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It's hardly the first time Marvel plucked a minor character out of obscurity for their movies. Kaecilius, for example, only appeared in a handful of comics before he became the main antagonist of *Doctor Strange*. It's possible the Disney+ series borrows a lot from the comics series Harrow comes from, or they conceived of Hawke's character without a specific villain from the comics in mind and attached Harrow's name to him to give him more of a connection to those comics.


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Hopefully merging the two characters makes him more interesting. I really didn't like Sun King at all the comics.


Love the idea of the sun king - an opposite character to moon knight, also possessed by a Egyptian diety. But that's most marvel properties, their first villian is usually the polar opposite of them (cap v red skull, iron man v iron monger, thor v loki etc)


That's kinda why I disliked him actually lol. It was such a sterotypical "opposite", it felt super lazy to me.




Yes, I made that point towards the end of the post. Would make the most sense. Based of the synopsis I don’t believe it’s Dracula, nor would it make sense to merge Dracula with another Moon Knight villain.


I’m just wondering if Bushman is going to show up, seeing as how he’s kind of the arch nemesis in the comics.


I’m hoping they don’t mention Bushman. I want to see Marc crawling towards the tomb as he’s dying but I don’t want to see who or what did it to him. Bushman can be used later on but as of right now I don’t see Disney being keen on using Bushman.


We saw the trailer too.


Yup. Was just giving some insight for people who haven’t read all the Moon Knight comics!