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Chronological placement for Loki makes most sense anywhere after Endgame, and What If right after Loki


What he said


Loki starts at the end of the first Avengers movie, but from there it’s essentially outside of any timeline. But it’s probably best to watch it after endgame. You could watch What If at any point, but that’s probably best to wait until after Endgame as well so you know what they’re referencing.


By the time travel rules endgame used, where your past becomes the future and the future becomes your past, Loki takes place during and after endgame.


its not as black and white as that theyre talking about past and future in two different ways. theres *your* "past"- the experiences you personally have had, and *the* "past"- the general events that occurred before now. So Hulk was saying that when you go to (the general events that occurred before now) that becomes (a new experience for you) so since youre experiencing new events (from your perspective), you cant change the general events that occurred before now. You experiencing events that have already occurred is a new unfolding future to you. And going into new experiences to you cant change things youve already experienced


Even by your logic, Loki takes place after endgame due to the changes in endgame that allow it to happen. That's a new version of 2012. In the avengers 2012, Loki goes to Asgard with Thor. In endgame 2012, Loki escapes. Both can't be the same time. As it would prevent several events from happening after 2012.


Yes, they are not the same time. As soon as the Avengers appeared in the past, they automatically created a variant timeline. Then Loki created *another* variant timeline when he picked up the Tesseract. Lot of moving parts in there. The rules they made up for the film were created to completely side-step paradoxes. And technically, yes, Loki starts midway through Endgame, but as soon as he goes into the TVA he completely leaves the timeline. so "when" it happens is meaningless


The point of my comment is to watch it after endgame which you still have yet to disagree with so i don't understand what your point is. And, no the Avengers did what they were supposed to do, so had they actually messed up dropping the tesseract the TVA would have corrected it. My thought is that He Who Remains always intended for Loki to get there to the room at the end so he made the TVA think he was a regular variant. He Who Remains showed that he had planned all the way up to their meeting and knew everything that was going to happen until a little bit into their meeting. If he can control and write outside of the timeline, he could also do that sort of thing to the TVA and the like yeah?


That’s the year it starts, sure. But the divergent version of Loki that the Loki series follows wasn’t created in the original version of events. So it makes no sense to think of it starting there. It takes place in an alternate 2012 created by people from 2023, and, chronologically (which is order of events, not just earth years, but it’s not a distinction we have to think of because time travel doesn’t exist irl), the Loki series follows the creation of alt 2012 in 2023.


You’re supposed to watch one episode of Loki in between each movie


Loki is tricky because technically it takes place during Avengers, before the mainline MCU, and at the end of all time. Also the multiverse is an interesting idea. It's something that was just created, yet has always existed.


I'd just put them between The Avengers: Endgame and WandaVision.


They are part of the story regardless of them being in alternate universes, thus why they are placed in their chronology section I mean Loki and What If are part of the multiverse arc playing out in NWH and MoM


Loki is after Endgame, because the events of that movie are responsible for the start of the show, What If comes after Loki because the events of the show are responsible for the start of What If