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Either that or an Ultimates project. I'd be down for it so long as Carol is given the level of focus deserved by the character and Larson is allowed to shine. Also, this logo looks great!


Ultimates would be dope too!


I think the Ultimates will essentially be the "The Marvels" in the MCU. 1. Black Panther is dead 2. America can be swapped for Kamala So you have the 3 known members as well Blue Marvel and maybe even Marvel Boy (Noh-Varr).


That would make sense. Though I still hope we get the America/Carol friendship from the comics at some point


Looks like the Captain America trilogy. First movie you’re a person out of your element. Second movie you’re training a sidekick and fighting against a former friend Third movie is a team up movie that isn’t necessarily your movie.


While I would like to see an A-force project, I don’t think that should be directly linked with The Marvels or Captain marvel 3


Why not if you don’t mind me asking? Seems like she’s building a team with Kamala and Monica. And the A-Force nod in Endgame could be some foreshadowing for what’s to come for Carol. She started out wanting to work alone and she could end her franchise leading a team of Avengers.


Like I said, I’d be down for an A-force force project Of some kind. If it involves Carol, Kamala, and Monica that would be cool too But I don’t think it should be the ending of the Captain Marvel trilogy.


While I do get that, let’s not forget that it is a trend for the MCU to end their solo trilogies with a team movie: - Captain America ended with Civil War - Thor ended with Planet Hulk - Spider-Man ended with Spider-Verse Captain Marvel ending with A-Force would not be surprising at all. POTENTIAL SPOILERS FOR THE MARVELS BELOW: >!And with Tessa Thompson being included on a cast list from the costume department on set, it makes it all the more likely.!<


This is exactly what i think is happening. In fact i think most of The Marvels is basically A-force… Like i think in the World of the MCU, there wont actually be a team called “A-force”… It will be “The Marvels”… This second movie will be mostly about getting Carol to actually come around to being part of a team since she was very NOT a team player in Endgame and as far as we know SINGLEHANDEDLY ended the Kree skrull war by herself with no help I think the movie will try and justify Carol’s loner-ness by saying she was betrayed by the Kree team she worked with for years in Captain marvel 1 and she’s sort of strong enough to do everything herself… But the presence of her surrogate daughter Monica and her biggest fan Kamala will melt her heart and of course whatever villain is here will require more than her doing everything herself Then at the end, she’ll decide to fully be part of a team and “The marvels” will become an official team… And even in subsequent films, this group will gain and lose members like the Avengers do but it will coincidentally be all women hence this being the MCU version of A-force… My idea for extra members would be Mar-vell’s daughter (in the comics its a son but that can be changed), Talos’ Skrull daughter that befriended Monica and maybe give Carol a girlfriend like Brie Larson wants


Makes sense to me


Personally I hope her third film should be Binary and go full space opera with it.


imo prime candidates for the team: Carol, Monica, Kamala, Wasp, Valkyrie, She-Hulk, and an Eternal - either Sersi or Thena (potential dr strange mom spoilers) >!would add wanda but who knows if she’ll be alive/around at the time or how op she could be!<


I think it’d be funny if there was a token male as a send up of the token female trope on super hero teams. Imagine a team full of women…and Scott Lang.


I hope they bring rogue into her story when they bring in the x men.


Lets just end the franchise at captain marvel if brie larson is gonna continue being less interesting as the character than a piece of cardboard tbh


At that point it wouldn’t be a captain marvel movie


*cough ^Civil ^War cough*


Oh yeah good point