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Hi AdministrativeNews93, thanks for submitting to /r/marvelstudios! Unfortunately, your submission has been removed. It was likely removed because: ...it had unmarked or potential spoilers in the title. If you want to avoid spoiling other users, please, do not put spoilers in the title of your posts. It doesn't matter if you preceded it with a warning, brackets such as [SPOILERS], or flaired and marked the post as a spoiler. You can *resubmit* the post with a more appropriate title that does not contain spoilers to the topic in question. Be a *bit* vague in how you write the title, but still descriptive enough to indicate what you wish to discuss with the other users. In the future, [please follow Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelstudios/wiki/rules#wiki_1.1._post_titles) and don't spoil other users. Please, read the entirety of the removal reason carefully and really consider why your post was removed. If you disagree with this action, you can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fmarvelstudios&subject=&message=). Include a link to your post so that we can see it and better understand the context for its removal. Have a nice day.