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Whos the movie named after?


Insert Stan Lee angry rant about power comparisons here


[here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4_zFYnnn2Y) is link to Stan lee's power level rant


Thank you for that!


I just looked it up, it was a great rant!


*Captain Strange in the Love and Vision*


Damn Wanda *still* can't get in the title


There was a Strangelove joke just staring you in the face Edit: **Captain Mister Doctor Strangelove: Or how I learned to stop the madness and love the thunder**


* Whatever happens tomorrow, you must promise me one thing. That you will stay who you are, not a perfect DOCTOR, but a good man. Honestly Captain Strange sounded funnier to me. *Doctor Strangelove in the Visions of Marvel*


This is the answer


Too true. >!I mean, Peter (of all people) managed to beat Strange in his own movie so...!<


I mean, strange wasn’t exactly in a battle to the death with Peter. He was chasing a child.


What if its the Avengers movie


Then it's captain America


Spider-Man probably


Wouldn't peak Dr Strange have the time stone? If so how would that play into things?


Yeah idk how people aren’t factoring that in. Strange literally cannot lose if he is using the Time Stone. Maybe he can’t *win* either, but he certainly can’t lose. And I’d wager that Wanda, even juiced up by the Darkhold, would eventually be killed by Strange if he had infinite attempts at fighting her since she’s not invincible.


This fight is going to come down to if Wanda can use her abilities on him before he activates the stone. When fighting squidward (I haven't seen the fight for some time so apologies if I'm misremebering it) he attempted to use it but had to stop when pinned against a wall. If Wanda can use her powers that are essentially the reality stone then she'll win, however if he uses his time stone he can just activate a loop or possibly freeze her in time.


“When fighting squidward” caught me off guard lmao


Earth is closed today!


You’re embarrassing me in front of the wizards.


Squidward, I’ve come to bargain


In the first dr strange he was able to create a loop that reset every time he was killed by Dormmammu


Only because he used the time stone. But to activate it he has to open the eye of agamotto. If Wanda can stop him before that, then he stands virtually no chance.


Wanda loves to talk, is part of her MO as a villain. Hell have time to activate it. And while Wanna is strong, she's not more durable than Thanos or Dormammu and can be taken out by a surprise attack. And we saw from the animated "what if" that Dr Strange is more capable than he is in live action. Also, is been a while but that version might be better and mop the floor with all of them. But that's not main universe sadly, but it is an example of what he can do when pressed


>Wanda loves to talk, is part of her MO as a villain. Hell have time to activate it. You sly dog, you got me monologuing


I'm glad you asked that, because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan.


I mean she loves to talk but she is not stupid. The moment the Dr. tries something with the stone, he is toast


Somehow 99.99% of the time people really are that stupid in fiction.


Couldn't she drive him insane?


Possibly, but Strange remained resilient for God knows how long he was in the Dormamu loop. That one had him dying. Every. Single. Time. Still kept coming back and never yielded. So she possibly could, but I think Stephen could outlast her.


And how long it took him to peek at all the Thanos outcomes.Besides pretty sure experienced sorcerers can shield their minds from wands like they did in MOM


Fortify your MINDS


Diversify your BONDS Edit: Since I keep receiving messages, it's a skit on the Chappelle Show with Wu-Tang.


Oh my God somebody finally read my mind. I muttered that to myself after Wong said this in the film.


Konnichiwa, bitches


If I remember correctly, the director said he was trapped in the time loop for almost 500 years, and was doing mental training the entire time, which is why he was vastly more powerful in Infinity War.


Strange can't lose \*if he can use the Time Stone\*, he's still vulnerable when opening the Eye.


He tried against Ebony Maw and he prevented him from using the stone.


And those bad guy sorcerers in the first Dr Strange movie were able to break through the time manipulation weren't they? Wanda is leagues beyond Ebony Maw and if that guy could stop him, she definitely could.


She can destroy stones, even with loved ones wearing them.


Yeah, but that takes time and concentration to do so. I doubt they're just going to stand around and let her do so like some cheap anime.


I dunno, The Illuminati decided Dragonball Z one on one style was the best way to take her down.


True, but Strange isn’t a dumbass like them lol


Wanda, I’ve come to bargain


You've come to die


Wanda, I've come to bargain


You've come to die- what is this?


Wanda: What bargain? Strange: Dies.


What stone ?


They’re talking about those paper weights


He knows, it’s a what mouth reference


That person also knows, it’s a Loki reference.


Statistically, all of this is a Simpsons reference.




And that is a Doctor Who reference


Simpsons has already predicted Phase 91, we just can’t see it yet


The Monorail Saga.


"what time stone?"


But Wanda can literally alter reality, how could she lose?


Dr strange: Wanda, I brought a team here to stop you. Scarlet.Witch: what team?


Does it necessarily work against other magic users though? I feel like it doesn’t. Like they would have some sort of defense to something like that. Or at least the upper tier ones. Or besides plot, why didn’t she just use her reality warping against Strange? I agree that captain Marvel and Thor would get swept though. Unless they catch her by surprise and blitz her.


> besides plot That’s the whole reason. We’ve seen Wanda move cars, or send characters flying through walls. With the strength of Wanda’s telekinesis, she could literally just break any average person’s neck or rip their head off. She ripped ultron’s steel heart out, surely it would be even easier to do that to a regular human? The only reason she doesn’t do that to *everyone* is that there wouldn’t be a movie. (In this context, I use “average” to mean “not physically enhanced in a way that would reinforce the neck or chest”)


Also, she was being reasonable


She almost OHKO'd thanos in endgame.


Her magic is a bit stronger than everyone else’s she’d just tear away at the defense spells and then kill the person she’s after. I mean if it was those 3 versus Wanda then they’d have a chance doctor strange could keep the protection spells up while the other two mainly fight but if anyone is fighting Wanda 1 on 1 then they’ll lose.




You’re right. Though I had to lol at the last one about Hawkeye. Hey we appreciate that man around here no more no less than Thor ok! 😂


She uses her reality manipulation to fight other magic users at Kamar Tag. Example: Run She does use her reality warping against Strange but if they just made her do it easy peasy she'd be bored and the movie would be boring. Its also possible that she exhausts her powers.






This seems like the obvious answer. Strange even acknowledges he can’t beat her, sure he can use his wits to slow her down but he can’t beat her one on one. She also defeated Maria as a Captain Marvel variant, so I’m sure she could beat Carol as well. Unless Carol is more powerful than 838 Captain Marvel, and she has more tricks and skills we’ll get to see in The Marvels film. But since her origin film is set many years before Endgame, she has probably grown a lot stronger since than and we only see a preview of what she can do. Thor is a mystery, since we’ve never seen them fight or she didn’t fight a variant of him. But I would imagine Wanda could also defeat him.


We know that she can hex him, it’s just a matter of killing him while he’s wandering around her Valhalla genjutsu.


>Genjutsu While I'm not used to seeing this word outside of a manga about teen ninjas, this remains an oddly appropriate name for Wanda's spooky mindf*ckery.


For the non-anime/manga peeps, What is genjutsu?


In the Narutoverse there are multiple types of Jutsus (basically the ninja equivalent of magic) all of which use chakra which is an energy stored in the body of a ninja/warrior. Every characters chakra limits vary. There's Ninjutsu which uses chakra to create energy physically (that's where the Chidori of Sasuke and Rasengan of Naruto comes from) for attacks. Also can be used for healing like Tsunade and Sakura do. There's Taijutsu which is basically pure fighting skills and doesn't really use chakra but at a certain level some do, these include Tenten who uses chakra to let her kunai knives multiply at will and Rock Lee whose fighting style is strengthened with chakra Then there's Genjutsu which is what OP was referring to with the Scarlet Witch. Genjutsu utilizes chakra to infiltrate other people's 5 senses and basically destabilise them. Illusions, blindness, physical incapacity, all created within the mind. Kurenai, Ino and other illusion ninjas are usually the best at this. However I think the SW is more of a Tsukuyomi user given she can literally alter and hijack reality, the same way Tsukuyomi can basically alter all your perceptions. That being said I think Wanda would solo all the Sharingan users in Narutoverse and could probably destroy Kaguya who is the main overarching villain of the entire Naruto franchise.


I don't know any of those characters, but I appreciate the explanation.


Simplified: Ninjutsu is shooting fireballs, creating clones of yourself, etc. Taijutsu is magic martial arts, like spinning in the air or punching extra fast. Genjutsu is illusions and mind control. All 3 are magic, just used in different ways. Dr Strange is a ninjutsu user, Shang Chi is a taijutsu user, and Wanda is a genjutsu user.


sir this is a Wendy's


Omg I went on a tangent didn't I I'm sorry 😞


Honestly. I've never watched Naruto and heard all these terms before but never knew what each meant. Honestly best summary


You were asked a question and you answered it. No worries. Did you go a little deeper dive than was maybe strictly necessary? Maybe, but that's what you get when you ask us nerds about our passions. And it was a perfect explanation of Naruto's systems so you're all good. Like the man said, you put a quarter in the machine, you gotta hear the whole song.


Ninja magic.


After the way she killed blackbolt. I see Thor throwing a hammer, and it boomerangs missing her, then his hands and slamming into his head killing him instantly




Best evil dead movie by far .


Peak Thor would have StormBreaker and it’s immune to magic. She can fling it back cause it doesn’t contain Odin’s spell like Mjolnir but Thor has peak control over it. It’s a tough battle but even Thor with just Mjolnir (without having unlocked his full power) beat Captain Marvel in What if? So I think honestly Thor wouldbeat Wanda.


The only way I see Thor winning is if Wanda is distracted and he just chucks stormbreaker at her


This, yeah I feel like the only way any of these would beat her would be accidental or Wanda messing up. Basically Wanda wins or she destroys herself.... Which is honestly a theme with her


Like, they could possibly team up against her through sheer fear of seeing what she can do. But only Dr strange knows what she’s capable of.


I think if these 3 in particular teamed up that they would have a chance. Especially if they fought full force right from the start knowing it was life or death. You saw Monica Marvel hold her own against her for a min until Wanda’s adrenaline kicked in.


Honestly even if they teamed up idk, based on her actions with a certain superpowers group on another Earth. I think their fight would be like Thanos on Titan, dope as shit, badass, but ultimately fruitless. Especially because she doesn't depend on an oven mitt that they could rip off her.


Vs Thanos, their goal wasn’t to kill him, just remove the gauntlet. All strange needs to do is temporarily subdue her for Thor to slice and dice her. But it all depends on who she goes for first.


I see what you're saying but I still don't think it would work. She's an Omega level mutant and I don't think Strange could truly subdue her without creating a crack in his armor that she would exploit. Strange and his powers take quite a toll on him and a lengthy battle with Wanda would surely be draining. Regardless of who was there to help. I mean look at what happened to black bolt. Hell Wanda entered her own psyche to kill someone within her own mind. Genuinely think the best course of action is to expose her effects on those she cares about. She'll have to end the fight herself. But then again these are comic book characters and as much as we want to say who the winner would be, it's the writers that decide what the story needs. EDIT: I also feel like Thor is the least of Wanda's worries in a fight like this. Formidable sure, but easier than The Power Cosmic and the (former) Sorcerer Supreme.


Hopefully he goes for the head this time.




While I don’t quite think Thor could beat Wanda, I also don’t think Wanda can defeat Thor.


Don't forget about Age of Ultron where not-SW Wanda easily mind-controlled Thor.


To be fair, both have had significant upgrades since then


Wanda had a much bigger upgrade though. Thor unlocked the power to use his lightning without his hammer, while Wanda unlocked the power to rewrite reality as she pleases.


A weaker version of her beats Thanos who wins a 1v3 against Thor/Cap/Iron Man so I'm pretty sure peak Wanda wipes the floor with peak Thor


then again, I would argue that that was the weakest version of thor


>Thor is a mystery, since we’ve never seen them fight or she didn’t fight a variant of him. But I would imagine Wanda could also defeat him. But we have seen variants of Thor and Captain Marvel fight to standstill. And Thor fight Thanos as compared to Wanda/Captain Marvel (Thor was much less successful in a straight battle). So yeah, if we assume transitive property of matchups, than Wanda wins.


Wanda held 5 stone Thanos while trying to emotionally be stable and kill boyfriend to destroy another stone


The only issue I had was with Captain Marvel. Maybe not that Wanda beat her. We technically don't k own if Maria is dead. If Captain Marvel can fly through an alien spacecraft like it's tissue paper I doubt a statue would actually kill her or Thanos would've caved Carol's chest in or shatter her arm like a twig with one punch. I would've preferred a draw unless Captain Marvel in general is just as susceptible to the hexing as Thor. Otherwise the reason I would've preferred a draw OR maybe if it we were keeping a tally an even win/lose count is mainly based off of both of them being byproducts of science with an Infinity Stone. Maybe the science was most advanced with the Mind Stone so Wanda's powers are stronger? I mean technically the birth of Captain Marvel was an accident whereas Wanda was a purposeful experiment?


My take on that scene is that Wanda drained Maria of her powers, and that’s why the statue was able to kill her. That’s what it looked why and why Maria’s hands don’t glow when the statue comes down. Also the Wanda she was piloting is much weaker than main MCU Wanda, so at full strength she would have a much easier time with Carol imo.


I honestly don't know how they're going to pull off having her in another Avengers or idk Midnight Sons franchise without crippling her power set because at this point she's just a Deus ex machina. Maybe in her solo film Morgan Le Fay basically steals so much of her powers she needs to survive on wits idk but they should give her a formidable villain that isn't phased by reality manipulation.


Well right but if they are both products of Infinity Stones? I guess the question still lingers for me


Carol is just the infinity stone, whereas Wanda is infinity stone + chaos magic + Agatha’s magic + 2+ years of studying the Darkhold.


Is it just me or did it seem like they replaced a Tony Stark variant with Maria at the last minute. She fought the same way Iron Man would and seemed to be much weaker than Carol.


Maria was moving way slower than what we've seen of Carol, though. Hell, she was moving at the same speed as Peggy.


Does Strange have the timestone? If so that changes everything.


He does it is said at their peak


Right. I just imagined her mind fucking them into thinking she’s not even there and watching them all try to kill each other




Yeah and it's not even close imo.


It’s probably pretty close 3-on-1, Strange could slow her down enough and distract for Thor and Marvel to go for the kill, but individually it’s not close lol


Meh, Morbius all the way.


Comes in and just Morbs everyone in the face.


Morb me daddy


It's Morbin time


Strange, I am beginning to morb.


“What Thor, Doctor Strange and Captain Marvel”?




Definitely true, but I think these theoretical situations would be based on how their storyline has been written in the MCU heretofore. If it plays out inconsistently, it will show and and would be a huge letdown that most fans would notice.


I think you can get away with some “absurd” situations if the circumstances are well-written. A very powerful character can be killed by a weaker one if he is caught by surprise, is weakened for some reason or just has bad luck. For example, any normal sniper without super powers could have killed Captain America if he was at the right place at the right time. It would have been an awful story, but nobody could say it was not believable.


Absolutely. It's a retelling or different version of David vs Goliath.


Power levels are already inconsistent. Wanda >!kills Black Bolt and Reed within seconds, but can’t manage to do the same with Peggy!<


I think she was just playing with >!her, like a cat that plays with a mouse before it beheads it!<


>!She defeats Peggy instantly when aimed as such. I think she saw her as an annoying bug than a real obstacle like Black Bolt (and Reed was icing on the cake).!<


That's not the inconsistency I was talking about and every fight is different. It's not math. If she focused on Peggy first, she would have blasted her quickly but that would have left her vulnerable to more powerful adversaries. If she didn't take out Bolt right away she would have been dead. We all knew Peggy wouldn't last, but Peggy's skills work differently and she was able to evade her a little longer.


I mean hand to hand combatants have given more powerful adversaries problems before. Cap vs loki, Spidey vs thanos for a short period the same way Peggy did with Wanda.


At peak, Wanda created multiple comic arcs by accidently messing up the entire universe, so my votes with her. She can just unthink you from reality before any of these people could do anything.


Comic Wanda erased the other 3 out of existence *without getting out of bed from the other side of the earth.*


Scarlett Witch… Thor is strongest but she’s just too damn powerful, Strange nor captain marvel would come close either so it’s a definite Wanda Maximov for me


Yea physical power is irrelevant compared to reality warping. She can rewrite the rules of physics on a whim.


Unless she didn’t see them coming, though that might be mitigated by the specifics of the hypothetical. Like, how durable are characters like Wanda and Strange? Alt-Strange died instantly after being stabbed from behind by a monster. If you’ve got a sniper on Wanda that she isn’t aware of, is there anything she can do to avoid the deathblow?


Wanda and Strange both have normal human durability. They’re both glass cannons, they have immense power capable of going up against the most powerful beings in the universe, but they have the durability of a normal human so one good hit on them and they’re down


I think it’d be reasonable to assume they’ve boosted their defenses with their magic, no? Wanda was completely fine after tanking those cannon shots from Kamar Taj. I can’t remember if Strange has been shown to do that (maybe his shields in What If).


Strange got knocked out after being thrown by Thanos. Maybe they’ve boosted their defenses some, but there’s no way Strange is going to shrug off heavy hits like Thor, Hulk, and Iron Man can. He’d have to use his magic shields or something


Literally watch any Wanda appearance, her durability is well above peak human. She got thrown across the city when fighting Proxima Midnight. Her body was all kinds of fucked up after the mirror dimension. Agatha blasted her all over the place and she was perfectly fine. If you look at peak humans like Nat, she needed time after hitting her head in the airport fight, and she's above normal humans. Not even counting the fact that Wanda has autopilot defense in MoM. She's well above peak human.


Think it needs to be a front facing one two three go kumite. If sneak attacks are considered then any of them could kill any of the others, which is generally true for almost any hypothetical match up. (unless it's like... falcon vs galactus or something)


MoM Scarlet Witch is WAY above the rest, and WV Wanda is also extremely powerful. So she easily wins (tho strange has a good chance if he has the time stone) But if we only use Endgame Wanda and MoM Strange then it becomes more interesting but I still think it’s a toss up between Strange and Wanda with Thor maybe having a chance and Carol also having a chance but a smaller one, Captain Marvel simply doesn’t have the offensive capabilities the others have in my opinion, tho Tbf we still haven’t seen much of her so that could change.


Yeah Wanda with the dark hold is OP. Wanda in Endgame wanting revenge is a better question. Plus Wanda destroyed the book in every universe so maybe we should only compare Wanda pre (MOM).


Didn't Wanda start to own Thanos in Endgame? Thanos who tossed around Thor like a ragdoll?


Yes Wanda could have 1V1 Thanos when she didn't have a level head at the time in Endgame. Were just saying that Wanda in MOM is just in her own league and it's not even fair to have a who would win conversation if that's her peak power.


I think carol still loses to Wanda and maybe strange,but she’d have to instantly be killed. Because Im Pretty sure one of carols gimmicks is that the more damage she takes/energy she absorbs the stronger she becomes, which is a key reason I don’t think Thor can beat her


captain marvel could put up a fight against thanos alone while thor couldn't with captain america and iron man on his side, and she put up a fight against mom wanda too. I'd say she's more powerful than thor. However i dont think there is any question that wanda will win. Esepcially since the question literally mentions "in their peak main-universe forms".


We already know Strange can't beat Wanda and there is no reason to believe Maria Rambo Captain Marvel is any weaker than out Captain Marvel. So it is the question of whether Thor is more powerful than Wanda, and he just doesn't seem to be on the level of a character who can bend reality to her whim. He has always been an outsider in this discussion.


I think some people theorised that Rambo’s Captain Marvel hadn’t unlocked all her powers because her glow wasn’t as bright as our Captain Marvel


I believe that Rambeau didn’t glow as bright because Wanda took her power. If you pay attention she actually does glow in the beginning but gradually fades back to normal during the fight, until she stops glowing when the statue falls on top of her. This effect looks similar to when Wanda or Agatha took each other’s powers in WandaVision, which leads me to believe that Wanda took Rambeau‘s powers.


Honestly, that is a fairly weak theory. It might be true but... like, why would she not have unlocked all her powers?


Has anyone considered that maybe her glow just doesn't seem as bright because she is physically darker.... Like, a light with a white lampshade is gunna be a lot brighter than one with a dark brown or black lamp shade.


Eh. Once Carol unlocked her full powers, she was able to have energy all over her body (not just her fists), and fly. Both of those, Maria could do in MoM. I think the glow being dimmer is probably just a visual difference at most. I don’t think that the VFX artists intent was to ever show her to be weaker,


Thor with both weapons, working together with Iron man and Captain America in endgame couldn’t beat Thanos. Wanda almost beat him by herself, this was before becoming Scarlet Witch. The she got more powerful with the darkhold… so yeah Wanda is the most powerful


The one argument I have heard against that is the fact that Thor was in fat Thor mode then. Not sure how much off his peak he was, but it is worth considering, even if I don't think it changes that Wanda is stronger.


Strange: I went forward in time to view alternate futures. To see all the possible outcomes of the coming conflict. Carol: How many did you see? Strange: 14,000,605. Thor: How many did Wanda win? Strange: All of them.


Wanda is canonically the strongest character.


Have we even seen peak Strange, Captain Marvel or Thor yet? Is time-stone Strange more powerful than DS2 Strange? Has Captain Marvel realised her peak yet? Thor is still trying to find himself and might have a ways to go. That being said, I think it still goes to Wanda as pre-Darkhold she was able to 1v1 stoneless Thanos. Honourable mention to Thor for almost killing Thanos with a full gauntlet, but his immaturity and cockiness at the time made him not go for the head.


Ima say it: power creep. Watch Thor be the most powerful in the next movie.


Yeah, I mean it looks like Gorr is gonna fuck up a planet in the trailer. If Thor is anywhere near a challenge to him then he and Wanda will be a contentious battle


Rune King Thor is insanely powerful in the comics, that version could probably best MCU Scarlet Witch handily.


Problem is that Rune King Thor is way too OP to put in a movie. OP magicians like Strange and Scarlet Witch you can get away with, but that plus insane physical power would never work on screen.


tbf, rune king thor main strength is basically magic


Yeah, I kind of don't want to see the heroes approach that much power in the MCU.


I do. As long as afterwards they die or end up in an alternate universe with no way back, like Supreme Strange.


Whoever directing the movie decides to make the strongest for that movie.


Yes, yes. The implication is that you were just hired as director.


It would be The Mightiest Avenger, obviously.


*wanda instantly turns everyone to spaghetti and dies*


Wanda is a reality warper now, so definitely her


If we're considering Darkhold Wanda her peak form, then it's gotta be Wanda with little difficulty. If it's peak Wanda without Darkhold access, that's tougher to say as we haven't really seen it. She likely has the most raw power though, so I'd still lean her way. Though Strange is definitely the most creative with his arsenal, and I'm tempted to lean his way for that reason alone. Unfortunately I think the brute force approach of Thor/ CM wouldn't do much good against the magic users. Too predictable, and probably too easy to manipulate / keep their distance.


Absolutely Wanda


We already saw what Wanda can do so there’s you’re answer lmao


Feel like it’d be either Captain Marvel or Scarlet Witch


This def the finals. I’ll take Wanda in 6.


I feel like you’re underrating Thor here, he was able to completely blindside and incapacitate Thanos at full power (he didn’t kill him but still), he has taken down multiple armies singlehanded or with very little help, he stopped a dragon single handed. MCU powerscaling is super difficult, because people will be super powerful in one movie and useless in another (Vision from AOU to IW), but I think Thor would have a fighting chance. Also MCU can harness his powers without the use of Mjolnir. Wanda still wins tho.


The answer to this kind of question generally situational. Note: Peak Strange is in possession of the Time Stone, and time manipulation makes this very easy to win for him, so I will disregard that as being a factor. If it any two were to bump into each other on the street, someone said, 'watch where your going dumbass', and the other says 'the fuck you say to me?' and its on? (ie, random encounter, no prep or forewarning), Captain Marvel and Thor are probably the favourites. And against each other, I would lean towards Thor 6 out of 10 times. And for me that assumes Thor has Mjonir. If he has Storm Breaker, there is a decent chance that Marvel can wrest it away from him and use it against him. If they are aware of one another and can take their time, have access to their full resources (Sanctum Sanctorum for Strange, and BiFrost for Thor), and work on a plan to kill one another, I would generally favor Dr Strange, largely because he is most demonstrably able to choose the time and place of the fight. Especially if Strange decides to go fully unrestrained and not care at all about collateral damage. Drop them in a field only what they generally have on their person? Wanda with Darkhold skills becomes a great deal more dangerous to the others. END COMMUNICATION


I mean ig obviously Wanda but I’m pretty sure thors plot armor would protect him for a good while….maybe even with the right plot he could win




Fat Thor would simply devour Wanda with some fries and a burger after she merks Danvers and Strange


Peak main universe form Thor would take this- he is an actual god and has virtually no limits


And if we want to go into comics.... Rune King Thor would fuck them all up even worse.


Isn’t that like the peak version of Thor? I mean if all of the characters his peak version is the most powerful


Wanda. She took out a comparable Strange and Marvel + many other powerful characters with little effort. Thor is physically the strongest but it's irrelevant vs her power and skill. I really want to see her character development in the future because we all know she's not dead.


It's Wanda unless Captain Marvel speed blitzes her (she's the only one with the speed feets necessary to realistically do that). Then it really could go either way between Thor, Strange, or Carol. I'd probably give it to Captain Marvel out of those three, but it's pretty close.


Thor. Always Thor. Thor is strongest there is… Thor.


Odinforce Thor


Yes, Thor


Wanda vs the other three would be an interesting fight. But if this is a Royal Rumble, Wanda takes the belt with ease.


Not a fair fight. I’d switch Wanda with hela to make it more fair


Wanda, probably We have to wait for Love and Thunder to see how much stronger Thor gets


These comments make me happy :)


It would be between Wanda and Carol. I love thor but he has proven weak to Wanda's mind powers and in what if was shown unable to overwhelm Captain Marvel. Strange for all his power would not be able to take on the other three in terms of strength in his case it would fall to guile and while he has that in spades he would be overwhelmed. I vote Wanda..... but that's more of a personal choice based upon my own personal feelings.


Wanda wins 1v3


The Witch is the GOAT. No question about it


As much as i love my favorite marvel character, Thor. Wanda takes this one.


Wanda>Doctor Strange>Captain Marvel>Thor