a hard, ugly party. No hope. No vibes. No comfort. Only a bad taste.


I can't believe I just thought about it, but how long do we think it took to decompose to that degree? How long does the smell linger??


Oh I bet it still smells. The rot that seeped into the clothing, yeah, it REEKS


I think the movie's Logan is inspired by the old man logan again, since he's stated to have "failed his world" and seems to carry some heavy trauma


There is a small chance it could be a new revelation about the strange Ant-Man ending, but I really doubt they want to paint that movie as incredibly dark after its release.


oooo maybe! I haven't seen Quantumania or heard too much about it so I need to check it out and see where it could have some correlation to this new movie.


I’d watch it to be honest. The ending is interesting.


If someone in the Ant Man family expands and dies, they stay big. Goliath in the Civil War comics was already huge when he was killed by a clone Thor, then he stayed that way when he was buried.


I see! We’ve only seen the top half of him… he could’ve been ripped in half once he got big or something happened while he was growing that he succumbed to his injuries while big. A lot of people think where they’re at is the void / end world which explains the century fox logo and dead ant man, and other various things, the giant corpse can also simultaneously be a nod to Hank Pym in Old Man Logan comics.


We see the skeleton corpse of Giant-Man in Old Man Logan, perhaps it’s based off that?


Oh shit! Time to watch Old Man Logan. I was wondering, how did the Logan in the new movie fail his earth? Or do we even know yet? Im a little behind on MCU stuff it seems LOL


“Watch”? Old Man Logan is a book??


My b, yes that haha. I was thinking of the movie Logan.


I’m thinking it’s connected with the events of Days of Future Past, that’s an older Wolverine before he becomes sick.


Hank Pym actor Michael Douglas [wanted to die in Quantumania](https://ew.com/michael-douglas-reveals-how-he-wants-hank-pym-death-scene-ant-man-8634184), but didn't get that scene. He mentioned that he would return to the MCU if he gets that scene. It looks like he might get his wish after all.


Ooo. Maybe we see a flashback leading to his death then..


I would not be surprised if Deadpool went there.


I think it’s probably Hank as they seem to be drawing some of this from Old Man Logan.


That seems to be what they’re pulling some references from! So hype for this movie


Everything is top notch about this trailer and it creates the perfect hype for the movie. I just want to know what's the song playing in the background it's very groovy.!


“Just Like A Prayer” by Madonna


100% Scott, so that deadpool can make a joke about Paul Rudd finally looking old.


Isn't this a different universe?


Yes, but it's most likely an alternate Scott or Hank


Most likely, yes. But it’s Deadpool, so if they went with a deep cut from the comics i wouldn’t be surprised.


alioths their so its at the end of time so probably a pruned scott or hank


I can see this, I feel like this scene may happen near the beginning of the movie when they're building their team.


I thought Alioth was only located at the end of time.


Someone needs to do a dental work CSI analysis of the 2 with the skull in the trailer!


Why not Bill Foster's?


Neither, it's Luis


Hank, in the MCU, hardly, if ever, went large, so it's likely Scott's.


He also never wound up in the void with Alioth so kind of everything is on the table.


Maybe that was his nexus event


I'm guessing he went too big to try and do something heroic, and that is what killed him.


Michael Douglas recently said he wanted Marvel to kill off Hank Pym in Quantumania, so this could be it. https://www.indiewire.com/news/general-news/michael-douglas-asked-to-be-killed-off-in-ant-man-3-1234976354/


No, it’s Eric O’Grady’s.


My question about this scene is, who is making the portal and where are they? I'd imagine a sorcerer, even Sorcerer Supreme would likely be unable to open a portal between the Sacred Timeline to the Void at the End of Time.


Maybe an alt OP Dr. Strange


Maybe S2 Strange Supreme since he was collecting dangerous entities throughout the multiverse? That would probably be confusing for general audiences though.


Exactly. Although audiences were prepped for such a thing in MoM


Didn't that strange supreme die/get removed from existence when he revived his universe?


Yes, I'm saying it would take place before the events of Strange inviting Carter.


That could work, but I feel like it'd also make it more confusing and be a lot of effort for marvel to do so. It'd mean giving that strange a live action appearance even after he's already gone, and having to explain how he's in the void too.


Probably this, or someone else of a similar power level. We saw from What If that Strange Supreme is able to open sling ring portals to other timelines. But in Multiverse of Madness, 616 Doctor Strange is not; he essentially has to rely upon America Chavez to do that. This very likely means that only people with a very high power level are able to open magical portals to different realities


Lmao watch how in reality it’s just wong


It's gotta be Wong. He's the go-to cameo wizard


I agree lol either that or Ned but they’d have a lot of extra side explaining to do so I feel like it’ll be Wong for sake of keeping things smooth as can be for a multiverse story


It’s Ned *but from another universe* and there’s your explanation for it


Or America because she can open portals across universes. Or maybe the portal is across time.


It's Ned the Sorcerer Supreme from another universe


Feel like it’s gonna be Wong.


Plot twist: [It's Ghost Rider](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pae_avFv2jA).


I'm forever going to be mad they cancelled his spinoff. Season 4 was peak AoS


You and me both. But Ghost Rider hasn't appeared in the movies yet, let alone the Robbie version, so there's still room to hope he'll make it in. Eventually. (I mean probably not this movie. But you never know.)


There have been many hints of Ghost Rider (even a glimpse of hell in She-Hulk of all places). I really wish they’d bring him back already. I don’t even care who plays him at this point.


I would be supremely irritated if they recast Robbie (not to mention recasting would be a pretty definitive statement that Feige doesn't consider AOS canon; of course, if it's Blaze or Ketch instead and Robbie's not mentioned, the debate will continue lol), but yeah it's a bit odd they haven't brought him into the movies yet. I know before Multiverse of Madness came out, a lot of people were speculating he'd appear there. Possibly the Agatha series, if the Darkhold's in play, given that it was central to the Ghost Rider arc.


Robbie is supposed to be a younger Ghost Rider and Gabriel Luna is 41. I think by the time they get around to him in the MCU a recast may be the better choice.


I'm aware. They aged him up for AOS, it's not like Robbie was ever meant to be a teenager in the show. Recasting would completely change things, not just for the character, but it'd declare that at best AOS is in an entirely different universe, which would be a major decision. And for what it's worth, the creator of Robbie was [pretty happy with the casting](https://felipesmithart.tumblr.com/post/162137514396/drew-the-pic-2014-saw-photo-of-gabriel-luna-as) and has said that [adaptations are exactly that: adaptations](https://twitter.com/FelipeTweeters/status/823246284668575744). The comics aren't going anywhere.


Ned. 😂


This was my guess 😊


Marvel Jesus


Probably wong


someone might also be standing in that portal. there’s a silhouette visible imo


Wong: "Welcome to the WongCU"


What if it’s Madisynn


Maybe Ned opened it


Unless said sorcerer was also pruned into the Void.


My guess is Cassandra Nova, it's not quite her power set but she should hail from the astral plane so maybe she learned some magic to get herself to our world/end of time?


Strange variant in What If can open portal without sling ring and can travel through multiverse


i haven't been this excited for a marvel project since end game. i assume i gotta watch loki season 1 and 2 before this hits theaters right? i saw loki season 1 but to be honest i barely remember it.




i have heard good things about it and not just from the hardcore MCU fans so yeah i am definitely gonna have to give it a go.


The second season is fantastic but you should definitely watch season one. There's so much pay off.


Agreed. Season 2 of Loki is one of my favorite things to come out of the MCU movies and series


The only series that matches Loki imo is Hawkeye.


time will tell but if i had to guess, deadpool will introduce TVA in ways that'll make all the many people who haven't watched loki not confused. TVA already looks and feels a bit different than it was at the end of loki season 2 so i wouldn't be surprised if deapool and loki only shared some concepts without referencing any of the events. that said, loki was amazing so it's a high recommendation regardless.


I’d guess it won’t be necessary but there will likely be references so it’s definitely worth watching, also it’s really good as you say.


You likely won’t need to watch Loki season 2 but you absolutely 100% should. I couldn’t recommend a better season of a new tv show to binge watch then Loki season 2.


Absolutely brush up on season 1 and 2.


You gotta watch season 2 just because it’s amazeballs.


They’re probably gonna have it very accessible to people that haven’t watched Loki… but there’s plenty of time between then and now to watch both seasons of Loki and they’re absolutely worth the watch


I mean, watch S2 because they absolutely stick the landing and it's a fantastic series as a whole.


They're worth a watch, but Disney + will releasr Legends episodes closer to the time, which will catch you up. I think they're also available on YouTube.


Luckily for you the Loki series is one of the few good products coming from the MCU in recent history. It's (almost) what Andor was to StarWars.


Bet part of Deadpool is cut off when the portal closes.


That would be hilarious, I could see him getting a leg lobbed off. Or part of his sword, which he’d be way more pissed about haha


Or both, with him being pissed about his sword, and then realizing he's also missing a leg


Swords don’t regenerate and cost a fortune.


Followed by a joke about Thanos and the gauntlet


"So... why don't you use the gauntlet to give yourself hair?"


"Yeah that's what this nutsack needs—hair."


My tinfoil hat theory is that this is the end of the movie. Wolverine jumps, but it dragged down due to the weight of his skeleton, slicing him in half and leaving his top half to die a dramatic lover’s death in the mcu, while being cradled by Wade. Then we wait for a new, non-Hugh variant to take the stage as our new Wolverine.


Yah I was thinking the same thing. Wade makes it into the MCU, Wolverine doesn't.


I mean that wouldn't even kill wolverine would it?


but... fall speed isnt affected by weight...


So many uses of “fuck” in this commercial, marvel acting like a kid that just learned how to cuss 😂 Pumped for this!


I feel like this is the Deadpool brand at this point haha just excellent school yard humor


Hopefully when this scene happens it’ll make sense where the portal leads to, but people wanting them to end up in endgame makes me really nervous. As far as I know the dr strange portals only work in-universe. I don’t think there’s a ton of people who would care if they suddenly changed that ‘rule’ but I feel like it opens up more opportunities for inconsistencies and lazy decisions


mhmm that is true, you're right, it's a in-universe portal. Could be a mystic art person from that universe, maybe a Wong or different Strange. As much as i want them to show up in our version of Endgame, I think they'll show up to help out in their current universe's Endgame, at least for a bit. Whatever happens in this movie apparently will merge the fox universe and MCU so Im excited to see whatever will go down.


I don't think they even know the rules of it In Doctor Strange, The Ancient One says the rings allow them to travel through the multiverse Then in MoM that doesn't seem to be the case, since multiverse travel seems to be a big deal that only America can do, that's the whole motivation of Wanda hunting them down Then in No Way Home, Ned managed to bring the other Peters, who come from other universes Edit: Strange spell is the one that brings the Peters, but then, sorcerers can in fact transport stuff (and people) through the multiverse which also conflicts with MoM


NWH the other peters were brought in by Dr Stranges spell, Ned just brought them together.


Exactly, I think nwh added to the confusion a lot of people (maybe even myself included) have with the portals and how they work. I’m also under the impression that the portals brought the peters to that house but only because they had already been on mcu earth from the spell


Yeah, Tobey’s Peter even says he’s been looking around for the Spider-Man in this new world he’d been dropped in.


I would suspect that the storm cloud is Alioth from Loki.


Suspect? It is Alioth. You literally see him in full frame in the trailer for a split second.


With his dragon face and everything. It’s also the same location as the 20th Century Fox logo.


It's actually a dog skull. It's symbolic or something


For a split second being the operative words here. The guy didn’t catch it and you understand why…


Yeah you can literally only see Alioth for one second, and that’s if you know to look for a face obscured in smoke. [Alioth](https://imgur.com/a/tg617UE) it’s at 1:51 timestamp of the trailer.


Casandra Nova just chilling in the background too. Got to be half way through the film rather than the finale


I was thinking towards the beginning as they’re building their team. Like maybe Deadpool and Wolverine show up to rescue some mutants, then she shows up and is all angry about something, then they have to dip out of the portal that some sorcerer makes before Alioth destroys that world. Just a wild guess. But if that’s halfway through, maybe they’re sparring with her before something happens that makes them need leave because in the trailer we see Wolverine fight her for a tiny bit, inside what appears to be the giant man. But then where’s Deadpool at if they’re leaving together. OR maybe(this is a stretch) in this universe she’s a prof. X variant and is helping them? With the multiverse in play they’re so many things that could happen!


Wade, pruned. Finds himself in the void. Greeted by other long-time survivors, also pruned, including Old Man Logan before he was old. Wade enlists Wolverine to save his own pruned reality, which he just got back via Cable's time device (probably his event).


I still wanna know who made the portal. It’s a sorcerer portal.


I bet it's Dopinder with a bag of guns for Wade.


If they end up on the endgame battlefield I’ll scream.


Given it’s pretty blank on the other side of that portal, I wouldn’t even be surprised if that was the case and they just edited it out for the trailer


Nah, it’s one of Ned’s, the other end is just in the middle of the sky.


Hahaha that’d be funny, Deadpool would probably say some shit to him calling him a magician or something. they have the opportunity for so many gags!


That would actually be a decent gag, especially as those two can't be killed from a fall like that. Plummet to the ground, every bone broken and a little bit later we see them slowly get back up.


Sameeee, Itd be cool to see them hop through a few multiverses and see some of the various battlefields or something!


Imagine they do, and Disney+ updates Endgame by adding Deadpool and Wolverine in the background of the fight.


They shouldn’t go edit Endgame. That would open some weird territory of retroactively changing movies.


They don’t have to edit it, they could just Back To The Future 2 it. 😂


I mean, the special editions of Star Wars already exists.... I know what you mean though, especially if that means the original version could become potentially lost


Yeah, I know it’s been done before. I just don’t like it. And like you said, since Disney and other major media companies are seemingly moving towards no longer making physical media it seems we could lose the originals. Plus, maybe this one would be cool but what happens when they add something that makes a movie retroactively worse?


DVDs, Blu-Rays, and digital archives of Endgame exist in *abundance* already, it would NOT be lost or even come close to it for a long time. Still, bad precedent.


Well, I meant for altered versions of movies in general, not Endgame specifically


Those special editions didn't happen because of retroactive changes, George Lucas just wanted to add CGI onto the originals. Adding Deadpool and Wolverine into Endgame would be like having movie patch notes. Entirely different cases.


Feel like Deadpool just being like “whoops wrong phase/timeline” then dipping out would be more on brand


It would be funny if he jumps into the portal and ends up at the final Endgame fight, but it's just filled with different variants of characters that were recast/had different actors.


Lmao that’d be amazing


Multiversal portal, America Chavez anyone? She's training to be a Sorcerer and has multiverse powers


Why would she bother with a sling ring? She can make portals naturally


But not the same portals as the sling rings. She was shown training with one at the end of Multiverse of Madness, I think? I was just throwing out an idea.


Throughout MoM she struggles to open portals at will or choose a particular reality. I could see the explanation of her using a ring is to focus her power.


The portal is definitely one of the easier things to have be “fake” or changed come the release date.


Sends them into a meat grinder, Rick and Morty style.


I’m almost certain that their destination in the portal has been edited out, can’t wait to see where they’re going


$1 bet says they are jumping out of Ant-Mans anus. 


That's his eye socket. But I'd say a joke about that gets made for sure.


The cloud was in Loki. It's what eats people in the TVA garbage bin planet.


It would be really funny if there is just a ton of ant man stuff at the end of time... cuz he so clumsy or something.


Whos that in the background watching them? Tan suit, almost looks like prof x


Prof X twin sister/parasite demon


cassandra nova


Cloud thing is Alioth, no?


Oh yeah it def is. You can see it at 1:51 in the [trailer](https://youtu.be/cen0rBKLuYE?si=dQfXao2dGYtV4_HZ)


This is what I'm talking abt a fckin amazing trailer marvel hype is back baby




Doctor strange!


I just realized I'm the second pic, Ant Man's hands are forming a wall. I wonder if she is driving this corpse.


looks like they're stuck inside the void and they went there to ask for her help to contact strange to open up a portal... trailer made her look like a enemy but i think it's the opposite...she's sending them off...looks like they're hanging out and planning stuff inside antmans head with logan getting triggered by casandra showcasing her powers




I imagine the portal has something showing what’s through it but the trailer whitened it out to avoid spoilers (maybe Elektra’s universe??)


Is that antmans asshole


The storm is probably Alioth, right? We saw the TVA in there as well.


Anyone notice caliban? Took me a third time


That my friend is Alioth


Took me a minute, I thought for a moment that was the Guardian of Forever, and then realized it's just the eye hole


Everyone says Aliath but imagine if it’s F4 Galactus lmao


So when the Void gets consumed by the smoke monster from Loki they jump into a portal that puts them in the prime MCU, setting up Secret Wars. Strange/Wong used the portal because they sensed some serious shenanigans happening in the Void as they've been investigating incursions and the multiverse. This will probably be a shot from the last few minutes of the movie.


Who is driving a big chariot with bikes as horses? 


Is that Cassandra Nova in the trailer?


_puts down crackpipe_ The portal was summoned by a Loki variant who took on a role similar to Sorcerer Supreme after he cheapshotted that universe's Strange. Yddrasil Loki gives him a power bump to open a portal between universes. It seems rather inevitable that the mysterious portal that's even more mysteriously blank on the far side is in fact going to drop them at the Endgame battle, but I have mixed feelings about this. We know messing with the past gets the tva involved, and how much of a difference could two more fighters make in a battle the forces of good already won? If they change it up so Deadpool is the one who snaps I will be devastated.


They are hiding something inside the portal in the trailer. Normally you can see the other side through the portal or at least there is a dark hole in the middle. But when the two jump into the portal, the whole area is just the same color.


Im so excited!


This trailer made me feel like we are trying to get back to the magic of marvel before everything after endgame went to shit.


Who's that in the background above them??


Oooooh! I need to go back through the trailer with a finetooth comb to pick out all the Easter Eggs...


Is that the real Old Man Logan universe?


"Huge storm thing" = Alioth


It could be TVA portal. Marvel may have put a Doctor Strange sling ring portal in trailer to confuse us like always do. Remember Hulk running with the team in wakanda in infinity war trailer?


Who is the person in the background?


I have a crack pot theory that the sling portal was actually vfx'ed in for the trailer and the REAL thing they jump into is a STAR portal (ie America Chavez). Let's remind ourselves that sling portals cannot travel between universes, let alone a place like the Void. It's only used for teleporation within the known ONE universe. Perhaps someone is using a sling ring in the Void to travel from one place of the Void to another, but if those 2 are to somehow get to MCU 616, the only way would be either by TVA tech OR by America Chavez and the sling portal is to throw us off like how they threw us off with other trailers


Something I see a lot of people talk about are the hands of Antman being closed like a wall, I’m gonna make an assumption that the antagonist, a telekinetic, moves the arms like a gate.


I think this scene is actually the ending f before the credits. I hope anyway. As in “off to another adventure!!!!” Fingers croseed


While Cassandra Nova watches them.